Devine just wanted to stop the leaving Hoshino aloud, but the action stopped in an instant.

   What if Hoshino doesn’t leave?

   If even the Five Emperor Dragons couldn't evaluate the level of mind power, Hoshino would basically no longer belong to, or surpass the category of mind power duelers.

   Even if Devine fancy the destructive power that Hoshino duel monsters can cause, and wants to force her to keep her...With the combat power of Xanadu, it can't be done at all.

   After all, the aftermath of Gareth’s shot can shake the tempered glass to powder.

   If Hoshino is really angered and made her move to the truth, it is estimated that the entire Xanadu organization will be destroyed as a result.

   "Huh? Is there anything else, Devine?"

   "No, it's all right now."

   As the leader of the organization, Devine is absolutely unable to do things that would ruin his life's hard work because of his anger for a while. In desperation, I had no choice but to obediently admit counseling.

   "It's okay? Then I really left."


   "Don't go, Qianxue!"

   However, at the last moment, it was not Devine who really wanted to keep Hoshino, but Sixteen Night Autumn.

   grabbing the slender wrist of Hoshino who is about to leave, Qiu pleaded.

   "Please, Qianxue, stay here! The Xanadu organization needs your strength."

   looked back at the sixteen night autumn behind him, on his delicate and beautiful face, his eyes were obviously dodging and blurry.

   Hoshino has been the dean of the duel academy for so many years anyway, and students have seen all kinds of problems.

   What on earth is Sixteen Yaakii thinking, in fact, Hoshino can guess it.

   "Sixteen Nights Autumn, does Xanadu need me? Or do you need me?"

  ——Youxing at the moment: "What's the matter? Why do you suddenly feel...this screw is so hard to screw?"

   A visibly blush flashed across his cheeks, Ikuyaqiu didn't expect Hoshino to speak so straightforwardly, and under tension, the hand holding Hoshino was released.

   "Need, need you? Qianxue, what are you talking about, I didn't mean that..."

   "Explain in advance that I will never stay in Xanadu."

   Originally accepted the invitation of Devine and came to Xanadu, Hoshino only had a little bit, about one percent doubts--

   The organization that collects the duel of the mind, will it be mixed with the cause of the destruction of the coherent dimension?

   It now appears that this suspicious organization, this suspicious leader, plus this suspicious test... it's just this level.

   Even if they all add up, it is impossible to reach the level of influencing the dimension.

   Since it has nothing to do with the destruction of the dimension, Hoshino naturally has no extra energy to devote himself to the research of this kind of organization.

   But Sixteen Night Autumn is different, Hoshino can feel it from her, far beyond the possibility of Xanadu.

   "Sixteen Night Autumn, you are just on my body and you see your shadow. So you will expect me to make the same choice as you, so that it will make your heart confused a little bit less."

   In a simple analogy, it is like a student who skipped class in the morning and slept late.

   If you are alone in the dormitory, you will feel a strong sense of guilt.

   But if you suddenly find out that your student roommate skips class and sleeps with you, your guilt will be reduced a lot.

   At this moment, Sixteen Nights Autumn, it is probably this kind of mentality.

   is stronger than his own Hoshino in all aspects. If he makes the same choice as himself, he will undoubtedly feel a certain degree of peace of mind when he is in confusion.

   "Unfortunately, everyone has their own path to follow, and I won't make the same choice as you, Autumn."

   Hoshino's decisive refusal made the face of Ikuyasu Akiu obviously disappointed.

   "But, autumn, is the path you walked really chosen by yourself?"


   I can’t answer, I’m used to Devine’s Sixteen Night Autumn. It’s been a long time, or I haven’t thought about this question at all.

   "I don't know. I just don't want to entangle such a complicated issue. As long as Devine, Xanadu asks me to do anything, I will do it."

   "Look at it this way, Qiu is really an obedient kid~"

   "Obile, good boy?"

   Qiu didn't know whether Hoshino was sincere, or was acting strangely, deliberately mocking himself.

   once used the power of the mind-power dueler to hurt his parents, and he who ran away from home with a disagreement would actually become the "good kid" in Hoshino's mouth.

   "But being a ‘good kid’ doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s not as free as my ‘bad kid’~"

   From the beginning of the War of the Witches to the exchanges after arriving at the Xanadu organization, Hoshino had actually gradually noticed that-Sixteen Night Autumn, probably was called by Devine as a puppet.

"Do you want……"

   Hoshino turned around and stretched out his hand to Ikuyoaki.

   "Follow me, autumn!"


   The situation suddenly reversed polarities, catching Sixteen Night Autumn and Devine by surprise.

   originally wanted to keep Hoshino's autumn, but he didn't expect to be invited back by Hoshino.

   "Try to make a choice of your own. Now that I have seen Xanadu, would you like to see my life?"

   "Qianxue, your life?"

   If I say that Sixteen Night Autumn is not tempted, it must be false.

   She wants to know more about this young girl who has been subverting her own concept of life since she appeared.

   She wanted to take a look at this person, who has more terrifying thought power than her own, who is heading on a completely different path.

   "But if I leave..."

   "Don't worry about anything else. Just answer me, do you want to go with me, autumn!"


