However, Wang Yang has only 0 points of health left and he hasn't jumped at all.

   The corners of Hoshino's mouth twitched unconsciously: "What a wayward blood lock, as long as the Elf Swordsman does not die, it doesn't matter no matter how much damage he suffers..."

"You have already lost, Rafiru!" The Wang Yang, who embraced his chest, stood amidst the black flames that had been severed and dissipated: "After breaking the Phantom Black Flame as the prelude, it represents the strongest knight. Coming at this moment!"

   [When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Phantom Knight" from your deck or hand. 】

   "Come on, this is the strongest knight who transcends the heavens and stands at the top! Special summoned from the deck in the form of attack, [Phantom Knight]!"

  【Phantom Knight★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Light】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2800DEF: 2000】

   [This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Knight of Black Flame". 】

  The light knight holding a golden scythe is in sharp contrast with the dark guardian holding the death scythe. In the enchantment, the battle between light and darkness is on the verge of breaking out.

   The tense atmosphere at the last moment, Hoshino swallowed his saliva, and squeezed Da Zi's elastic cheek.

   "You squeeze your face if you are nervous!!"

"Fight, Rafiru! The victory or defeat of light and darkness!" Reaching out his hand and waving forward with all his strength, Wang Yang started the final battle process: "Target Guardian Desses, Cut the Darkness, Knight of Phantom !"

  Rafiru is also not to be outdone: "Fight back, Desseth, the opponent hasn't reached half of your attack power! Ruin this monster!"

   The two sickles collided and rubbed dazzling sparks. In just a moment of confrontation, the crisp sound of metal cracking echoed the audience.

   "How could it be..." Rafiru with wide-eyed eyes, the completely shattered death scythe, could not fight back under the blow of the Phantom Knight's rays.

   "The special effect of the Phantom Knight-when this card is in battle, the attack power of this card is added to the attack power of the opponent's monster!"

  【Phantom Knight ATK: 2800→10300】

   "Attack power exceeded 10,000 points!" Seahorse, who had remained silent, finally said. Watching Wang Yang starting from lock blood at 0 o'clock to counter-kill with attack power exceeding 10,000, such a reversal completely ignited Haima's eagerness to win.

   "Rafiru, this is the Light Knight's, and it is also my victory with the will of the city!!"


   Rafiru, without a card, was finally unable to resurrect Dessex again.

  Rafiru LP: 4000→1200

   "Let's end the duel, Elf Swordsman!" Slashing down in the direction pointed by Wang Xiang, the Elf Swordsman's long sword swept across Rafiru's body. It has always been used as cannon fodder, and today it finally picked up the biggest head in history.

  Rafiru: "Ahhhhh!!!"

  Rafiru LP: 1200→0

  The king who won the final victory, but there were unobvious tears in the corners of his eyes: "I won, my buddy, in the saw that..."

  The duel is over, the winner, Muto game & Katsuya Jonouchi

Chapter 63: The Horn of Counterattack

   "I actually let him kill him. It's the first time I've seen someone with zero blood and a life of 10,000 years!"

   The small mouths are closed together like a goldfish, probably this is the unique expression of Xiao Da Zi expressing her surprise.

   The condensed Olihagang enchanted and besieged Rafiru who had failed the duel. Gamble on the outcome of the soul duel, which is also a price that must be borne.

Wang Yang said with a serious face: "Rafiru, you are a powerful duelist with dignity and faith that I have seen." The hero cherishes the hero, even if the three swordsman Rafiru is on the side of the opposing Doma, he is a duel. Wang Xiang still gave the highest degree of affirmation.

Rafiru, who was under siege, shook his head, "I gave up my belief in protecting companion monsters, and devoted myself to using the power of darkness, just to summon people back home... I am no longer worthy of your praise, the nameless Pharaoh. ."

   "Rafiru, the only person who is really wrong is Da Zi. I will defeat Da Zi and save all of you souls!" Wang Yang, who clenched his fists, made up his mind.

   "How can I look like life and death? It's just that Oliha has just one enchantment~"

   sorted out the surprised expression just now, and the purple light flickered on the Da Zi who stretched out her small palm. Then there was a crisp cracking sound, and Rafiru was besieged, and the enchantment that was about to seal his soul was crushed by external forces.

   Now the small mouth of Hoshino can't close: "What's the situation? It turns out that you can prevent the barrier from sealing the soul! Then why didn't you save the city and Barong just now!"

