The 100,000 yen research fund originally promised by Devine was just a pretense to trick Hoshino into a duel test.

   Hoshino entered the test field dedicated to the duelist of mind power, using a very special structure. After the mental strength measurement value reaches a certain level, the entrance and exit of the duel arena will be automatically closed.

   When the time comes, Devine only needs to find any excuses such as ‘facility failure’ or ‘control accident occurred’, so that Hoshino can’t leave.

   Even if Hoshino uses his mind power inside, it doesn't matter if he intends to destroy it forcibly.

   In order to ensure that the mind-power duelist with destructive power is trapped and not allowed to escape. In the dedicated dueling arena, the special metal iron plates on the soles of the feet and the top of the head are not to be mentioned. The seemingly transparent glass walls have the hardness to withstand RPG bombing.

   It's better to say that Devine hopes that Hoshino will destroy it forcibly and waste his energy.

Then when Hoshino gets tired, Xanadu has enough time, as it usually does—use good methods to mentally and physically brainwash the mind-power duelers, so that the mind-power duelers can only understand. The horrible human weapon for a duel.

   Therefore, if things develop according to the normal process, the promise of Hoshino’s 100,000 yen research funding is simply a bait.

   However, to Devine's surprise, Hoshino didn't know how to be polite, as if he had seen through his conspiracy, and asked to pay first before testing.

   Of course Devine also agreed to Hoshino's request.

   After all, for Devine, it is a mere 100,000 yen. If it is placed on Hoshino, the drizzle cost, even the investment, is not even considered.

  If Hoshino is really a duel of thought power that can surpass Ikuyasu, then Devine can earn money back thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times, on her.

  The place to pay the money was chosen in Devine's office.

   This kind of dark trading of power and money, Hoshino still hopes to avoid Long Ke and Long Ya a little bit, and don't use dirty money to pollute the pure hearts of Gemini.

   "Why did you go, Qianxue. We are so boring waiting here."

   After waiting for a long time, seeing that Hoshino, who had left, finally came back, sitting on the chair was so bored that he could help the dragon re-tie Longya, and complained loudly.

   Long Ke with the double ponytails on his head changed directions, and said with concern: "Is that okay, Qianxue. About the mind-power dueler test?"

   Hoshino gave the Gemini a thumbs up, "No problem at all, I just discussed the specific (payment) matters with Devine."

  You only need to fight a duel with a self-disciplined battle doll with a programmed program in a dedicated test site, and you can get a research fund of 100,000 yen.

   For Hoshino, it was like money falling from the sky.

   formally entered the duel arena, Hoshino wearing a duel plate, opposite stood a white duel doll made of special materials with only hands and feet without facial features.

   "Although it is a duel with the test doll, Chiyuki, you don't have to be nervous, you just need to do it like a normal duel."

   Devine in the monitoring room communicated with Hoshino through the communication speakers installed in the duel.

   "Come on, Qianxue!" Long Ya, who still stuck his face outside the transparent glass wall, waved to help.

   "It's dangerous, let's stay away from the wall."

   I don't know when, the Sixteen Night Autumn, who was already standing in the spectator stand, reminded Long Ya.

   "Danger, where is it dangerous?"

   "This level of mind force duel test is likely to produce strong vibrations. Even if it is reinforced bulletproof glass, it is best to stay away if you don't want to be injured."

   "Strong vibration..."

   The aggrieved Long Ya reluctantly left the glass wall in front of him. Although I still wanted to watch Hoshino duel more closely, Long Ya didn't want to get hurt because of it.

   Long said ridiculously: "Sister Witch, no, Sister Qiu. I didn't expect to care about people too."

   "I just don't want Qianxue to be interfered with the test by other external reasons."

   staring at Hoshino in the duel arena, facing this girl who put herself in an embarrassing situation, Ikuyeqiu didn't plan to miss it for a second.

   Embarrassing situation-not only in Xanadu, but also in the embarrassment of Devine's position. Compared with Hoshino, Qiu Na's self-righteous ‘tragic’ life’s embarrassment.

