【Big Bang Boxing Armor ATK:0→2400】

  A real fighting duel where no one would back down, and the corners of Peacock Wu's eyes trembled slightly: "An armor with the same attack power as the true red king, in the castle, Balong..."

   The fists fought again, and the huge explosion caused the armor on the two of them to shatter and peel off at the same time. Only the helmet worn by Balong survived.

   "Finally, the special effect of [Remember Power Helmet], when an armored monster is destroyed by battle, it will inflict damage equal to half of the attack power of the destroyed armor!"

  城内 LP: 600

  Balong LP: 900

   The indispensable end of the bad dry frame-head hammer slam. After both fists were blocked by the opponent, the rest was the moment to be more powerful than anyone else.

   Relying on Balong, who had a helmet and armor protection, he slammed into the city where the Red King's armor had been stripped.

"Oh oh oh oh, take the move, this is the power left by Hoshino!" Barong gritted his teeth and miscalculated the opponent's hidden power. He was violently hit by the head hammer in the castle after being strengthened by Medea. The Nian-power helmet shattered instantly under the collision.

  "——The trap card activates [Hell’s Cold Spear], which can transfer direct damage other than combat damage to the opponent! I won this duel, Barong!!!"

Chapter 61: Inheritance·The Legendary Dragon

   "Is that so, I still can't beat this man in the end..."

   The violent head hammer in the castle shattered the Baron Nian Power Helmet, and his consciousness gradually began to trance.

   As if seeing a revolving lantern, Barong quickly drifted past his monotonous life of constant battle in the dark mud, as well as the slight light he felt after meeting the peacock dance, and the boiling blood that had been ignited for a long time in the final confrontation in the city.

   "I'm still a little bit unhappy, the final duel... If only I can get to know you sooner, in the castle..."

   "Barong! Don't fall down so easily, but don't forget that it's a battle between two people now!" Rafiru roared, awakening Barong who was about to lose consciousness.

  "——The covered quick attack magic activates [Defense Wheel]! This card can resist the damage caused by the trap card, that is to say, the damage done by the **** cold gun to Barong is negated!"

   This card was originally brought by Rafiru in order to target the seahorse destructive tactics, and even he did not expect to use it at this time.

Barong, who was awakened by Rafiru, pushed his legs forward and the armor suddenly exerted force, keeping his balance and not falling directly, "Thanks, Rafiru! Great, I can enjoy this duel for a while. Keep coming, inside the city!"

   Same as the king of teammates, but he didn't want to be let down by Rafi Ruby, and the card in his hand was also opened.

   "Since it is a two-player duel, then I can't lose it! The covered perpetual trap card activates [The Voice of the Living Dead], resurrect the [True Red King] in the graveyard, and go to the city!"

   [True Red King ATK: 2400]

   The red armor that was re-wrapped on the inside of the city burst into flames again.

"Thanks, game!" waved his powerful arm armor, the castle's eyes locked on Baron again: "Because it is a resurrection call in the battle phase, so I can use the true red king to launch an attack! Then, the reserve of armor Is it enough, Barong!"

   Wangyang was taken aback for a moment: "In the city, why did you suddenly learn to speak Hoshino?"

   "Dance! Keep your eyes open and watch the collision of our last souls!" Barong shouted from the bottom of his heart, squatting down slightly, transforming the propelling armor of his legs into an offensive form.

   "Because I only have this last armor left on the field, you can only attack it in the castle!"

   [Transcendence Propelling Armor ATK:0]

   Most of them have 0 attack power. After using the effect, the power armor will be sent to the cemetery. After replacing it with the previous Barong, I absolutely don't believe that it will be completely worn out after only one battle.


   The boxer and the leg armor collided at one point, and Barong, who swiftly kicked in a roundabout manner, used a difficult posture to accurately meet the punch of the monster in the city.

   "Hehe, the effect of [Beyond the Advance Armor], when this card is destroyed by battle, the battle damage will be split equally between both sides~ This way, it will be defeated at the same time, in the city!"

