After Hoshino opened the quick attack magic and switched to the tauren, the self-discipline doll also opened the last cover card in the backcourt.

   Longya wondered again: "What's the use of DNA modification surgery at this time? Does this doll really play cards? It feels weaker than the one just now."

   Declaration Race: Dragon

   Under the effect of the Perpetual Trap [DNA Modification Surgery], all monsters and races on the field have been changed to dragons, including the four scapegoats used as tokens.

  ——Quick Attack Magic Card [Instant Fusion].

   [Instant Fusion Quick Attack Magic Effect: ①: Send the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Fusion Monster Card from your field to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. The monsters summoned by this effect are destroyed in the end phase. 】

   Hoshino had an instant hunch and said: "Oops, at this time, launch [Instant Fusion] to fuse the monsters on the field? Isn't it..."

   A series of inexplicable operations of the self-disciplined puppet were completely connected after the activation of the last [Instant Fusion].

   5 dragon monsters, after sending all the monsters on the field into the fusion spiral as materials, the monsters in Hoshino's unfavorable premonition were successfully fulfilled.


  【Five Emperor Dragons★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) dark】

   [Dragon/fusion/effect ATK: 5000 DEF: 5000]

  【Dragon Monster×5. This card cannot be Special Summoned without Fusion Summoning. 】

   has five heads of different shapes, and possesses the strongest attacking dragon fusion monster that surpasses the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, and roars across from Hoshino.

   "Wow!" Long Ya, who was frightened and staggered, slammed his **** on the floor, and said in shock: "This, this... Suddenly summoned a 12-star fusion monster, what is this?"

   In this coherent dimension, let alone a 12-star fusion monster, even ordinary fusion summons are used by very few people. So it is natural for Long Ya to be scared.

   As for this set of the strongest self-disciplined duel doll that has been in the dust for a long time, it is said that it was used as a signature automatic combat man-machine by Seahorse Paradise many years ago. Then it was bought by Xanadu at a high price to conduct tests related to the mind-power duel.

  The reason for the high price is that, in addition to the powerful duel AI, of course, it is also because this unusually rare fusion monster card with the highest attack power of the dragon family-the Five Emperor Dragons.

   Five dragon heads of various shapes, staring at each other, collectively locked the Yuyijing on the Hoshino field.

  Through the quick attack magic card [Instant Fusion], the Fusion Summon performed during the battle phase, the five dragons with the strongest attack power, of course, can also make an attack declaration.

   "Danger, the attack power of the monster on the Thousand Snow Field is only 800 points. It can't stop this blow." Long Ke said nervously.

   "No, no, Qianxue is absolutely fine." Long Ya said with a strong aura: "Even if it is a monster of this level... a monster of this level is really terrifying!"

   "Come on, in front of the strongest monster, let me see your hidden strength, Qianxue!"

   The desire in his eyes has not curbed, Devine, without blinking, stares at the duel field, and the mind test device placed in front of him.

   Attack of the Five Emperor Dragons!

  【Living Memories of Feather Clothes】Break

   Thousand Snow LP: 4000→0

   ?>?)? Oh, I lost it~"

   spit out a little red tongue, knocked Hoshino on his head, trying to pass the level cutely.

  【Strength: 0 Mind Power Duel Level: None】

Chapter 41: The Hidden Card

   Such an understatement ended the duel. Devine, who thought he could use the strongest test deck to force Hoshino's potential, could only stare at the result displayed on the test screen again in a daze.

   Even the staff who was in charge of preparing this set of cards just now showed a ‘just this? ’Expression. Boss, didn't you say that you can definitely win?

   "It's terrible, it empties your health in one blow."

   It took a long time for the five emperor dragons to attack before Long Ya reacted slightly.

   Long understandably said: "Faced with that kind of unreasonable deck development, it is normal that even Qianxue can't win."

