Gilgamesh, who appeared last, glared at the position of Paradox in the distance while laughing wildly.

   "The time for sanctions is here! The sword that splits the world for me! Take it!"

   The sword that "knows the planet that was once **** before the creation of the heavens and the earth" grasped in Gilgamesh's hands is a sword that can "cut the world" in a true sense.

   "——Heaven and Earth leave Pizhixing obediently!!"

  The pseudo-space fracture caused by the huge magic power, forming an attack similar to the time-space fault, smashing all the monsters scattered in the sky. The infinitely extending wave of magical power stretched into the distance, sweeping across the island, and falling exactly where Gilgamesh's eyes were locked.

   "Not good, Paradox! Our location has been discovered!" Seeing the attack that was clearly directed at him, Bai Ye quickly reminded.

   Paradox took off the mask, and the duel plate on his arm unfolded: "Sure enough, it's not so easy to deal with, the heroic envoy Chiyuki Hoshino!"


   "This...what kind of power is this!" Hidden in the dormitory and witnessed the whole process, no one was dumbfounded.

   "Is this the real power that Hoshino-sensei has hidden so far? It's too scary!"

   After the meteor that crossed the horizon, it was bombarded by the heroic spirits with four levels of wild laughter, which made everyone truly realize what is called ‘laugh’.

   "If you can do something like a horse, you can't do anything like this. Can you really call it a human like this!"

   "What are you talking about, Hoshino-sensei is Hoshino-sensei! No matter how strong it is, it is only used to protect us!"

   Seventy to eighty percent of the beast tide was wiped out. Although there is still a large number of them, it is not enough compared to the upsurge caused by the groundbreaking reversal of one's own side. The defeated enemy cannot become an army, and victory is only a matter of time.

   "Mamma Mia, it really did it!"

   The world view was completely overturned by Professor Kuronos, recalling what Hoshino said in the morning, using his own power to fill the vacancies after the withdrawal of students.

   Judging from the current situation, it is not as simple as filling the vacancy, but completely sweeping the entire battlefield with one person's power.

   "Success, success!" I don't know if it's because of two own reasons that the heroic spirits summoned by substance are extremely fierce. Even Xiao Hoshino himself did not expect to achieve this effect.

   rubbed Xiao Hoshino’s fluffy white hair, and Hoshino-sensei praised it without hesitation: "Yes, you did it! Successfully blocked the strongest animal tide!"

   Xiao Hoshino shook his head: "It was not ‘I’ that did it, it was ‘we’ that did it, teacher!"

   "Hehe, isn’t ‘I’ just ‘you’, do you need to be so distracted~"

   The two looked at each other. This kind of absolute tacit understanding that surpasses relatives, close friends and lovers can probably only be achieved by themselves and themselves.

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that all the dueling monsters of the era of disillusionment would not be able to defeat you." The man wearing a two-color black and white mask slowly landed in the sky and stood in front of the two of them.

   Hoshino said: "Sure enough, after the miscellaneous fish is cleared, the BOSS should appear!"

Chapter 31: Double·Hoshino VS Paradox 【Two in One Chapter】

   "It seems that I must personally deal with such things as the heroic envoys!"

   The confident words of the man, the weird black and white mask, the strangely exaggerated hairstyle, and the extremely unscientific things like falling from the sky. All elements can show that this person will certainly not be a simple character.

   And the duel plate of the same style as Shiroya on the man's arm attracted the attention of Xiao Hoshino.

   "Are you the Paradox who tried to eradicate the history of the duel monster card as Shiraya once mentioned?"

   Without hiding too much, the man took off the weird mask on his face: "Yes, since you are clear, are you ready to be eradicated?"

   The face that Paradox has been hiding under the mask is not as strange as Hoshino imagined, nor has it been mechanically modified in the future, or left invisible scars.

   A normal, even handsome face, there is no way to read the emotion of bitterness and hatred in the plain expression. Then wearing a mask is probably just to hide your identity.

