
"Because of the effect of the Persistent Trap Card [Soul Barrier] on the field, my battle damage with monsters on the field becomes 0." After sending Yoyo, there is no jumping in health, and it remains the same in my turn. Can enjoy the protective effect of the barrier.

   "And Okita Soji just counterattacked, but it was completely irritated and inspired the potential of Yuyou~"

After   's companion was cut in the waist by the ‘cruel’, the remaining two yoyos finally ceased to be the expressions of mystery that couldn’t see through their thoughts. Instead, the body swollen with anger and the size of a tofu block seemed to have expanded several times. "On the head? The sign was also angrily turned into a "!" sign.

   The head office, who felt a little uncomfortable, took a step back unconsciously, "Why...what's the matter, is this rice cake finally cooked?"

Da Zi explained: "The effect of the magic card [Angry Yoyo] that I activated just now—"Yoyo" appears on his side of the field when the Angel monster is destroyed, before the end of this round. The attack power of "Yoyou" becomes 3000. "

   "This kind of funny monster, just because it is angry, its attack power can be comparable to the blue-eyed white dragon!" At this moment, Haima felt as if his worldview had been impacted.

   "Hehe, coupled with the effect of Olihagang's enchantment, Yoyo's final attack power is as high as 3,500 points!"

  【Yoyo ATK: 3500】

   Of course, it’s not just Hippocampus that has been impacted by the world view.

   "This rice cake is actually stronger than the invincible Okita-san!" "The chief executive who has completely lost his fighting spirit, presents a frustrated posture of bending forward (orz).

   "I... even a piece of rice cake is worse than..."

   "Dissipate in Yoyo's anger!" Continue the battle flow, the angry Yoyo with soaring attack power, overhead ‘! The symbol of ’turned into a sharp blade, penetrating the body of the Chief Secretary.

  【Okita Souji】Break

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 3600→2600

   "It's so easy, I still have one yoyo left, and there are no monsters on the court, the winner is decided, Hoshino~"

"Relax? Don't be naive, Da Zi! Don't underestimate my trump card, when the chief executive enters the cemetery, it is the time to really play a role!" While the chief executive was destroyed on the field, Hoshino opened the key to his feet. Cover card.

   "—— Trap Card [Falling-Time of Meeting]!"

Frame 54: Samadhi Real Fire · Mordred

"——Trap Card [Departure-Meeting Time], when the head office is destroyed by battle, remove 1 [Heroic-Nobunaga Oda] from the deck as a fusion material with the head office for a fusion summon! "

Zhengtai Dazi was stunned for a moment, and stopped the action of his hand to continue the attack, "Fusion Summon, do you want to use you to defeat Rafiru's Demon Chief? Although it is a very tricky monster, it is of no use to me. what."

   Da Zi is protected by the [Soul Barrier], and will not be hurt by battles with monsters. However, the Demon God Chief Secretary had a negative effect that could not be directly attacked. It could be said that it was the worst choice.

   "Of course I know, but when I saw the underworld dragon, I discovered the new possibility of fusion summoning!" The fire gathered at Hoshino's fingertips, learned the underworld dragon summoning method, and gave birth to a new form of heroic fusion monster.

  "——Fuse two [Heroic] monsters of the warrior family with 7 stars or more to open the prelude to myths and legends! Fusion Summon, [Heroic-Samadhi True Fire Mordred]!"

   The red flame ignited in the enchantment erupted, which was completely different from the common Mordred style. The blonde red boy in the real fire cloak materialized on the star field.

   "However, when [Departure-Time of Meeting] is activated successfully, I will deduct 800 HP due to side effects."

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 2600→1800

   [Heroic-Samadhi Real Fire · Mordred (9 stars) Flame] [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2000]

  【7 stars or more [Heroic] Warrior Monster X2】

   "Yeah, master~How about this style? I feel the power that can burn everything to the end! It's so fun to play with fire or something!"

