The four heroes on the field shuddered collectively.

   "You don't need to explode this time! Next, light and dark are intertwined, calling for a new monster! Summon Alash and Lilith in the same tone, a total of 2 stars!"

   The coherent aperture suddenly flashed out, which Paradox hadn’t expected: "2-star coherent monster?"

   "——Come out, [Heroic-Robin Hood·Summer Hunter]!"

  【Heroic-Robin Hood·Summer Hunter★★Water】【Warrior Clan/Synchronization/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 1600DEF: 1200】

   The blond Robin Hood dangling a cigarette casually walked out of the coherent light: "Yes, yes, is it the long-lost working hours? Come on easily~"

   "Summon new trash fish continuously, and use trash fish monsters to synthesize trash fish monsters." Paradox looked at the scene before him and couldn't help laughing: "It's really you."

   "Whether it is a miscellaneous fish, just keep your eyes open and watch it! Robin Hood is a monster with both ‘adjustment’ and ‘homology’ attributes at the same time!" Picking up the two cards on the duel board, Hoshino pointed at Paradox.

   "Let me tell you next, homophonic monsters with these two attributes are often the keys necessary to open the most powerful door!"

   The two cards in Hoshino's hand, Robin Hood, and...Miyamoto Musashi.

   "Have the [Heroic-Robin Hood·Summer Hunter] on my field and [Hero-Shinmi Musashi Mori Fujiwara Xuanxin] in the same tune, and the total level is 10 stars!"

   Cthulhu said: "Are you taking Musashi all into the same tune? What kind of monster is going to be summoned."

   "Let's take a good look!" The tunnel filled the tunnel with more dazzling brilliance than the previous tune, and the light blue barriers were about to be rendered into the pure white of hope.

   "The original emperor, the appearance of the king! Here is the name of the "emperor" that is famous throughout the ages and the present, soar the dragon of China! The same call-[Heroic-Emperor·First Emperor]!"

  The king's figure is like the most beautiful thing in the world, and the emperor's domineering will make everything surrender in just a moment.

  【Heroic-Emperor·First Emperor★★★★★★★★★★ (10 Stars) Light】【Dragon Clan / Homology / Effect ATK:0DEF:0】

   [[Heroic] homophonic monster adjustment + 1 or more [Heroic] monsters other than adjustment]

   "It's been a long time, my people!" The arrogant tone was mixed with unexpected tenderness, and the satisfied and smiling Emperor Shi looked at the star field behind him.

   However, when the First Emperor looked back, although it was only a moment, a complicated sadness flashed in his eyes: "That's it. It seems that you have ended the battle and handed over the future."

   "That, Brother Zheng..." Hoshino, who summoned and faced the first emperor for the first time, became nervous inexplicably. This is the legendary emperor's domineering, really reliable and terrifying thing.

   "It's okay, from now on, let me watch the road you want to take in the future again. So-thank me so much!"

   "Hmm!" Hoshino got the affirmative answer from the First Emperor, and instantly became full of confidence: "Then the special effect of [Heroic-Emperor·First Emperor] is activated!"

  The first emperor had one hand on his hips, and the other slender arm pointed to the top of his head: "The overlord who surpassed the three emperors and surpassed the five emperors is the first emperor, that is-it is I!!!"

  【This card can only be activated if it is successfully synchronized. The ATK of this card is increased by half of the total ATK of the Synchro Material, and the ATK of all monsters on the opponent's field becomes 0. 】

  【Heroic-Emperor·First Emperor ATK:0→3050】

   "Wow, I will go to court, at least I have to kneel down!" The domineering king of the world completely locked the [Sin True Dragon], and completely suppressed it like a mountain torrent and a tsunami. The strongest sin of the unbelievable, now he dare not even lift his head.

  【True Sin Dragon ATK: 5000→0】

   Even the Cthulhu who was watching the battle shuddered unconsciously: "What a terrible monster, is it really okay to bring such an unreasonable power back to the era ten years ago?"

   "Paradox, tell me loudly, who is the monster on the court now!"

Paradox, who had never thought that the real dragon would lose so thoroughly, faced the imperial aura in front of him, and chose to gritted his teeth: "Even if you reduce the real dragon’s attack power to 0, you will be the one who ended the battle. Can't attack again!"