After listening to Long Ke's words, Long Ya also nodded frantically: "Yeah, I also remembered, shouldn't [Five Emperor Dragons] be an ultra-rare monster in the legend? It doesn't matter if you can fight against that kind of monster. "

   Of course, unlike Gemini’s empathetic personality, Devine, who has been out of the air twice, slowly began to undergo some subtle changes in his mentality.

   "Qianxue, are you really fighting a duel?"

   Facing Hoshino who left the duel, Devine asked in a slightly angry tone.

   "I ask you to cooperate with this research in a sincere manner, hoping to obtain accurate data to help more mindful duelists."

   "Oh, sincere attitude..."

   Hoshino glanced at Devine meaningfully, as if there was something in the words.

   This caused Devine to be nervous, thinking that his purpose was exposed by Hoshino.

   But I thought about it again. I definitely didn’t do anything that might be exposed. I soon calmed down again and continued to emphasize:

"I sincerely ask for your cooperation, but if Qianxue is just perfunctory to me, please forgive me for not giving you the research funds. If you deliberately lose the duel and are unwilling to show the true strength of the duel, even if you do a test and experiment. Pointless."

   want to get the money back? This can't be done.

   Seeing that Devine seemed to be really anxious by himself, Hoshino didn't insist on the seeming suspicion, and took out the whole set of scrap cards from the duel plate.

   "Whether you lose deliberately, you can see for yourself. The top few cards are the cards I drew in the first round."

   took over Hoshino’s scrap iron deck and looked at it. The more Devine turned down, the more solemn his expression became, and the tighter his brows were furrowed.

   Is this a deck used by serious duelists?

   This can't be stuck in the hands of doubting life?

   How did this deck beat Sixteen Night Autumn?

   Against these three big question marks, Devine looked at the star field in front of him again.

   The suspicion that Hoshino deliberately lost the duel has been completely eliminated, and even wanted to tell her that it was hard work. Thank you for sticking with this junk deck.

   "My principle is that any duel will go all out, so there is no such thing as deliberate loss. But if you really can't win, there is no way..."

   Originally this deck was picked up by Hoshino from the trash.

   Don't look at the usual Hoshino use of this set of cards, in the riding duel.

   But at the same time, only Hoshino knows the extreme irrationality of the construction of this garbage deck.

   In short, without ‘fetters’, this deck is absolutely impossible to play.

   However, as far as Hoshino himself is concerned, it should be very ‘fettered’... But this kind of bond seems to be limited to duels between people. As for the Human Machine Bureau, Hoshino didn't feel it at all.

   In the first test duel, Hoshino was vaguely aware of it.

   It's just that the first self-disciplined duel doll is really not enough to see, even if it got stuck, he managed to win the duel.

   But the second one is different. This self-disciplined duel doll fused with the Five Emperor Dragon OTK is definitely better than most duels.

  Using an unfettered Spicy Chicken deck to play against opponents of this level, even if it is as strong as Hoshino, it is difficult to win.

   Devine said difficult to understand: "Why, use such an unreasonable deck?"

   "Because I don't have money." Hoshino replied sharply: "These decks were picked up from the trash pile, and I feel that I can use them now."

   "Ah, this..."

   The listener was sad, and the listener shed tears.

   Not to mention the death of both parents, a girl at this age is so poor that even the duel deck is picked up from the trash.

  In this wealthy inner city area where dueling monsters are the main entertainment and academic work, it is estimated that there will never be a second such miserable person. (At this time, Youxing sneezed~)

   That’s right, it’s not just entertainment, but also studies and even work.

   Although he doesn't know the principle, Hoshino heard that continuous duel seems to be a necessary condition for maintaining the rotation of the perpetual motion machine.

   Therefore, people living in the inner city area must register their own card group, even children.

   And most children have to start from the elementary school of Duel Academy.

   Including Long Ke and Long Ya, students of the elementary school of Duel Academy.

   "I wonder if Qianxue has a place to live? Or let her live with us."

   Long Ke, who had overflowed his sympathy, talked with Long Ya in a low voice.

   In the inner city area, if even the most critical and important decks are picked up, it is very likely that even the place to live cannot be guaranteed, so Long Ke is worried.