   Forgetting all his worries, she held the girl who was as dazzling as the sun in front of her, her delicate and soft palm. At this moment, the confused haze in Shizuyeqiu's heart seemed to be swept away by the brilliance of yearning.

  ——At this moment, the Yuxing who has finally finished the final preparation, wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The exterior design of this D-wheel Qianxue is really strange, why should the nut be dyed green?"

Chapter 45: Duelists who are stronger than KING

   "Wait, autumn!" Devine blocked anxiously.

   Even if Hoshino leaves, it is of course impossible for Devine to watch Sixteen Night Autumn, his handy tools are taken away like this.

   "Autumn! Xanadu and I cannot be without your strength."

   "Sorry, Devine. I want to see Qianxue's life. If this is the case, it may make me more clear about what I should do. If I stay here, I will only be more confused."

   "Then do you want to forget my kindness to take care of you? Don't forget who picked you back when you were lonely and helpless!"

   "I will not forget, Devine. But this time, I will try to find my own way. Please don't stop me."

   The intention to go away has been decided. Devine knew that through this superficial language, not only would he not be able to continue to control the Sixteen Nights Autumn, it might also have a counterproductive effect, causing Qiu to resist.

   Then use brute force to force the stay...

   The combat power of one Hoshino is enough to subvert the Xanadu organization, and now there is another known top mind-power duelist Ikuyaqiu.

   Even if he gave Devine more courage, he did not dare to use physical means to block it.

   "DeVine, if a man is too wordy, he will be disliked. When it is time to let go, learn to let go~"

   Holding Qiu's small waist next to him, Hoshino turned his head and blinked at Devine, with a provocative look, completely as a victor, as if saying, ‘Sixteen Night Autumn, I’ll take it away’.

   "Damn it!"

   Devine can only curse secretly in his heart.

   Since Hoshino's appearance, it feels that nothing is going well for Devine.

   In order to set up the Xanadu organization, using the mind-power duelist as a bargaining chip to make a big profit, Devine can be said to be calculating for a lifetime.

   But today, a little white-haired girl will be rectified so thoroughly.

   "Damn it! It will definitely make you suffer, and it will end up against the Xanadu organization."

   However, no matter how incompetent and furious, with the current Xanadu organization, there is no strength to harden the two top mind-power duelists.

   Not to mention that even Hoshino's strongest self-discipline system, the Five Emperor Dragons, has been killed in seconds, and it is completely beyond the concept of the power of the duel.

   Whether it is a duel or a physical duel, there is no flaw in the powerhouse.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

   After Hoshino and others left, Devine, who was so excited that he roared hysterically, scared the staff of the surrounding organizations to flee, for fear of being involved in the anger of the boss.

   Unknowingly, Devine was already in a state of emptiness where there was no one around him.

   Only vaguely, attracted by the darkness in Devine's heart, there is a mysterious thing with a black mark on his arm.

   "Do you want revenge, I can give you the power to bind the gods, Kami."

   "Kami's power?"

   was startled by the person who suddenly appeared behind him, Devine backed away in a panic, but didn't realize that behind him had already turned into a bottomless cliff with dark waves.

   "But the price of becoming a Shadow Sealer is...death!"

   stepped into the air with no reaction time left. Devine's soul was torn and swallowed by the darkness crazily falling into it, and wailed in pain.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"


   On the other side, Hoshino and others who had left the Xanadu organization did not notice the severe events that occurred after that.

   Longya was still very excited, chatting around Hoshino.

   "Qianxue, you are so amazing! The legendary Five Emperor Dragon was defeated by a single blow! I want to take back my previous evaluation, which is even more handsome than Jack Atlas."

   After this battle, Hoshino's position in Long Ya's heart was once again elevated, and it seemed that he succeeded in reaching the same level, even surpassing the level of duel king Jack.

   Long Ke suggested, "Qianxue, you are so good, why don't you go to a professional duel match. In that case, you can definitely make more money!"

   "Professional games? This should be counted..."

   Hoshino suddenly remembered something, took out the lucky cup invitation letter Godwin had given him from his pocket, and showed it.

   "Lucky Cup. As long as you win this game all the way and win Jack in the end, you won't be able to get the title of KING."

   "Lucky Cup?"

   Seeing the sixteen night autumn of the invitation letter in Hoshino's hand, his expression changed slightly.

   "Wow, Qianxue, you were also selected by the Lucky Cup!"

  Long can stare with wide round eyes, and his face is full of surprise.


   Longya hurriedly added: "Long Ke, she has also received the invitation of the Lucky Cup!"

   After finishing speaking, Long Ke also took out the lucky cup invitation letter on his body, the same as Hoshino's.

   "Hehe, I am the same as Qianxue. Although I am not interested in the Lucky Cup, I am very happy to be able to compete together."

   "For the lucky cup invitation letter, I also have it."

   The Sixteen Yeqiu, who was perfectly integrated into the conversation between a few people, also showed his invitation letter.

   "Even sister Qiu..."

   At this moment, only MAX lucky people can be selected to participate in the Lucky Cup. Three contestants were gathered at once, and three invitation letters were exactly the same.

   makes this thing seem completely worthless, it's the same all over the street.

   Except for one person.

   "Hmm, I'm so envious!" Long Ya cried out crying: "Why, why is I the only one who has not been favored by the goddess of luck! I really want to fight Jack Atlas too!"

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