"The sense of peace of mind that as long as Da Vinci is there is absolutely no problem, it is the confidence that I can let go of it!"

Da Vinci shook his head meaningfully: "Hoshino-chan, you already have enough trust and support for your friends in this world. Even without my caregiver, you have enough courage to let go. Today's duel is also true. It just proves this."

   It was like watching his daughter grow up, Da Vinci's tone today was unexpectedly full of relief.

   "Da Vinci pro..."

   "Let's not talk about this, in fact, even if I don't appear in the dark game, it doesn't mean that I am lazy." Da Vinci turned off the topic, shaking his fingers with a mysterious face.

   "Since I am not being lazy, I should go fishing or bully Sherlock Holmes~"

   "It's too much, laziness and fishing are not the same thing! But unfortunately, there is no laziness or fishing~" Da Vinci, who did not deny the fact of bullying Holmes, suddenly became serious.

   "I have analyzed the results, Hoshino-chan, the answer to the question you care about most."

   "The problem I care about most is the possibility of using the Three Magic Cards to travel back to the original world!" If Hoshino is concerned about the current issue, it must be this.

Da Vinci nodded lightly and smiled triumphantly: "Yes, and the answer is definitely good news for Hoshino-chan. The legendary card of the three magical gods does have the power of miracle across time and space! As long as you Hoshino If you think about it, it's not impossible to return to the original world."

   "It really works!?" To be honest, even though Hoshino, who learned of this possibility at first, even had some impulsiveness, he was so impulsive to challenge Wang Yang and Seahorse alone. Of course, Hoshino didn't know that most of this impulsive emotion came from Tapirara's insidious dark game.

   However, after calming down, think about it carefully. It always feels not very reliable to use the duel monster card to travel through the world.

   "Of course, this is the conclusion calculated by the genius Da Vinci!" Seeing the surprised look of Hoshino that he had been waiting for, Da Vinci smiled even more triumphantly, and continued to add.

   "It's not that simple to travel through the world. The mystery that exists in this world is not only the three magic cards, but also the so-called seven thousand-year artifacts."

   "If you have a thousand-year artifact, I have it too!" Hoshino, who took out the thousand-year jewelry in his pocket, smiled and said, "And it's not a fake made by Leonardo da Vinci, it's a genuine thousand-year artifact~"

   "Of course I know Hoshino-chan, you got the Thousand-Year Jewelry. But it's not enough. If there is only a Thousand-Year artifact power, it's still far away."

"——The three magical **** cards symbolizing the power of brilliant creation, and the seven artifacts symbolizing the power of darkness and destruction. It is the extreme mystery of light and darkness that exists on both sides of this world. I want to cross the world, light and The power of darkness is indispensable."

After listening to Da Vinci’s so-called conclusion, Hoshinomoto's expression of expectation collapsed directly: "No, that is to say, if I want to cross, I have to gather the Thousand-Year Seven Sacred Artifacts?! If this is the case, I have to wait. When."

   Then suddenly Hoshino realized something, and jumped up directly from the bed: "No, the Millennium Eye was chopped off by grandpa! According to Da Vinci's analysis, wouldn't I be determined to be unable to go back?"

  In order to wipe out the evil soul in the thousand-year eyes that dominated Bekas, King Hassan, who had shot in the final battle of the duel kingdom, cut the dark game with the thousand-year eyes in the name of a sword, and won the final victory for Hoshino.

"It's over, grandpa, you really hurt me! I don't know if Bekas can stick the Thousand-Year Eye again. But since it is a metal product, it should look better if it is melted and reshaped." Panic Hoshino, Has begun to be inexplicably broken thoughts.

Seeing Hoshino’s funny reaction, Da Vinci couldn’t help but laughed out: “Well, I’m not going to sell you to Hoshino sauce. In fact, you are now fully satisfied with the conditions for combining light and darkness. That's it."

   "Da Vinci kisses you, this is no longer the level of selling off, I feel you are playing with me!"

   Hoshino glared at Da Vinci complainingly.

   "But for the Thousand-Year Artifact, I only have Thousand-Year Jewelry. Even if you add the Thousand-Year Building Blocks of the game and the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod left by Malik, it won't even be half of it."

   "Hoshino sauce, although you don't have a thousand-year artifact, don't you have that, three cards opposed to the three magical gods that symbolize the glory."

   After Da Vinci reminded, Hoshino instantly understood: "The three **** cards that stand opposite to the three fantasy gods and symbolize darkness and evil..."

