"Even if Long Ya participates, it's impossible to win the final." Long Ke pointed out ruthlessly: "Don't talk about Qianxue, Long Ya, you must not even beat Sister Qiu. It is impossible to challenge the duel king."

   There is absolutely no way to refute it. Long Ya, who was pointed out by Long Ke, calmed down because of grievances, "=3=But people just want to participate."

   "Qianxue, can I fight you again on the Lucky Cup?"

   For the duel, the Sixteen Night Autumn, who no longer had emotions other than the destruction of the power of mind, felt a glimmer of anticipation after a long absence.

   "I want to fight you, unreservedly, to fight again with all my strength on the Lucky Cup!"

   Ye nodded and smiled, "Of course it’s okay. Since Qiu you have chosen your own path. Then you don’t need to ask what you want to do, you don’t need to ask others for your orders, as long as you strive for it yourself."

   "Well, I get it!"

   "But the premise is that neither of us has been eliminated before the Lucky Cup meet."

   "Qianxue, you said, you will be eliminated?" Qiu said in disbelief: "Impossible, I think it is difficult to find a duel who can match you in this inner city area."

   Long Yadao: "Yes, in my opinion, only the duel king Jack can fight Qianxue!"

   "The world of duel is very vast. Then I will take you to meet another Lucky Cup contestant. I can guarantee that he is better than duel king Jack."

  Autumn, Long Ke and Long Ya exchanged glances, "A person who is more powerful than the duel king Jack..."

  Meli Guesthouse——

   Regarding the fact that Hoshino made 200,000 back in one morning, Yuxing said that he couldn't imagine it.

   "Qianxue, what kind of job are you looking for? Can you get money so fast?"

   No matter how high the prices and income in the inner city are, if you don’t go to gambling, and you want to make a huge sum of 200,000 in a morning, there are only those black industries that wander on the edge of the law.

   Although he was a little worried about this, seeing that Hoshino's body didn't seem to be a major problem, Yuxing decided not to pursue further investigations.

   Hoshino introduced each other to Qiu and others: "Fucking Youxing. This is what I told you, another lucky cup contestant."

   Observing the man with the crab head in front of him, Qiu secretly admired: "Fucking Youxing, is this what Qianxue said, is someone more powerful than the duel king Jack Atlas?"

   If someone else brags to Qiu, who is capable of defeating Duel King Jack Atlas, Qiu will definitely not believe it.

   But this man named Fudo Youxing in front of him gave Qiu a perception that ‘perhaps he is really stronger than KING’.

   maybe because of the evaluation from Hoshino.

   But most importantly, the real reason that made Qiu produce this kind of cognition——

   "Youxing, I always feel like you and Qianxue are a bit like." Qiu murmured.

   "Ha, you said I'm a bit like Yuxing?" Hoshino waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I don't have such a weird hairstyle."

   After all, Hoshino touched his head facing the transparent window reflecting the light at the entrance of the hotel.

   "I'm obviously normal, okay, the super cute kind!"

   Of course, what Qiu said is definitely not a hairstyle.

   Although it was just a girl's instinct, but never moved the star, Qiu could indeed feel something similar to Hoshino's.

   As for the specifics, Qiu couldn't describe it.

   But at least this feeling very similar to Hoshino made Qiu's first impression of Fudo Yuxing not bad, rather good.

   "Hey, are you really better than KING?"

   Longya posted it very straight, grabbing You Xing and kept asking.

   "Qianxue said you are better than Jack Atlas. Could it be that you have beaten the king?"

   "Um... well... probably."

   However, some Yuxing with facial paralysis is obviously not very good at dealing with Long Ya's inquiries, and each time they answer this kind of ambiguity and very perfunctory.

   "Long Ya, if you keep asking like this, You Xing will be troubled." Long Ke reminded.

   "Oh, but I'm really curious. That's the superior King. It's hard for ordinary people to even see him, let alone beat him."

   Before Longya's voice fell, the roar of the D-wheel engine from far and near, accompanied by the dust raised by the huge tires, stopped in front of everyone.

