The corners of the silver-haired girl's mouth twitched twice unconsciously. It seems that she feels a little complicated, "You guy, don't you feel guilty about what you have done?"

   Hoshino shook his head decisively. If someone else was crushed, he might feel a little guilty, but if he was crushed to the posture, he would only regret why he didn't reverse the car and run it again.

   The silver-haired girl spoke again: "The current appearance is just one of the avatars of'me' in different time periods.

   I have lived for ten thousand years, and the body no longer exists. But with the help of Olihagang's power, I copied my life and produced countless ‘Da Zi’s in different time periods.

   I am young, I am young, I am middle-aged, I am old. You mortals certainly don't understand, this great power that reproduces the life of'Da Zi' is exactly what can be called the great cause of God! "

   "Hey hey!" Hoshino said in a real sense of surprise.

   Seeing Hoshino's reaction, the silver-haired girl smiled triumphantly, "Hehe, it seems that even if you are as ordinary as you, you can feel a little bit of greatness."

   "So it turns out that this is not Xiao Lolita, but Xiao Zhengtai?!"

   This is the reason for Hoshino's surprise. The young Da Zi seen from the photos before, although dressed in formal clothes, has long silver-white hair and delicate face, which is indeed a bit feminine. But I didn't expect that Da Zi in his teenage years was many times more cute than most real little Lori.

Ok? Do you say "I am not old or dead"? I'm sorry that Hoshino knew too many old undead people, and they were all used to it.

   "I said you old immortals who have lived for tens of thousands of years, do you like to be tender so much? You also appeared in the image of a gentleman~"

   Da Zi smiled and didn't mind Hoshino's ridicule, "I am me. It's not that'Da Zi' appeared in front of you in the image of adolescence, but'Da Zi in adolescence' appeared in front of you.

   Every Dazi in a different time period is an individual who thinks independently and possesses the same power. Only by restricting each other in this way can we avoid the ‘Tazi’, who has experienced 10,000 years, from embarking on a wrong path of thought. "

   "Different individuals with independent thinking and equal power in different time periods..."

  Mingming sounds like a very powerful thing from Dazi's mouth, but Hoshino always unconsciously shows various forms of Altria in his mind.

   "Then you really worked hard." Hoshino comforted.

   Keihei, who was locked out of the barrier, opened his mouth wide in surprise, "In other words, are there still a few completely different ‘Tazi’s in this world? It’s actually possible to do this kind of thing"

   This is what the teenager Da Zi expects, the surprised reaction of normal people. Instead of Hoshino's kind of pitying eyes that looked at him.

   The helpless Da Zi finally gave up the insistence to make Hoshino look surprised, "It seems that I can't tell you at all. I really don't know if you are too smart or just a simple fool!"

   Hoshino believes: "If I were to choose one of the two, I would still choose to be too smart. Because I can guess that your next word is..."

   "Come to a duel!" X2

   Oliha Gang, whose soles of feet have been opened, is the proof that the duel has begun. The effect of the enchantment will isolate irrelevant people except the duel, which is why the seahorse was bombed before.

   As long as the enchantment is opened, unless it is destroyed or the duel is over, it cannot leave. That is to say, the moment Hoshino was caught by the wrist by the young Da Zi, he had fallen into the trap of a duel.

Da Zi raised her eyebrows slightly, and the duel disc hidden on her arm gradually emerged, "It seems that you are also very clear about your situation. Hoshino Chiyuki, although it is different from the soul of the chosen duel, I will grant you to be a noble **** and resurrected. Honor the sacrifice."

   "I refuse!" Hoshino, who started the duel, drew five cards from it.

   Since the young Da Zi took the lead in opening the enchantment, it proved that the first move was already his. It seems that Paradox has also used this shameless way of leading the way.

  "Then I started the [Olihagang Enchantment] to continue the round. Of course, Da Zi also consciously accepted the first hand right, and drew a card into the duel plate.

   "——I activate the magic card [Demon’s Fitting Room] from my hand card."

  [Magic card effect of the magic dressing room: Pay 800 basic points. Turn over the top 4 cards in your deck, Special Summon normal monsters below 3 stars into your field, and insert the other cards you've opened back into the deck to shuffle. 】

   "Because of the magic card effect, I pay 800 health and..."

  Dazi LP: 4000→3200

   opened the four cards from the top of the deck, and the corners of his lovely mouth slightly raised, "I'm lucky, there are three monsters that can be Special Summoned, and I will place them all in defensive form."

   Dazed the three monster cards on the duel board, and put the last card that was turned over to the deck.

   Hoshino didn't understand the situation. Since Dazzi flipped through 3 monsters that can be summoned, excluding the case of not shuffling the cards, there should be a large number of normal monsters below 3 stars in Dazzi's deck.