   Long Ya nodded, "Well, I think so too. If Qianxue wants to!"

   "I see... in that case."

   DeVine thought about the trade-offs for a while, and agreed: "Use our Xanadu organization to reserve the card deck in Kakuri. If it's for a test duel, you can borrow a set from Qianxue."

   "Reserve Kaku?"


   "Wocao, this is too rich, it deserves to be a state agency..."

   was led by Devine alone to an extremely hidden black room somewhere in the base, Hoshino exclaimed.

   After opening the secret door of the small black house, there is a world of different worlds, displaying a dazzling number of decks.

   "These are cards collected from all over the world relying on the influence of the Xanadu organization. There are also super rare and powerful cards."

   For Devine, who wants to use the mind-power duelist to engage in arms trading, this kaku is basically equivalent to a place for ammunition reserves.

   After all, even if you train a duel of mind, if you don’t have a matching deck that can cause a large area of ​​destructive power, it is difficult to sell a good price as a weapon.

   Therefore, the Xanadu organization has never been stingy with the collection of powerful and rare cards.

   "Qianxue, you can choose a set of decks that you find useful. In order to get the test data of the mind-power duel, you can temporarily lend it to you."

   "Cut. Just borrowed... stingy."

   Bai Xing: "aibo, are you planning to wipe out this Devine. Even if you have earned so much research funds, you still want an empty glove deck?"

   Being reminded by Bai Xing, Hoshino also felt that what he did was too much.

   Although 200,000 is not too much for Devine, it is definitely not a small number for Hoshino.

  The so-called shorthands, especially after taking so many, if there is not even a bit of useful data measured, even if you can't believe in Devine's Hoshino, you will feel a little sorry.

   "Well, who made me lose just now. The next game will be treated as compensation for friendship, and you will not be charged extra."

   Devine promised: "Well, it's the last one. As long as Qianxue does your best, it doesn't matter whether there is a result or not."

   Of course, Devine is so hard to speak so easily.

   The so-called "last hand" means that Devine has no intention of playing with Hoshino anymore.

  Before he came to the warehouse, Devine had already ordered his staff to immediately rewrite the procedure in the duel arena.

   If the final result is still like the first two, if nothing can be detected, the entrance and exit of the duel will be blocked.

   Anyway, what Devine saw before, the destructive power caused by Hoshino's duel with Itokuya Akiu was absolutely genuine.

   As long as Hoshino is trapped, in an emergency, even if she can hide, it will only be a matter of time before she reveals her power.

   "Quickly choose a deck, Qianxue, I recommend you to choose this powerful shining dragon deck. As a high-star dragon monster, it is very rare."

   "Never mind the shining dragon, if you start with a high star, you will be stuck in doubting your life."

   After all, if you are dueling a doll, you still have to consider the lack of card decks. Hoshino refused, while carefully selecting the rare decks displayed in front of him.

   After scanning for a while, Hoshino can also see it--

  Although the rare cards here are dazzlingly displayed, most of the decks are mainly constructed with rapid attack, destruction and even direct damage.

   seems to be a deck specially prepared to emphasize the destructive power of the mind-power duelist.

   It is a deck that is mainly focused on attack and destruction. For the Seahorse, it is good to say that it is relatively inferior to Hoshino.

   Even if the deck is rare and expensive, if it is really used, it may not be much better than this set of scrap iron star relics in your hand.

   "Forget it, then Wind Witch."

   After struggling for a long time, Hoshino decided to try this set of Wind Witch's deck with direct damage as the main body. Although I know it is not suitable for me, if the card noodles are cute enough, there may be extra blessings.

   However, when Hoshino was about to reach out to touch the Wind Witch deck displayed in front of him, the familiar burning pain on his arm suddenly appeared without warning.


   This time the pain is more pronounced than before, and a faint red mark appears, as if it is guiding Hoshino to something, making Hoshino subconsciously look at the extremely inconspicuous card in the corner.

   "Because of this card?"

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