   "What kind of incurable beings!" The first emperor lightly nodded his forehead, and then the cemetery area of ​​the duel plate of the two sides lit up with a strange light at the same time.

   "In the narrow space between the sky and the earth, the world is like this. Implement the new rule of law here!"

  【Once in a round, you can only activate it in your main phase. Exclude all monsters in the cemetery of both parties, and inflict damage to the other party's excluded cards X200. 】

   "There is nothing impossible for the emperor to be between heaven and earth, even if the battle flow is over, he can attack!" Under the protection of Brother Zheng, Hoshino was very proud: "It's over, Paradox!"

Chapter 49: Crossing the Fetters of Time and Space

   "It's over, Paradox. I will remove all the monsters in the cemetery!

   In the cemetery area of ​​the duel plate that was pried by the light, all the monster cards were ejected.

   "A total of 11 monsters! Give you 2200 points of effect damage! And you who have paid half of your health to summon [Sin True Dragon], only 1875 points are left!"

Behind Emperor Shi Shi, Hoshino arrogantly pointed to Paradox: "Your strongest sin monster, not only did not become your fighting power, but instead became the last straw to crush you!"

   "What a beautiful job, girl, so that this stinky man can never stand up again!"

   Putting away the jade finger that released the attack, the Emperor Shi suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, this is really unexpected! Faced with my attack, choose to resist? People who don't know how funny!"

"I won't be defeated here!" In front of Paradox, the looming shield refracted the emperor's light: "After paying the health value, I still left the means of self-preservation-open the covered trap card [ Harm the polarized shield]!"

  【Damage Polarized Shield Trap Card Effect: It can only be activated when the damage-giving effect is activated. The activation and effect are invalid, and both players draw 1 card. 】

"Because of the trap card, the effect of giving damage is invalidated, so the monster in the graveyard will not be eliminated, and both parties can draw another card from the deck!" Paradox hiding behind the polarized shield, Quietly relieved.

   "It's a pity, I thought I could be killed with the handsomeness of Brother Zheng!" Hoshino tweeted uncomfortably.

   "Hahaha, don't be so impatient~" The first emperor smiled at Hoshino, "So you can stay with me for a while, or you don't want to stay with me?"

   "Of course not, Brother Zheng, your last treasure cost me 7 orders, how could I not want to accompany you!" (For details, please refer to the beginning of Chapter 1 of this book.)

  Emperor Shi's gentle smile added a hint of embarrassment: "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, you are really so interesting at all times~"

   Hoshino once again raised the duel plate that he had put down because of the end of the duel: "Then because of the effect of [Damage Polarized Shield], I will draw another card from the deck."

   Suddenly Hoshino was stunned, looking at the familiar card face he had just pulled out. This is not a card that the white girl gave to herself, but it was obtained from Mr. Hoshino ten years later...


   "Student Qianxue, although I can't accompany you, but accept this card. It may become your strength at the critical moment!"

   "Is it Ilia's card?!"

   "How is it possible~"


   "Sure enough, only you know yourself the most. It's just time to come, this card!" Hoshino inserted the drawn card directly into the duel plate: "Then I will cover a card, and the round is over!"

   Hoshino's remaining hand card 1 card, 2 cover cards

   "My round, draw a card!"

   After the start of the round, Paradox drew the card again, only 1 0-attack [Sin True Dragon] and two poor cards in his hand.

   "The heroic envoy Chiyuki Hoshino, I did not expect you to have such power. I admit that you did not show your real strength in the duel in the era of disillusionment, but..."

Paradox held up the card he had just drawn, and the [Sin True Dragon] on the field burst and disappeared instantly: "But this does not mean that you can win with me if you show your real strength. This is my final trump card! [Sin True Dragon] It was offered as a sacrifice, and the superiors summoned—"

   "You still have a hole card, but stalker men are very annoying!"

   Along with the black light and shadow of the real dragon bursting, the shadow of the huge monster is looming, and the unspeakable oppressive force can almost compete with the domineering king of the first emperor.

   "Come on, [Great Monster Gazette]!!!"

