Chengouchi continued: "But that duel academy would ask all the professional players for help. It seems that the seriousness of the situation may be far beyond our imagination."

   Yutai nodded: "I also have a bad feeling, I hope this matter will not affect the future of the duel monster card."

The disaster of    dueling monsters runaway has only been a few days since the beginning. Although various parts of the world have suffered various losses, the governments of various countries have not spoken out about this incident.

   If due to this series of disasters, dueling monster cards are listed as dangerous goods, then the future of dueling monsters may be worrying.


  Duel Academy, the principal's room—

"It’s too unreasonable to put students on the battlefield, Professor Kuronos!" The white-haired woman wearing black-framed glasses patted the headmaster’s desk angrily, and she had a weird hairstyle and a strange look beside her. The'man' complained loudly.

   The angry expression did not conceal the girl's delicate facial features. With the black-framed glasses with no lenses on the bridge of the nose, the elegant yet sensual image made people feel unpleasant even in this tantrum.

The man named'Professor Kuronos' obviously avoided women's gaze, and defended with a strange accent: "Mr. Hoshino, you also know that it is an emergency and wants to save the Academy from the'beast tide'. If you do, you must enter a state where all the people are soldiers~~"

   The term ‘beast tide’ is the latest definition given by the dueling academy to dueling monsters in the riots, because the number is too large, and the naming of ‘beast’ is far beyond.

Sitting behind the table, the current principal of Duel Academy, the principal of Yudao also made a helpless look: "Well, you two should stop quarreling. After fighting all night, it is better to take advantage of the beast wave as soon as possible. Regain strength."

"President Yudao, shut up! Do you know how many lovely students in the academy were injured because of Kuronos's arbitrarily order!" As a teacher of the academy, Hoshino did not show any face to the principal of the academy, and directly tried to make a round of it. The principal of Shao Dao stopped drinking.

   took out the handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from the smooth head. Headmaster Kojima glanced sympathetically at Professor Kronos beside him, and could only put on an awkward smile.

   The woman named Chiyuki Hoshino, although on the surface just an ordinary teacher, made it impossible for the headmaster of the academy to fight against the headmaster of the academy and the second-in-command Professor Kuronos.

   came because of Hoshino Chiyuki's bottomless duel strength. The duel master who is called the "Shining Starlight Magician" by the students, has been unbeaten in duels since he took office at the academy.

   Even the outstanding graduates who have graduated from the academy, galloped on the professional duel and achieved good results, did not eat good fruit in her hands that year.

  Secondly, this is also the reason why Headmaster Kyudao fears the most headache. This Chiyuki Hoshino seems to have an indescribable deep friendship with the real boss of the dueling academy, the chairman of the academy, Haima Seti.

   Judging from her unceremonious attitude towards Haima’s chairman, this has completely surpassed the level of a relationship household, and people can't help but wonder who is the boss of the college.

   Of course, although Hoshino’s image in the head of Yujima is a bit scary, it is a beautiful teacher who still cares for students very much on weekdays and is also loved by students.

   The old blessings you want look at Rome.jpg

Chapter 17: Illya doesn't want to be overworked

"In short, the'Animal Tide' tonight will definitely not allow students to play again. Even the students of Obelisk Blue will not do it!" Hoshino, who spoke harshly to Professor Kuronos, left no discussion. room.

   To be mocked by girls so many younger than oneself pointing to the nose, it must be false to say that Professor Kunolos has no temper in his heart. However, it is an indisputable fact that many students in the college were injured because of his own decision.

   "Teacher Hoshino, the tide of beasts is getting fiercer day by day. If you look forward to the future at this time, are you planning to let the Academy die in history?"

   Kuronos's yin and yang tone seemed to be asking or blaming. No matter what method is used, at least he is genuine in order to protect the college's mood.

"Professor Kuronos, duel shouldn't be such a cruel thing." Hoshino retorted solemnly: "The responsibility of the academy should be to teach the fun and persistence of duel to students, rather than let them participate in this kind of death at any time. The cruel duel, finally left the impression of fear and resistance to the dueling monster."

   Reasons and quarrels are things like, Kuronos has never beaten Hoshino, of course, he also knows that he is a bit wrong. But to climb up to the position of professor, it is not his face value but his strength.

