The first time I saw this function, Mr. Hoshino had the same reaction as Xiao Hoshino at the time: "Automatically retrieved duel plate, fashionable value is really high~ I don't know when we can use it."

"You have no chance to use it, activate the effect of the [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] that has just been added to the hand card!" Paradox gave full play to the advantage of'sin' and summoned one and one at a very small price. A powerful monster.

  【This card cannot be summoned normally. Send 1 "Electronic Ending Dragon" from your extra deck to the Graveyard, and this card in your hand can be Special Summoned on your field. 】(Animation effect)

   Xiao Hoshino suddenly noticed that something was wrong. This [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] was a powerful sin monster that I had seen during the battle against White Night, but it was slightly different from the effect of Paradox's activation.

   "The sin monster I remember can only be special summoned except the monster as its main body. Why is it sent to the graveyard?"

Paradox smiled triumphantly: "This is the difference in the pattern of duelers. The sin card set used by Bai Ye is only a small part of the separation of the will of my sin world. And this is the real sin with real power. world!"

   Along with the declaration of Paradox's power, the black and white three-headed electronic dragon twisted its huge body into the space of the sin world.

   [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Dark] [Mechanical Clan/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 4000DEF: 2800]

   [When this card attacks a monster in the defense position, if its attack power exceeds that defense power, it will deal damage to the opponent by the value that exceeds the basic score. 】

   is also a sin electronic terminator dragon, and the oppressive feeling brought by Paradox's summons is far greater than that of White Night.

   "And the real sin, there is no restriction on the summoning and attack of other sin monsters, so I continue to activate the special effect of the [Sin Stardust Dragon] in the hand card!"

  【This card cannot be summoned normally. Send 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your extra deck to the Graveyard, and this card in your hand can be Special Summoned on your field. 】

   Spreading in the black stardust on the field, beautiful dragon monsters shuttled black stars and descended on the battlefield.

   [Sin Stardust Dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Dark] [Dragon/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 2000]

   "Teacher, have you seen this monster?" Xiao Hoshino asked in a whisper, at least in her memory, she had never touched it before, otherwise such a characteristic gorgeous look would definitely not be forgotten.

Mr. Hoshino shook his head. He came into contact with a lot of monsters in the academy, including the two sin monsters that Paradox summoned before. They were used by John [Ultimate Treasure Rainbow Dragon] and Kaiser Liang. "Electronic Ending Dragon", I know something about it.

   But the [Stardust Dragon] in front of me was the first time Mr. Hoshino saw it.

   "This is probably a monster from the future, and it must be handled carefully."

   Stopped the monster summoned by Paradox with a big hand wave, entered the battle flow: "Attack [Sin Stardust Dragon], and send the enemy on the opposite side to the other side of the Galaxy!"

   The jet black wings opened with full force, and the [Sin Stardust Dragon] condensed the black particles next to him and shot out straight towards Ilia on the Hoshino field.

  "Hoshino, the heroic envoy! It is no longer the round of summoning, so your monsters are not immune to destruction, please leave the game obediently!"

  The light of death swept across the field, and the black particles instantly swallowed Ilia's petite body in a blue tights.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→3500

  【Magic Girl-Cuchurin Ilia】Break

   Mr. Hoshino picked up Ilia's card and sent it to the cemetery: "Even so, the special effect was triggered when Ilia was destroyed."

   Even if [Kuchulin Illya] is destroyed, the conditions and effects of ‘when this card does not destroy the opponent’s monster in battle, send that opponent’s monster to the Graveyard’ are still fulfilled.

   In an inconsistent confrontation, before disappearing, Illiya projected the red magic spear on her hand in the black light of destruction with all her strength, hitting the gorgeous body of [Sin Stardust Dragon].

  【Sin Stardust Dragon】Sent to the cemetery

   Hoshino-teacher gritted his teeth: "Although [Sin Stardust Dragon] was defeated, Illya was destroyed and there were no monsters on the court. There was a big brother on the opposite side. This is a bit of a hassle."

   Take a glance, the 4000 attack power [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] seems to be eager to try.

   "It's so dangerous, master~" However, Hoshino-sensei expected that after the black particles dispersed, she accidentally left an Ilia in elementary school costume on the court.

