The duel is over, the victor, Joonouchi Katsuya & Hoshino Chiyuki!

Chapter Fourteen: Dueling Academy

   "Yeah~ Musashi is also a big victory today~"

   gave Hoshino a V(^?^*) gesture, and Musashi smiled brilliantly.

   Please stop, if you **** Okita-san's last lines, then she will completely lose the meaning of existence.

   "How could this be..." Bai Ye looked at his hands in surprise, "I, who failed in the sin·world, should be wiped out of my existence."

   Bai Ye did not wonder why he lost, he had completely surrendered. The strength that Hoshino showed in the final blow was obviously swearing to him, that only by Bai Ye himself, let alone one-on-two, one-on-one won't necessarily be able to win.

   In the castle that put away the duel plate, at the same time, he suppressed the overexcited expression on his face, and looked at Bai Ye: "It's just a failed duel. Do you want to die like that?"

  The space of the sin world spread out from the entrance where Musashi slashed, shattered and collapsed. The surrounding scenery gradually changed back to the dark streets at night.

   "Although it was a bit cheating, I finally used Musashi's effect to destroy the field card of Sin World." Hoshino smiled triumphantly. This is the life-saving trump card she left in her hand, and it is linked to Musashi outside the field. Even if she loses the duel, she tries her best to avoid being wiped out.

   "Oni sauce!"

   "Thousand Snow!"

   Lost the isolation of sin and the world, the two people waiting outside the venue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   Peacock Dance's arms, feeling the soft and heartwarming starfield, cast a smile of a winner towards the city where Shizuka was holding his arm.

   Bai Ye finally figured out the situation at this moment. The subtle expression under the mask could not be spied on, but the tone was no different from usual indifferent: "Innocent duel, do you want to save the enemy?"

Touching Shizuka's head, Jouchou said sternly: "I have seen too many people who have been harmed by dark duels. And I always firmly believe that duels are supposed to be a happy thing, this kind of strange duel that takes their lives from the beginning. It was wrong. So Hoshino chose to destroy the sin world at the last minute, and I also agree with it."

Reluctantly leaving the embrace of the peacock dance, Hoshino faced Shiroye: "And you need to pay a price to spare your life. You must tell everything you know. Including the Paradox in your mouth. My lord, and your so-called great plan."

   From the white night characters, it can be barely analyzed that this group of people probably hunted the world's top duelists in an organized way, with the goal of eradicating the duel monster card from history, and that Paradox should be the real behind-the-scenes boss.

   As for the motives, reasons, and the true identity of this group of people, it seems that they are still unknown.

   "Hehehehehahahaha! That's why I say you are naive duelists. I am not afraid of death. Will you betray Lord Paradox because you saved my life?"

   The white night behind the mask seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and laughed presumptuously: "If you really want to know the truth and want to know where you are going to end in the end, come to the'academy'!"

   "College?!" Hoshino and Castle, who did not expect to hear the word'College' in Bai Ye's mouth, were also slightly taken aback.

   In the next second, the white figure crossing the dark street-Sin·Blue-eyed Bailong passed at high speed, and carried the white night and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

   "Katsuya Castle, as a reward for defeating me, give this true red-eyed black dragon back to you..." In the black sky, Bai Ye drifted away with the voice of sin and green eyes.

   "I still have to go to the academy in the end." In the hands of the castle, the true red-eyed black dragon, which had been looted and turned into only a dark background, also returned to the card.

"It's okay. If you see the other me, you should be able to understand most of the truth of the incident." Hoshino really never thought that the term'another me' would one day be said from his own mouth. come out.

  The troublesome thing was finally solved, and Hoshino, who was relaxed, was caught off guard with a strong sense of dizziness.

   When Hoshino's body was found to be abnormal, Musashi also hurriedly leaned forward and interrogated nervously: "It's okay, master, did you get injured during the fight?"

   Weak Hoshino, looking at Musashi's concerned face, spoke word by word.

   "You return my fried chicken nuggets!"


   academy, full name duel academy. And the chairman is the one that Hoshino is very familiar with-Haima Seti.

   On the road in the early morning, I was sitting in the front seat of the Jeep in the city and was heading to the port of Hoshino, and listened to the introduction of the college in the city.

   I thought that the academy was just Hoshino, where I usually went to school, and my slightly opened mouth had not been closed except when the tires rolled over the bumpy ground.

   I didn't expect that in the future ten years later, even the duel monster card game could hold a school. What's more, listening to Chenguchi's narration, most of the students in the study are mainly due to monsters, of course, there are also necessary cultural lessons.

   However, even if it provides a cultural education that is not inferior to other schools, the dueling ability of the students in the Dueling Academy is still an important evaluation criterion. Even the dormitory level where students live is divided according to their own duel strength.

   The strongest-Obesiris’s Blue Dormitory.

  Medium-the yellow dormitory of the sun god.

   and the weakest-Osiris' red dormitory.

   Hoshino, who couldn't help complaining in his heart, should be said to be the academy created by the Seahorse Seti. It is not difficult to see that this level of strength is completely based on Seahorse's own subjective opinions.