   "It's nothing but empty idealism. If tonight's beast wave is stronger, so strong that even professional players can't resist it, can Hoshino-sensei take up this responsibility?"

   "I can! Let me fill the vacancy after the student is removed!" Hoshino's eyes were full of determination.

   Kuronos was a little flustered. He thought that after throwing out the cauldron of responsibility for the destruction of the academy, Hoshino would admit it a little bit.

   But from the current attitude of Hoshino, if this woman didn't really hide her bottomless strength, she would be completely crazy. She joined hundreds of students to fight against the animal tide, she actually wanted to deal with it alone.

   "Hey~~ Master is really good like this?" Behind Hoshino, Illia, who was translucent from the deck, trembled in her soft voice. Of course, this kind of card-faced spirit state principal Ilia and Professor Kuronos couldn't see it.

"It was very hard last night. If you increase your workload tonight, QAQ will be broken!" On Ilya's tender face, there was a trace of overwork that was connected to the same life as Teacher Kong. Death temperament.

   On such occasions where the Headmaster of Shijima and Professor Kuronos were both present, Hoshino was inconvenient to comfort Ilia, so she could only quietly stretch her hand behind her back and squeeze Ilia's soft cheek to apologize.

   "Don't be too arrogant, Mr. Hoshino!" Professor Kuronos' unique accent matched the excited tone. The atmosphere was very serious at this time, but it sounded very funny.

   "With your own power, you want to replace most of the students in the academy. Do you think you are the legendary Muto game?"

Suddenly I heard the familiar name Hoshino for a moment, and then responded with a smile: "Muto Game may not be able to do it, but I can do it. By the way, Professor Kuronos, you seem to be very brave, so you dare to question my duel strength? Is the long-lost debt cleared up?"

   "Mamma Mia~" was scared by Hoshino, and instinctively called Kuronos, who was instinctive to his mouth, took a step back subconsciously. However, when I thought that I was so embarrassed in front of the headmaster of Shidao Island, the promotion and salary increase in the future might be affected.

Reading the jealous Hoshino in Professor Kuronos's heart, he forced a step forward: "Otherwise, we won't quarrel anymore. Let's decide with a duel. If you can beat me, you will leave the student affairs to your arrangements. "

   After Hoshino said the proposal, he smiled brightly at the principal of Shijima: "How do you think about this, principal Shijima?"

   "Okay, okay, okay~ I think it's good." Headmaster Kojima's handkerchief is almost half wet. If this dispute can be ended quickly, let her go to the duel or something.

   Kuronos's already very interesting expression has become richer. Hoshino didn't leave him a retreat. The harmless smile of the girl with black glasses in front of him was transformed into a hideous Shura in the eyes of Kunolos.

"Okay, don't regret Hoshino-sensei at that time! As a college professor, you can't be bullied casually!" With no retreat, Kuronos can only be stubborn. Up.

   At the same time, on the sea—

   "I finally know why other ships would not dare to go to the academy even if they were carrying duels!" In the panicked city, watching the sea suddenly hit, the huge sea beast that almost buried Yutai this small broken ship.

   This kind of sneak attack without warning does not give the duelists on the ship any reaction time.

   Yutai driving in the wind, the high-speed motor drives a white splash on the blue sea: "Yeah--! Guy Kaji Yuta who wants to catch up with the sea, you group of dueling monsters are still too tender."

   Hoshino nervously grabbed the railing, for fear of being thrown off the sharp turn of Yutai avoiding the attack: "Why a small fishing boat can drive at this speed? It's too unreasonable!"

   "Of course!" Yutai looked proud: "I used all the extra money I earned from professional competitions to transform the fishing boat left by the old man. After all, I am a man who wants to conquer the sea!"

   Transform this small broken fishing boat to conquer the sea? Hoshino realized once again—this person's brain circuit really has a problem!

   But thanks to Yutai’s small broken fishing boat traveling fast enough, the sea beasts that came in the sneak attack have been gradually distanced, which also gave Hoshino and the others a buffer time.

   "Sorry Hoshino, I really don't think there is a powerful monster that can fight in the water." Chengouchi scratched his head awkwardly, judging from his current really red-eyed deck, the black flames probably went out the moment he entered the water.

   In the fishing boat traveling at high speed, Hoshino struggled to launch a duel plate given to him by the Peacock Dance: "A monster fighting in the water, then-the saint by the water, Marda!"