   "Huh? Could it be..." Hoshino-sensei looked to his side in surprise.

The little Hoshino who lifted the cover card smiled triumphantly, with a complimentary expression: "Illia is very important to the teacher, so I will protect her. Use the trap card just covered [Returning Hero] !"

   [Returning Hero Trap Card Effect: When a [Heroic] monster on your field is destroyed by battle or effect, you can activate it only by targeting 1 [Heroic] monster in your graveyard. That monster was specially summoned on his own field. 】

   "When [Cuchurin Ilia] was destroyed, the [Magic Girl-Ilia] in the cemetery was specially summoned!"

Chapter Thirty-Three: The possibility of a girl is a future that extends infinitely into the distance

  [Magic Girl-Illya★★★★(4 stars) light][Magician/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000]

   "Nice, classmate Qianxue! Even ten years ago I am still so reliable!" Teacher Hoshino pleasantly praised, as long as Ilia is still on the court, his deck can create unlimited possibilities.

   "Hey hey, I am so happy to be praised by myself!" Little Hoshino smirked and scratched his head, and continued to operate.

   "Because [Magic Girl-Illya] is special summoned in defensive mode on my field, I retrieve 1 [Dream Summon] from the deck based on the effect and add it to the hand!"

   Paradox lowered his head and smiled: "The coordination between the two heroes is really a bit tricky, but it's still just cannon fodder in front of the [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon]!"

   The three mechanical faucets that are ready to go, the killing intent of the electronic flash in their mouths has completely locked Illya on the Hoshino field.

   The unarmed Illiya's expression became more and more messy: "Hey? Isn't it painful to hit such an attack directly on the body, the invincible masters are going to think of a way!"

  Of course, the electronic terminator dragon will not stop attacking because of Ilia’s cute appearance: "Attack! [Sin electronic terminator dragon], turn to ashes in the face of the spark of sin technology!"

   It's better to say that seeing Ilia's panicked look is more excited about the sin electronic terminator dragon, and the triple electronic sparks overlap and shoot at the female elementary school student who has no power to bind a chicken.

   "——Electronic end flashing!!!"

   "Don't worry, Illya, since I summoned you out, I must protect you!" The confident little Hoshino opened the second card under his feet.

   "Trap Card [Nagging Nagging Kanban Girl]! Specially summon a heroic monster below 4 stars in the form of defense from the deck, and it will increase its defense by 500 points at the same time instead of withstanding this attack!"

   Quickly search for Little Hoshino, the hero of the wall, not only to protect Ilia, but also to use this summon to find a chance to fight back.

   "It's you! The defensive style special call-[Heroic-Altria Pandoragon lily]!"

   On the road to blossom in front of the electronic fire, the figure of the trainee knight girl holding the selected sword resolutely stood in front of Ilia.

  【Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandora lily★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Dragon/Effect ATK: 1200 DEF: 1000 → 1500】

   "At the moment when Saberlily is successfully summoned, the effect is activated, and 1 [Heroic] monster from the search deck is added to the hand card! I started with this one-[Hero-Von Hornheim Paracelsus]!"

Illya on the field looked at Lily's slender back in front of her sluggishly: "Sorry, Miss Saberlily, I am too useless. If my initial panel has 4000 attack power, I don't need to sacrifice you. Up."

   "It's okay, although I am only a trainee knight, if I can block this attack for Ilia with my shield, I believe it will greatly increase the probability of the master's duel victory."

  The little angel lily turned her head and smiled brightly: "Because Illya, you are an SSR card with unlimited potential!"

   The final dialogue of the girl at the critical moment is the will to entrust the power of trust and life for victory.

   "You still miscalculated, the hero, [Sin Electronic Terminator] will inflict penetrating damage when attacking the defense monster!"

   But obviously Paradox couldn't understand this emotion: "That is to say, even if you have the protection of a defensive monster, you still have to eat the 2500 points of damage!"

   Little Hoshino was taken aback: "When did this effect happen, I remember that there was no penetration damage when I duel against Shiroya!"

   The corners of Paradox’s mouth raised: "This is the power of the true sin world. It is completely different from the degraded deck you used to play against!"

