"Since the difference in life is used...Hoshino is really yours! But did you count the god's final counterattack?!" Malik, who was the only Gika in the last round, pressed his entire body. Collapse with the darkness.

  "——The trap card is activated, [Grave Robber]!"

   [Grave Raider Trap Card Effect: Choose a magic card in the opponent's graveyard, and it can be used as your own hand card until the end of the turn. When that magic card is used, 2000 points of damage are taken. 】

   "It turned out to be [Grave Robber]!" The castle was taken aback. This trap card, which he often uses and has made great achievements in battle, would not be expected to be used by Malik.

   "But most of the magic cards in Hoshino Graveyard should be used with heroic spirits?"

The analysis in the castle is correct. Most of Hoshino's magic cards are special magic cards that only apply to the [Heroic] field, but this card is the exception: "Hmm, I chose the magic card-[Dead Susheng]! "

   With the activation of the trap card, the Tomb Raider card face opened by Malik's feet gradually changed into the appearance of the deceased Susheng.

   In the face of the final blow that decided the outcome, Haima’s expression became more and more tense: "At this time, Malik will add the dead Susheng to his hand card, is it necessary!?"

In the three-person duel between Hoshino, King-like & Seahorse, the effect of the gods that has been shown, the [Dead Susheng] in the hand card is sent to the cemetery, and the sleeping giant soldiers in the cemetery can be specially summoned as a wall to resist the attack. .

   "God's effect is activated, the sun sleeping in the cemetery, bring all the flames you burned back to this battlefield!" As the highest phantom **** with the phoenix attribute, the pterodactyl can also use this effect.

   [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusory Beasts/Effects ATK:? ? ? DEF:? ? ? 】

   After Malik sent the [Dead Susheng] who had stolen back his card from the [Grave Robber] effect into the cemetery, the winged dragon, burning with crimson flames, once again broke through the constraints of the underworld and stepped into the battlefield.

  『God will resurrect on the ground, the art of regeneration is given by the life of the manipulator. Then they will merge into one, and the enemies on the battlefield will turn into corpses in the flame! 』

   "The effect of [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God] is activated, and your HP will be paid for 1 point, and it will be integrated with the Winged Dragon! The attack power and defense power of the Winged Dragon will increase by the value paid!"

   Malik's body completely collapsed in the shout, and he returned to the state where only one eye was left.

   "Dedicating my infinite life value to increase the attack of the strongest phantom wing dragon to infinity!!!"

   Malik LP: ∞→1

  【The Winged Dragon of the Sun God ATK: ∞】

   Malik with infinite health was drawn from his body, and his soul was emptied at this moment along with the huge price paid. Even if it was integrated with the Wing Shenlong, it did not use the power of the gods to show the phantom of the original body as before.

   "This Malik is really crazy!" Hoshino looked at the top of the Wing God Dragon's head, and there was only Malik whose last eye was beating in the air. It truly explains what it means to stick to Yan Yi's awareness of the remaining eye.

   In the dark game, losing thousands of points of life will suffer great pain. And the mental damage caused by directly paying the infinite life value has exceeded the category that humans can understand.

   It is difficult to define whether Malik can still be called a living person or even a creature.

But this is not important. The difficulty that Hoshino faces now is a pterosaur with infinite attack power, and because Malik pays his health to 1 point, after losing his health support, he resumes his original attack. The force of Vlad III.

Chapter 262: The final battle, the strongest VS the strongest

   "Oops, I didn't expect Malik to have this last hand!"

   It was Malik who fought back almost by suicide, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

  'S attack power was increased to infinity, and the scorching flame of the Winged Dragon breaking through the boundaries turned into a real sun, directly evaporating the blood spikes rushing towards it.

  【Vlad III ATK: ∞→2300】

   Under the light of the fire, Wang Yang's expression was extremely serious: "Malik pays his health to 1 point, and Vlad III cannot increase his attack power. But the attack that Hoshino has already hit can't be recovered now!"

   In this age when there is no attack rollback, the attack that hits out is like water thrown away. The Winged Dragon that easily evaporates the blood of the Grand Duke and pierces the sky, spreading its burning wings to cover the sky, and is already eager to launch a counterattack and send the opponent to hell.

   Seeing that the overall situation has been set for the seahorse, his mood is unexplainably complicated: "Well, the strongest winged dragon's attack against the sky, and finally lost in the round of his own attack, it is really ironic, Hoshino."