   "Let me see how much power you have, Qianxue!!"

   With different moods and goals, Ikuyaqiu and Devine are looking forward to it at the same time.

   Thousand Snow LP: 4000


   Self-discipline duel doll LP: 4000




   "I won! [Scrap Iron Stone Man]'s direct attack!-Scrap Iron Fist!"

   [Scrap Iron Stone Man ATK: 2300]

   Self-discipline duel doll LP: 2000→0

   Hoshino’s direct attack for a decisive victory, a heavy punch of scrap iron like a stone man propeller, hit the self-discipline puppet, clearing the life value and ending the duel.

   Longya clenched a fist and said: "Great, you will win easily, as expected to be Qianxue!"

  Longke nodded and said, "It's really not difficult. After removing Longya's bunch of cards with unknown meaning, Qianxue feels that Qianxue is even more powerful."

   "It's not a card with unknown meaning!"

   is different from the Gemini who simply thinks that Hoshino can easily win a duel. They pay more attention to observing the strength of Hoshino's mind-power duel.

   "How could this be?" Qiu frowned, wondering.

   "Impossible!" Devine looked at the monitor screen in disbelief, and comprehensively analyzed the level value, and even suspected that the machine was malfunctioning.

  【Strength: 0 Mind Power Duel Level: None】

   After a complete duel, from the beginning to the end, it did not show any power of the duel duel. It was as if they were just ordinary duelists, who fought an ordinary duel.

   Even Devine calculated that after detecting the level of mind power, the exit of the duel arena would be automatically closed without any response.

   "Huh, it's really hard work for me, and it's not easy to make money."

   wiped the void sweat from his forehead, Hoshino appeared as if he was very tired.

   In other words, I took a research fund of 100,000 yen. Even if I am not tired at all, I must feel that I have worked very hard. This is Hoshino’s ‘dedication’.

   "You have worked so hard! You have no effort at all!" His lips trembled, and DeVine suppressed the impulse, secretly cursing in his heart.

   But even if Hoshino deliberately controls the level of power output, as long as he is a duel of mind power, at least a slight fluctuation of mind power will be caught in front of this cutting-edge test device.

   instead of being in this state, completely levelless.

   "Then, my work here is over."

   Hoshino, who put away the duel plate, had already planned to leave the dedicated duel field.

   "Wait, wait a minute, Qianxue!"

   After seeing Hoshino put away the duel plate, Devine instantly became anxious, and hurriedly communicated with Hoshino in the duel arena through his horn.

   "The test just now ended, and the mind level was not tested. Could it be that the opponent is too weak?"

   "How would I know that you are responsible for the strength of the opponent~" Hoshino shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "I just follow your instructions and fight like usual."

   Good fellow, Devine directly shot himself in the foot with this wave.

   Before the duel, I let Hoshino stay calm, just to make Hoshino relax his vigilance.

  Who would have thought that this guy really fought a duel on a regular basis, and didn't show any power of thought.

   If Devine hadn't personally seen Hoshino's previous duel with Sixteen Night Autumn, he would have almost believed that the girl under test was just a Muggle.

   So the current contrast of the situation, Devine can only be explained as——

   Hoshino's level of control over the power of mind has reached an unprecedented level, and can be easily retracted and retracted. In a duel without difficulty, she couldn't force any of her power at all, and she couldn't even capture the most cutting-edge machinery.

   "One more, let's test another duel." Devine asked.

   "Test another duel, of course it's okay." Hoshino readily agreed, "It's just..."

   After finishing speaking, Hoshino rubbed his index finger and thumb together, revealing that Leonardo can smile perfectly, harmless to humans and animals, but the profiteer smile that makes his wallet tremble.

   "You have to add money~"

   His lips twitched more severely, and Devine didn't expect that the boss of a dignified Xanadu organization would be calculated by this little girl in terms of making money.

   Forbearance, now is not the time to burst out, to forbearance, you must wait until the true level of mind power is tested.