   "I knew it would have a penetration effect, so I'll choose a monster with a higher defense..." So Hoshino, who was inexplicably overshadowed, looked apologetically to his side.

   If this blow goes through, there will only be 1,000 health points left on his side.

   "You have done a good job, Qianxue! Remember, every bit of persistence will turn into hope! When you summon Saberlily, you will be able to move the balance that determines the outcome of the confrontation, and successfully opened up new possibilities!"

   "New possibilities, teacher, what do you mean?"

   Mr. Hoshino opened the cover card on the soles of his feet: "Next, don't worry, leave it to me, and the quick attack magic starts-[Instant Fusion]!"

   [Instant Fusion Quick Attack Magic Effect: Send the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Fusion Monster Card from your field to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. The monsters summoned by this effect are destroyed in the end phase. 】

   "Fuse the [Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandoragon lily] and [Magic Girl-Illia] on the field, it's time to fight back against Illia!"

The sudden fusion made Illiya almost unresponsive. The starlight from the magic wand in her hand automatically touched Lily's slender body. The Ruby who was robbing the scene helped the sluggish Ilya shouted her transformation slogan: "Job Saber, Dream Call, Altria Pandoragon lily!!!"

   "The possibilities contained in the girl's body are the future that extends far away infinitely! Let's go-Fusion Summon [Magic Girl-Altria Lily Illia]!"

   The new card was heavily slammed on the duel plate, and the brilliance of the selected sword gathered on the battlefield, illuminating the delicate face of the magical girl.

  【Magic Girl-Altria·Lily·Illia★★★★★★★★(8 stars) Light】【Warrior/fusion/effect ATK: 2500DEF: 1000】

  【Magic Girl-Ilia + Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandora lily]

  【This card is also used as a [Heroic] card in the rules. 】

   Paradox couldn't help laughing: "After so many fancy operations, no powerful monsters were summoned in the end."

   "What is the definition of a powerful monster, super high attack power, invincible resistance, majestic aura?" Hoshino may have been influenced by the profession of the teacher in the past few years, and he often used a preaching tone in duels.

   "Neither! The monster that can turn the battle to the advantage and bring the final victory is the truly powerful monster!"

   Iliya on the field raised the holy sword in her hand high: "Choose the sword, and give me the strength to open up a hopeful future!"

   [①: This card can only be activated if it is successfully Special Summoned. Choose 1 [Magic Girl] monster from your deck/Graveyard and add it to your hand. 】

   "The card that I added to my hand is this-[Magic Girl-Beauty Tour], and at the same time it activates the special effects of Beauty Tour!"

   [Discard this card in your hand and target 1 [Heroic] Fusion Monster on your field to activate it. Return that monster to the extra deck, and Special Summon from the extra deck as a Fusion Summon from the [Heroic] fusion monster that contains more than one of the same monster but a different card name in the fusion material. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

"Because of the effect of Meiyou, the [Magic Girl-Altria Lily Illia] on the field returned to the deck, and the [Magic Girl-Altria Ilia] from the extra deck was returned to the deck. Special call!"

   From the trainee knight to the undefeated legendary King Arthur, it is not just the holy sword in the hands of Ilia that has changed. There are stars draped behind him, and thick quilts.

Chapter 34: Tacit Understanding MAX, the world’s strongest union [first more]

   After turning the offensive, he raised the sword of oath of victory in front of his eyes, turning into King Arthur's Ilia, and the shining stars around him blended with the brilliance of the holy sword.

   [Magic Girl-Altria Ilia ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 2500DEF: 1000]

  Paladox's expression became more and more disdainful: "Useless struggles are ugly. No matter how hard you try, the attack power of this trash monster can't catch up with the [Sin Electronic Ultimate Dragon]!"

"Fight back, Illya! Use this will that will never retreat, cut away the brilliance of this electron!" Mr. Hoshino who drew his hand card pointed at Paradox, the electronic terminator dragon’s attack was mixed with the brilliance of Ilia. Everything in front of me seemed a little bleak.

   "I won't lose! Take a good look at this miraculous power that carries the name of faith!" Illia clasped the sword of vows of victory, and the light of the stars gathered on it roared out.