   Otherwise, how could the strongest Phantom Wing Dragon, be inferior to Seahorse’s own Obelisk’s Giant Soldier.

   "I just said how could I go to school as a teacher!" After hearing Jouchou's explanation, Hoshino also suddenly realized: "If it's a duel academy, then it makes sense."

   Although I cut leeks occasionally, I can’t deny that I like to teach those little ghosts to play cards.

   "Moreover, the establishment of this duel academy actually has something to do with you, Hoshino~"

   Chengouchi was in an exceptionally good mood today, and there were even more conversations. It may be because the monster riots in Tono City stopped after the defeat of White Night. It may also be because today I can see an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time. What's even more amazing is that this old friend’s ‘mini version’ is now sitting next to him.

   "It still has something to do with me, have I also taken a stake?" Hoshino, who tilted his head and wondered, is probably the way the entrepreneur's daughter thinks. But Hoshino thought that he didn't have that much money.

"Since Hoshino's duel with Malik ended ten years ago, dueling monsters have really set off an unquenchable hot wave all over the world. This indirectly led to the seahorse guy making a lot of money, and this duel academy also complied. The trend of the times is born~"

   After listening to Jouchou’s explanation, Hoshino finally realized: "This Seahorse, actually earns money from me again!"

Chapter 15: Even the daughter is so old

   "Oh...Is it finally the master!" Hoshino was speechless when he helped the crumbling Musashi out of the car.

   Why would you get motion sickness even as a heroic spirit body, when you are a dragon slayer?

   "What?! Don't sail today!! Isn't it always at this point?" However, the city in front of the negotiation with the captain did not seem to be particularly smooth.

   "This guest, please calm down first..." The old captain unconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead. In a tall city, even after ten years, the anger on his body is still so aggressive.

   "How can you calm me down? We have something we must go to the academy to solve!" But ten years later, in the slightly mature city, at least there was no threat of forcibly picking up the collar of the old captain.

   Doubts flashed in the old captain's eyes, and he quietly surveyed the castle and Hoshino who is holding Musashi: "Are you duelists? It is very dangerous to go to the duel academy at this time."

   Hoshino asked curiously: "Danger, does it mean the riot of the duel monster?"

The old captain nodded at Hoshino. At least compared to dealing with irritable blond men, this cute little girl can speak better: "It is rumored that the duel academy is the place where monster riots are the most serious. Although there are many duels in the academy, Most of them are still students. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, many professional duelists have gone to the academy for support some time ago."

   By the way, even the duel academy has come out, and the duel monster card has already been professionalized. Most professional players also enjoy the convenience of high income, unlike Keith, who can only earn bonuses by participating in various competitions.

  'S popular point is similar to the development and progress of e-sports in Hoshino's original world ten years ago and e-sports ten years later.

   "Since the professional duelists are all supported, why can't we go?" Jouchou asked harder, at least his level was higher than that of ordinary professional duels and I didn't know where to go.

Speaking of this, the old captain lowered his hat and looked a little embarrassed: "Because of an unexpected accident. Not only the monster riots on the Duel Academy Island, but now even the dueling monsters appeared in the nearby sea. Just yesterday, we set off. All two rounds of flights were attacked. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

   "If there are dueling monsters in the sea, it would be a bit troublesome..." This situation reminded Hoshino of the monster disaster movies he had watched. The horrible monsters are often not those giants on the bright side, but the kind that lurks in the dark, if you don't scream, you will die if you scream.

  The most representative of these is the monster hiding in the bottom of the sea...

   However, not only is it another star field, but even the hint of White Night also points to the duel academy. It can be concluded that the academy is the main task of this singularity. If the road is broken here, it will be very troublesome.

   "Even so, we have to go, uncle, can you be accommodating~" Seeing the ill-fated Hoshino, immediately adopted the tactics of selling cute. The delicate face hung up in distressing embarrassment, and Shui Ling's eyes glanced forward from time to time.

Musashi also echoed, her dress close to cosplay and the double knives around her waist have long attracted attention: "It's easy to do it, uncle, don't look at me like this, the level of fishing is pretty good. Even if I encounter big fish, I will also I will take care of it!"

   This is not the same thing at all, Musashi...

   "Sorry children, I also have family members." Under the combined attack of the two beautiful and young girls, the old captain strengthened his mind.

After    was rejected, they entered the desperate situation early in the morning, and they looked at each other and couldn't come up with any ideas.

   kicked the second-hand jeep in the city, Hoshino complained: "In the useless city, you don't want to buy a waterway dual-purpose jeep in what age!"

   "How can there be such a car!" In the dumbfounding city, even his two second-hand jeeps still begged Peacock Dance for a long time before buying them.

   "Hey, do you want to take a boat?" A bold and rough questioning voice was heard from the surface of the water: "If you want to go to the Dueling Academy, do you want to take my boat!"

   There is a play! This was Hoshino's first reaction when he heard the sound. And there is indeed a profession in the world that specializes in running routes that others dared not run, and making money that others dared not make.

   But correspondingly, this kind of person charges also very expensive.

   "Of course I want to go, but how much money is needed for three people." Some in the city, who is distressed by their own wallets, have already made the consciousness of the other party to sit on the floor and raise the price.

