[The big rose that blooms again DEF: 1300]

   bloomed again from the cemetery, and the big rose with wriggling pupils in the stamens stood on the witch field instead.

   "It's okay to say if it is not activated, but if the other side has not specifically covered the trap card that returns to the hand, you must be careful."

   With the extremely limited amount of information in the game, after a short period of thought and analysis, Hoshino decided that he would not cover any cards himself this round.

   "I will end the round directly."

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 2 cover cards: 1 (hero badge)

   Anyway, for the moment, Hoshino with the earl is still at the advantage for the time being.

   "My turn, draw a card! The magic card is activated-[Pot of **** and greed]!"

   [Effect of the Pot of Strong and Greedy Magic Card: ①: Exclude 10 cards from the top of your deck to activate it. Draw 2 cards from the deck by yourself. 】

   dropped the magic card drawn in this round without hesitation. From the inside of the deck, it indicated that a full 10 cards were excluded. Like the trajectory of a witch's behavior, the cards were continuously sent directly from the duel deck to the exclusion zone.

   "Then, I will draw two more cards from the deck!"

   After replenishing two cards with the [Pot of Desire and Greed], the witch has replenished the cards in her hand to 3 cards this round, and the key cards are successfully used.

   "It's time for you to see the gap between us! Usually called-the adjustment monster [Rose Girl]!"

  【Rose Girl★★★(3 stars) Land】【Plant family/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 800 DEF: 600】

   The 3-star adjustment monster with slender figure and thorny stockings wrapped in legs, the Rose Girl materialized on stage, and together with the other monster on the field [The Big Rose], it scrolls in the same tune storm.

   "Level LV3 adjustment monster [Rose Girl] and level LV4 [Reopened Big Rose], total level LV7, summoned in the same tone!"

   is different from the previous [Gorgeous Rose] coherent special effects. Around the Black Rose Witch, there is a fierce rose storm exactly the same as when it first appeared on the stage, mixed with scarlet rose petals, like a flame tornado rising on the ground.

  "——The cold flame surrounds everything in the world, and the dark flowers bloom! Summon the same, come out, Black Rose Dragon!"

  【Black Rose Dragon★★★★★★★★ (7 stars) Yan】【Dragon/homology/effect ATK: 2400DEF: 1800】


   Appeared from the homogenous storm of the rose, [Black Rose Dragon] The huge body composed of bright red petals, like a red flame burning all over, set off a roaring heat wave and tornado sweeping the audience.

   "Hey, obviously the attack power is the same as the earl..."

   put his arms in front of his eyes, barely weakening the oncoming storm and blowing it out, Hoshino regained his vision from the petals flying throughout the space, peeking at the black rose dragon on the opposite field.

   "But what's the matter with this unreasonable oppression, it feels like destroying everything."

   At this time, the importance of the mask is manifested. The witch, who was not affected by the rose storm at all, raised her finger to the black rose dragon above her head to declare the effect.

   "When the [Black Rose Dragon] Special Summon is successful, the effect can be activated——"

  【This card can only be activated when it is Special Summoned successfully. Destroy all cards on the field. 】

   "Burn everything in front of you, Black Rose Dragon!"

  "——Black Rose Storm (ブラック?ローズ?ガイル)!"

   The explosive effect that can be activated instantly for special summons. In the storm of roses and flames, all the cards on the field of Hoshino and Witch are involved in it indiscriminately.

   Even the [Black Rose Dragon] himself, who launched the explosive field effect, did not escape the rose storm that destroyed the audience.

  【Black Rose Dragon】Destruction

  【High Speed ​​Hero-Count of Monte Cristo】destroy

  【Scrap Iron Factory】Destruction

  【Soul absorption】destroy

   and one cover card each in the backcourt of Witch and Hoshino were destroyed.

   And from the virtual wreckage fragment of the witch that covered the card that was destroyed, Hoshino confirmed that the cover card was indeed not a trap card [Wall of Thorns].

   Although the opposite side of the last round did not specifically cover [Thorn Wall], Hoshino had a foreboding that the witch would probably activate card effects that destroyed both sides in this round.

   But Hoshino thought that, at most, it was the effect of [Big Storm] destroying all the magic and traps on both sides...

   Who would have thought that it would be so exaggerated in the end, and a 7-star co-homology call was specially made to lift the table.

   "If even your own homophonic monster is destroyed, you don't seem to be making a lot of money, witch!"

   "So, this is the gap between me and you!"

  The witch draws out the backcourt area of ​​the duel plate, and shows the destroyed Gika to Hoshino.