   "It seems that someone is calling the concubine's name~" How could Loli Cthulhu let this opportunity to brush her presence. Especially after she made the battle, she had long wanted to jump out and ask for credit, but because of the dialogue between Hoshino and Da Vinci, she was unable to get in.

   "Girl, not only use the power of the concubine body to win the duel, but now also use the power of the evil **** to travel through time and space~"

   The Cthulhu who stretched out his pink tongue and licked his cute little lips, looking forward to it, "This reward is very expensive! If you calculate it by your soul, it would take more than half~"

   Speaking of the evil **** Sang here, his saliva has flowed from the corner of his mouth unconvincingly.

Final Chapter: Farewell

   "So that's it, just place the cards like this, it's kind of ritual."

   Hoshino touching his chin, admiring the neatly placed cards in front of him. Connect the three magic **** cards that form a triangle, and the three evil **** cards that correspond to each other. The two triangles superimposed to form a six-pointed star shining in front of Hoshino.

   "Damn it, I even treated my concubine like this~ Obviously my concubine did a lot in the duel just now!!" The evil **** Sang, who was **** and thrown on the bed, could only watch Hoshino pick up his own card and play with it.

   Due to the fact that I just used the little dark energy in the bracelet to bind the Cthulhu, Da Vinci's voice sounded more blurred.

"Hoshino-chan, are you really enlightened? If you travel back, life in this world will probably never be copied. Including the friends you make, the daily life you are familiar with, and the importance of staying in this world Things..."

Hoshino nodded solemnly: "I have already thought about it, every night I will think about this alone. I can’t deny that life in this world is really happy, but it’s not my own world after all. There are still important people in the world waiting for me to go back."

   looked at the deck of the duel board, Hoshino smiled from the heart: "This experience like a bubble dream will become my most precious memory in my heart after I go back, and support me to move forward."

   "Since Hoshino-chan has made up your mind, then I won't interfere any more~" Da Vinci, who read Hoshino's firm attitude, suggested: "Finally, don't you have to say goodbye to your friends?"

   "If you say goodbye, it may be difficult to get rid of everyone's personality." Although he said that, Hoshino still left a note with a short sentence.

   "Then, the work of crossing can begin at any time. It is very simple, as long as the passage is opened, it is as convenient as Hoshino-chan, who usually transfers the soul in the dream to Chaldea."

After adjusting the power of the cards connected to the six-pointed star in front of him, Da Vinci carefully explained: "Just imagine where you want to go back in your mind, and strong thoughts will be reflected on the cards, and the cards will also respond to you. Missing. The missing energy that collides with each other in the end will surely open the way for miracles."

   "Imagine where I want to go back..." Hoshino, who narrowed his eyes, subconsciously reached out and touched the shining six-pointed star in front of him, and recalled the place where he had lived for 16 years.

   "The first thing I do when I go back is to change my lifestyle. I can't stay at home every day."

   "The channel must be opened, get ready, Hoshino sauce~" Da Vinci reminded.

   "Already fully prepared..."

   However, just when Hoshino thought everything was in place, the thousand-year-old jewelry that could have been unpredictable in the future also lit up after being illuminated by the light energy of the Three Magic Cards.

   Then Hoshino saw the man with a duel plate in his hand, standing on the ruins of the apocalypse and looking around, his eyes full of despair, and the will to revenge to change all this.


   The second match of Duel City continued as usual, but the companions did not see Hoshino.

   "It should be just too tired, I want to take a break." The companion who thought this way didn't need to care too much, but instead focused entirely on the fateful duel between Wang Yang and Haima.

   The second duel was also very exciting, not inferior to Hoshino's decisive battle against Malik.

   Although there is no confrontation with infinite attack power, the precise layout of the king and the seahorse, as well as the dark and light confrontation between the black magician and the blue-eyed white dragon, still show the world what is the collision of the souls of top duels.

Finally, after Wang Yang merged [Black Magician] and [Dragon Swordsman] into [Super Magic Swordsman-Dark Paladin], he used the killer Super Magic Split Wave to successfully defeat the [True] on the seahorse field. Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon]. Thus won the second match of the duel city semi-final, and the victory of the fateful showdown with the hippocampus.

   The enthusiasm of the enthusiastic audience for the decisive battle can be said to be lifted to the highest peak. One hour later, the final battle, the legendary dueler Muto game, and the duel king girl with the card of the gods will collide with what kind of sparks, and there was an explosive discussion on the Internet. Various analysis emperors, prophecy emperors, including anonymous netizens who claimed to have been the champions of the United States, all jumped out to speak.