"Malik, if this is the strongest winged dragon that you cast by abandoning your humanity and soul, then I will respond with the strongest!" Looking straight ahead at the scorching hot waves, Hoshino lifted the last Gika at his feet. open.

   "Let's lift the curtain of the decisive battle! The covered quick attack magic starts-[FGOTHESTAGE]!"

  【FGOTHESTAGE Quick Attack Magic Effect: Summon a monster from the upper level of the hand card. If this effect successfully summons the superior of [Heroic] monster, you can choose the [Heroic] monster with the most free monsters in your graveyard and return it to your hand. 】

   "According to the effect of the quick attack magic, I will liberate the [Heroic-Vlad III] on the field, so that the attack that cannot be rolled back stops!",

On the field of    Hoshino, the cold and unknown liberation breath is more profound and terrifying than the blood pierced by the archduke.

Hoshino, who drew the superior summon monster from his hand, instantly ignited a flame that was not inferior to that of the Winged Dragon: "Malik, this is the final battle of the gods! Vlad III, Joan of Arc, and Mary Alter are on the field. All liberate, the monster in the hand of the superior summons!"

   Seahorse, who thought that the battle was set, had an expression of astonishment and never thought that it would expand like this: "Even the three monsters were liberated. At this last moment, Hoshino will also summon God!"

   The impatience and excitement Wang Yang nodded his head: "Yes, if Hoshino is the strongest god, then it must be right!"

   is not inferior to the dark flames of the Wing Shenlong Sun, unscrupulously burning and rising behind Hoshino. In the black flames, a black monster with the same shape as the Winged Dragon flew out from the turbulent flames.

   "Offer three monsters as sacrifices, the [Cthulhu-God Incarnation] in the upper-level summoning hand card! Use this strongest evil **** to fight the strongest phantom winged dragon!"

   The evil god, spinning and flying on the battlefield, is completely opposite to the opposite, bringing the end and destruction of the world like a dark sun.

   [Cthulhu-God's Incarnation★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Cthulhu Beast/Effect ATK:? DEF:? 】

   "In the end, I still have to rely on my concubine to save the field, little girl!" The dark winged dragon roaring in the sky, although the language is not clear, Hoshino probably can guess what the evil **** wants to express in his proud roar.

   "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!" Malik's last trace of consciousness was his hostility towards Hoshino. He fused with the Winged Dragon, roaring towards the black Winged Dragon on the Hoshino Field.

   "Face the strongest evil **** who leads the world, and counterattack the incarnation of the gods!" Hoshino, who did not show any weakness, also raised the duel plate and shouted into the sky.

   The two golden and black mythical beasts fought together, and the high temperature brought by the mixed red flames and pitch black flames spread to the ground, almost melting the entire dueling tower.

   At this time, duelists all over the world are so nervous that they almost forget to breathe. The final battle of this magnitude will definitely be etched into the history of dueling monsters, and there is a high probability that it will be difficult to surpass in the future.

   When the wave of dueling monsters sweeps the world more, they can proudly tell others that they have witnessed this moment of history being created with their own eyes.

   "The effect of the Cthulhu-the Avatar of God, the attack power will always be 1 point more than the monster with the highest attack power on the field except itself! Even the infinite attack power must be defeated by the strongest Cthulhu!"

  【Cthulhu-God's Incarnation ATK: ∞+1】

   is exactly 1 point higher than the Wing Dragon’s attack power, and the last 1 point is also a symbol of Malik’s life value stubborn in the wind.

Raising his arm high and pointing to the sky, Hoshino's eyes were never serious: "Malik, although I want you to count your sins. But your life trajectory full of evil deeds has long been cleared. It's up to you. The dark game played by yourself is probably the best ending to punishing you!"

   Wang Yang resolutely encouraged: "Hoshino, you who are fighting today are the most qualified to punish Malik. Just use this strongest evil **** to break through the limit and draw an end to the twisted destiny!"

   "Go to Hoshino, let's end this duel!" All the people present were trapped in the submarine fortress with their desire to destroy Malik. After nine deaths, they recovered their lives and had the opportunity to witness the end of Malik's battle. The resentful support from the companions injected the final determination into Hoshino's final blow.

   "Please, Cthulhu-God's Incarnation! This is the last blow in the true sense!-Golden Flame Cannon!!!"

