If Darzu did not use the effect of the enchantment to destroy Samadhi Real Fire Mordred, Hoshino would definitely not be able to complete this crucial step.

   "Oh!" The red sword light split open the blasting blue fire. Mo Haier, who was still besieged in the enchantment and killed in the last second, has now been put on the armor of the Knights of the Round Table, and the brilliant and brilliant King Sword (Clarent) in his hand draws a magnificent trajectory.

   [Heroic-Knights of the Round Table Mordred (7 stars) Flame] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2200DEF: 2000]

Da Zi disdainfully said: "Even if a new heroic monster is summoned, it will not affect the situation. I still have 5 monsters on the field that can be used as sacrificial offerings to resist attacks. Enchantment!"

   "Recognize the reality, it's just 5 weak monsters. Whether it's through the blessing of the enchantment or the equipment, there is one thing that cannot be changed! The effect of the Knights of the Round Table Mordred is activated!"

   The brilliant and shining King Sword in his hand was fully liberated, and the red lightning overflowing from the blade made the turbulent hatred entangled in the sword body, turning it into a magic sword that symbolized disaster.

"Mudred's effect-you can destroy 1 [Altria] monster on the field or in your hand, and then select multiple monsters on the opponent's field with a total level lower than the level of the destroyed monsters, and destroy them all! "

   "The level...the level is lower than the destroyed monster..."

   Dazi, who took a step back hastily, seemed to realize something.

   Withdrawing the monster from the hand and sending it to the graveyard, Hoshino's mouth raised a smile of ‘all in calculation’: "I finally figured it out, no matter how you strengthen it, you can’t change the level of the monster on the field!"

   "I destroy the 8-star monster in my hand [Heroic-Altria Pandoragon], and all the monsters in your field add up to only 5 stars!"

The red lightning on the blade was condensed to the extreme, Mordred holding the evil sword high, and the helmet used to cover his real name also came in half, revealing the short golden hair hidden under the mask and lifted up by the flowing energy. And the eyes longing for the ultimate victory.

   "This is the evil sword that destroyed my father-"The rebellion against my gorgeous father (Clarent Blood Arthur!!!"

   The red lightning that slashed down heavily overturned the mark engraved on the floor enchantment and shredded all the monsters on the Dazi field in an instant.

"If you don’t have any monsters like this, you won’t be able to activate [Olihagang Enchantment·Second Stage]. At the same time, [Soul Barrier], which requires monsters to be present on the field to be effective, has also lost its effect. posture!"

   "General, what are you kidding me? The Mordred on your field is a defensive form, and the only monster that can attack is Matthew, who has an attack power of 1,000. And my remaining health is a full 6,000 points!"

   Relying on the massive amount of health restored by the enchantment, even if the monsters were completely destroyed, Zhengtai Dazi still barely stabilized his mind.

   "Don't lie to yourself, you have already lost!" Withdrawing the last hand card and inserting it into the duel plate, Ma Xiu Lingji's exoskeleton began to operate at high speed.

   "Senior! Astral base awakening rate exceeded 90%, yes, it can definitely be done now!"

   "Then have no worries, go all out to hit this ultimate shield back slash!-Quick attack magic [Hero Shaping] is activated, Matthew's attack power increases by 1000 points!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette Ortenau ATK:1000→2000]

   "Spray device, start!" The auxiliary machinery installed on Matthew's shield gives Matthew stronger instant explosive power than ever before.

   "Heat the inner shock board, reload-Armored·Masho, start the assault! Right here, end this duel!!"

  【This card can only be activated once when it declares an attack. The attack power of this card is doubled. 】

  【Armored·Matthew ATK: 2000→4000】

   "Oh oh oh oh! Let me fall under this trick!"

   The jet of air drove Ma Xiu's slender body to rush towards the opposite Tatzu. Accompanied by the roar of warfare, the thick shield did not retain any affection, and it slammed down violently!

   Da Zi: "Ah ah ah ah!!!"