   However, Mordred, who opened his mouth and exposed the attributes of a bear child, is indeed exactly the same as the character of the red child in myths and legends.

   "Then grill the two pieces of rice cakes on the opposite side to make them more delicious, and the effect of Samadhi Mordred is activated!"

   Hoshino pointed to the opposite two pieces of yoyo who were angry to the point of redness, and the flames set off from Mordred's hands formed a flame wave and directly swallowed two pieces of Mapo tofu.

   "I'm optimistic about the master! Fierce calamity can scorch the heavens! This is the fiery worship of my great cow demon father!!"

   [①: When this card is successfully merged and summoned, the attack power of monsters other than the flame monster on the field becomes 0. 】

   After the flaming wave, Yoyo, who was originally red to anger, has now turned into black after being grilled in the fire, and his expression has returned to the state of confusion of ‘-_-’.

  【Yoyo ATK: 3500→0】

   Seahorse's eyes were slightly startled, "This is Hoshino's new fusion of heroic spirits, and they can continue to grow stronger in the middle of the duel. The real fire of Samadhi is really overbearing."

   "It always feels like a dark dish!" After the burning, Mordred, who was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and looked at the dark chocolate cubes.

   Hoshino waved his hand at Mordred: "It's okay Mo Haier, next time you pay attention to controlling the heat~"

   So yo-yo is really not food, why do you take it for granted?

   "Da Zi, defeated the headquarter and increased my combat effectiveness. Is this also in your expectation?" Of course, Hoshino will never forget to taunt.

   "啧..." With a small mouth that was not obvious, Da Zi frowned and looked at Mordred the bear boy, "I'll end the battle process!"

   Yoyo whose attack power is reduced to 0 points, naturally cannot defeat Mordred with 3000 attacks. Although Da Zi won't suffer from the battle damage between monsters because of the [Soul Barrier], there is no point in sending monsters without a brain.

"Then I activated the magic card [Pot of Greed] from the card in my hand to wash back the 5 monsters in my graveyard-3 bones, 1 yoyo, and 1 Yihao lizard. Then I draw two from the deck Card!"

   washed back to the deck along with the destroyed yoyo this round, and once again added the card to the two Zhengtai poses, and couldn't help but laugh when he saw the newly drawn card.

   "Hahahaha, Hoshino, the desperate battle is about to begin now. No matter how powerful your Mordred and your heroic monsters are, they will surrender to this invincible Olihagang barrier."

   Hoshino tilted his head and wondered: "The invincible Olihagang? You mean your barrier that increases attack power by 500 points. With this level of advantage, you can't shake the balance of victory at all."

   "Olihagang's first enchantment is very weak, it only exists to give the monster the power of darkness and seal the soul of the loser. Now, what is about to unfold is the real power of the enchantment!"

   Hoshino suddenly had a bad feeling, "The first barrier?"

   With the duel plate raising his arm, Da Zi still expanded the hidden area of ​​the field even though he had a field magic card.

   "Now, I am above the first enchantment of Olihagang, and activate the field magic card-[Olihagang's enchantment·Second stage]!"

The moment the new card is placed in the field area, the soles of the two people originally showed a light green circular enchantment, which expanded outward again. The light also changed from light green to dark blue, and the entire dark environment was further reflected by the changing colors. Depressed.

"Send [Olihagang’s Enchantment] from the original site area to the cemetery to activate. [Olihagang’s Enchantment·Second Stage] will inherit all the effects while adding new effects. Of course, including the opponent’s inability Unleash the absolute resistance of the field magic!"

   If Oliha had just ended

The only weakness of the    world is that it will be trampled by the magic card on the opposite field. This is the breakthrough that Hoshino can use to destroy the enchantment with [King's Army].

  The current second-level barrier finally wiped out this only weakness and became a true death barrier that would never leave the field after it was activated.