   "No money~" The man with a reed in the corner of his mouth pushed his straw hat over his head to show his face: "Even I have forgotten, in the city?"

   The familiar faces of the man rolled in his mind for a while, and Hoshino recognized him first than Jouchouchi: "Are you, Yuta Kajigi?!"

   Even though there is more stubble on the face, the dark skin and recognizable temperament have not changed.

  Congrui was also overjoyed: "Hey!? Is that Kaji Yuta? It's great to meet you here. It really solves the urgent need."

   "Does this little girl know me? It's really an honor..."

   Yutai moved his gaze towards Hoshino with a little curiosity, and then fell into a sluggish state for an instant.

   "That's great Hoshino, I can finally go to the academy, let's go quickly!" The castle said excitedly, jumping into the fishing boat.

   Yutai in a sluggish state grabbed the castle where he had jumped onto the boat, but his eyes remained motionless on Hoshino: "In the castle, you just said Hoshino, right..."

   Musashi guarded Hoshino behind him vigilantly, and put his right hand on the hilt of his waist naturally: "This person has a strange look in your eyes, master!"

   "It's so alike... it's exactly the same... Is that Hoshino..."

   Yutai whispered to himself, rubbed his nose, and said with emotion: "Even her daughter is so old, exactly the same as when Hoshino Chiyuki was young."

   Yutai struggled for a long time and came to the conclusion that Hoshino almost fell into the water.


   "Ahahaha, have you crossed over ten years ago?"

   After listening to Hoshino's explanation, Yutai scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

   "How is it possible, do you treat me as a fool!?"

   Of course, this is the correct reflection of what most people hear about crossing.

   Hoshino said angrily: "You are the real idiot who treats me as a daughter, OK!" It's only ten years. How could there be such a big daughter? What kind of brain circuit is this person pretending to be?

   Yutai was taken aback for a while, and was shocked by Hoshino's aura, feeling a little overwhelming: "So you really are, Hoshino ten years ago?"

   Hoshino jumped on the fishing boat and said with a smile, "What you said just now is exactly the same~"

Chapter 16: Teacher Hoshino Ten Years Later

   "There is such a thing in the world." Under the persuasion of the three people, Yutai finally accepted the reality.

"But after all things like dueling monsters materializing riots can happen. It's not impossible to go through this kind of thing ten years ago." Yutai, who comforted himself like this, glanced at Hoshino's dark face from time to time. Glowing inconspicuous red light.

   I said why a man in his twenties is so innocent...

   "Don't rush, hurry up and set off Yutai!" Obviously getting on someone else's boat, the city is not at all polite.

Yutai was also in the same stunned expression just now: "I said in advance that the sea area leading to the academy is surrounded by dueling monsters. Fortunately, the three of us are duels, and even if there is a change, we will have the power to fight. "

As soon as Yutai said this, Musashi was a little unconvinced: "What is the three of you, don't ignore my combat power! After all, I am the best able to fight, and the work of protecting the master must be entrusted to me at that time! "

   Yutai, who came out of the shock of the Hoshino crossing incident, realized that Musashi was on the boat next to him: "By the way, I have been caring a while ago. Is this little cosplay girl Hoshino's friend?"

   "Take it like this..." Hoshino was too lazy to explain more after encountering so many troubles early in the morning.

   "So that's it, sit firmly and get ready to set off!" The rhythmic sound of engines pushed Yutai's seemingly dilapidated small fishing boat forward. Not to mention, the speed is pretty fast.

   Yutai at the helm looked forward, with only the blue ocean in his deep eyes, and his upright posture showed the pride of a sea man.

   "Oh! Why do I get seasick, I didn't get fainted before." However, when I got on the modern transportation vehicle, Musashi suddenly felt like an eggplant beaten by frost.

   "This person is probably useless." Hoshino sighed helplessly, looking at the weak Musashi. She is the one who can fight the most. In this state, she is the first person to feed the fish in an emergency.

Ten minutes after    drove out, the surrounding scenery hardly changed, and the freshness of just getting on the boat was quickly diminished, and Chengouchi and Hoshino became bored unconsciously.

   "So Yutai, what are you going to do when you go to the academy at this time?" The rogue castle first asked.

   Yutai proficiently steered the helm while replied: "The college asked all the professional players for help a few days ago. I was delayed for a while due to something, and happened to ran into you at the dock today."

   Chengouchi suddenly realized that he hammered his palm: "Yes, Yutai, you are still a professional player!"

"It's just a semi-professional. The main profession is fisherman, occasionally playing games to make a little money. But then again, it is a pity not to play professionally with your strength within the city. Although there is no shortage of strong players in the professional arena now , But there are still very few top powerhouses at your level."

   "No way, I don't like being restrained by my identity as a professional duel."

   Chengouchi scratched his face, and he knew in his heart the income of professional players. If he stepped into this field, he should be able to bring a better life to Wu and Shizuka.

   "But I still prefer to take the duel monster card as my special hobby, after all, it contains the most precious memories between me and my close friends."

   Everyone has their own path of choice, and the castle said about this, Yutai naturally smiled slightly, without too much interference.

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