   "The cover card that I destroyed with the Black Rose Dragon is this-[Sprout of Xinxiang Rose]!"

[Scented Rose's Sprouting Quick Attack Magic Card Effect: If the card placed on the cover is destroyed, one "Black Rose Dragon" or one monster with that card name from among the monsters in your Graveyard and the monsters you excluded Can only be activated for the target. That monster is specially summoned. 】

   "Resurrect in the flames of Xinxiang Rose, bloom and bring the magnificent gesture of ending!-Black Rose Dragon!"

  [Black Rose Dragon ATK: 2400]

   "And because of the destruction of the plant type monsters on the field with more than 5 stars, they are specially summoned from the cemetery! [Big rose blooming again]!"

   [The big rose bloom again ATK: 1300]

   "Now, there is no card left on your field, and you can't block this round of attacks... You are already a general general!"

Chapter 37: An Ideal Hometown Open forever [2&1]

After the resurrection of    after the bombing field, the combined attack power of [Black Rose Dragon] and [Reopening Big Rose] on the witch field has already surpassed all the remaining HP of Hoshino.

   And because the scrap iron factory was destroyed, the surrounding environment has been restored to become the original fallen neighborhood.

   It should be said that it was even more miserable than the original Fallen Block. When the Black Rose Dragon effect was activated, the flame storm that erupted had a real impact and destroyed the surrounding streets for the second time.

   "It's the end!" Long Ya held his head hard with both arms, and said in despair: "If all the cards on the field are destroyed, it is really impossible to block the subsequent direct attack. I will lose!"

   "Qianxue..." Long was not as noisy as Long Ya, but blinked his eyes worriedly and stared at Hoshino.

   "Long Ke, Long Ya. It's not over yet, the duel! Look carefully!"

   "Look carefully?...Ah!"

  The puzzled Dragon Ke and Longya saw them in Hoshino's field at the same time.

   In the destructive effect of the Rose Storm sweeping the audience, there is still a little light on Hoshino's field. It was extremely faint, as if it was going to be extinguished in the horrific momentum on the opposite side in the next second, but still insisted on the light of existence.

   "The trap card that my backcourt was destroyed-[Hero Medal]!"

   [Hero Medal Trap Card Effect: When the effect of a card controlled by the opponent destroys this card of Gev and sends it to the Graveyard, this card is added to the deck and shuffled. After that, draw 1 card from your deck. 】

   Hoshino pulled out the source of the starlight from the backcourt area of ​​the duel, and his chest was shining with a hero card with a handsome medal.

   "After being destroyed by the Black Rose Dragon effect, I can put [Hero Medal] into the deck and wash it! Then I will draw 1 card from the deck!"

"It's just that? It doesn't make sense to draw cards now." The witch disdainfully said: "After a long time, the cards you covered in the backcourt are just a trap for this kind of bluffing. It seems that you are weaker than I thought. a lot of."

   Long Yadao: "Ah, that card is, my card..."

   Long Ke angrily complained: "Why, Long Ya, you want to put this kind of card that can't be activated in the deck. Isn't this dragging Qianxue?"

   "But, that's a medal for heroes." Long Ya poked his finger and said aggrieved: "Isn't it handsome?"

   "How handsome, at this critical moment, the only card that can save lives, how can it not be handsome! Of course, the premise is that it can be saved!"

   After re-cutting the duel deck, Hoshino's fingertips pressed on the top of the deck, drawing an arc-shaped drawing card trajectory.

   "Ya☆Da☆Ze! The card I got with [Hero Medal] is-Monster Card [Cotton Ball]!"

   "Cotton ball?" The witch confirmed.

   "Yes, cotton ball~" Hoshino proudly displayed, and threw the drawn card on the duel plate, "When the [cotton ball] is drawn by the card effect, you can special summon it from your hand!"

  【Cotton Ball★Light】【Angel Family/Effect ATK:200DEF:300】

   is only 1 star, and has no other effects except for the special summoning effect. The cotton ball, which is also extremely low in combat power, has the only good point that it looks cute and cute.

   So even in the satellite area, the cotton ball is a card that is easily discarded by people.

   However, it is such a card that many people disliked, but it has become Hoshino's draw effect with the [Hero Medal]. After receiving the baptism of the Rose Storm, he has the only chance to be undefeated.

   "I special summon [cotton ball] in defensive form to defend me against the next attack!"

