If this doesn’t have [Wall of Thorns], Hoshino can directly declare cheating on the other side.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   added three cards in his hand. At this moment, Longya's unexplained trap card was drawn into Hoshino's hand again.

   "DNA modification surgery..."

   But at this point in the duel, Hoshino understands that Dragon Subzone [DNA modification surgery] is for the matching effect of the Black Rose Witch plant card.

   "But it's too late!"

  Even if it can target the plant family's matching cards, the turn in which the trap card is drawn cannot be activated after all. If you want to survive this round, you must use strong offense instead of defense.

   "Only this last hole card can be pressed. In this situation, it is not the time to hide the strength! My turn, the effect of [Heroic-Meili] in the cemetery is activated -"

The last effect of    Meili, as a candidate for the crown caster, co-tuned space-time Merlin's peer, like Merlin, possesses a skill that can change the situation of the battle.

  【Heroic-Merry: The ③ effect of this card name can only be used once in a duel. ③: If this card exists in the Graveyard, it can only be activated by targeting 1 "Heroic" Synchro Monster in your Graveyard. Exclude this card from the target monster, and Special Summon a Sync Monster with the same level as that Sync Monster from the Extra Deck. 】

   Mei Li reappears in the phantom, turning around her elegant and **** figure, gently stepping on the ground, in the cracks in the broken streets filled with magic, slowly blooming in the flower shop of the ideal hometown, the treasure of chanting.

   "The end of the world, eternal brilliance. Beyond the horizon, I declare that the ideal is in front of your footsteps, spread, and set off unswervingly!-"Hope of A`valon"!"

   was shocked by the special effects of Merly connecting with Avalon's treasure, Devine, who had just calmed down, fell into shock again.

   "This feeling is the power of mind? No, it is more exaggerated than power of mind!"

   This kind of magical flow that can be felt incomparably and truly without the use of any professional equipment to detect it with the naked eye and skin alone is definitely not something ordinary mind-power duelers can do.

   Even the strongest mind-powered duelist known so far, Sixteen Night Autumn, has only appeared once in an emotionally unstable state of rage.

   Meili smiled and said, "I'm ready, Xiao Qianxue!"

   Hoshino draws two cards from the Graveyard, "After I exclude the 7-star coherent monster in the Graveyard [High Speed ​​Hero-Earl of Monte Cristo], from the extra deck, I special summon a coherent monster with the same level of 7 stars on my field!"

   Bai Xing: "Wait aibo, where do you have level 7 homophonic monsters?"

   The remaining two homogenous monsters in Hoshino’s extra deck, Eve of the Kamiko at level 5, and Musashi Miyamoto at level 8, do not meet the conditions for special summoning by Merly’s effect.

   "Yes, it's just got it...the ACE in the Witch Hunting deck!"

"Could it be that Qianxue, do you want to summon that card?" Long Ya's expression of astonishment revealed unconcealed excitement, "Even I have never successfully summoned it before. I didn't expect to be able to watch it today. arrive!"

   "One Kuso, Longya, shout out your strongest strength together!"

   "I can't ask for it, Qianxue!"

   Hoshino & Ryaya: "——To protect the peace of the world, the coherent call of courage and strength is combined! The messenger of love and justice descends, the power tool dragon!"

  【Power Tool Dragon★★★★★★★ (7 stars) ground】【Mechanical family/homology/effect ATK: 2300DEF: 2500】

   The left-handed excavator bucket, the right-handed pile driver turned its head, awakened from the coherent brilliance of the ideal country, a mechanical flying dragon in the shape of a "king of brave" materialized leap over the star field.

  The witch whispered: "Power Tool Dragon. Heh, is this your final trump card?"

   and [High Speed ​​Hero-Earl of Monte Cristo] are the same level 7 coherent monsters [Power Tool Dragon], and they stare at the Black Rose Dragon on the field, rubbing the sparks of the final battle.

   "But in terms of attack power, my [Black Rose Dragon] is higher!"

"Not always!"

   Hoshino starts the duel board to automatically cut and shuffle the cards and declare the effect at the same time.

   "The effect of [Power Tool Dragon]-once in a round, you can randomly add an equipped magic card from the deck to the card!"

   Equipped with magic cards, Hoshino will definitely not configure it in the deck that was originally suitable for riding duels. That is to say, the equipment cards randomly retrieved by the power tool dragon are all cards from Longya.

   Longya shook his arm at high speed and threw his fist excitedly: "Let the opponent see our combined strength, Qianxue! This is the duel between dragon and dragon!"

   Long Ke Tucao said: "But [Power Tool Dragon], is it a mechanical clan?"

Chapter Thirty-eight: The true duelist will win with integrity!

   "With the effect of [Power Tool Dragon], you can randomly add an equipment card from the deck to your hand!"