  Wing Shenlong’s slaying attack, the light cannon attacks sprayed out by the power of the flames of the whole body collide with each other. During the confrontation, the pitch black cannon was accompanied by a higher attack, completely suppressing the pterosaur that merged with Malik.

   "Oh-!" The sharp chirp sounded across the sky, and the black wings of the evil **** opened with all strength, and the skyrocketing black flame swallowed the crimson flames and burned the huge body of the winged dragon.

   The strongest phantom **** in the world, the winged dragon of the sun **** with infinite attack power, now can only struggle and twist in the dark and flames. With only one eye on the bird's head, Malik was extremely expanded and deformed. From this small part, he could feel his facial muscles that surpassed the limits of humans.

   "Ending Malik, whether it is the desire to destroy the dark personality, or the personality's resistance to fate, it will be turned into nothingness in this flame."

   In front of Hoshino, the twisted and struggling pterosaurs did not change the outcome of the defeat in the end. The golden body was gradually burned and split by the black flames, and dispersed into the dark game space.

   And Malik’s eyes with extreme beauty were also wiped from the world forever with the defeat of the Pterosaur.

  【The Winged Dragon of the Sun God】Break

   Malik LP: 1→0

  The duel is over, the winner, Chiyuki Hoshino!

Chapter 263: The Last Wing Dragon get√

  The duel is over, the winner, Chiyuki Hoshino! !


   The burning black flame dissipated as the duel ended, but the whole world was ignited by the boiling emotion that erupted. Not only the enthusiastic duelists, but even those audiences who have never been in contact with a duel before, the enthusiasm for the duel has never been higher.

   If it is said that before this battle, dueling monster card was just a very popular game. Then this duel city game is to prove the charm of the duel to the world and push the duel monster card to the pinnacle of the world trend.

   "This is a duel at the level of a duel city final, it is not in the same dimension as our usual duel!!"

The child with bright eyes, watching the majestic girl with long white hair blown by the heat on the screen, made up his mind and said: "It's decided, I will become the strongest duelist in the future, and the deck I cherish. Challenge the King of Duelists together, and finally move towards the spire of the duel tower's glory!"

   The companion heard from the side chuckles: "Ten generations, your deck is obviously the weakest among us, okay. You actually want to be the strongest."

   However, even if the child named'Ten Dai' was laughed at by his partners, his determined eyes did not change in the slightest: "I will succeed, absolutely will!! From now on I will start to build my strongest deck!"


   "Hoshino won!" After the referee pronounced the result of the game, the crowd of friends surrounded Hoshino with excitement.

  Akaxia hugged Hoshino's small waist tightly: "I knew Hoshino's sister will not lose! Even if you face the three magical gods, you will definitely win and show us!"

   Wangyang: "What a beautiful reversal, Hoshino, congratulations on entering the final! Next, in order to be able to fight you, I have to cheer!"

  Jouchou: "But Hoshino, your final counterattack was really handsome. Finally, Malik also experienced the pain of being burned by flames."

   When it comes to Malik, Kyoko's expression is a bit complicated: "So, did Malik really disappear from this world because he lost the dark game?"

   Although the peacock dance is also a little unbelievable, he nodded his head affirmatively: "Should, in that case Malik has nowhere to escape."

   After all, everyone present had seen it with their own eyes, the eyes that were struggling to be swallowed by the darkness, and the moment when the human being named Malik was wiped out.

   Of course except for someone...

   "This Malik escaped with a trick because he was afraid of embarrassment!" This person is the president of Seahorse, who always believes in the supremacy of science.

   Seahorse with a cold snort, walked towards Malik's scattered deck: "Even if the loser escapes, it will have no effect at all. Just leave the card of the gods."

  【The Winged Dragon of the Sun God】, the card of the **** with a golden card bottom, the conspicuous appearance even if it is mixed with cards scattered on the ground, it was picked up by the seahorse at a glance.

   personally picked up the seahorse of the Wing Shenlong card, and truly felt the immense power contained in it. That is different from the giant soldier, the top power of the highest phantom god. The look of desire for powerful and rare cards is naturally exposed.

   And when Seahorse touched this kind of card symbolizing the strongest before, it was when he took the strongest evil god-the incarnation of **** from Tianma Yexing.

   A more ironic coincidence is that Seahorse, who is desperately eager for a powerful card, will also give the strongest card to the same person this time.

   "According to the gambling rules of Duel City, this sun god's wing dragon belongs to you now, Hoshino."