   "Do you think this kind of miscellaneous fish monster can block my Black Rose Dragon! The effect of [Black Rose Dragon] is activated——"

   [Once per turn, remove a plant-type monster from your graveyard, and target 1 monster on the opponent's field to activate it. The attack power of that monster becomes 0 until the end of the turn. If the monster is in defensive form, then change the form of that monster. 】

   "I exclude the plant family [Rose Girl] in the cemetery. After turning your defensive [cotton ball] attack power to 0 points, change the form again! Go on-Rose Bound!"

  The thick rose thorns that the black rose dragon protruded from the ground firmly inserted the miniature cotton ball, and further reduced the already pitiful attack power to zero.

  【Cotton Ball ATK: 200→0】

   "The useless struggle is almost over! Smash the trash monster on the opposite side, and open the big rose!"

   The Black Rose Witch declared aloud that she had entered the battle phase, and her attack power was forcibly changed to a cotton ball with 0 points, and disappeared in the burst of thorns in an instant.

  【Cotton Ball】Break

   Thousand Snow LP: 3050

   "Nani, there is no change in health?"

   "It's not a useless struggle!"

   Inverted the card in his hand. When Cotton Ball was selected as the target of the attack, Hoshino activated the effect of another card in his hand.

   "The effect of the monster [Transformation Fighter-Tool Screwdriver]——"

  【Send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to activate. Choose any number of face-up monsters on your field to change the display form. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

   "Ah, Deformed Fighter-Tool Screwdriver! This is my card too!"

   Seeing Long Ya who is familiar with Kamen, his small eyes became excited again.

   "That's right, at the moment when [the big rose that reopened] attacked, I used the effect of [Transformation Fighter-Tool Screwdriver] to turn the cotton ball into a defensive form. So this time I won't be hurt by the battle!"

   Compared to Long Ya’s unclear [hero badge], this [Transformation Fighter-Tool Screwdriver] is obviously much easier to use. The form of twisting at the critical moment directly offsets the powerful attack effect of [Black Rose Dragon] breaking through the defense.

   "Also, if the twisted monster is destroyed by [Transformation Fighter-Tool Screwdriver], you can draw another card from the deck!"

   "Is it actually blocked by two trash monsters in a row? Then, Black Rose Dragon!-Black Rose Flame!"

   The witch declared her anger to attack directly, and the flame storm erupted from the mouth of the rose dragon, and the real searing pain hit Hoshino.

   Thousand Snow LP: 3050→650

   "It's hot! Although it's not a dark game, the pain is too real. Is this the so-called Mind Power Duel?"

   Seeing the discomfort on Hoshino's expression, the witch threatened: "If you give up the duel earlier, you don't need to bear this kind of pain. After all, in this situation, you have no chance."

   "Abandon the duel early and be'eliminated' by the witch? I can't do this kind of thing. Besides, I don't have a big disadvantage, right?"

   "Huh, it seems that you haven't paid attention yet. It is more severe than the disadvantage of the scene, and you can't overcome the barrier!"

   After all, the witch shook the dark cloak, revealing the duel plate that was hidden under the cloak most of the time, and the health value marked on the duel plate.

   Black Rose Witch LP: 10300

   "Life value, more than ten thousand points? When?" Long Ya and Long Ke gathered together and screamed.

  Because most of the time the duel board was covered by the cloak, even Hoshino didn't notice it, until he really saw this string of exaggerated values, he reacted.

   "So, it was the [Pot of Desire and Desire] at the beginning of the round."

   Compared with [Pot of Strong Desire] simply adding 2 cards in the hand, [Pot of Desire and Greed] has the side effect of excluding 10 cards from the inside.

   And this is probably the side effect of the key cards in the exclusion deck. With the blessing of the perpetual magic card [Soul Absorption], it has become a condition for the explosion to restore health.

   500 points of health will be restored for every removed card. If 10 cards are excluded, it will be 5000 points.

   So even if the witch uses the Black Rose Dragon to blow up [Soul Absorption] from behind, it doesn't feel distressed at all. More than 10,000 points is the life value, and now it is enough to make her invincible.

   "It seems that the power of autumn is still far more than this Qianxue..."

   Devine, who was hiding in the dark and watching the battle, finally gave a judgment under such a clear gap.

   "It's better to say that with such a huge gap, as far as the duel of mind is concerned, it is true that Qiu is the best."

   After the end of the round, after covering all the remaining two cards in her hand, the Black Rose Witch returned the duel disk to her cloak again.

  The remaining hand cards of the witch: 0 cover cards: 2

   "Finally, this time you cover all the cards in your hand, so the trap card [Wall of Thorns] must be in these two cover cards."

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