   A fearful beast that is twice as big as [Sin True Dragon], standing in the space with his arms folded on his chest, the huge volume almost breaks through the barrier of the time tunnel.

  [Great Warcraft Gazet★★★★★★(6 stars) dark][Demon family/effect ATK:0DEF:0]

   "Attack power and defensive power are both 0 points..." It is no coincidence that the first emperor on the Hoshino field also has 0 offense and 0 defense. However, the combination of such a panel and such courage made Hoshino uneasy.

"The effect of [Great Monster Gazet], the attack power of this card is twice the value of the original attack power of the sacrifice monster when the sacrifice is summoned! That is, the [Sin True Dragon] is used as the sacrifice to consume the darkness of the real dragon The ultimate attack power of the great monster of power is..."

  【Great Warcraft Gazet ATK:0→10000】

   "The final attack power is 10,000!"

   Hoshino swallowed unconsciously: "This is your last card. Be careful to eat such a big real dragon."

   "There is still time to slap your mouth, feel the truth that only absolute power can achieve the final victory!" Paradox who summoned Gazette, the momentum of being back pressured by the first emperor rose again.

   "Take it, this great blow to end the history of dueling monsters! Launch an attack [Great Warcraft Gazet]-Lightning and Thunder!"

   strange attack method, the beast with fingers stretched out, threw the explosive thunder light condensed on the fingertips, and directly bombed the first emperor on the star field.

   "The covered trap card is activated!!" Hoshino raised his arm, and the cover card on the ground also lifted with his arm.

   "—— Trap Card [Ideal Township forever Isolated]!!!"

  【Eternally isolated ideal village trap card effect: This turn, the damage you take becomes 0. After that, you can add 1 [Altria] monster from the graveyard to your hand. 】

   "This card is?!" The beautiful light curtain reflecting the dreamy scenery absorbed the damage overflowing from the thunder, and the familiar scene made Paradox tightly pinch the last card in his hand.

   "Very familiar, your attack to victory was once again blocked by the same card!"

   is the most familiar with Hoshino's combat style, and at the same time, after ten years of his own combat style, Hoshino has entrusted the cards most likely to be used in the decisive battle with Paradox.

   ("With this card, you can have an extra layer of insurance when you lock the blood~")

   twitched the card that had been moved, Hoshino slightly narrowed his eyes and placed it between his eyebrows.

   "Paradox, what you are facing right now is the strongest deck of three time and space wills! This cross-time and space fetters will surely win the real future!"

  Paladox retorted angrily: "Even if the damage is offset, your ace monster is still destroyed by the great monster!"

   "I'm just waiting for this moment, let you see the true posture of the emperor! Open the last cover card-the trap card [EmeraldFloat]!!!"

  【Emerald Float Trap Card Effect: Activate only when the synchronized monster on your field is destroyed by battle. Except for that monster, a [Heroic] homogenous monster that is 2 stars higher than that monster and has the same race is treated as a Synchro Summon and Defense Mode Special Summon. 】

   "Eternal emperor position, unshakable! Because of the effect of the trap card, except for [Heroic Spirit-Emperor·First Emperor], the coherent summons-[Eternal Emperor-First Emperor]!"

Chapter 50: The eternal emperor, the Great Wall of Defense calling for miracles

   "Summoning the same tune-[Eternal Emperor-First Emperor]!"

  The "real person? First Emperor" body cultivated by the crystallization of the electronic fairy art that has evolved to the limit is a super-living body with the ultimate uniformity and abilities that the human body can achieve.

   The only absolute, never extinguished! However, it is the culmination of eternal Qin dynasty technology that took more than 2000 years to cultivate, an artificial fairy posture.

  【Eternal Emperor-First Emperor★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) Light】【Dragon Clan/Homophonic/Effect ATK: 4000DEF: 4000】

   [This card is also used as [Heroic] in the rules]

"After swallowing the darkness of sin, do you try to contend with me? It is so ignorant that it is hopeless." Holding the sword of the emperor, the first emperor turned into a new form facing the huge figure of the beast, and his words were still full of words. Haughty and confident.

   "The special effect of [Eternal Emperor-First Emperor] is activated!"