   Automatically cut and washed the duel board deck, without Hoshino's own hands, directly popped up the equipment card whose effect was retrieved for her.

   And the power tool dragon's attack power of 2300 points is only 100 points lower than that of the black rose dragon. But any equipment card that can increase attack power can directly surpass it.

   "Come on! I randomly added the equipment in my hand to start-[Power Tool Bolt]!"

  【Power Tool Bolt Equipped with Magic Card Effect: You can only equip the "Power Tool Dragon" or monster with the name "Transformation Fighter" on your field. Increase the attack power of equipped monsters by 200 points. In addition, the battle damage to yourself in the battle of the equipped monster becomes 0. 】

   Tool equipment similar to the shape of a tool bolt (Bolt), which is physically attached to the pile driver on the right arm of the powerful tool dragon.

  【Powerful Tool Dragon ATK: 2300→2500】

   Hoshino: "== Only 200 points, it's really subtle."

   Longya: "== Although it's just beyond, it's really subtle."

   Long Ke: "Long Ya, you are ashamed to say subtle, isn't this the equipment card you put in yourself?"

   "No matter how you say it, the attack power is overtaken!"

   Hoshino and Ryuya unanimously pointed at the Black Rose Dragon on the witch field at the same time.

   "Use the light of technology of love and justice to defeat the black rose of the witch! Battle, the attack of the power tool dragon-mobile crush!"

   enters the battle flow in a coherent posture equipped with the [Power Tool Bolt], the power tool dragon that rotates the right arm bolt at a high speed, with a subtle advantage of 100 attack power, rushes to the Black Rose Dragon.

   "Why?" The Black Rose Witch asked incomprehensibly, "What are you excited about from just now? It's just over 100 points of attack power. Do you really think it will be useful?"

   Hoshino: "Is it useful, don’t say it, don’t you think such a counterattack..."

   Longya: "So handsome!"

   and it's really useful.

   Although [Black Rose Dragon] has a rose petal-like plant body, it is a genuine dragon monster itself. Even if it is selected as an attack target, it cannot meet the activation conditions for the plant-based holy defense [Spine Wall].

   Even if it’s just surpassing 100 points of attack power, if nothing else, the Black Rose Dragon will be destroyed by the power tool dragon drill bit in this battle.

   "Unreasonable, this kind of useless behavior!"

   concealed the expression of dissatisfaction under the mask, and the Black Rose Witch opened up another card covering the backcourt next to [Wall of Thorns].

   "—— Trap Card [Invincible Attack]!"

  【Attack invincibility trap card effect: Only one of the following effects can be activated during the combat phase. ●Select 1 monster on the field to activate. The selected monster will not be destroyed by battle and card effects during this battle phase. ●In this battle phase, the battle damage to yourself becomes 0. 】

   Trap with one of the two effects will not be destroyed by combat or effects, or immune to combat damage.

   "I recommend you choose immunity to combat damage~" Hoshino suggested sincerely.

   "Are you stupid for me? Use the effect of [Attack invincibility] to protect the Black Rose Dragon from being destroyed by battle!"

   The invincible protective barrier unfolded in front of the Black Rose Dragon, so that the power tool dragon’s drill attack could not reach the target, and only the wind pressure representing the combat damage passed.

  Black Rose Witch LP: 10300→10200

   "A mere 100 combat damage is insignificant than a dead leaf in the dense forest before I exceed 10,000 health points."

   "It's a good analogy, but a mere 100 points of damage may also be the last straw that crushes the camel, isn't it? I've seen many people before because of this insignificant 100 points, and regret for a lifetime."

   Ending the battle process, this round Hoshino no longer needs to be wary of the explosion effect similar to the Rose Dragon in the previous round, and put all the remaining three cards in the duel plate in one go.

   "I cover three cards and the round is over!"

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 0 cover cards: 3

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Draw the card for the beginning of the round, and the witch whispered: "I don't want to play with you anymore. Devine should also realize that you can't do it at all."

   "——This round I usually summon the adjustment monster [Natural Rose Whip]!"

  【Natural Rose Whip★★★(3 stars) ground】【Plant family/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 400DEF: 1700】

   Throw out the only hand, the level 3 plant adjustment monster of the Black Rose Witch [Natural Rose Whip] physically twisted its emerald green body and appeared, and together with the [Big Rose], it set off a synchronic storm.

"Level LV3 Adjusting Monster [Natural Rose Whip], Level LV4 [Reopened Big Rose], total level LV7!-Let's bloom in the sacred landscape, co-summon, [Flower Queen Periaris ]!"