   A smirk from the corner of Xiao Dazi's mouth: "Am I obliged to save them two? Although you defeated me in a duel, Hoshino, you don't have the right to order me~"


   "It hurts!"

   played Xiao Dazi with all his strength, and Hoshino's eyes were full of contempt: "Is that true? If you could really save the city but let it go, there would be nothing for us to talk about."

   "Okay, okay~" Rubbing the little Tatsuchi on his forehead, Hoshino seemed to be really angry, and he couldn't continue joking.

"If I get down a little earlier, I might be able to save the two of them. But it was counterproductive. At that time, the soul was completely imprisoned. And all the imprisoned souls would be teleported to Da Zi on the Island of Sacrifice. It was not. The circumstances under which I can intervene."

   Hoshino's eyes gradually eased: "If this is the case... I hope you didn't lie to me."

   Xiao Dazi's head is shaking like a rattle.

   "But having said that, I am confused, but I have never heard of four duelists being selected!"

   had been attracted by the fierce duel before, causing Xiao Da Zi to react now.

"The three legendary dragons have always corresponded to the three duelists. It was like this ten thousand years ago, and it is like this ten thousand years later. There has never been a fourth selected human duel... ."

   After finishing speaking, Da Zi stretched out her finger and poked the back of Hoshino's white hand: "Hoshino, are you not a human at all?"

   Hoshino responded with a smile: "Don't be kidding~ Is there anyone more like a human than me?"

   "Hoshino, what's going on?"

   The barrier that sealed Rafiru was suddenly broken, making Wang Xiang a little puzzled. Only then did he find a strange girl standing beside Hoshino.

   "Why, where did you bring the girl back?"

   "Game, the word "you" sounds very unfriendly~"

   Hoshino tilted his head helplessly: "Anyway, leave first. This is a long story, but it must be a long story short..."

   Hopkins RV——

   After Haima and Wang Yang worked together to move the body of the unconscious city back, Hoshino explained the general situation to everyone who was waiting.

   "City--in--inside!! You big idiot!" Surrounded by the unconscious city, Honda and Kyoko seemed to cry in mourning.

   Honda burst into tears: "Obviously, I asked me to protect everyone in the car just now, so how come I have sacrificed myself!"

   That is the case, the souls in the city were sealed because of such a flag before leaving.

   "Hoshino, you said this little, the little boy turned out to be Da Zi!"

  Wang Yang frowned, although he couldn't believe it, but it was clear that Hoshino had no reason to make such a joke in this situation. And the most direct evidence is that Xiao Da Zi has the power to crush the enchantment of Rafiru that is about to be sealed.

   "Is it a bit difficult to understand the'Da Zi' of different individuals..." Even the 12-year-old American champion Rebecca with a genius mind is a little hard to sort out.

   "If you really are Darling, please let me out of Darling's soul!"

Little Da Zi shook his head: "I said that if you don’t defeat Da Zi on the Island of Sacrifice, you can’t save the sealed souls. Besides, if you can’t stop Thomas’ plan, will one or two souls still make sense after the world’s destruction? ?"

   "So, how do we get to the island of sacrifice?" Wang Xiang asked the key question.

  Rafiru interrupted suddenly and replied solemnly: "No way, no one can approach the Island of Sacrifice except the army of this country!"

   Rafiru, who escaped the seal of the soul, naturally would not abandon the sacrificed Barong, and simply followed Hoshino and others to transport Barong's body back into the car.

   "The army refers to the pile that kidnapped Father Arthur before." Hoshino recalled, it seems that when he left the island of worship, he was also transported by gunship.

   Seahorse looked at the swollen Star Snake in the sky, with a little powerless eyes: "If we can't get close to the island of worship and stop Da Zi, we can only wait here silently for the end of destruction?"

   "No~" Xiao Da Zi shook her head confidently, and looked at the sky with the seahorse, but not at the position of the star snake.

   "If human beings have the will to survive, as you said, Hoshino will never sit back and die."

In the direction    Tatoshi looked at, clusters of flashing lights approached from the night sky. Although faint, they dazzled with a ray of light in the deep, headache-inducing darkness.

Hoshino, who understood the meaning of Dazi, looked at the huge number of armed helicopter troops that were parked around: "Yes, if human beings are really stupid to that degree, maybe this world will be as worthy as Dazi said. Destroy..."

  The familiar figure is represented as a representative. The little boss who used to abduct Father Arthur and had a relationship with Hoshino is now completely gone.