  【Waterside Saint B+: Drifting on a boat and subduing Tarasque on the banks of the Rhone River, Malda is very close to the water. When he finds that his location is near the water, Malda's attack power will increase and he will get excited. 】

   As for how high this is...

   "Oh oh oh!" The materialized Malda, with smooth jade feet stepping on the waves, ran on the sea with the motion of nailing Newton's coffin plates, and rushed towards the huge sea beast behind him.


Chapter 18: Mr. Hoshino vs. Professor Kuronos

  Duel Academy, indoor duel arena—

   "Hey? Professor Kuronos and Hoshino-sensei are going to a duel, why at this time?" The fatigue of the night made Asuka, the goddess of the academy, look a little bit ashamed.

With his arms around his chest, he was a little excited to stay next to the goddess Asuka, but he still pretended to be indifferent: "Maybe the two are quarreling again, but at this time, the energy to fight is really convincing them. "

   "Are you interested in taking a look?" Asuka smiled inquiringly, and the dust on her body couldn't hide her beautiful figure. With the female school uniform of Obelisk Blue, the pure vitality is undoubtedly revealed.

   twisted his head and awkwardly concealed the blush on his face: "Just look at it, I have nothing to do anyway."

   After the monster riots, the academy is of course in the suspension stage, but even if there are not many students watching this duel in the duel arena. The high-intensity battle with the ‘beast tide’ all night exhausted most of the students’ energy, and even if they were not injured, they all fell asleep in the dormitory.

   pushed the black glasses on the bridge of his nose, Hoshino on the duel field looked at Kuronos: "Then don't waste time, make a quick deal, Professor Kuronos."

   "You can start anytime, Mr. Hoshino!" Kuronos gritted his teeth and eagerly started the duel plate on his chest.

   Kuronos’ duel plate is as strange as his appearance, not on his arm, but hanging from his chest like a guitar.

   And he regards this duel plate that he considers ‘elegant’ as a reward for students with good grades, but it seems that no student likes it, and he has not given out one in three years.

   "Damn it, I must regain my face as a professor today!" Professor Kunolos, who made up his mind silently, automatically ejected a card from the deck in the duel plate on his chest.

   "Then I will attack first, draw the card! Then activate the field magic [Chariot Street]!"

   At the beginning of the game, it replaced Kuronos in the special dueling field of the academy. As the cards drawn were inserted into the strange duel plate, the surrounding environment became a street composed of gear buildings of different sizes.

   "Then cover two cards and activate the magic card..."

   Kuronos inserted three cards in a row, and at the same time that the card image appeared on the soles of his feet, a blue storm rolled up on the gear street and intensified.

   "—and activate the magic card [Big Storm]!"

  【Big Storm Magic Card Effect: All the magic and trap cards on the field are destroyed. 】

  Some of the students watching the battle were a little confused: "Professor Kuronos, what is the time to activate the magic? The magic in his own field is activated, and two more cards are covered, and finally they are all swept away by the big storm?"

   "Are you planning to surrender? After all, I heard that Hoshino-sensei is a very good duel."

   leaning on the railing, with a smug smile on his face: "You guys, are you new here? This is the first time you have seen Professor Kuronos duel?"

   Two students in red uniforms were suddenly spoken by Wanzhangmu. They were taken aback for a while, and then they nodded obediently. As a member of Osiris Red's dormitory, it should be the lowest in the academy in terms of duel level alone.

   Of course there are some exceptions...

   "Look at it, Professor Kuronos's usual tactics." It motioned the two newcomers to pay attention to the battlefield's gaze, and raised their chins.

   In the collapsed gear street, the behemoth hidden in the mechanical underground awakened due to the vibration, and its huge body violently penetrated the ground and came onto the field.

  "The effect of field magic [Cogwheel Street]-this card can only be activated when it is destroyed and sent to the graveyard. Select 1 "ancient machine" monster from your hand, deck, and graveyard to Special Summon! "

   Pointing to the mechanical behemoth awakened in his own field, Kuronos was confident of his perfect start: "The monster I special summoned from the deck is-[Ancient Mechanical Dragon]!"