  【Perialis after flower ★★★★★★★ (7 stars) light】【Plant family/homology/effect ATK: 1600DEF: 2400】

   [Adjustment + 1 or more monsters other than adjustment]

   Elegantly stepped out of the synchronic storm of flowers set off by two plant monsters, and stepped into the final battlefield with the synchronic monster with the appearance of a luxurious queen.

   "The effect of [Flower Queen Perialis] is activated——"

   [Once per turn, you can select a 5-star or higher plant-type monster from your hand card and graveyard, other than "Perialis", to Special Summon in Defense Mode. 】

   "I choose the 6-star plant monster in the cemetery [Gorgeous Rose] to be specially summoned by defense!"

  [Gorgeous Rose DEF: 2000]

   The third synchronic monster, the [Gorgeous Rose] that was originally synchronised by the witch, was resurrected on the field, with a slender body in a half-squatting posture for defense.

   "The attack power of [Flower Queen Perialis] will increase the number of plant monsters on the field other than this card by 400 points each!"

  【After Flower Periyalis ATK: 1600→2000】

   Even if there is only one draw, the witch who can summon two plant-based homogenous monsters once again, waved to declare the effect of the final end of the [Black Rose Dragon].

   "Except the [Natural Rose Whip] in the cemetery, activate the effect of the Black Rose Dragon!——Rose Bound!"

   [Once per turn, remove a plant-type monster from your graveyard, and target 1 monster on the opponent's field to activate it. The attack power of that monster becomes 0 until the end of the turn. If the monster is in defensive form, then change the form of that monster. 】

  Although the homonymous monster [Gorgeous Rose] also has a debuff that halves the opponent's attack power by excluding the plant monsters in the graveyard, it is obvious that the black rose dragon's direct return to zero effect is simpler and more rude.

   sticks out from the cracks in the ground and is tightly wound around the joints of the power tool dragon's mechanical body. The roses of thorns make it immobile for a while.

  【Power Tool Dragon ATK: 2500→0】

   "If the attack power is 0, the resistance is completely lost. Smash the opponent with a gorgeous posture, [Flower Queen Perialis]!"

   Entering the battle flow, the witch took the lead to declare the attack of [Perialis after the flower], and countless rose petals condensed to form a tornado offensive, attacking the powerful tool dragon.

   "Forced to escape, power tool dragon!"

   Hoshino draws the equipment magic card [Power Tool Bolt] in the backcourt area of ​​the duel.

"For a monster equipped with [Power Tool Bolt], the battle damage to itself during the battle becomes 0. At the same time, with the effect of [Power Tool Dragon], when this card is destroyed, you can send 1 equipped magic card instead cemetery!"

   [Power Tool Bolt] and [Power Tool Dragon] joined forces to resist, not only did Hoshino not receive battle damage, but also the monsters on the field were not destroyed.

  The witch continued to attack and said: "But if you send [Power Tool Bolt] to the cemetery instead of destroying it, you will have to take the damage honestly in the next battle!"

   Condensed flames, the witch intends to end the attack of the duel with a burst of jet from the mouth of the black rose dragon.

   "Swallow the opponent completely with a cold flame, and end this meaningless duel, Black Rose Dragon!-Black Rose Flame!"

   "I'm just waiting for you, give me back the hit points you just killed!"

   At the moment when the Black Rose Dragon attacked the declaration, Hoshino opened the card covered in the backcourt.

   "—— Trap Card [Absorption Shield]!"

   [Absorption Shield Trap Card Effect: When the opponent's monster declares an attack, it can only be activated by targeting 1 attacking monster. The attack of the attacking monster is invalid, and the basic points of the attack power value of that monster are restored. 】

   Thousand Snow LP: 650→3050

  Using the ineffective attack and health recovery of the absorption shield, Hoshino returned to the health value before the last round of battle.

   The most important thing is that if you use the absorption shield to block the attack, Hoshino doesn't need to taste the pain like a real flame.

   The witch was very upset and said: "Really, you stalker...Why do you insist on this kind of duel where you can see the outcome at a glance?"

   "Can you tell the outcome at a glance? Are you a little too arrogant, Black Rose Witch? Victory is something like that, until the end, even I can't tell."

   Something that I can’t even see as a duel king who has penetrated two dimensions. You, a witch, on what basis can you assert.

   "I can tell, this gap visible to the naked eye!"

   Black Rose Witch stubbornly retorted, and put down the duel plate at the same time, ending the battle flow and round.

  The remaining hand of the witch: 0 cover cards: 1

   "My turn, draw cards! And the effect of [Power Tool Dragon], once a round, 1 equipment card is randomly retrieved from the deck and added to the hand card!"

   No time wasting at all. After the start of the round, he draws cards and retrieves the second company. After taking a glance at the two cards in his hand, Hoshino's mouth raised a smile.

   "Now, I can see it too."

   "Finally, are you willing to give up?"

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