   "Defensive means call, yoyo, Yihao lizard, and little white rabbit~"

  【Yoyou★Light】【Angel ATK: 300→800DEF: 100→600】

  【Yihao Lizard★Water】【Reptilian ATK: 350→850DEF: 300→800】

   [Little White Rabbit★ Land] [Orc ATK: 150→650DEF: 2050→2550]

   Three monsters with only 1 star were materialized on the field of Junior Da Zi. Q Moe’s appearance matched the cute image of the user Da Zi, unexpectedly very suitable.

   "And because of Oliha Gang's enchantment, the attack and defense of the monsters on my field will increase by 500 points."

   However, Olihagang's dark power will not let go of even cute and cute things. The mark engraved on the forehead of the monster makes the monsters who were originally weak in appearance look aggressive.

   Okay, it’s not too fierce, it’s still very weak...

Chapter 50: VS Da Zi, one-on-one in the dark (2/5)

   "Finally, I cover two cards and the round ends."

   just ended the first Dazi, except for Olihagang's enchantment, it just summoned 3 monsters like cannon fodder onto the field.

   Dazi remaining hand cards: 2 cards, 2 cards

   "My turn, draw a card! Then..."

   Hoshino, who was about to prepare for an attack, suddenly realized something was wrong.

  1 star mortal bone monsters, coupled with the cute appearance that seems incompetent, make Hoshino of course treat them as cannon fodder, but if you take a closer look.

   "Why is that little white rabbit's defensive power so terrifying, with a 1 star 2050 defensive power, are you sure that it was not printed with an extra ‘0’ when you printed the card!"

   Among the 3 monsters with harmless appearance, one hides a high-defense white rabbit that looks so cute but hides murderous intent.

   Hoshino looked at Da Zi, and said, "It's really dangerous. If you go directly up to A, it will definitely hurt. You can use the cute appearance to set a trap. It's Da Zi!"

   "It's nothing great, Hoshino..." Keiping looked at Hoshino speechlessly. Even if the little white rabbit has a high defense, it is just an ineffective mortal bone after all.

Hoshino disdainfully glanced at Keihei behind him, "When you look at you, you are inexperienced. If you want to defeat your opponent, you must first let it swell...Although I can't see Da Zi's purpose, in any case, taking a bite of milk is right. "

   And even if he looks cute, his opponent is an old monster who lives for 10,000 years. Even in the face of all weak, Hoshino can never slack off.

   "Then, summon the monster card in the form of attack-[Heroic-Charles Henry Sanson]!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Charles Henry Sansson★★★(3 stars) Land] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1100DEF: 1000]

   "With the Sansong effect, you can kill the defensive monsters specially summoned by the opponent, even the little white rabbits strengthened by Olihagang!"

   Hoshino made a proud declaration, but it always feels a bit strange to deal with a little white rabbit with only 1 star so seriously.

   Sangsong drew out a long sword like a guillotine from his waist, and pointed to the opposite side: "Received, master! Just let me do the decapitation. You will definitely complete the task accurately!"

   is just slaughtering a little white rabbit, why are you so serious?

   "But if you want to execute the sentence, let's smash all the opponents by the way!" Before entering the battle flow, Hoshino once again drew a magic card and inserted it into the duel plate.

   "Activate the magic card, [Crane Wing Three Company]! After activation, your [Heroic] monster's attack power is halved, but you can attack 3 times in the same battle phase!"

   [Sang Song ATK: 1100→550]

   "Go Sangsong, destroy all without leaving!"

   Throwing a flying sword from Sang Song's hand, like a **** harvesting torture instrument, ignoring the super high defense power and destroying all the 3 monsters on the Dazi field.

   "The liberation of treasures-"Death will be the hope of tomorrow (LaMortEspoir!"

  【Little White Rabbit】Break

  【Yihao Lizard】Break

  【Yoyo】Break through, saying that the tofu is like a yoyo, how is the first level calculated?

   Seeing Hoshino's powerful offensive Seahorse squinted and smiled: "Sure enough, cannon fodder is nothing but cannon fodder. Even with the enhancement of the enchantment, it still can't hold up for a round."

   "Then I will cover 2 more cards, and the round is over!" Hoshino, who succeeded in destroying the opponent's monster, did not choose to overtly attack in the first round, but took advantage of the trend to observe Da Zi's tactics.

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 2

   [Sang Song ATK: 550→1100]

   "Don't end the round so rashly, I haven't taken any action yet~" Da Zi, who was defeated by all the monsters on the field, not only did not panic, but showed a sweet smile on her immature and cute face.

   "I did not read you wrong Hoshino, facing such a weak monster, if I can't defeat all of them in one round, it would disappoint me too~"

Another important meaning of   's words is that Hoshino's strong offense was completely within his own expectations. Facing the situation where all the monsters on the field were destroyed, Da Zi lifted the card covered under his feet.

"——Persistent trap card activation, [Human Sea Tactics]. At the end of each round, I can Special Summon from the deck the same number of normal monsters below 2 stars destroyed in this round, and normal monsters below 2 stars. Monster."

