Paradox wondered: "Why, the first emperor who was the homophonic material did not disappear?"

   "The emperor, how could it be possible to exit so easily! Activate the effect of perpetual magic [Great Wall Line of Defense]!" Hoshino pulled out the perpetual magic in the duel plate and showed it to Paradox.

  【Remove the face side face side face side face of the card from the game to activate it. Special summon 1 [First Emperor] monster from the cemetery. 】

  【Eternal Emperor-First Emperor★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) Light】【Dragon Clan/Homophonic/Effect ATK: 4000DEF: 4000】

   At this moment, Paradox realized that the Great Wall defense line that filled the space did not know when it had disappeared. Instead, it was Xiang Yu, a monster whose size was comparable to that of a great monster, but also huge enough to almost break the boundaries.

"This is the special effect of [Heroic Spirit-Xiang Yu] on the last hit of Paradox-if this card is successfully summoned in tune, the attack power of this card will increase by half of the total attack power of the tune material. Destroyed by battle!"

  【Heroic-Xiang Yu ATK: 3000→5250】

Paradox showed a disdainful face: "Hehe, this is the limit of your efforts, Hoshino? You can barely reach half of the fighting power of a great monster. However, I can't help but want to encourage you at this level of effort. , At least surpassed the [Sin True Dragon]."

   "Just keep this kind of useless encouragement! Attack Xiang Yu!" Ignoring Paradox's worthless ridicule, Hoshino directly launched an attack statement.

"I am not the overlord, it is only the gear needed to open up history. For this reason, if you dare to stop it, you will kill it!!" Xiang Yu roared, his huge body rushed out, terrifying speed and quality in the space of the time tunnel A raging wind was set off.

  Paladox commanded: "Let’s fight back! [Great Warcraft Gazet]——Lightning and Thunder!"

   However, the Great Beast did not obey Paradox's orders at all. Faced with Xiang Yu completely locked himself in, like a flash flood and tsunami, the Great Beast actually felt the fear of impending destruction in his heart.

   "The special effects of [Heroic Spirit-Xiang Yu], the effects of monsters fighting this card are invalidated until the end of the round battle! So the attack power boosted by your great monster devouring the real dragon is completely useless!"

  【Great Monster Gazette ATK: 10000→0】

  Paladox gritted his teeth, let alone a great monster, even his momentum facing Xiang Yu was a little trembling...The kind of terrifying monsters galloping towards him, who is not afraid!

   "In this case, the covered trap card is activated-[Kamikaze Shield-Atmospheric Power -]!"

  【Kamikaze Shield-Atmospheric Power-Trap Card Effect: Can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. All the attacking monsters on the opponent's field return to the holder's hand. 】

   Corresponding to the squally wind that Xiang Yu galloped up, the wind barrier formed by the atmosphere on the Paradox field blocked the great monster.

   "Just be bounced back to the extra deck, monster!" Paradox roared with all his strength, as if he would be able to win the final victory.

   "Stop your ugly struggle, all mysteries are nothing in front of me!" The First Emperor raised his hand and waved lightly, assimilated and dispelled by energy fluctuations completely opposite to the atmospheric shield.

   "——Because there is no mystery!"

   [Once per turn, it can only be activated when the opponent activates the effect of the card. That effect is negated, and the attack power of this card increases by 500 points. 】

  【Eternal Emperor-First Emperor ATK: 4000→4500】

   "This is really over! Paradox!" Hoshino shouted and stretched his hand forward, clutching the violent current in the air. It was not only the burning breath, but also the fighting spirit and hope held in the palm, the absolute strength of the souls of the three ages.

   "Go on, Xiang Yu——! Solve him!!"

"Oh oh oh oh!! Pulling the mountain out of the world! My martial arts is here! Drink—!" Xiang Yu, who flew vertically and horizontally, slashed down with six knives in his hand, slamming down on the huge body of the great monster. superior.

   The collision of the two giant beasts formed an energy vortex comparable to the special effects of nuclear bombs, and in the vortex, only the winner is qualified to survive.

  【Great Warcraft Gazet】Completely defeated! !

   Paradox LP: 1875→0

  The duel is over, the winner, Chiyuki Hoshino!

Final Chapter: Omen

  The duel ended, the winner Chiyuki Hoshino

   "You won, girl, I know you will do it~ Except for the first round, you have never deducted your health. It really is a legendary blood lock tactic!"

Putting away the duel, Hoshino looked at Paradox: "How! Paradox, the force that spans three time and space finally won! Even if I can't prove the correct future, I can at least deny you. The stupid dream of shaping the world!"

Paradox, who was stunned, mumbled to himself, "Yes, since I have such power... I couldn't win at all. You deliberately lost to me just because you can see the shattered future completely. saved."

   Looking at the depressed state of Paradox talking to himself, Hoshino wondered: "Fuck, is this person too stupid because of the blow?"

   "The only conviction in his heart has been destroyed." Cthulhu explained: "The man in front of him is probably just a salted fish who has lost his dream and persistence. Oh no, it's an empty shell~"

   "Yeah, I completely lost! Hoshino!!!"

