"No, no, I won the final victory!"


   At this moment, the Black Rose Witch even wondered if Hoshino, who was standing opposite, had been beaten in her head by herself.

   "The effect of [Transformation Fighter·Smartphone] in the hand card——"

  【This card cannot be summoned normally. You can Special Summon if you exclude 1 "Transformer" monster in your graveyard. 】

   "After I exclude the [Transformation Fighter-Tool Screwdriver] in the cemetery, I will special summon the [Transformation Fighter-Smartphone]!"

   [Transformation Fighter-Smartphone ★ Land] [Mechanical Clan/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 100 DEF: 100]

   The monster that was transformed from the smart phone into the manipulator's hands and feet, materialized and stopped next to the power tool dragon.

   "Transformed fighter, it's my card!"

   "Longya, I want to gather your power and summon my trump card!"

   "Qianxue, your ACE?"

   Your fingertips traverse the two cards in the monster area of ​​the duel board, turning them into a [Transformation Fighter-Smartphone] that calls the aperture of the star, and traverses the heavy mechanical body of [Power Tool Dragon].

   "Level LV1 adjustment monster [Transformation Fighter-Smartphone], level LV7 [Power Tool Dragon], total level LV8!"

   Hoshino’s current 8-star coherence of the strongest battle, from the brilliance of the co-evolution of smart phones and powerful tool dragons, bursts with a knife.

  "——Swords raging and drawing swords, gathered lights of hope cut the road to victory! Reach the realm of zero, co-call, [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Miyamoto Musashi]!"

   [High-speed Heroes-Miyamoto Musashi★★★★★★★★ (8-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Synchronous/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2900]

  【Tuning monster + 1 or more monsters other than tuning】

   "Oh oh oh, it's burning me! I can bear hope in a desperate situation and cut the road to victory with two knives in my hands, so that I will not insult the name of the ace swordsman!"

   "Is that the dueling monster that confronted me in the first place?"

   The Black Rose Witch on the opposite side recognized at a glance Miyamoto Musashi, who was holding two swords, as the monster that blocked her attack in the first physical confrontation.

   "Come on. If you think you can still use this monster to block me in this situation, it would be too naive!"

   "I don't want to block you, I want to win!"

   After successfully summoning Musashi in synchrony, Hoshino puts the last equipment card retrieved by the effect of [Power Tool Dragon] into the duel plate.

   "Just use this piece of equipment to decide the victory!-Equip the magic card [Huge]!"

   [Effect of hugely equipped magic card: ①: When one's basic score is less than that of the opponent, the attack power of the equipped monster becomes twice the original attack power. If you have more basic points than the opponent, the attack power of the equipped monster becomes half of the original attack power. 】

   "The giant is also my card!" Long Ya became more and more excited.

   "This is also Long Ya's card? Unexpectedly, Long Ya will bring you a slightly more useful card." Long Ke vomited in surprise.

   Black Rose Witch LP: 10200

   Thousand Snow LP: 3050

   "Because my health is lower than yours, the positive effect of [Huge] is activated, and Musashi's attack power is doubled!"

   "——Sword pressure · Condensation! Use sword energy to cut its momentum!"

  Equipment [Huge] The volume has doubled. Of course, it is not Musashi himself, but the "Six Ways and Five Wheels·Kurigara Sky Phenomenon" formed by the sword pressure behind him.

   The size is comparable to that of a giant soldier, even if you look at the stars outside the block of the fallen, you can vaguely see the hideous phantom of King Ren.

  【Miyamoto Musashi ATK: 3000→6000】

   "What kind of monster is this?"

   Devine looked at the exaggerated sword-squeezing sky behind Musashi, his tone mixed with fear and excitement.

   Devien, who intends to develop the potential of the mind-power duelist for arms trading, and then make a huge profit, feels that the Niou colossus behind Musashi's full force with a stab can even sever the battleship.

   Then the value of using it for arms sales will be infinitely huge.

   "Fight, Musashi--!"


  Into the battle flow, the extremely huge Musashi, behind the sword pressure of the Nioh colossus, just wielded the huge sword in his hand at will, as if there was a momentum of overturning the river and the sea, it rushed to the opposite side.

   "[Gorgeous Rose] in target defense mode, when Miyamoto Musashi attacks a defense mode monster, it will inflict penetrating damage with higher attack power than defense!"

   "Just like you, are you still planning to win! Even if your monster's attack power is high, have you forgotten the trap card I covered?"

On the trajectory swallowed by    sword pressure, the dark cloak of the Black Rose Witch was blown back high, revealing a **** and proud figure, and the duel plate covering the last card.

  "——The trap card [Wall of Thorns] is activated! When a plant monster on my field becomes the target of an attack, it can bounce back and destroy all the monsters on your field!"

   did not hesitate to press the start button covering the trap on the duel plate...

   However, the facts did not develop as expected by the Black Rose Witch. No matter how the start button was pressed, the traps covered in the backcourt did not respond.

   "Oh? What's the matter?"

   "Hmph, I can't activate the trap, right, witch!"

   Hoshino looked smug, and pointed to the trap card that he had opened before the battle by his feet.

  "——Perpetual Trap Card [DNA Modification Surgery]!"

  【DNA Modification Surgery Trap Card Effect: Activated by declaring 1 race. As long as this card exists on the field, all face-up monsters on the field become the declared race. 】

   Longya: "DNA modification surgery is also my card!"

   Long Ke: "This is still your card? You can actually use Long Ya's bunch of cards with unknown meaning to this level, Qianxue's strength is terrifying."