   "According to the effect of [Hero Shaping], this battle will inflict double combat damage! The final damage is 8000 points, Da Zi, is there enough health reserve!"

   After Hoshino’s victory declaration, the barrier in the space finally shattered.

   Dazi LP: 6000→0

Chapter 59: Countdown to the end of the world

   Da Zi: "Ah ah ah ah!!!"

   slammed the back of the shield and shattered Olihagang's double enchantment. At the same time, up to 8000 points of damage caused Zhengtai Dazi's petite body to rush out of the enchantment and hit the wall behind him.

  The duel ended, the winner Chiyuki Hoshino

   A shield smashed a tube of blood in a super critical strike, which caused Hoshino to pinch the sweaty hippocampus directly, "This guy, he still plays cards so unreasonably..."

   "Matthew, you really have no mercy at all~"

   Hoshino even feels a little distressed looking at the cute little Dazi being shot flying by the shield.

   "Wait, shoot flying?"

   However, Hoshino suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the process. If calculated according to the previous situation, in the enchantment, Da Zi, who failed the duel, should be surrounded by the shrinking enchantment at the moment when his health reached zero, and his soul was sealed in it at the same time.

   "Hahahaha, interesting, really interesting, Chiyuki Hoshino~"

   As a result, Xiao Da Zi, who was photographed flying and stuck to the wall, actually heard a crisp laugh.

   "Sure enough, as the manager of Olihagang, you will not be sealed by Olihagang's enchantment."

Hoshino had guessed before that since even the Three Musketeers of Thomas can have the authority to break the barrier at one time, then Da Zi, who can drive the power of Oliha Gang, will be sealed in the barrier even if the duel fails. Among.

  In other words, only Hoshino himself is the real bet on a life duel.

   Hoshino scolded unceremoniously, "Although he has prepared himself, the facts are still in front of his eyes, which is even more unpleasant than expected!"

   Xiao Tatsu who buckled herself down from the wall with difficulty, her lovely face showed a harmless smile.

   "Don't be angry, Hoshino, I just said that even if you lose, you won't sacrifice your soul. Isn't it bad for my collection?"

   This guy may not realize the badness of his personality at all. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a cute appearance. After all, you can't be regarded as a little loli after living for 10,000 years. No, it is better to say that even the most basic gender is different.

   The duel ended, Hoshino backhanded the duel plate, "As far as the result is concerned, you have already lost. So whether he is a collector's item or offering his soul is nothing but empty talk."

   "Hehe, Hoshino, you have defeated me, but the really difficult battle has just begun~"

   "Really difficult battle?"

   Da Zi with a mysterious smile, walked towards the window with a small step, and looked at the sky: "The power accumulated by the star snake is almost the same, and this world will probably come to an end today~"

   What Dazi looked at was the shadow of the giant snake that constantly swallowed the faint starlight in the sky. At this time, the shadow of the giant snake has nearly doubled compared to when it first appeared.

   "So what is the shadow of a giant snake in the sky?"

   Every time I look at the deep dark night sky, there is an indescribable depression, and the strong sense of resistance seems to prevent Hoshino's brain from further thinking about this problem. But now the culprit is here, and it's best to ask directly.

  "This is a concept that humans cannot understand. You can simply use it as a skin for the resurrection of the God of Olihagan. And today's skin is absorbing nutrients for the coming of the noble god~"

   Seahorse suddenly interjected: "Well, it's a skinny snake. You think a slightly larger snake can destroy the world, but don't underestimate human beings!"

   "What a wonderful way of understanding, Haima Seti~"

   praised the novel brain circuit of the hippocampus, Xiao Da Zi climbed up the window edge and opened the transparent glass that was bigger than his own body, and the draught that poured into the floor carried a cold and dark coolness.

"At that time, the earth will collapse, the sea will rise, the sky will be torn apart and rain of death will fall. Human civilization will appear pale and weak in the face of the power of higher dimensions, just like the Atlantis civilization ten thousand years ago. ."

   Seahorse frowned slightly, "Atlantis civilization..."

