"The effect of [Dragon Death in the Underworld]-the monster fighting with it will not be destroyed, but the attack power will become 0 at the end of the damage step."

   Da Zi pointed to Ma Xiu whose body was emptied, and then the darkness condensed on Bai Zhi's fingertips to form a card-like shape.

   "Also, I can Special Summon [Dark Soul Token] equal to Matthew's level and attack power on my own field~"

   Placing the Dark Card on the duel plate, the Dark Soul Tokens that appeared on the Dazzle Field are completely in the shape of Matthew.

   [Dark Soul Body Derivative (Masiu) ★★★★ (4 stars) Dark] [Undead·Derivative ATK: 1000→1500DEF:0]

   "Ma Xiu, even you have betrayed!"

   "No, Senior! I'm still on Senior's side!" Even if his body was hollowed out, Matthew still had to stand firm.

   "Senior..." However, the Dark Soul Body creature on the opposite side suddenly spoke. In the same appearance as Matthew, even the voice was exactly the same, but the words were filled with resentment that had never been seen before.

   "I'm so unwilling, senior..."

   Hoshino was taken aback, "It is Matthew who can speak!"

   The genuine Matthew puffed up his bun’s mouth angrily, "Don’t use my appearance to confuse seniors! And seniors, don’t be fooled so easily!!"

"I'm so unwilling, senior... why... why never take me to fight just because I can't get the fetters!!" Heimaxiu complained from the bottom of his heart, so true that he had always been firm in his position. Matthew was shaken for a moment.

   Matthew turned into anger, blushing and scolded, "Don't read my heart without authorization, you fake!"

   Hoshino awkwardly touched the dull hair on his head, "So you really think so, Matthew..."

"Hahahaha!" Masatata's cheerful laughter rang out, "What a funny farce~ Hoshino Chiyuki, no matter what your status, at least you are very attractive to me. It is not as good as your soul not to dedicate it to Oku. The **** of Lihagang, just treat it as my precious collection~"

   "I refuse!" Hoshino, who once again solemnly refused, pointed at Da Zi with a cheerful face, "I want my soul, and wait until you can defeat me in a duel!"

   "Then I will continue to fight, the dark soul body token that has been strengthened by Oliha Gang's enchantment, no, it should be called my Matthew, the attack power has surpassed the Sansong on your field!"

   once again showed the evil spirit of Zhengtai Dazi, and lightly tapped the token card formed by the dark breath on the duel board, "Then Matthew, go and crush your original master's monster~"

   "Yes, Master." Heima Xiu obediently responded to Da Zi's order. The spiral energy condensed on his arm directly penetrated Sang Song's body and passed through Hoshino's chest.

  【Heroic-Sang Song】Break

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→3600

"It's really painful~" Hoshiye clenched his teeth, covering the place that was penetrated by the black spiral. "But this also proves that the opposite is not Matthew at all. Even if he has the same appearance, the real Matthew will never attack. It hurts me. It's just a fake after all, it's really disgusting interest, Da Zi!"

   Da Zi continued to attack, enjoying the feeling of teasing Hoshino more and more, "But Hoshino, your Matthew has returned to zero attack power due to the underworld dragon, and now I can’t even attack my bones!"

  【Bone ATK: 800】

   "Go to the bones, get rid of the real Matthew on the opposite side, and leave only my Matthew!"

   The creaking skeleton soldier, in response to Da Zi's declaration of attack, raised the long knife in his hand and swung it towards Matthew.

   "The real Matthew, will always block the attack for me!" In the darkness, the sparks from the friction of the blade cast a ray of light, and then the huge shield waved with all its strength sent the bone soldier out.

   "Let my reliable juniors tell you that the authentic light will never be broken by the darkness!"

   [③: Once per turn, the opponent's battle flow is activated by targeting 1 face-up monster on your field that has attacked. The monster's manifestation changed. 】(Boundary breakthrough effect)

Chapter 52: The real trump card does not need gorgeous light cannon effects at all (4/5)

   Seahorse frowned, "When did Matthew have this effect, I have never seen Hoshino use it before."

   Hoshino triumphantly picked up the card and shook it, "Hippocampus, do you think you were the only one who gained the brand new power of [True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] at that time?"

   "At that time?"

   The brand new effect obtained by Matthew Breaking through the Limits did not consume 30 Saint Quartz as the price of the usual Heroic Spirit cards.

  Ma Xiu, who should have been unable to break through manually, unexpectedly gained new abilities as the leader of the deck after the Battle of Noah ended. Even Leonardo couldn't explain this.

   Of course, maybe it's just for a very simple reason-as a junior, the desire to help Hoshino turned into a possibility, retaining a power as the leader of the deck.

   "The effect of Ma Xiu, you can change the monster to the defense mode in one battle phase per turn! So the moment you attack your bones, Ma Xiu's own manifestation changes!"

  【Mah Xiu DEF: 2000】

The white bones swept away by the huge shield, the crisp body fell back to its original position, but the long knife in his hand swiped towards Matthew flew across Da Zi's cheek, leaving a light red on the white and watery skin. Imprint.