   "Hippocampus..." Hoshino, with a complicated look, looked at the seahorse's deliberately averted gaze and the slightly trembling right hand that handed the card.

Seahorse became more determined again: "I said that the Wing Dragon belongs to you, and that is yours! Even if you have the Three Evil Gods, you even want the Three Illusion Gods greedily to get the hands, but with your own strength, you can grab rare cards. It’s not illegal behavior in Duel City. Why, take it away!"

   "Hippocampus, if you really plan to give me the card, don't lift it so high, okay?"

   Hoshino with his mouth twitching, looked at the hippocampus a little over 1.8 meters tall in front of him, cast his gaze, and held a pterosaur card like the Statue of Liberty. It is a little bit powerless to make myself who is only 1.6 meters tall.

   "Bring you, pretend to be!" In the castle that unceremoniously took the Wing Shenlong card from Seahorse, smiled and handed it to Hoshino.

After accepting the card, Cthulhu’s soft and subtle voice sounded in a decibel that only Hoshino could hear: "Huh, hum, then the cards of the three phantom gods are gathered. Girl, your real attempt is also to be achieved. Got it."

   Hoshino also lowered his head and responded with a chuckle: "With the word attempt, it sounds like I'm going to do something bad?"

   Seeing Hoshino suddenly lowered his head, Peacock Dance said with concern: "What's wrong with Qianxue, is it tired from the duel? Do you want to go back and rest for a while."

   "Yes, the status of the duelist itself is very important, plus Hoshino, you have to go to the final!" Jouchou also echoed, and asked the referee loudly: "There should be rest time before the next match!"

   The black-clothed referee replied affirmatively: "Yes. According to the rules of the game, there will be a one-hour interval between each duel, so that the duelists can fully rest!"

   "Well, I'm really tired." Hoshino didn't lie. From the morning confrontation with Noah to the previous confrontation with Malik, it was undoubtedly a high-intensity duel that exceeded the average level.

   But at this moment, Hoshino was thinking about another thing uncontrollably. After finally collecting the three phantom gods cards, the truth is about to be verified.

   "Since the conference considers the contestants so much, then I will go back to rest first~" Hoshino pretended to stretch his waist. At this time, accepting the kindness of his companions and the organizer is the most correct choice.

   seemed to see something like a king, unconsciously stretched out his hand to hold the star field he had left, but hovered in mid-air.

   "No, buddy~" The voice of the gentle soul of the game rang in Wang Yang's ears.

   Wang Yang's eyes are full of confidence and determination, but now they tremble slightly. In the black pupils filled with complicated emotions, the figure of the girl about to leave is reflected.

   "Hoshino, I will defeat Seahorse, and then I will have a showdown with you in the final of the duel city!" Finally, putting down his arms hovering in the air, Wang Yang said loudly.

   Seahorse hugged his chest and sneered: "It's really good to say this kind of big talk before the duel begins, the game! Only this time, I will never lose to you, with my strongest true blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

   "Then you two must cheer up~" Hoshino waved his hand behind him, and Hoshino walked away unhurriedly under the gaze of his companions.

Chapter 264: Conditions for Traveling Through Time and Space

   "will be ~ here is your beautiful and reliable universal assistant Da Vinci kiss~"

Back to Hoshino in the lounge, he immediately called Da Vinci, who was completely hidden in the dark game, and complained: "Da Vinci kiss, where are you going to be lazy? How do you feel that the dark game can't see you lately? People."

   Once in a dark game, he could use the power of darkness stored in the bracelet to appear and transform into Leonardo Da Vinci who appeared behind the scenes, but he was completely gone in the crucial final battle just like that. And not only the previous one, but the dark duel with Tapir Liang also didn't appear.

   Hoshino, who had exhausted the power of darkness in his bracelet when escaping the sea fortress and splitting the sea, barely managed to accumulate some energy after experiencing Malik’s dark game, enough to catch Leonardo da Vinci.

   "Why is Hoshino-chan still like a child?" Da Vinci exclaimed as he looked at Hoshino with a smile but not a smile.

   "From the last duel with Tianma Yeyue, I have seen that the current Hoshino-chan's duel level completely surpasses me. In this case, if I forcibly interfere, it will only disrupt your rhythm."

   "How can Da Vinci pro say such things, you are an almighty person, and I am a kid!" Hoshino's thoughts were completely different.

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