  【①: This card can only be activated only if the card is successfully synchronized. Activate 1 [Great Wall Defense] from the deck and graveyard. The opponent cannot activate the card's effect in response to this effect. 】

   There is no need to search by Hoshino at all. The card that shines with dazzling light in the deck is the strongest miracle symbolized by the eternal Qin Empire.

   "The perpetual magic card is activated-[Great Wall Defense]! As long as this card exists on the field, the first emperor will not be destroyed by battle, and monsters other than the first emperor cannot be selected as targets for attacks and effects."

  The magnificent Great Wall defense line extends to the outside of the space-time tunnel. Although only part of the magnificent miracle can be reproduced in the limited space, with the heroic posture of the first emperor standing on it overlooking the world, the momentum and volume surpassed the great beasts that filled the space.

   "The king is on the sky, and my figure will remain in the world forever through the Great Wall of miracles. This is the great cause of the emperor, which continues as a miracle of the world, my pride!"

Paradox behind the great monster said solemnly: "Do you want to rely on this defensive card to resist the attack of the great monster? It's as fragile as your dying fire of life. I cover the last hand. Card, the round is over!"

  Paradox remaining hand cards: 0 cards, 1 cover card

"Such a disrespectful speech, I can't pretend that I didn't hear it~" The first emperor raised his arm, and then the Great Wall defense line agitated like a living creature: "Then I will play with you for a while, so that you have the honor to peep at me. Daqin!"

Hoshino at the beginning of the round draws the card and activates the effect of the Great Wall Defense: "My turn, draw cards! Then the effect of the Perpetual Magic [Great Wall Defense] is activated-once in a turn, put 1 in the cemetery below 4 stars The [Heroic] monster is Special Summoned, and the attack and defense of the monsters specially summoned by this effect are increased by 500 points!"

Draw out the card pressed in the basement of the tomb. From the look of Hoshino's search posture, this card should have been sent to the graveyard for a long time: "Go on, the monster that was sent to the graveyard due to the effect of [Heroic-Sharp Spear Li Shuwen] before Special Summoning ——[Heroic Spirit-Mozart·Brigade]!"

  【Heroic-Mozart·Brigade ★Light】【Mage/Adjustment/Effect ATK:0→500DEF:0→500】

   The materialized Mozart bowed slightly, and said politely: "If you want a piece of music anytime, I am fully prepared here. It will definitely make this duel extremely exciting."

The corners of Hoshino’s mouth rose, and his triumphant smile did not hide at all: "Well, then I’ll click on a song-Warm Duelist! The effect of [Heroic-Mozart·Brigade] is activated, and no one can beat me in my BGM. !"

   [Once per turn, declare 1 level and target 1 [Heroic] Synchro Monster on your field to activate. That monster became the declared level. 】

   "I took the [Eternal Emperor-First Emperor] on the field as the target, and changed its level to 9 stars! And I tuned Mozart and the First Emperor in the same tone, and the total level was 10 stars!"

   The Cthulhu, who was dizzy by Hoshino's fancy homology material, still couldn't help but uttered in surprise: "It didn't matter if Musashi was used for homophony before, this time the Emperor First, who is the strongest homophonic monster, was also homologous?!"

  The first emperor's body slowly floated up, and the surrounding Great Wall defense line revealed a miraculous brilliance: "Experience and admire with your heart. What reappears at this moment is our invincible eternal Great Qin army!!"

   Hoshino draws a brand-new coherent card: "Strike the mountains and the world, the violent power of the overlord crushes the earth and becomes the epee that breaks the history! The coherent call-[Heroic-Xiang Yu]!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Xiang Yu★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Wind] [Mechanical Clan/Synchronous/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500]

   [1 or more [Heroic] coherent monsters other than adjustment + adjustment]

"It's so big!!" The huge monster with six arms and six swords in front of him shocked the little Lori Cthulhu: "What kind of terrifying monster is this? Judging from its appearance and boldness, it is more than Illusory gods and evil gods are even more terrifying!"

   raised the blade of the violent energy in his hand, Xiang Yu pointed to the opposite side: "I am Xiang Yu, your destruction is doomed! It is your destiny to die here!"

   "It's worthy of being a leader I'm proud of, and I always look so reliable~" After the coherent light dissipated, Emperor Shi was still standing on the field.

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