Barong, who had anticipated this result a long time ago, showed a relieved smile: "The effect of Olihagang’s enchantment, if both sides lose at the same time, the soul will not be sealed~ This is the best ending. If yours The soul is sealed, Wu will definitely be sad."

  【Transcendence Propelling Armor】Break

  城内 LP: 600→0

  Balong LP: 900→0

   Peacock Dance's hanging heart finally let go, and his lips quivered softly, "Barong...you..."

   "It's a pity Barong, the conditions for defeat at the same time cannot be achieved in a four-person duel." Rafiru narrowed his eyes, unwilling to see the scene beside him.

   "We have no retreat. For Doma's plan, the soul of the legendary duelist must be sealed. This is also Master Da Zi's order."

   In order to put an end to the only uncertain factor of losing at the same time, Da Zi ordered Barong and Rafiru to team up for a duel at the same time. The implication is that even if the souls of the Three Musketeers of Doma are sacrificed, the task must be completed.

   "Within the city——!" The condensed barrier made Wang Xiang recall the situation when he lost the duel. Olihagang's sealing ceremony, at the moment when his health reaches zero, his soul will be sealed in the enchantment forever.

   "Why, there is such a thing..." Barong looked at his palm, his vision became increasingly blurred, and finally he was drawn out of his soul's body and lost consciousness, and fell on the cold floor.

   "In the castle!" The Peacock Dance rushed forward and caught the body that was about to fall in the castle. Fortunately, Barong fainted early, otherwise the damage he might suffer would be greater than the soul seal.

   "Just in time for this final finale~ Are you satisfied with this, Hoshino?" Little Dazi, who was dragged down by Hoshino, still had that nasty tone after seeing the soul sealed.

   In the castle where the pupils lost their color, the line of sight in front of him gradually became dark, and the cold palm subconsciously touched the tear-stained cheek of Peacock Dance.

   "Dance, you don't have to force yourself to fight. Even if you can't always win, there are many other meaningful things in life..."

   Xiao Da Zi, who could not understand the atmosphere at all, shrugged disdainfully: "It's a moving farewell, but the world will be destroyed anyway... Hey, it hurts!"

   Hoshino unceremoniously gave the chattering little Da Zi a chestnut on his head: "If you can't speak, just say a few words!"

Hoshino hammered her small head hard, Da Zi stretched out her hand and rubbed it uncomfortably, and whispered with a pouting mouth, "I'm telling the truth. In the legend, after the soul of the duel is sealed, you can't defeat Oliha. Just the power of it."

   The sorrowful dragon cry was heard again, this time not only the seahorse’s teeth of Credia, but also the eye of Timeo in the hands of the king. The double wailing that strikes the heart directly, plucks the heartstrings, echoes in the spacious space.

   And the saddest thing right now is probably the peacock dance who has lost his soul and body in the city. The teardrops sliding from the delicate cheeks kept dripping on the cold palms in the city.

   "Roar——!" The long ming that came out again, different from the sad feelings just now, seemed to roar out with the last trace of strength, unwilling to give up the will to yield.

   The sound of the unbending dragon's cry was released from the legendary dragon in the hands of the city, the claw of Hermo.

   Peacock Dance gently picked up the glowing claws of Hermo in the hands of the castle. The faint light seemed to be telling the legendary dragon, and the chosen duelist Katsuya Castle, the fighting spirit left in it to resist the darkness.

   pursed his lips, swallowed the bitter tears from the corners of his mouth, Peacock Dance followed the direction of the light and threw the card out.

   "This world can't just end like this, Hoshino, please, inherit the faith in the castle!"

   Peacock Dance felt from the legendary dragon, the world’s last chance-precisely because it did not exist in this time and space at the time, it missed the king of duels chosen by the fate of the nameless dragon.