   Hoshino-sensei raised his eyebrows and asked, "It doesn't look like that kind of lunatic with a distorted personality. Why do you want to eradicate the inexplicable thing like the duel monster card?"

   "Hehehe, something inexplicable? The harm caused by dueling monsters. Look at the surrounding scene. Don’t you understand it yet, Chiyuki Hoshino!"

   Paradox opened his arms and looked around, the college building damaged by the war, and the flames still burning in the sky.

   "This is all a good thing you did!" Xiao Hoshino scolded, "I drove the dueling monsters to destroy everywhere, and in the end throw the pot to the dueling monsters. You are such a great villain!"

"It's impossible for you mortals to understand. Let the development of the dueling monsters allow the world to end in the era of disillusionment!" With a complicated expression on Paradox, the duel plate on his arm slowly lit up. Light.

   "But you, the final boss, really have the courage to come here in person!" Hoshino-sensei smiled contemptuously, and after a snap of his fingers, the physical heroes instantly surrounded Paradox.

   Spartan, shaking his chest, is already eager to try: "Do you like playing games?"

   Paradox lowered his head and smiled strangely, the flashing light on the arm duel plate became more and more dazzling: "Too strong power will make people unconsciously want to rely on, but at the same time it will also make people relax their vigilance and expose flaws!"

   "Do you think I came here alone without preparing anything? It's too naive! Replace it-sin·world!"

  The wave spreading from the duel plate replaced the scenery of the surrounding academy like an unfolding inherent barrier, and the sin and world space composed of dense colors once again surrounded the star field.

   Little Hoshino became alert: "Sin·World, a dead space that will completely eradicate the loser from this world..."

   Paradox shook his head: "Dead space? No, this is to reshape the world, born by the will of the world itself, the absolute space to rule everything!"

  In the space of Sin·World, except for the large and small starfields, all the other substantive heroic spirits disappeared. Paradox also escaped the love of Spartan muscles.

   "Come on, the duel to determine the future fate has begun! Heroic envoy Chiyuki Hoshino, let me personally remove you from this world!"

   Paradox VS Hoshino Chiyuki

   The duel begins (duel)!

   The two Hoshinos who didn't even react, were forced to start a duel by Paradox.

   Little Hoshino confirmed: "The duel has already started?! So you have to fight 1 to 2? The last masked man named Shiroya who used Sin·World 1 to fight 2 was so badly lost."

   Hoshino-teacher also added: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, but you want to break through. Now that the duel has begun, you have no retreat!"

   Double Hoshino tacitly started the duel plate at the same time. In this sinful world, the key confrontation that will determine the final outcome of the war ten years later is unfolded between the three without anyone knowing.

   "Then since I have activated the [Sin·World] field card first, the first strike is mine." I consciously got the first striker Paradox, and directly threw the monster out of the hand card with great courage.

  " Activate the special effect of the [Sin Rainbow Dragon] in the hand card, except 1 "Ultimate Jade Rainbow Dragon" in the deck, and special summon it on your field! "

   The giant dragon venting the rainbow light, its gorgeous body is not inferior to the complex colors of the sin world space.

   [Sin Rainbow Dragon★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) dark] [Dragon/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 4000DEF:0]

   "Summon a monster with 4000 attack power directly, this is really good~" The first time I saw Hoshino-sensei from the Sin World deck, I was really surprised for an instant.

   "This is just the beginning, the power of the sin world is more than what Shiroya showed." Calmly responding to Hoshino's compliment, Paradox inserted two cards into his unique duel board.

   "Cover two cards, the round is over!"

  Paradox remaining hand cards: 2

"Mr. Qianxue, let you continue." Teacher Hoshino motioned. All the heroic monsters in his deck cannot be summoned. They can only be used as Ilia's fusion material. In this case, if the magical girl is not touched by the hand. In fact, it is very unfavorable.

   However, the fact is that Mr. Hoshino is indeed in such an unfavorable situation.

   "Yes, sir!" Little Hoshino, who knew everything, did not hesitate to draw a card from the deck.