   "Because Ma Xiu has 2,000 defensive power, he will give 1,200 defensive backlash damage! Savor the result of your own evil taste, Da Zi!"

   Dazi LP: 3200→2000

   Da Zi, who lost nearly half of his health, finally changed his expression slightly, "It turned out to have a defensive counterattack effect. Matthew's hidden ability is indeed miscalculated."

   "It's not over yet, the light won't dissipate so easily! When you break Sansong, I can Special Summon [Heroic-Marie Antoinette] from the deck!"

   At the point where Sansong was destroyed and disappeared, France's brilliance shined again.

   [Heroic-Marie Antoinette ★★★★ (4 stars) light] [Magic/Effect ATK:1000DEF:1400]

   "Blooming brilliantly, show the dazzling light in the darkness!" The brilliance swayed from Mary's delicate fingertips made the underworld dragon accustomed to living in the dark roar with resistance.

   "The special effect of [Heroic-Marie Antoinette]!"

   [①If this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, you can activate it by selecting a face-up monster on the field. The manifestation of that monster changed. 】

   "Because of Mary's effect, the underworld dragon is forcibly changed to a defensive form. And the underworld dragon's defensive power..." Hoshino smiled slightly, with obvious taunts in his tone.

   "——Squat down for me, underworld dragon!"

  [Dragon Death in the Underworld DEF: 500]

   Keihei suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. Even if the underworld dragon's attack power is comparable to that of the blue-eyed white dragon, but its defensive power is only 0 points! It seems that the brother's blue-eyed white dragon is a little more powerful!"

   Tatsumi, who finished the battle flow, inserted another card into the duel, "It's a good performance, Hoshino~ The king of duelers must at least have this kind of strength!"

  The positive attitude is full of enthusiasm, and the look called ‘happy’ can easily be detected in the eyes. As for this person, chances are you can have a good chat with a Tsundere King or a fan of Mapo Tofu.

   "I cover a card, and the round is over!"

   Dazi remaining hand cards: 1 card, 2 cards with cover

   "My turn, draw cards! Then it's time for you to see, the secret trump card I have hidden so far!"

   Seahorse eyebrows slightly raised, "Secret trump card?"

   Throwing the brand new monster on the duel board, Hoshino believes in himself: "Now is the time to use the ace to kill instantly, liberate Matthew and Mary on the field, and the higher level summons the monster card-[Heroic-Souji Okita]!"

   [Heroic-Okita Souji★★★★★★★ (7-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK:2500DEF:2000]

   The light green figure flashed out, replacing the shield and the brilliance of France, and the scarlet heroic spirit descended into the enchantment like a gust of wind.

   "Puff~" Scarlet bloodshot.....

   Wiped the corner of his mouth, the chief executive squeezed out an awkward smile, "I'm sorry, Master, because it's been too long since I've been on the stage, so I'm a little too excited."

   Is this the reason you vomited blood as soon as you played?

   "It's okay Okita-san, or don't you force yourself to play in the future?"

   The head office, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, hurriedly rushed to Hoshino with a gesture of ‘everything is OK’, "Don’t worry, master, although he vomited blood, it did not trigger the sickness effect, and the attack power will not be reduced!"

   You make people feel uncomfortable like this. I feel that the sickness is more serious. Have you secretly upgraded the [Illness] skill to level 10.

   Da Zi glanced at the head office and joked, "This is your trump card, Hoshino, as interesting as you are~ Will you die suddenly on the way to attack?"

   "At least not until you die!" Hoshino, who released the ruthless words, clicked on the 3 monsters on the Dazi field one by one, and entered the battle flow decisively.

   "Battle, just 3 monsters, get them done in an instant! The effect of [Heroic-Souji Okita]-You can add attacks with the remaining monsters after the normal attacks!"

   "——With my sword, penetrate the enemy's body! The real trump card, you don't need those fancy light cannon special effects at all!"


  [Dragon Death in the Underworld] Destroy

  【Dark Soul Body Token】Break

   The light of the sword drawn out of the darkness passed all the monsters on the Dazi field in the blink of an eye. It is clean and neat, does not need to be full of energy, does not need to shout the name of the move loudly, and does not need the special effects that are gorgeous enough to burn the duel plate.

   "It's over, this short battle." With the solemn tone of the Chief Commander, the silver blade was re-sheathed, and the three monsters in front of him broke and shattered one by one.

   "Okita-san, although I understand that you want to be handsome if you don’t appear for a long time, but if you hold back for too long, it will burden your body even more~"

   Looking at the indicator accurately displayed on the duel board, he knew that Hoshino would come, and he kindly reminded him.

  [Disease and Weak]X3

   "Cough, wow, vomit--!"

  【Okita Soji ATK: 2500→2200】

   "It's better to vomit it out~" The Chief Secretary who vomited three mouthfuls because of his own effects, on the contrary, regained some vitality.

   "How about, handsome ace Okita-san, did he win the duel in an instant!"

   "It doesn't seem to be that simple." Hoshino shook his head. If the duel is over, the [Illness] counter should not stack up to three.

   The facts are just as Hoshino expected, the trap card opened by Da Zi's feet completely immune to up to 5000 points of combat damage cut by the chief executive in an instant.