  【This card can only be activated once at the beginning of the battle damage calculation step. Hand card any number of [Heroic] monsters to the opponent to confirm that the attack power and defense power of this card will increase by the number of people watched by X1000 until the end of the turn. 】

"Keep your eyes open and look at the monster in my hand. This is the will that is worth boasting about on the sword of vows of victory!" Fingertips disturbed, Hoshino-sensei reversed to show the monster pointing to the opposite side, and it was the one above. Familiar card noodles-[Heroic-Okita General Secretary].

   Even after ten years, the characteristics of this trucker still haven't changed at all.

Paradox was also taken aback by the sudden surge of Ilia's momentum, but she soon recovered her calmness: "It's a pity, if there is only one Heroic Spirit card in her hand, her attack power is still a little worse. "

   "Paradox! Did you forget me?"


   Little Hoshino, who has already drawn out the card, is exactly the same as the action of showing the card next to him in the future. The super-high synchronization rate looks like a person.

   "Although they are all Chiyuki Hoshino, but you are fighting two real duels now! What I showed is the [Heroic-Von Hornheim Paracelsus] I just searched for!"

Glancing at himself next to him, Hoshino-sensei smiled with satisfaction: "Paradox, what you are facing now is probably the strongest in the world, the combination of tacitness MAX. According to the effect [Altria Ili Ya]’s final attack power increased by 2000 points!"

  【Magic Girl-Altria Ilia ATK: 2500→4500】

   Little Hoshino excitedly said: "This attack power is overtaken! Now, chant the name of the miracle of victory, Illya!"

   Illiya's holy sword slashed down, setting off the golden brilliance that pierced the triple electronic sparks: "Limited expansion-"Excalibur Sword of Oath (Excalibur)!!!""

   The infinitely extending will of the two young girls finally split the attack of destruction. The light of the counterattack penetrated the wave of electrons, severing the huge body of the [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon].

  【Sin Electronic Ending Dragon】Break

   Paradox LP: 4000→3500

   Paradox, who was affected by the golden light, finally showed a subtle change in his calm expression: "I really didn't expect the two heroic envoys to join forces, it would be so difficult to deal with!"

   There are some Paradox who can't believe it, he has defeated the more distant future Chiyuki Hoshino, that should be the peak period of Hoshino.

   If you compare Hoshino ten years ago to the growth period, and ten years later Hoshino to the perfect body, then Hoshino in the era of disillusionment is undoubtedly the strongest ultimate body.

   However, the resistance of the two Hoshino Chiyuki who has not fully grown before him now makes him feel that he has never been more troublesome.

"Because of the effect of [Magic Girl-Altria Ilia], when this card is successfully summoned, choose a magic/trap card with the description of [Altoria] in the deck and place it on your field. ."

   After the fight of every minute and second, Mr. Hoshino finally had time to retrieve the deck. This tense moment truly demonstrated how useful a duel board that can automatically retrieve cards is.

   Paradox also opened his last cover card: "Then when the [Sin Electronic Ending Dragon] was destroyed, I once again activated the covered trap card [Sin Adjustment] and draw two cards."

"It turns out to be covered with two trap cards that are also used to supplement the hand cards. It feels very subtle..." Xiao Hoshino tried to analyze, and Paradox's tactics are actually very simple, that is, to keep enough cards in the hand. Smash the opponent with powerful sin monsters that are constantly summoning.

Once the hand card was added to Paradox with 6 cards, his expression changed from indifferent to serious: "I admit that I underestimated you just now. Then, let me use the strongest sin to surpass this. Let’s meet you with the calling method of the times!"

   Hoshino-sensei asked in doubt: "The summoning method that transcends the times?"

   "Feel the power leading to the destruction of the future!" With a hand drawn out and slapped on the duel plate, Paradox summoned the monster in the usual way for the first time.

   "Summon a monster card [Sin Contradiction Gear] from your hand, and activate its effect!"

  The tiny black mechanical gear monster presents a clear contrast with the huge and vicious monster that appeared before.

  [Criminal Contradiction Gear★Dark][Mechanical Clan/Effect ATK:0DEF:0]

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