  The heir of the legendary fisherman: "Of course the duel king will win, don't you understand that cuteness is justice?"

  The beautiful blonde girl who wrecked the gold shipwreck: "Of course Muto Games will win. I am a professional. Can I not tell with the duel level of my national champion?"

   Uncle Drunkard: "Where did the U.S. champion pop up upstairs. I'm still the U.S. champion. I can see that the Muto game boy wants to win very much!"

  The grandfather who opened the dollhouse: "Oh ha ha ha, it doesn't matter who wins, as long as you can fight a wonderful duel, you can play a promotional role. Please support Muto game and the turtle toy endorsed by Hoshino Chiyuki~"

   My daughter is the cutest: "Which unscrupulous merchant upstairs is here to catch the heat, please shut up!"

   During the unprecedented heated discussion, an hour later, the final battle in the city of duel that everyone had hoped to return to....... did not start as scheduled.

   The official did not give any definite explanation. The domineering Haima Company only announced that the duel was postponed indefinitely, and the reopening time was undetermined. Afterwards, facing the audience's flood of greetings, he chose to pretend to be dead.

   No one knows the real reason. When the whole world is looking forward to the final game as never before, postponing the game indefinitely will cause Haima to suffer economic and reputation losses that even experts dare not estimate.

   But this is the case. The live broadcast that has never been opened after the interruption proves that Haima Company is not joking to the duels all over the world.


   picked up the three phantom gods card that Hoshino had left on the table in the room, Wang-like looked at the note in his hand with a complicated mood.

   [Game, the card of God is a farewell gift~ After all, it is also very important to you. 】

   Hoshino left only this short sentence, but the information expressed completely confirmed Wang Yang’s previous guess: “Use the card of the gods as a farewell gift. It really has Hoshino’s style.”

Looking at the sea in the distance through the window of the room, Wang Yang put the cards of the three magic gods into his deck: "Hoshino, I said that I will fight you in the final of the duel city, so no matter what I will wait for you."

Chapter 1: Raging Monster and Mysterious Man

   Hoshino is very familiar with traveling through space. Traveling to another world, traveling to Chaldeans, traveling to the world of VR games, there are so many places to travel, do they all share the same traveling system?

  The blurry light and shadow formed a deep blue tunnel, and the whole person did not feel like stepping on the ground, but floating in it and drifting with the flow. I can't look back at the place of departure, nor can I look at the end point ahead. The only thing that can be done is to close your eyes and pray silently.

   "Well, Tono City, although I only stayed for more than a month, I am really happy~" Under the background of this atmosphere, the memories of leaving the world will always be played in my mind like a revolving lantern.

   "Go, it's not a reckless lantern~ It's too unlucky!" If there was a little nervousness during the previous crossing, Hoshino, who has gradually become accustomed to it, now only has all kinds of boring self-talking.

   "But isn't the time of this crossing a bit too long? How do I vaguely remember that the first time it didn't take so long? Is it reliable, Da Vinci kiss?"

   did not respond, and obviously the connection with Chaldea in this special space was also interrupted.

   Of course, Hoshino didn't know how long it took him for the first time. At that time, apart from the panic and the sadness of being emptied of the entire illustrated book, he had almost no other memories.

   It was another long wait. When Hoshino was about to wonder if he would be trapped in this space, the light of hope that symbolized the end finally lit up.

   "It's great, I'm finally here~" Hoshino, who was going home on the tram, looked at the light eagerly.

   Then, a high-speed object passed by Hoshino without warning. The meeting time was extremely short and it was difficult to see the appearance, but the human appearance could barely be distinguished by the flashing shadow.

Hoshino rubbed his eyes and said to himself in disbelief, "Damn it? Did someone pass by me just now?! In this tunnel through time and space? ——Really, where did this travel? Tram?!"

   In the moment of spitting out, the feeling of stepping on the ground has been heard from the soles of the feet, and the blurry light and shadow faded with the end of the journey, and the beautiful world was once again revealed before Hoshino's eyes.

   "It's...not beautiful at all!"

In front of    Hoshino's eyes, the building with explosion smoke and dust seemed to be precarious, and the scattered crowd ran out as if fleeing from the blasted building.

   Hoshino, whose head was short-circuited for a while, looked around at the unfamiliar but unfamiliar environment around him, as well as the dangerous situation unfolding in front of God, a little at a loss.