   "Persistent Trap Card [Soul Barrier]-As long as there is a monster on your field, the battle damage to the controller of this card becomes 0."

Chapter 53: Okita Sangda's Failure (5/5)

   "Because of the effect of the Persistent Trap Card [Soul Barrier], the battle damage caused by the headquarter's continuous destruction of my 3 monsters became 0 points!"

   The golden barrier, superimposed on the light of Olihagang's enchantment, blocked the damage caused by the sword light for 3 consecutive times for Zhengtai Dazi.

   "Damn it, I used such a despicable barrier. Return the amount of blood that Okita-san vomited!" The chief executive was incompetent and furious.

"As long as there is a monster, it can't cause combat damage." The [Soul Barrier] that Da Zi lifted completely disrupted Hoshino's original layout and cannot cause combat damage to the monster, even if I use [Anonymous Three Stages] Sudden] also can not achieve 3 times the damage of instant kill.

"Then I activate the special effect of [Heroic-Marie Antoinette] that was just sent to the cemetery as a sacrifice. When sent to the cemetery, I retrieve a [Heroic] monster to add to the hand card, and remove the chief’s 3 [Illness and Weak] counters, add the Quick Attack Magic [Unnamed Three Duan Sudden] to the hand card."

  [Disease and Weak]X0

  【ATK: 2200→2500】

   Seeing that he regained his original attack power, the Chief Secretary was pleasantly surprised: "Hey? Actually, I really came back. I almost forgot my effect after not playing for a long time!"

   Retrieving two cards in a row to start, facing Da Zi’s [Soul Barrier] Hoshino this round cannot launch further attacks.

   "Finally, I cover 2 cards and the round is over."

   Hoshino's remaining hand cards: 1 card, 3 cover cards

"At the end of your turn, the Persistent Trap Card [Human Sea Tactics] is activated~ This turn is destroyed by you. Usually there is 1 monster below 2 stars, so I special summon [Yoyou] from the deck as an attack Come on!"

   once again materialized the tofu cubes that appeared on the Da Zi field, still the question mark above the head, the expression of confusion that people can't see through.

  【Yoyou★Light】【Angel ATK: 300→800DEF: 100→600】

"What kind of monster is this? Will it be delicious if you bake it on the stove?" He wiped the saliva mixed with blood at the corner of his mouth, and in the eyes of the head office, the yoyo on the opposite side was probably already a piece of rice cake. .

Summon the successful Dazi, and continue to open the only cover card remaining in the backcourt, "At the moment when the monster [Yoyo] is successfully summoned, the quick attack magic will be activated, [Hell’s Rampage Summon]——When I have a monster with less than 1500 attack power on the field When the special summon is successful, you can special summon the card with the same name from the deck and graveyard as much as possible on your field."

   "Go on, summon 2 [yoyo] again in the form of attack!" The yoyo who sent the cemetery to the cemetery in the upper round, and the remaining 1 yoyo in the deck are placed on the duel board. On the Zhengtai posture field, three neatly arranged yoyos are stacked together like Tetris.

  【Yoyo ATK: 800】×3

   Da Zi continued to explain: "Of course, because of the effect of [Hell’s Rampage Summon], Hoshino, you can also special summon the card with the same name as the monster on your field as much as possible,"

The Chief Secretary hammered his palm, and he suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this, which means that you can now call two Okita Chief Chiefs to play like the opponent, master. Wouldn't it be a big loss for the opponent? After all, these 3 A total of rice cakes can't beat an invincible Okita-san!"

   Hoshino helped his forehead and sighed lightly: "That's right, but you are the only one in my deck..."

   This [Call of Hell's Rampage] is simply the heroic card set of Tianbu Xingye. Hoshino, who does not have any card with the same name, can't take advantage of the effect of a rage summon.

   Hippocampus finally recognized this fact, "Hoshino, there is no such thing as a heroic monster card!"

   is different from the three blue-eyed white dragons that he is full of local tyrants. He has never seen Hoshino summon a seahorse that repeats the heroic spirit. He originally thought that Hoshino was just shuffling the cards more thoroughly. I couldn't think that the real reason was poverty.

   "I don't know if Haima's financial resources and information network can help Hoshino collect all the Heroic Cards..."

   Seeing Hoshino's motionlessness, Zhengta Da Zi smiled triumphantly, "There are no duplicate monsters, then I really made a profit~ My round, draw a card!"

   led the 3 tofu cubes with question marks on his head, Zhengta Dazi started his turn and inserted a card into the duel board.

   "Launch the perpetual magic card-[Angry Yoyo]! Then enter the battle flow, use Yoyo to attack Okina Soji!"

   I didn't expect the attack of the reach position to come so quickly. Before Hoshino could react, the Chief Secretary had already pulled out the Kikuichi Character Sect at his waist and cut the white square in two pieces.

   The soft feel of the blade slashed by the blade did not suffer a trace of resistance. Years of fighting experience told the Chief Secretary that this is just a cannon fodder monster.

   "It's just a piece of rice cake. It's too overwhelming to attack the invincible Okita-san!"

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