   Enjoying the fullness brought by the enchantment at the sole of the foot, the cheerful expression on Da Zi’s delicate and lovely face is more obvious, "Then, I will now activate the effect of [Olihagan’s Enchantment·Second Stage]!"

  【①: Every time you are in the main phase, restore your basic points of the number of monsters on the field x 500. 】

   "Because I have two yoyos on the field, I regain 1000 health points!"

   Da Zi LP: 2000→3000

   A faint blue light surrounds Da Zi, and the life energy drawn from his monster is gradually poured into her petite body. After being absorbed by the enchantment, Yoyo seemed to have become weaker.

   For some reason, through the tingling sensation from the enchantment on the soles of the feet, Hoshino seemed to be able to understand the harsh nature of the enchantment in front of him, just like Da Zi's distorted interest.

   "Although it is only a card effect, this dark enchantment is really drawing the life force of the dueling monster."

Chapter 55: With the Power of Fists

"After Olihagang’s dual enchantment was activated, I ended this round! And at the end of the round, the Persistent Trap Card [Human Sea Tactics] was triggered, because one [Yoyo] was destroyed by the battle just now, so it was specially summoned. Normal monsters below 2 stars in the deck."

   Da Zi's petite palm unfolded the deck, put a card on the duel plate again, and then the three familiar tofu cubes were happily stacked on top of each other.

   "—— I will summon Yoyo who has just been washed back to the deck because of [Pottery of Greed] again!"

   "It's really troublesome rice cakes. Although they look stupid, they are unexpectedly unclean."

   At this moment, Hoshino even found an illusion of'big wisdom as foolish' in Yoyo's body of Bai Fangfang for a moment.

   Dazi remaining hand cards: 1 card, 0 card cover

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Facing the seemingly weak but tough defensive barriers, Hoshino, who has repeatedly failed to attack, really feels what it means to smash cotton with a hammer.

   "What should I do, brother? Even if Hoshino's monsters on the field have high attack power and cannot break through Da Zi's tactics, it will only let Da Zi use Olihagang's double enchantment to restore his health!"

   Seahorse’s eyes stayed on Hoshino, who was observing his card in his hand. "A duel who can defeat even a **** cannot be defeated by these funny monsters, Hoshino!"

   "What's the matter, Hoshino, wasn't it arrogant when I just summoned Samadhi Real Fire? How come it only burned for a moment and then stopped~"

   Seeing that Hoshino didn't take too much action, Da Zi taunted with her waist inserted.

   "And because of the existence of the persistent magic [Angry Yoyo] on the field, as long as you defeat one of the three Yoyo, the attack power of the other two Yoyo will rise to 3000 points again because of anger~"

   "That's it, that's how it is!" Hoshino, who broke the silent thinking, was taunted by Dazi, as if he had found a breakthrough, suddenly said, "Thank you for your kind reminder, Dazi!"

   Xiao Dazi curled her lips with a look of doubt: "Huh? Is this woman finally stupid?"

"Since you can't cause combat damage to you, let yourself feel the wrath of the Yoyos! Launch the magic card [Pure Bloom] from the card in your hand, and special summon it from the deck-[Heroic-Altoli] Ya Pandoragon lily】!"

  The road to blooming flowers bloomed in the blue barrier, and the figure of the pure girl materialized beside Mordred due to the effect of the magic card. At the same time, Mordred stared at the emerging Saberlily intently, unable to look away at all.

   [Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandora lily★★★★ (4 stars) light] [Dragon/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 1200 DEF: 1000]

   "Hello~" I felt Mordred staring at him, and Saberlily responded politely with a bright smile.

Mo Haier’s cheeks reddened by the burning flames seemed to deepen the color, “You are actually a young father, although he doesn’t have the domineering bull demon king, but...it’s just as cute as an angel! Oops, my heartbeat is so fast~ "

   "Then the saberlily effect is activated, calling out the heroic spirits who have broken through the dilemma with the light of the holy sword!"