  "According to the effect of [DNA modification surgery], after I declared the race "Warrior Clan", the race of the monsters in the audience changed! "

  【Black Rose Dragon Dragon Race→Warrior Race】

  【Gorgeous rose plant family→Warrior family】

  【After Flower Periyalis Plant Race→Warrior Race】

   "If it is not a plant race, the activation requirements of the trap card [Wall of Thorns] will not be met! Musashi, cut her off!"

   "——Take the sword to break the sky·Light force!"

  【Gorgeous Rose】Break

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Black Rose Witch LP: 10200→6200

   The huge sword slashed through the streets of the Fallen, as if cutting off the entire street, leaving the mark of the sword on the ground.

"It's not over yet! [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Miyamoto Musashi] can attack twice in one battle! The target of the second sword, because the plant monsters on the field disappeared, the attack power of [Flower Perialis] decreased. !"

  【After Flower Periyalis ATK: 2000→1600】

   "——First-class in two days, empty break!"

   The second shot that swallowed the street was smashed, and another cross was added to the trace of the blade that had cut off the street, forming a broken X-shaped crack.

  【Perialis after Flower】Break

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Black Rose Witch LP: 6200→1800

   The extremely huge transformation that surpassed the limit of common sense made two swords, the sword was crushed away, and the Nioh colossus behind Musashi, which was exaggerated to rival the oppression of the giant gods, also slowly disappeared.

   Long can stammer with Long Ya, and said in disbelief: "Okay, that's amazing. It's just one round, and Qianxue's advantage of over 10,000 health points was reversed by Qianxue."

   "Why, avoid me specially?"

   Standing on the broken street, not far from the intersection of the X marks cut by Musashi, the Black Rose Witch questioned.

   "If you are also a duel of mind power, you should know that if two slashes are directed at me, I probably don't exist anymore."

   If Musashi's slash was slightly shifted back, the Black Rose Witch would definitely not stand here without incident.

   "Just don't take it." Hoshino firmly refused: "It doesn't fit my style to end the duel with that method. A true duelist must win with integrity!"

   "You win with integrity? Then you will miss your only chance. Let's see the attack power of your monster." The witch pointed out.

  【Miyamoto Musashi ATK: 1500】

   "Because after two battles, your health is already higher than mine, so the side effect of [Majorization] is also triggered. In this state, can you still win with integrity?"

   "Of course I can, because I'm just waiting for this moment!"

   opened the last card covered in the field, this time it was finally no longer Longya's card.

   However, it is not Hoshino's own card.

   "—— Trap Card [Equipment Launch]!"

   is the card of the star.

  【Effect of launching trap card with equipment: It can only be activated during the combat phase. Select 1 equipment card equipped with a face-up attack display monster on your field and 1 face-up attack display monster on your opponent's field, and assign the selected equipment card to the selected opponent's monster equipment. After that, the own monster equipped with the selected equipment card and the selected opponent's monster fight for damage calculation. 】

   "I used the effect of [Equipment Launch] to launch the equipment magic card [Huge] onto [Black Rose Dragon]!"

  The equipment shifted. Originally, because of the overrun health value, it triggered a side effect of [Magic], which halved Musashi’s attack power, but now it changed the target and became the equipment of [Black Rose Dragon] on the witch field.

   "Even if the equipment target is changed, the effect of [Huge] will not change. When my health is higher than yours, the attack power of the equipped monster will be halved."

  【Black Rose Dragon ATK: 2400→1200】

   directly doubled in size, and the huge [Black Rose Dragon] with a rose petal body is now about the same size as Musashi's body.

   "At the same time, the equipped Musashi will regain its original attack power."

  【Miyamoto Musashi ATK: 1500→3000】

   "This is the final blow, because of the effect of [Equipment Launch], two monsters that have exchanged equipment will be forced to fight!"

   "Wh, what? Force a battle with the Black Rose Dragon whose attack power has been halved."

   The Black Rose Witch who suddenly realized something, because of the anxiety erupting in her heart, she instinctively stepped back a few steps and murmured.

   "The Black Rose Dragon whose attack power has been halved by [Huge] has an attack power of 1200. If it is broken by Musashi with 3000 attack power...combat damage, 1800?!"

   Black Rose Witch LP: 1800

   "The key to determine the victory or defeat has already been scored in the first drill of [Power Tool Dragon], witch!"

   "How is it possible, there can be no such thing! I would actually lose because of insignificant 100 points of damage..."

   ("I recommend that you choose to be immune to combat damage~")

   I remembered the Black Rose Witch that Hoshino'suggestion' before, and said in astonishment: "Mathaka, have you already calculated it from the very beginning, from that moment?"

   Hoshino responded confidently: "No matter whether the plan is calculated or not, as long as you ask like this~ then my promise will always be-within my calculations! The final blow, Musashi!"

   "——The Profound Meaning·Open your eyes! Commitment to the Broken Demon Sword!"

  【Black Rose Dragon】Break

  Black Rose Witch LP: 1800→0

   In the hands of Musashi, the two swords are in one. The shining blade of the sword cut off the shrunken Black Rose Dragon, and at the same time caused combat damage, accurately clearing the witch's remaining health.

   Incidentally, the sharp sword aura also cut open the mask worn by the Black Rose Witch.

   showed the exquisite and beautiful face on top of that proud and **** body.

  The duel is over, the winner Chiyuki!

Chapter 39: He gave too much [2&1]

Group 488749799

   Although he was blown by the Musashi sword in the duel, Hoshino realized the fact that the witch was'very good.'

   But I didn't expect that the face hidden under the mask was also exquisitely carved like a jade, and with the original dark red rose hair, it showed a unique charm.

   "The cruel witch, is she really such a cute girl, is it really unpredictable?" Hoshino sighed.

   Especially this figure, this one on the chest, is probably about the same size as Asuka.

   It's just that the **** and beauty of the witch nowadays is concealed by the deep confusion on her expression.

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