   "The duelists selected in the legend, you are the only hope in this world. Let us **** you to the Island of Sacrifice to defeat Da Zi, please!"

   "Please——!!!" Following the captain, the surrounding soldiers made uniform entrusted voices.

   But, human beings are not stupid. In the critical season of survival, the plan is exposed, and the last moment before the destruction, Da Zi will formally become an enemy of the will of the world to survive.

Chapter sixty-four: White gun stay? The Lion King? ! [Seeking monthly pass]

   "Then, it's time to go out, little ones!"

   "Oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

   Hoshino raised his arm, enjoying the feeling of the next response. With the hope of saving the world, the Chaldean lord dispatched again.

   "Who do you think are the "little ones"?"

   walked towards the seahorse of the gunship, and knocked Hoshino's small white head when passing by Hoshino.

   "Let's go, Hoshino, this time is the final battle!"

  Wang Yang seemed to be much gentler, just reached out and patted Hoshino's shoulder.

   "Brother, I want to go too!"

   "Take me with you too, and you can't leave Darling's soul behind!"

   "Man Honda, go and regain the soul of your best friend!"

   Looking at the relentless companions who responded to Hoshino's call, Xiao Da Zi showed a subtle smile: "Humans, although not stupid, but unexpectedly are a group of enthusiastic fools."

   Hoshino turned his head and asked the non-moving little Tatoshi: "Don't you need to be together, this is the interesting development you are looking forward to?"

   Like a magic trick, the purple enchantment spread out on the soles of the feet, and the figure gradually blurred: "This backward movement method can be used by humans. I will wait for you in the Island of Sacrifice in advance~"

   The barrier shrank, and the petite figure disappeared out of thin air.

   "It turns out that this guy is really not human..." Honda was surprised when he looked at Xiao Da Zi who left in this way.

   Kyoko tilted her head, her eyes fell on Hoshino, "But, don't you think the little girl just now looks a bit like Hoshino?"

   "Like me?" Pointing to his own Hoshino, with a puzzled look: "Kyoko, do you mean hairstyle?"

   It is true that both of them have long silver-white hair, and they have some similarity from a distance.

   Kyoko shook his head, and smiled: "No, it's probably my illusion. I guess, if Hoshino, you felt that way when you were a kid..."

   Please, when I was a kid, I was a genuine little Lolita, how could it be that she looked like this little Zhengtai. Hoshino, who secretly complained in his heart, boarded the armed helicopter under the urging of the first few people.

   Kyoko and Peacock Dance are responsible for staying to look after the comatose Jouchou and Barong.


   [The duelist rating is completed, the duel is Da Zi, the duel is level A++, and the Saint Quartz reward: 140 pieces. 】

   [Detected duelist number 001 Hoshino Chiyuki defeated the double dark field barrier, and issued triple sacred spar rewards, remaining sacred spar rewards: 425. 】

   "Getting...getting rich..."

   On the way, Wang Yang and Haima were both seizing the time to sort out the decks for the final battle. Of course, Hoshino also took this opportunity to open the system to check the results of the duel just now.

   But I didn't expect that the oncoming one would be such a surprise.

   "Sure enough, the quality of the duel is very important. This duel is more than the result of how many days I harvested the children~"

   [Holy Round Table Domain [Camelot], the Knights of the Round Table selected heroes up! ! 】

   Amidst surprises, Hoshino will certainly not forget the ultimate goal of earning stones: "Today, it is bound to pierce your round tables!"

  【Summon X10 OK】

   Summoning special effects began to rotate, and in the fascinating particles, there was hope that the next shot would surely be seized.

   "That's right..." Hoshino suddenly remembered something: "I remember Beckham said that next time he said that he would arrest all the guys with gold cards by violent means."

   As expected, the golden light began to flicker.

   "The upright and beautiful master, the knight of the round table Gawain is here to help!"

   This kind of cowherd aura, Hoshino’s first round table gold card in Ten Lian’s hands is the blonde gorilla, no, the handsome blonde.

   But this is just the beginning, it's like responding to Bediwell's promise last time. In the golden light that still hasn't stopped, another card also shows its true meaning.

   "Knights of the Round Table, Tristan. Come here in response to the call, and I hope it will come in handy for you."

   The title of the so-called round table cowherd group is really not groundless. Following Gao Wen, Tristan seamlessly interspersed with his melancholy temperament and the long red hair on his shoulders.

   "I'm sorry if I'm not a handsome guy, but I'm here to help the king~Knights of the Round Table, Age Guiwen, come here to report!"

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