   Then something happened that made Hoshino more puzzled. In the smoke and dust from the explosion on the floor, a ferocious-looking dragon that Hoshino had never seen before emerged. Calculating based on the current situation, this should be the culprit that caused such a disaster.

   "What is this? Movie? Special photo? Even huge monsters like film special photo are usually added by post-computer special effects!"

   A passer-by who was running found Hoshino who was completely bewildered in the middle of the street and shouted: "The little girl over there, you are a duel!"

   probably saw the duel plate from Hoshino's arm, and an uncle pleaded for help: "Since you are a duelist, please go and fight, otherwise everyone will be in danger if this continues!"

   "Duel, fight? With this thing in front of you?" Hoshino tried to sort out the situation and went through all the possibilities in his mind.

   "In other words, this thing is also a dueling monster, why would the dueling monster materialize and destroy the building!?"

  Even if I have never seen such a dragon monster, when you mention a duel, the dragon in front of you is indeed very similar to the virtual projected image of the duel disk, but it looks more realistic in terms of details.

   "Since it is a dueling monster, just use the dueling monster to deal with it!" Although young, Hoshino is a duel who has experienced many winds and waves. It was believed that this scenario was similar to the battle of Cthulhu on the roof of the Seahorse Building at that time. It was due to the fact that the dueling monster elves turned into chaos.

"Don't worry, uncle, let the justice partner Chiyuki Hoshino solve it now!" Hoshino, who was in a state immediately, simply left behind all the key elements such as time, place, characters, and handsomely drew one from the duel board. card.

   The monster in front of you cannot determine the combat power, so you must carefully consider the most capable one: "Come on, the heroic spirit is summoned-Garna!"

   If you can rely on the little sun, even if there is no special attack on the dragon like Ziegfei, it should be no problem to face a small dragon.

What? Why don't you ask Ziegfei directly?

   If the reptilian clan who looks like a giant dragon is just opposite, then Brother Fei is about to start to be sorry again.


   However, the figure of the expecting little sun did not materialize in front of Hoshino at all. Although the duel board appears to be active, there is no follow-up response after the card is placed.

   "It won't be broken during the crossing!" Looking at the duel plate that had never happened before, Hoshino was also puzzled.

"Your duel plate has been discontinued many years ago!" A mature and reliable voice suddenly sounded from behind, but the tone of his speech made Hoshino unexpectedly familiar: "Now even the Haima Group super satellite that provided its calculations has been scrapped. Now, where did you find this old antique?"

   looked back, the tall blond man stood arrogantly in the middle of the street, posing more handsome poss than Hoshino, opening a duel board of an unprecedented style, and quickly slapped the cards.

   "Come on, the red-eyed black dragon! Give that beast a little bit of color and look at it!"

   The huge black dragon roared and materialized and appeared in the sky, and its majestic black streamlined posture instantly stunned the impenetrable dragon monsters.

   "Must kill-black flame bomb!"

   It seems that Hoshino had overestimated the monster in front of him before, but it disappeared completely after being attacked by a black flame bomb, leaving no trace. It seems that it can only be classified as a trash fish level.

The blonde man who won the victory squinted his eyes with a frivolous smile and said, "Lovely girl, it is very dangerous to wander the streets with a duel that was eliminated by the times at this time. Thanks to you. The world's top duelist..."

   "In the castle, you are in the castle, right!" Hoshino screamed and asked the blond man incredulously. Although the appearance has changed a lot, the color of the hair, the tone of the voice, and the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] all fully confirmed Hoshino's conjecture.

   I was stunned. I didn’t expect that I would be recognized in advance: "Hey, I didn’t expect that I’m still surprisingly popular among girls’ high school students?"

Chapter 2: The Heroic Spirit Traveling Through Time and Space

   "Sure enough, it is in the castle!" Hoshino received a positive answer. Although it sounds unbelievable, he was surprised to see the castle in this situation.

   "So why did you suddenly become so... mature in the castle? Vicissitudes?" Looking at the castle in front of him, Hoshino couldn't find an accurate adjective for a while.

The handsome Jouchi akimbo deliberately lowered her voice to make her voice sound deeper and more sexy: "What's the matter, little girl, was captured by the mature charm of the world's top duelist Jonouchi? But it's a pity that I already have a girlfriend. Please don’t be overly sad~"

   "Hey, you have a girlfriend in the castle, when did it happen?" The continuous shocking truth caused Hoshino's thinking to be a little confused for a while.

   However, after calming down and thinking for a while, he still found an unusual place: "No, why do you keep calling me little girl in the castle, don't you know me?"

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