   Draw out the heroic monster retrieved by the saberlily effect, inherit the sacred breath of the holy sword's light, and cut through the darkness with an iron fist.

   "The heroic monster I searched for was-[Heroic-Malda], and liberated Saberlily to summon its superiors. It's up to you, big sister!"

  【Heroic Spirit-Marda★★★★★★(6 Stars) Light】【Angel Family/Effect: ATK:1600DEF1300】

After   Malda's card came on the stage, the roaring dragon roared and filled the remaining space in the Hoshino duel plate with a token monster again.

   "And at the moment when the summon is successful, the effect of [Heroic Spirit-Big Sister Head] is activated!"

  Malda squeezed her eyes, "[Heroic-Big Sister Head] What is it? Master, I think you owe it to clean up."

   [①: Can be activated when this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned. Special summon a [Talax Token] (Dragon Race·Yan·4 Star·Attack/Defense 1500) on your field]

   The terrifying looking dragon fluttered its wings and hovered, fell into the enchantment, and then touched Malda’s white face full of contrast and cuteness.

  【Tarax★★★★(4 stars) Yan】【Dragons·Derivative ATK:1500DEF:1500】

Looking at the flashing summoning lights on the Hoshino field, Da Zi shrugged: "Buy one get one free for superior summoning? I want to use the quantity to fight against the crowds, but it doesn’t work. After all, I have 3 on the field. The monsters are all yoyo."

   "That's right, I can think of such a tactic just because you are all on the court!" Waved forward, summoning the head of the eldest sister and the star of Tarax to directly start the battle process.

   "Please take the lead, go to Tarax, attack the opposite Yoyo!"

   The giant dragon opened its mouth, and the blood touched its big mouth and bite forward violently. The little yoyo in the white side was probably not enough for Taraxsai's teeth.


   His own tofu was eaten by Hoshino, but the cute little Da Zi looked indifferent.

   "Although I broke through Yoyo, I won't be hurt by the battle because of the [Soul Barrier]~ If you destroy Yoyo, the effect of [Angry Yoyo] will be triggered!"

   The companion was taken to stuff his teeth, and the remaining two yoyos swelled with anger once again.

   [yoyo ATK: 3000]

   "You are a typical self-sacrifice, Hoshino."

Hoshino smiled confidently, and lightly tapped Malda's card on the duel board on his arm, "Who is the one who suffers from the evil, I will let you know in the next second. I said, I will let you feel it for yourself The anger of the lovely yoyos!"

   stomped hard and received Hoshino's instructions. Malda, who rushed out with her strength, winked at Tarax, who had just finished attacking.

   "The 3000-point attack power is just right! The once hostile dragon and the saint, now after the united front, will burst out with indestructible power-the effect of the hero-Malda!"

   "The sorrowful dragon that does not know love is here, like a star!" The huge divine power is condensed on Marda's right fist. The dazzling light seems to purify (physical) all evil in the world.

   And Tarax in front of him is using dragon claws to control the anger of Yoyo. Regardless of Yoyo's small size, after anger has stimulated her potential, even a behemoth like Tarax is a little struggling.

   [At the beginning of the damage step of this card attacking the opponent's monster, you can activate it by releasing a dragon monster on your field. Destroy the opponent's monster and give the opponent a basic point of damage equal to that monster's attack power. 】

   "It's over, Da Zi, I will liberate Tarax on the field, destroy the target and inflict direct damage equal to 3000 points of Wrath Yoyo's attack power!"

   Da Zi LP: 3000

   "Lord, please look away from you-iron fist, saint, cut!"

Chapter 56: Olihagang’s second enchantment [third more]

   "Lord, please look away from you-iron fist, saint, cut!"

   The iron fist holy light slammed into the body of Tarax without mercy, and at the same time it was physically purified together with the angry yoyo held by the dragon claw. The words show that there is no need to beat Tarax together, but every time the eldest sister is beaten on the head, it is it.

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