   Having the ultra-ancient civilization confirmed by the research of Father Arthur is considered to belong to the scientific category recognized by the seahorse, and if even the ultra-ancient civilization is easily destroyed, how can modern civilization be better?

   "That's why I said that the really difficult battle is about to start now~" The breeze outside the window kept blowing Xiao Dazi's silver-white hair, and the eyes under the messy silver wires looked a little complicated.

   "If you want to stop Da Zi and the God of Olihagan, you must gather the power of three legendary duelists and the nameless dragon. This is the only hope that remains in this world."

   "Wait..." Hoshino suddenly felt something was wrong, "Aren't you also'Tazi' yourself, why do you want to tell us this?"

   Now Da Zi's look and tone are just like hoping Hoshino and the others will prevent the destruction of the world.

   "I said that in order to prevent the special existence of'Tazi' from going astray, the'Tazi's of different time periods restrict each other as separate individuals, and now this balance has also been broken."

   "Balance, has been broken?" Hoshino realized that there are hard-to-read sutras for what is called "Family", even Da Zi who has lived for 10,000 years is no exception.

"As a youth state's'Tazi', that is, as the president of Paratis. For nearly a hundred years, he has used despicable means to privately obtain the power of multiple Olihagang, and has arbitrarily used his own will. He started the plan to destroy and reshape the world. But the power that was out of balance made him completely unable to be restricted by other'Dazis'."

   Hoshino's eyebrows are slightly raised, and the young man in front of him is too handsome, so he has washed himself white? Such a far-fetched reason makes Hoshino inevitably suspicious.

   "Since the destruction of the world is only the arbitrarily determined decision of the young man, why do you still feel calm and happy?"

Da Zi shrugged, "Because the destruction of the world has nothing to do with me~ Even if the balance of power is broken, I am immortal. The destroyed world will eventually give birth to a new civilization. Things that have been waiting for thousands of years..."

   Speaking of here, Dazi, his eyes gleamed, looking at the hippocampus and Hoshino.

   "But ah, I want to see that you can reverse your fate and prevent the end of the world from being destroyed. Because this way, it must be more interesting!"

  Well, this guy hasn't been whitewashed at all, he's just a pleasure criminal from start to finish.

   "Hoo——!!!" The sad long scream suddenly echoing on the floor interrupted everyone's conversation.

   Hoshino glanced disdainfully: "Hippocampus, your phone rang again~"

Chapter Sixty: The Clash of Soul and Fist

   Hoshino, who has been scared once before, will never be fooled again. Oh, the cell phone ringtone of Qingyan Bailong, right? I'm afraid that others won't know who your wife is.

   But this time it sounds a bit different...

   "It's a pity, it's not." The seahorse that took out the phone and gestured for a while, and the dark screen proved that it was not the origin of the dragon.

   "It's a familiar feeling, this voice~" The petite body jumped down from the window edge, and Da Zi looked at the duel disk on the hippocampus' arm.

   "The sorrow of the legendary dragon is a harbinger of disaster, maybe something bad happened, such as a duel downstairs..."

   Seahorse unfolded the deck and drew out the slightly shining card, "The Teeth of Cridia, is this card actually responsible for the cry of crying?"

   "No way, did they lose the game!?" Reminded by Da Zi, Hoshino finally remembered the ongoing downstairs battle between the game and the castle against Rafiru and Barong.

Little Dazzi shrugged with disappointment, "If the duel chosen by the legendary dragon loses here, then even if it just loses the power of one of the dragons, it will definitely not be able to defeat the God of Olihagan. This way, I The good show I am looking forward to is not to be seen~"

   I don’t know if this guy is alarmist. In short, Keiping urged a little anxiously: "Sister Hoshino, let’s go down and see if they really lose the game..."

   "No, the game will never lose to that opponent again!" Seahorse clenched his fists. Although he absolutely believed in the game, his body still unconsciously walked towards the exit of the stairs.

   "Go, go, you may be even more desperate after seeing the truth~" At this moment, Xiao Da Zi has even changed into a gloating attitude.