   If there is no way to prove the strength of Hoshino's mind, all the next plans are meaningless.


   Another one hundred thousand received, now Hoshino is completely satisfied.

   When he got his first one hundred thousand, Hoshino was still thinking that there is still half a month, fifteen days from the start of the Lucky Cup.

   And the accommodation fee for myself and Youxing is calculated at 10,000 yen a day, but 100,000 yen seems to be not enough.

  I’m fine now, with 200,000 yen of ‘research funds’, not only earn enough accommodation fees, but also a lot of money left to improve my life in the inner city.

   "Can't you start yet, Devine?"

   But after getting the money, the preparation time for the second duel seemed a bit too long, making Hoshino waiting in the duel gradually impatient.

   "Immediately, it will be done soon," Devine said in a prevarication.

   "Master Devine, you are ready!"

   In the next second, the staff responsible for debugging the test device returned to the monitoring room where Devine was located and reported the situation.

   "So what time is wasted, hurry up and start." Devine urged.

   The staff hesitated: "But do you really want to use it, the strongest self-disciplined duel system that has been in the dust for a long time. So far, there is no record of a duel duel that has won by that system."

   DeVine believes in himself: "It doesn't matter, I have seen Qianxue's duel strength. A duelist with a better mind than Qiu can't win. Just use this system to force her hidden power."

   "Yes, I understand."

   is set, a brand new self-disciplined duel doll appears in front of Hoshino.

   Different from the previous white duel dolls, the appearance of the dolls this time is deep and pure black, which gives people a slightly more oppressive feeling.

   "Then get ready to start, Qianxue."


   The self-discipline doll first strikes, draws a card, and covers two cards, and the round ends.

   "Oh, don't you summon any monsters?" Hoshino raised his eyebrows.

   "Then my turn, I will summon in the form of an attack——【Living Memories Yuyi Jing】, and then attack directly!"

  【Living Memories of Fei Yijing ATK: 800】

   Yuyijing’s materialized broom shot the puppet’s body, and directly attacked it and took away 800 points of health. However, on Devine’s side, nothing was detected.

   Self-discipline duel doll LP: 4000→3200

   "Finally, I cover a card and the round is over."

  ——The quick attack magic card activates【scapegoat】.

The    doll opened the card at the end of Hoshino's turn.

   [Scapegoat Quick Attack Spell Card Effect: During the turn this card is activated, you cannot summon, reverse summon, or special summon monsters by other than the effects of this card. ①: Special Summon 4 "Sheep Tokens" (Orcs·Earth·1 Star·Attack/Defense 0) on your own field. This token cannot be liberated for superior summons. 】

  【Sheep Derivative DEF:0】×4

  Four sheep tokens line up one after another, blocking the self-disciplined doll.

   Longya taunted: "After the direct attack, the quick attack magic card used to block the knife was activated. What is this doll doing? So weak!"

  The self-disciplined doll draws a card, and at the same time puts a monster card into the duel board.

  [Tauren★★★★(4-star) Land][Beast Warrior Race ATK: 1700DEF: 1000]

  【A bull monster with a powerful force can chop down everything with a single wave of an axe. 】

   After the mortal bone monster was summoned by the usual monsters, the tauren who entered the battle phase excitedly rushed to the Hoshino field to attack the [Feather of Living Memories].

   "Reject the tauren, I am a pure love warrior!-Quick attack magic card [enemy manipulator]!"

   [Enemy Manipulator Quick Attack Magic Card Effect: Select 1 from the following effects to activate. ●Choose 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field and change the display format. ●Activate the release of 1 monster on your field. Select 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field and gain control until the end of the phase. 】

   "After I turned the tauren into a defensive form, there was no way to fight and destroy my Yuyijing!"

   During the combat phase, he forcibly twisted his defense, and the tauren, who sprinted halfway, knelt on the spot at the feet of Haori Sei.

  ——Perpetual Trap Card [DNA Modification Surgery].

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