   "My turn, draw a card! Then summon the monster card [Heroic-Ku Chulin] in the form of an attack!"

  【Heroic-Ku·Qulin★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1600DEF: 1600】

When    came up, he faced a monster with an attack power of 4000, and Hoshino did not find a way to defeat it. However, using the very capable effect of Big Dog, it can play an extremely practical containment effect in the face of evil monsters.

   "Overwrite two more cards, the round is over!"

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 3

   "My turn, draw a card! Then start an attack, [Sin Rainbow Dragon]!" Paradox who drew the card did not have any extra operations, and directly ordered his monster to attack.

  The rainbow light with black beams spouted from the mouth of [Sin Honglong], sweeping towards Cuchulin on the Hoshino field.

   "The effect of Cú Chulainn is activated, and it will not be destroyed by battle once at a time, and battle damage is not calculated." Hoshino said loudly, "Flash over, big dog!"

   "This kind of attack that is too slow to fall asleep, it's easy!" Cuchurin, holding up the spear in his hand, leaped high, easily avoiding the rainbow dead light from the ground.

   "Somewhat interesting monster effect, then I will end the round directly." Paradox didn't make any operation unexpectedly this round, and after drawing a card attack, he quickly put down the duel plate.

  Paradox remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 2 cards

   "Then it's my turn, draw the card!" Mr. Hoshino glanced at the hand card, but unfortunately I didn't get Ilia this round. However, the teacher's expression did not see any confusion, on the contrary, the corners of his mouth were quietly raised.

   "Student Qianxue, your big dog, let me use it temporarily!" Draw out the card in his hand and insert it into the duel plate. Suddenly a circle of gorgeous magic marks appeared under Cu Chulin's feet.

   "The shining star, the magical girl of love and justice! Unleash the perpetual magic from the hand card-[Dream Summon (Install)-Fusion]!"

   [Dream Summon (Install)-Fusion Perpetual Magic Effect: This card name is also used as [Dream Summon] in the rules. ①: Once per round, send the material determined by the [Heroic] Fusion Monster from your hand or field to the Graveyard, and merge that 1 Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck to Fusion Summon. When fusion summoning [Magic Girl] fusion monster, 1 monster in the deck can also be used as fusion material. 】

   "According to the effect of [Dream Summon (Install)-Fusion], I will merge the [Heroic-Kuchulin] on the field with [Magic Girl Ilia] in the deck!"

   The two rays of light shot from the field and from the deck at the same time converge on the magic mark on the sole of Cuchurin's feet.

   "Job card lancer, dream call-Cuchulin!" Illya danced out, passing through the condensation and the light on the field, and the pupils' attire changed accordingly.

   "—— Fusion Summon [Magic Girl-Kuchulin Ilia]!"

   Illya changed into the blue tights of Cuchurin, her spear was wrapped in a flash of red light.

   [Magic Girl-Ku·Churin·Illya ★★★★★★★★ (8-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Fusion/Effect ATK: 2000DEF: 1600]

  【Magic Girl·Ilia + Heroic Spirit-Ku·Churin】

   Looking at the handsome Ilya who is fused with Ku Chulin's costume and weapons on the field, Xiao Hoshino was also stunned: "You can still use the heroic monster like this. It's really amazing, Mr. Hoshino!"

   "Hehe, this is the magical girl that combines the power of classmates Qianxue and I!" Hoshino-sensei declared when he stretched his finger to the huge sinister rainbow dragon ahead.

   "Let him see our power and fight Ilia!"

   The red spear danced gorgeously, and Illiya's petite body sprinted at a super high speed that was completely inconsistent with her own image: "Then I will be on the master, with this magic spear that penetrates the heart!"

  Paladox was taken aback for a moment: "Hoshino, your monster and my Sin Rainbow Dragon have an attack power gap of 2000 points, so if you still choose to attack...then I will fight back!"

   The light of the rainbow struck again, sweeping towards Ilia who was running.