Chapter 62: The Possibility of Heroic Spirits and Legendary Dragons [Two in One Chapter]

   "The legendary dragon... The claws of Hermo..."

   took the legendary dragon card from the Peacock Dancer, and Hoshino's consciousness was instantly drawn to the world of dueling monsters, in front of the three legendary dragon crystal statues.

   "The nameless dragon can awaken the power hidden in the duel monster card and transform it into a brand-new form to fight against the dark Olihagang..."

   The voice echoing in Hoshino's mind instilled in her the concept of the legendary dragon and, most importantly, the way to awaken the hidden power in the card.

   "That's it, I already fully understand it!" Looking up at the huge crystal dragon statue in front, Hoshino said excitedly: "Homo's claw, this is your power!"

   Hermo's Claws-can be fused with monster cards, awaken the special form of monsters with the power of the legendary dragon, and turn them into the strongest equipment card.

   Known possibilities: true red-eyed black dragon sword (true red-eyed black dragon + Hermo), time magic hammer (time magician + Hermo)

   Unknown possibilities: unlimited!

   "You can fuse the heroic monsters into an equipment card!" From this point of view, this Claw of Hermo is probably the most suitable legendary dragon card for Hoshino.

   After all, most heroic spirits have their corresponding treasures. If the power that cannot be displayed through the duel monster card can be stimulated, those treasures that can destroy the world can be reproduced with new possibilities.

   Hoshino stroked his chin, thoughtfully, "If the possibilities are limitless, maybe I can still talk about some mythical uniforms that have never appeared before~"

   I have seen Hoshino, who has the abilities of the mouth and beard of the fang of Hymacridia twice, and knows the terrifying power of the legendary dragon very well. As long as your brain is big enough, there is absolutely no way for the other side to take you.

  The only regret is...

   "It would be good if it weren't for the inheritance of the legendary dragon in this way." The consciousness was pulled back to the real Hoshino, and the process of sealing the soul in the enchantment had ended.

   The enchantment space that was originally huge enough to accommodate a duel of four people is now condensed to only the two of Wang Yang and Rafiru.

   took over the interrupted process in the city, and Rafiru, who started the round, drew the card from his hand.

   "Pharaoh, in this way, the two-to-one situation you expected will not come out. And because of the explosion effect of the real red king, there are no more monsters on your field!"

   By the effect of the guardian Desses, after being destroyed, abandon the hand card to special summon from the cemetery, and equip the death scythe. Now Rafiru's repressive power on the field has surpassed that of Wang Yan.

  【Guardian·Desses ATK: 2500→8000】

   [Reaper's Scythe-Soul Breaker Equipment Card Effect: "Guardian Desseth" can only be equipped. The attack power of the equipped monster is increased by the number of monsters in the cemetery of both sides × 500. 】

"Although Barong finally sacrificed his soul, the armor monster in his graveyard will still provide attack power for my death scythe! Finally, the equipped magic [Flashing Swords-Thunder Shock] is activated, and the attack power of the equipped monster is reduced by 500 points. , But you can attack twice in the same combat phase!"

   Insert the last card into the duel plate, and Rafiru launched an attack declaration.

  【Guardian·Desses ATK: 8000→7500】

   "You are not the only one who inherited the will of your companions. You will never be able to defeat me, Pharaoh!!!"

   Reaper's scythe tore the air and cut through the Wang-like defenseless body with one blow.

  Muto Game LP: 4000→0

   "Game, you fellow..." Seeing Wang Xiang's instantaneous life value, Haima was furious: "You actually lost to this guy twice!!"

   "No, Seahorse, it's not over yet!" Hoshino reminded when he looked at the light green enchantment without movement. If Wang Xiang really loses, the enchantment will definitely shrink and seal the soul in the first place.

   Wang Yang, with his head lowered, calmly said: "Rafiru, I will never lose to you again, not for the sake of saving the world. It is just for the sake of my partner, the soul of my dear friend, and I cannot fail again."

  "——The covered trap card activates [Soul Relay]!"