   With the activation of the trap card, the empty ground of the young Da Zi began to agitate.

   "Because I have 3 monsters destroyed, so at the end of the turn, I can summon 3 normal monsters below 2 stars from my deck!"

   Hoshino finally understood Da Zi’s intentions, "Human tactics, that is to say, no matter how many cannon fodder monsters I defeat, you will continue to summon new cannon fodder from the deck again."

  Different from the last defensive summon that was all tapped, all the cannon fodder monsters Da Zi shot on the duel plate this time showed offensive expressions.

   Hoshino even looked forward to it. Although there is no fighting power, I dare to ask the girl if she would not like such cute and cute little monsters~

   "Let me see, what kind of cute cannon fodder this time!"

  The young Da Zi smiled weirdly, and couldn't see any shadow of his sweet smile before: "The monsters I special summoned from the deck are three [white bones]!"

  【Bone ★Dark】【Undead ATK: 300→800DEF: 200→700】

   is like Da Zi's evil taste. After being defeated with the cute cute monster Q as his head, three more scary-looking skeletons are displayed. The undead monster that emerged from the ground was quite different from what Hoshino expected.

   "Next is my counterattack, Hoshino~"

   put the mask used to frighten Hoshino on his head, and half of his exquisite face was obscured by the image of the defeated skeleton. It was completely different from the momentum of the first round before.

   "My turn, draw a card. Then activate the magic card [fusion replacement] from the card in your hand, and send the two [white bones] on my field as the fusion material to the graveyard!"

  In the distorted space, only the two weak bones of 1 star were drawn into it by the fusion of light.

   Keihei, who was watching the battle behind him, disdainfully said: "It's just two 1-star monsters. What can be merged. The so-called fusion should be fused with the blue-eyed white dragon like the older brother!"

Zhengtai Dazi confidently raised his head wearing a skull mask, and at the same time patted the fusion summoned monster on the duel plate, "Do you think I am playing with you? It is not that easy to defeat me in a duel! "

   "—— Fusion Summoning, come on [Dragon Death in the Underworld]!"

   In the dark and claustrophobic environment, the terrifying roar of the dragon of death echoed in the faintly glowing enchantment.

Chapter Fifty-One: The younger generation of blackening? (3/5)

   [Dragon Death in the Underworld ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Dark] [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 3000→3500DEF:0→500]

  【Undead Monster X2】

  The dragon of the underworld full of death breath is fused and summoned on the Dazi field. The appearance of fear plus the deep aura that blends with the surrounding darkness, it is completely invisible that it is formed by the fusion of two bones without any fighting power.

   Seahorse and Keiping were stunned, "The attack power of this underworld dragon..."

   "Due to the effect of Olihagang's enchantment, the attack power of [Dragon Death in the Underworld] has surpassed the blue-eyed white dragon~" As if he could pre-read the thoughts of the Seahorse brothers, she said with a smirk.

   "It's just a fierce bone, it's really arrogant to merge into such a monster!"

The fusion of    Da Zi's hand is indeed beyond Hoshino's expectation. The fusion material requirement for [Underworld Dragon Death] is two undead monsters, so even the 1-star [Bone] does meet the requirements of Undead X2.

   "Bone? Although you don't know what you are talking about, you can eat the attack of the underworld dragon!" The little white hand gently pointed at the star field, but what was called was the deafening roar of the terrifying dragon.

   "Sang Song on the opposite side of the target, attack the Underworld Dragon!"

   Dark miasma burst out from the dragon's mouth, filling the entire space. Because she was in the barrier, the shock caused by the original virtual image was also magnified several times, and the purple mist that struck Hoshino was a little breathless.

   "Cough cough cough cough, open the covered trap card [Nagging Kanban Girl], special summon [Heroic] monsters in the deck below 4 stars in the form of defense to take the attack instead!"

   But even in this case, the damage of up to 2600 points is something Hoshino doesn't want to eat.

  "——Block it, Matthew!" Draws Matthew's card and throws it heavily on the duel plate. The absolute defensive barrier that spreads like snowflakes instantly isolates the miasma and makes Hoshino less uncomfortable.

   "Yes, senior! The shield effect, play-this is the wall of undefeated snowflakes!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette★★★★ (4 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 2000]

   Condense the miasma of the audience at one point, disperse it with the light of the shield, and illuminate the dark space at the same time.

   "Masho's effect, in the defensive form, she will not be destroyed by the battle or effect, but it will be changed to the attack form after being attacked."

   The fleeting light, after Matthew put down the shield, the whole environment was shrouded in darkness again.

  【Matthew ATK: 1000】

   "Did a moment of light break through the darkness, strong resilience, Hoshino! But..."

   After the underworld dragon's attack was blocked, Da Zi didn't seem to be surprised. On the contrary, the gradually increasing dark aura kept lingering around Matthew.

   "It's awful, senior, I can't use strength at all~" Ma Xiu uttered a bit sullenly, and it did sound like her condition was not very good.

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