   Illiya reflexed and jumped flexibly, letting the terrifying death light pass from the soles of her feet: "I inherited the power of Mr. Cuchurin, such an attack is useless!"

   [①: The turn in which this card is successfully Special Summoned will not be destroyed by battles or effects. In this turn, the damage taken by this card during the battle becomes 0. 】

   "It's the effect of this kind of living again." Paradox snorted coldly: "It's just to save your life, but you can't defeat the sin monster."

  "Who said I just saved my life?" Illya raised her arms and jumped into the air, Hoshino-sensei smiled mysteriously: "See the power of the magical girl, do it, Illya!"

  "It's the master!" Illya, who was stuck in the air, had the bright red spear in her hand becoming more dazzling, and her immense magic power was concentrated in the immature palm that held the spear tightly.

  "——Limited expansion of "Punching Death Spike (GaeBolg)!!!""

   The scarlet magic spear that was thrown with all its strength, like a nuclear bomb dropped in the sky, exploded accurately on the huge rainbow-colored body of the Sin Rainbow Dragon. Ignoring the disparity of up to 2000 points of attack power, the magic of terror directly swallowed Paradox's monster.

   "How could it be like this..." Paradox looked astonished, watching his powerful monster be pierced and shattered by the magic spear.

   "The special effect of [Magic Girl-Cuchurin Ilia], when this card does not destroy the opponent's monster in battle, the opponent's monster is sent to the graveyard."

   Mr. Hoshino, who picked up the fusion card, proudly showed: "With the effect that the summoning round cannot be destroyed, it can achieve a one-shot spike that ignores the strength of the monster. Have you learned it?"

   Little Hoshino's eyes shined: "So strong and handsome, Mr. Hoshino! I also want to learn how to transform into a magical girl!"

   Ms. Hoshino smiled softly and responded: "Don't worry, Qianxue-san, in the near future, you will also get this power."

Chapter 32: True Sin

   "Obviously, if my heroic card is sealed, it can still play such an effect. It's really amazing, heroic envoy Hoshino! Then I will..."

After    the sin monster was destroyed, Paradox directly opened the card in the first round.

   "Activate the covered trap card-[Sin Adjustment]!"

   [Sin Adjustment Trap Card Effect: Activate only when the face-up "sin" monster on your field is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect. Draw 2 cards from the deck by yourself. 】

"Because my [Sin Rainbow Dragon] was destroyed by your monster effect, I draw two cards from the deck according to the effect." Paradox, whose only monster was destroyed, did not see too much mood swings, but Don't rush to replenish the card to 5 cards.

   Hoshino-sensei frowned slightly, and Paradox’s words just revealed a key message that she cared about: “Seal the Heroic Spirit Card? Although it was just a guess before, it really was your hands and feet.”

   "The name of the heroic envoy is scary in the era of disillusionment. If I don't do something to solve the future you, I probably won't even have the opportunity to travel through time and space." Paradox's tone did not seem to be joking at all.

   Xiao Hoshino was surprised and puzzled: "The future me refers to a future that is farther away than me ten years later? How many years will it be? Haven't I become a bba?!"

   is different from Xiao Hoshino’s surprised reaction. Ten years later, Hoshino looks calmer and calmer: “I don’t care what I am in the future, what I need to do now is to beat you at this moment!”

   "I cover two cards and the round is over!"

  Ms. Hoshino remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 4 cards on the field, perpetual magic [Dream Summon IF]

   "It's my turn, I activate the special effect of the field magic card [Sin World]." Paradox at the beginning of the round didn't have to draw cards from the deck immediately, but activated the effect of the cards in the field area.

  【As long as this card exists on the field, it can be activated instead of the usual draw during the draw phase. Randomly select 1 card with "sin" in its name from your deck and add it to your hand. 】(Animation effect)

"Because of the effect of the field magic, as an alternative to drawing cards, I added the [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] in the deck to the hand card." The deck is automatically retrieved by the duel plate, and Paradox will be placed in the next second. Need cards to eject.

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