   [Ancient mechanical dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) land] [Mechanical family/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2000]

   [If this card attacks, the opponent cannot activate magic or trap cards until the end of the damage phase. 】

The ancient mechanical dragon awakened from the underground, although its huge body looks tattered, but the white steam gushing out from the body and the glowing eyes from the dragon head can be felt personally. This is a genuinely powerful attack power of up to 3000 points. Monster.

   "Using the [Big Storm] to satisfy the conditions for the destruction of [Gear Street], will you summon a high-level monster in the first round!"

   The two Osiris red students had the expression they learned, and then they had a new question: "But, what's the matter with those two cards?"

   Kuronos continued to operate: "The two cover cards I was destroyed are the trap card [Golden Cthulhu]!"

[Golden Cthulhu Statue Trap Card Effect: When this card with the back cover is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, special summon 1 "Cthulhu Token" on the field (Demon Clan·Dark·4 Star·Attack/Defense 1000) . 】

   "Due to the destruction of two golden Cthulhu statues, I specially summon two Cthulhu tokens on my field!"

   [Cthulhu Derivative ATK: 1000] X2

   "Then finally, the unyielding soul awakened in the ultra-ancient technology, bring the ultimate destructive power to the opposite side! I offer two evil **** tokens, and summon [ancient mechanical giant] from the upper level in the hand card!"

  The evil spirit token shattered, and Kuronos stood on the field with a humanoid monster comparable in size to the ancient mechanical dragon.

   [Ancient mechanical giant ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) land] [Mechanical family/Effect ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000]

   Tomorrow's eyes flickered with expectant eyes: "Wow, Professor Kuronos summoned two ancient mechanical ace monsters as soon as he came up. It is so powerful! Maybe today I can create a miracle and defeat Teacher Hoshino."

   Wanzhangmu followed with a smile and said, "Asuka, you said it is a miracle, it will definitely not be that easy to create."

   And the smile on Kuronos's face was completely uncontrollable. The start to Tianhu, which was rare in a century, convinced him that he was deeply favored by Goddess of Luck today, and he could definitely save his face.

   "Cover another life-saving [Magic Tube], Mama Mia, I don’t know how to lose~"

   With joy, Kuronos, who covered the last card, ended his turn.

  Kuronos remaining hand cards: 0 cards, 1 cover card

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Facing the stressful start of Kuronos, Hoshino just smiled lightly, and the black glasses set off a beautiful intellectual face: "You have worked hard, Professor Kuronos, it seems that today is a real game~"

   Every time after losing to Hoshino, Kuronos's excuse is to disdain to engage with the little girl, of course, no one believes it.

   "I will ruin you today, Mr. Chiyuki Hoshino~" Kuronos, who swelled like a pufferfish, has begun to speak harshly.

   Hoshino drew a card and fell, and his mysterious smile was mingled with unparalleled confidence: "Then come to stage a waltz of starlight magic, and send your shabby ancient scrap back to your hometown-activate the quick attack magic [you're the other side]!"

Chapter Nineteen: I, Magical Girl, Crown Cos

   "—Quick Attack Magic Card [You are the other side]!"

   Looking at the card thrown by Hoshino, he gloated and whistled: "Yeah, here it is! Now Professor Kuronos has suffered some~"

  【The other side you's quick attack magic effect: If there are no monsters on your field, you can Special Summon 1 [Magic Girl-Illya] from the monsters excluded from the deck. 】

   "Reveal the starlight of this dazzling miracle, call the magical girl of love and justice! Special call-[Magic girl-Ilia]!"

   threw the retrieved card on the duel board, and accompanied by the colorful meteors falling on the Hoshino field, Ilia, dressed in a primary school uniform, took a ruby ​​and embodied in the duel field.

  [Magic Girl-Illya★★★★(4 stars) light][Magician/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000]

As soon as she appeared on the stage, Illiya’s delicate face turned a little red: “Master, I’ve told you so many times, don’t use such shameful summoning lines anymore. The magical girl of love and justice, always It still feels a bit..."

   Ruby interrupted: "What's wrong? When talking about magical girls, the first words that come to mind must be love and justice. Why not say that Hoshino is very knowledgeable, and all kinds of magical girls' animations must be watched~"

   Incidentally, Ruby is the magic wand in Ilia's hand. Although it has a cute voice, it is actually the kind of perverted gentleman full of attributes...

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