  【Soul Relay Trap Card Effect: You can activate it only when your health becomes 0. Special summon 1 monster from your hand. Your defeat condition is that the monster special summoned by this effect leaves the field. 】

   Muto Game LP: 0

   "Fuck, lock 0 blood, you are so overbearing!" Hoshino was surprised when he glanced at the king-like life value, which is the real use of blood lock technology to the extreme.

   Xiao Da Zi added: "The Pharaoh can't win. Rafiru's monster can attack again because of the equipment effect. With such an attack power, even if it is summoned, it can't resist it."

   "Because of the effect of [Soul Relay], I special call..."

   The monster that inherited the last soul of the king, danced the metal long sword in his hand, and accurately blocked the death sickle that could kill everything.

  "——In the form of an attack, special summon [Elven Swordsman Who Tumbles the Enemy]!"

   has always been an elven swordsman who has acted as cannon fodder. At this moment, he finally stood up, holding his long sword in a steady posture, never being repelled even half a step.

   [Elf swordsman who fiddles with the enemy★★★★ (4-star) land] [Warrior family/Effect ATK: 1400 DEF: 1200]

   [This card cannot be destroyed by a battle with a monster with an attack power of 1900 or more. 】

"How could it be like this..." Once again, I sighed at the king-like duel technique, using an elf swordsman who would not be defeated by a monster with an attack power of 1900 or more as the last insurance of [Relay of Soul], then Rafiru’s Desseth can be said that there is absolutely no way.

   The most critical point, although the Guardian Desses is very strong, it has a very deadly side effect. That is, when it exists on the field, the controller cannot summon other monsters on the field. In other words, Rafiru, who cannot summon additional monsters to attack, will never be able to break through the last line of defense like the king.

   "Drag the battle into a protracted battle, is that your purpose, Pharaoh?"

   After the battle was completely locked by Wang Yang, Rafiru's tone sounded a little impatient.

   "The round is over!"

   "It won't be long..."

   At the beginning of the round, the king who drew out the card raised his mouth confidently, "It's better to end this duel this round, magic card [Dead Susheng], come back, my strongest servant, the black magician!"

   The resurrection of the Holy Light begins, and the black magician who was sent to the cemetery by the [True Red King] bombing ground last round is re-summoned.

"Then it is the effect of the legendary dragon [Eye of Timio] that smashes the power of darkness. It uses the black magician on my field as a fusion material and sends it to the graveyard, and special summons the fusion monster with the black magician card name. !"

   "Hey? Didn't it fuse with the legendary dragon?" Hoshino saw the legendary dragon in the game for the first time, and he didn't understand the effect of Timio Eye.

   "The monster awakened by Timio's eye is the memory of my battle with the castle! Now, the fighting spirit that burns with my best friends will once again call the strongest knight who burns the black flame!"

   tightly holding the fusion card in his hand, Wang Yang solemnly glanced at the city lying beside him in the arms of Peacock Dance.

   "I'm going up, inside the city! This strongest monster created by your power will surely open up the road to victory for us again!"

   "—— Fusion Summon [Knight of Black Flame]!"

  【Knight of Black Flame★★★★★★(6 stars) Dark】【Warrior/fusion/effect ATK: 2200DEF: 800】

  【"Black Magician" + "Swordsman of Flame"】

  " Originally needed "Swordsman of Flame" as the fusion material of [Knight of Black Flame], because Timio's power can be summoned directly! Rafiru, this is my final card! "

   Hoshino blinked his eyes, thinking that he was wrong: "Obviously it is a monster that uses a black magician as a fusion material, why the panel is weaker than the black magician?"

   "Attack, the knight of the black flame, the magical black flame cut!!" The king-like attack directly launched, and the black flame swordsman with an attack power of only 2200 points collided with Desses who had an attack power of 7,500.

"It's nothing more than an innocent attack, it's a waste of the effect of the legendary dragon!" Rafiru sneered sneer, the death scythe on the field rolled and hit the black flame and slashed forward, and he just merged and summoned the black flame. The Cavaliers were defeated by the opponent's counterattack.

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