Paradox muttering to himself, suddenly raised his head and looked at Hoshino: "It's better to say that I have never beaten you. Even the last bet on the future has completely failed. You really have you. Hoshino~"


   "I gave up, I won't go again, and I don't have the ability to interfere in the past and erase the history of dueling monsters."

   Paradox opened his arms, and the flow speed in the space-time tunnel gradually accelerated: "I will return to the era of destruction, standing on the land full of ruins, waiting for the end of the era. Then..."

   From the eyes of Paradox, there was an emotion that had never appeared before. It was an emotion that could never be conceived in the face of a world without hope-expectation.

   "Then, waiting and expecting, see another Hoshino, the right future you have gambled on in exchange for."

   "The land full of ruins?!" Hearing the words of Paradox, Hoshino recalled the scene he saw from the thousand-year jewelry when he used the Three Magic Cards to travel through.

   "It turns out that the man wearing a duel plate, standing on the boundless ruins and looking into the distance, is you, Paradox."

   Hoshino finally clarified the cause and effect. It seems that he and Paradox have traveled to the future ten years later at the same time. It is not a coincidence, but a guide.

   So why does the thousand-year-old jewelry that Isis gave me, foreseeing and guiding myself to such a distant future?

   Hoshino, who has been thinking hard about the reasons for jewelry for a thousand years, still can't figure it out. I had no choice but to forget about it first, and could only wait to go back ten years ago and ask the invincible Da Vinci if he knew anything.

   "Huh? Paradox?!"

   Hoshino after returning to the gods, discovered that Paradox was completely gone in the time tunnel, as long as the D-wheel that had not been turned off remained in place.

   Cthulhu smiled meaningfully: "I can see everything clearly after losing my dream. Reality is sometimes so cruel. A man who denied the meaning of his own existence finally returned to where he should be."

   Paradox disappeared suddenly, and Hoshino was completely unexpected: "So what are we going to do now?"

   "At least he left the D round, didn't he?" Cthulhu shrugged: "Our original plan was to take the D round and travel back to our times. Just follow the original plan and implement it."

   Hoshino’s era was not ten years before the world line. According to previous assumptions, it was probably influenced by the time-space tunnel opened by Paradox, allowing Hoshino to cross the time line while crossing the world line.

   So if you want to return to your own era, the D-wheel that can travel through time and space used by the culprit Paradox is probably the only way.

   "But...but..." Hoshino squeezed suddenly.

   "But what is it girl, don't you want to go back?"

   "But I can't ride a bike..."

   Hoshino, who can't even ride a bicycle, suddenly asked himself to ride such a thunderous D-wheel, and he couldn't even imagine it.

   Cthulhu’s eyes are full of helplessness: "This is not the point at all, the point is to understand how to use this thing. As for riding a bicycle, let the concubine come. I have learned a little about this before in Hawaii~"

   Are you a card wizard, go to Hawaii? ! Where are you from Shinichi Kudo?

   The handsome Cthulhu Lori, who stepped onto the D-wheel, has a skillful movement and looks like she has really experienced professional training.

  ——Finally, I realized that my legs were not long enough.

   "Puff~" Hoshino covered his mouth.

   "You just snickered, right?"

   An angry Lori Cthulhu, the black energy of the disillusioned form diffuses from the body.

   "Since you dare to laugh at your concubine, then you will not be able to climb high!"

   Then in the next second, the long-legged Yu Jie, who was protruding forward and backward, held up the D round next to her in an enchanting posture. The black shorts lined the slender thighs to the white and translucent~ The perfect body proportion and the attractive temperament, it is almost an explosion of those car models that I usually see.

   Cthulhu Yujie licked her fingertips, and said charmingly, "How about~ this is the real posture of the concubine~"

   Isn't your real posture a ball?

   Looking at the silly Hoshino, if it is said that the pure face and petite body of the little Lori before, it can conceal the charm of the evil **** to a certain extent. Then this form of Cthulhu will magnify the evil "Charming" exponentially, and its lethality cannot be underestimated.

   "What's the matter, didn't you just snicker?" Looking at Hoshino whose small face was reddening unconsciously, the evil **** leaned forward and asked knowingly.

   "Hmm..." Now Hoshino feels ashamed to the extreme. It will be picked up by the duel monster elves, and the body is just a ball.

   "So, Cthulhu San, do you understand the usage of the D round?" Hoshino quickly turned off the topic, and if he continued like this, his majesty as a master would almost disappear.

   Cthulhu tapped on the dashboard of wheel D: "I completely understood it as soon as I touched it~" Then raised his **** jade hand and gently touched the back seat of wheel D: "Come on, girl, go home~"

   Hoshino, who was sitting on the D wheel, stopped the Cthulhu's slender waist from behind, with an expression of enjoyment: "Cthulhu Sang, can I discuss something with you?"

   "What's the matter, girl?"

   "Can I keep this form when I reappear in the future?"