   "Come here!" Some ill-tempered Hoshino, looking at the pleasure criminal in front of him, simply stretched out his hand and grabbed Da Zi's small wrist.

   "Go down with us, and finally get a person who knows the true location of the island of worship, but you can't let you run away easily!"

   "Hey, hey?! What are you doing, why did you do it directly?"

   Da Zi's small body was directly dragged forward in this way. Although Hoshino's strength is not too big, it is more than enough to uniform a child with a normal body shape.

"Everyone said that after seeing the truth, you will be even more desperate. Do you still have to go? If you lose the power of the legendary dragon, even if you can go to the ritual island where Da Zi is located, there is no way to deal with Oliha. Just like it."

Hoshino, who didn’t look back, did not hesitate to pull Xiao Da Zi: "So I want to take you to see, not to see despair, but to let you see what mankind has created in order to live. Infinite possibilities!"

   Five minutes ago, on the second floor of the Paradis Company.

   "In the castle——!!!"


   Obviously it was a duel using monster cards, but the armored castle and Baron engaged in a real fight between duels.

   The peacock dance who did not know when to reach the scene, looked at the duel in front of him with a complicated expression: "Why, Barong? My prey is in the city, why do you have to fight with your soul and fight him?!"

Barong, wearing a blue mechanical armor, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I finally understand Ah Wu, why you are obsessed with this man. Because it is so fun, a duel with the castle! I won't Give such a passionate moment to anyone!"

   "Yes, dance! Now it's a real bet on the dignity of a man's battle, even you are not allowed to intervene!" In the city wearing a real red-eyed black dragon armor, hot and boiling fists hit the opposite Barong.

   [True Red King★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Yan] [Dragon/Ritual/Effect ATK: 2400DEF: 2100]

   "True Red King’s special effect is activated-activated when 2 or more magic cards are activated in the same chain. After the chain is processed, destroy all monsters on the field except this card!"

   This ritual monster, the Real Red King, is the armor that resembles a real red-eyed black dragon now draped in the city. Corresponding to Baron's power armor deck, it responded to the true red eyes of the castle who yearned for a confrontation and turned it into a new form to wake up the miracle.

   "Because of the effect of [True Red King], all 5 armors on you are destroyed!"

   The power armor of Balong is worn by a combination of monsters with different parts such as helmet, breastplate, arm, etc. It is a unique deck that only Balong can use.

   As a teammate of the duel team, Wang Yang said excitedly: "What a beautiful job in the castle, after destroying all the monsters, as long as the real red king launches a direct attack, you can defeat Barong!"

   "Pharaoh, are you still interested in caring for others in the current situation?" Rafiru reminded aloud: "Because of the effect of [True Red King], all the monsters on our field have been destroyed."

  The flame burst from the right fist of the castle swept the audience, and at the same time swallowed the [Black Magician] on the Wang Yanchang and the [Guardian Desseth] holding the death scythe on the Rafiru field.

   "And I can activate the effect by discarding a hand card and summon the Guardian Desseth again."

   Wang Yang responded: "That said, Rafiru. But if you lose your teammate, the next duel will be even more unfavorable!"

   "I'm not that easy to defeat!" Facing the flame fist that was burning in the city, the armor on Barong's arm ejected blue energy back. The explosive punch that was driven by the reaction force met the attack in the castle accurately.

   "The special effect of [Spray Armor] is activated, and it is sent to the graveyard as a sacrifice. Other armored monsters on the field will not be destroyed by the effect this turn!"

   With two fists clashing, Barong's spray hand armor was completely shattered, revealing the original arm hidden under the armor.

   "Sacrifice a small part of the armor in exchange for survival, even so, the true red king can still attack!" The effect of destroying the monsters in the audience was blocked, and the castle continued to swing another fist.

Barong did not show any weakness, and the remaining boxers exploded, "Then too! The effect of [Big Bang Boxing] is activated. When the opponent attacks, they can force the target to be transferred to this card, and then this card has attack power. Raise armor monster X600 points!"

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