   "Hee hee, no discussion~"


   "Master Dazi, we Three Musketeers of Thomas, have got the cards of the Three Magic Gods for you!"

   The three men in weird clothes knelt on one knee, and the two hands in the middle offered the cards of the legendary "Three Magic Gods".

   "The only regret is that after our followers used "Olihagang's enchantment", they still lost to the nameless pharaoh."

"It seems that the power of the nameless pharaoh really should not be underestimated. But it does not matter, as long as you can get the card of the three magical gods." The man named'Da Zi' covered his face with a white cloak. After passing the cards of the Three Illusion Gods, they turned around and placed them in the mouths of the three giant snakes with big mouths in front of them.

"The card of the three phantom gods with mysterious powers should not only be used to awaken the memory of the nameless pharaoh! ——The noble **** of my clan, gain the power of the three gods offered here at this moment, open the door of taboo, and descend here The world!!"

Chapter 1: The Unknown Dragon (1/5)

  "——The noble **** of our race, gain the power of the three gods offered here at this moment, open the forbidden door and descend into this world!!"

   In the time tunnel——

   "I said the evil **** Sang, although you said that you understand it completely, but..."

   Hoshino, who hugged Yu Jie Cthulhu's slender waist tightly, asked a little anxiously.

   "Can this D round really travel back to our original future accurately?"

The handsome evil **** galloping in the space-time tunnel, he rushed to Hoshino with a thumbs up without looking back: "Whether it is power or wisdom, the concubine is a **** far surpassing your human beings. Just put ten thousand hearts. ~Not only the time to travel, but also the location of the crossing I can perfectly lock!"

   "You can even lock the position, the future technology is really convenient."

   Hoshino was also a bit worried about the location at the beginning. For the first time, she crossed from Alcatraz Island to the city of Tono in ten years later. Now starting from the Dueling Academy, it is really hard to imagine where he will return.

   If you cross into that kind of isolated island or deep mountains and old forests, you may not be able to get out for the rest of your life.

"This D round seems to be based on the duel monster card as the preset target. The duel monster card previously set by Paradox is [Cartoon Kingdom]. It seems that it really wants to be erased ten years ago. Where is Bekas, the father of dueling monsters."

  As the only personal card owned by Bekas in the world, it is indeed possible to accurately locate Bekas by targeting it. It seems that Paradox has done some homework in order to kill Bekas.

   Hoshino quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "So Bekas was just playing missing, and nothing happened."

I recalled that the reason why Tianma Yexing found himself in a dark duel was that he mistakenly believed that Bekas lost to his depression and committed suicide... Although the incident finally subsided, he still got the card of the three evil gods, but was misunderstood. Things are still very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, Bekas is very good, it's impossible to get into trouble easily~" Cthulhu smiled. There is always a kind of Bekas J. Kloford who created the card of Cthulhu, that is, his own Bekas. Inexplicably complicated emotions.

   "So the evil **** Sang, we will pass directly to the vicinity of Bekas. Although it is much better than the unfamiliar place, but it always feels that some troubles are unavoidable."

   "Of course not~ Who do you think the concubine is? As the default target monster card, I changed it a long time ago."

   "It's changed?! What kind of duel monster got stuck?"

   Cthulhu smiled triumphantly: "Of course, the only three magical card in the world, so you can go directly back to Tono City where Muto Game is located~"

   Suddenly Hoshino said in surprise: "Yes, locking the Three Magic Cards must be foolproof! You are such an elf!"

   "咩hahahaha~~" X2


   "Only the chosen duelist can heal the wounds of the nameless dragon and awaken the legendary dragon with the strongest power!"

   The black magic girl blinked her lovely eyes, and looked at Wang Yang who asked for help.

   "Master, you will be able to do it, please save the world of dueling monsters and the world of humans!"

   Ten thousand years ago, three legendary dragons led an army of dueling monsters in a decisive battle with the Dark Lord, the King of Atlantis, Das, who controlled the power of Olihagang.

   Although he was finally defeated, Da Zi's power was greatly damaged. But the three legendary dragons have also been cursed because of this. They are sealed in the castle of the dueling monster world by crystals, waiting for the arrival of their master and the moment of decisive battle with the dark forces.

The soul is called to the king of the dueling monster world and the game, looking at the three crystal dragon statues in front of you thoughtfully: "That is to say, the cause of the recent duel monsters appearing in the real world and causing chaos is because of Oliha. Is it a sign that the dark power is about to resurrect?"

Game: "The other me, the'Three Musketeers of Thomas' who beat grandpa before and snatched the Three Magic Cards from Grandpa's hand, the dark card possessed is [Olihagan's enchantment], isn't it? "

Wang Yang: "That's right, my partner, the darkness of stupidity has struck us. Faced with a powerful effect, and the soul of the loser will be sealed in the [Olihagang's enchantment], losing the three illusion gods We must also acquire brand new power!"

  The black magic girl responded: "Master, pull out the sword of sealing from the nameless dragon! Call on the name of the legend!"

   "The nameless dragon, I know your name!!!"

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