   "Finally let me find you two, Yuxing, Qianxue!"


   On the wheel of fortune, the duel king Jack Atlas with serious eyes, holding a certain card, points to Hoshino and Yuxing.

Chapter 46: Haima Company [2&1]

   "Jie, Jie, Jie...Jack Atlas? Duel King Jack Atlas will actually appear here!"

   Shocked Long Ya, Long Ke and Sixteen Night Autumn.

   Especially Long Ya, he was so incoherent that his chin was about to fall to the ground.

   Of course Hoshino and Yuxing are equally surprised.

   "Why, Jack, are you coming over suddenly? Is KING a profession that can stray casually on the street?"

   But at the moment when this question was asked, Hoshino slowly recalled that after he became the duel king, he didn't seem to have had any impact on his life.

   It's still normal shopping, normal school, and normal kanban girl.

   Except for occasionally a few leeks that don't recognize the situation, they smashed into the dollhouse to challenge themselves, and then get beaten violently. Overall life is quite peaceful.

   Of course, this is also related to the social background when Hoshino became the duel king.

   Hoshino's duel monsters at that time still simply stayed in the category of the most popular card game in the world.

   But in contrast, the dueling monsters on the coherent dimension have covered all aspects of people's study, life, and work since they were linked to perpetual motion machines.

   Therefore, the social status of the duel king in this era is naturally different from the original Hoshino.

   This can be seen from Long Ya's reaction, it is indeed very difficult for KING, who is high above him, to even see one side.

   It should have been this way...

   Long Ya rubbed his eyes and confirmed again: "KING, it's really KING! I'm not dreaming. Long Ke, you pinch me... it hurts, don't do it so soon!"

   Long Ya, who was torn by Long Ke's cheeks, finally recognized the fact that the man who came before him was the real Jack Atlas.

   "Jack, you shouldn't have come here for no reason."

  You Xing also put on a serious expression. It is better to say that You Xing's expression is usually very serious, but this moment is more serious, because he understands Jack.

   Especially when Jack is holding a certain card in his hand.

   "Next, Qianxue!"

   Jack flicked his big arm and threw the card held by his fingertips into Hoshino's hand.

   "The card specially brought to me, Nani?"

   "The Dragon of the Ice Enchantment Trident"

   "What is this dragon?"

   The ice dragon with three dragon heads, with a strong visual sense of appearance, made Hoshino almost produce this white-faced dragon card in his hand, which is the illusion of the homonymous blue-eyed ultimate dragon.

   "I, Jack Atlas, don't want to owe anyone! Since the Stardust Dragon has given Yuxing to you, then this dragon is Qianxue's yours."

   "It turns out that King is so particular, and he gave away the dragon after winning the duel? So was this your card originally?"

   Jack said righteously: "No, this is the card Godwin asked me to bring you."

   is not your card, then you yelling at the fart, so you can borrow flowers to offer Buddha in one hand.

  Youxing asked, "Why did Godwin specially bring the card to Qianxue?"

   Jack replied uncomfortably: "To be precise, it's not Godon. It's the class above the Public Security Bureau. You affirm Qianxue in your duel yesterday."

   Hoshino thought: "A class higher than the Public Security Bureau, affirmation of me."

   The status of the Public Security Bureau is about the same level as the Metropolitan Police Department in Hoshino's original world.

   The class that can manage this level of organization can already be regarded as an existence that goes directly to the core of this country.

   Such a person would actually send a card of the Harmony Dragon to Hoshino's hand.

   In combination with Godwin’s 180° change in attitude after receiving a call yesterday, and calling out his full name.

   The more you think deeply, the more things Hoshino feels are wrong.

   "No, it should be impossible. But the person who can do this kind of thing, is it, Hai..."

   "What about the card that I have never seen before, is it a new card from Haima Company?"

   Dragon can stand on tiptoe curiously, and look at the card noodles in Hoshino's [Ice Enchantment Dragon Trident].

   "Wait, what did you just say, Long Ke?"

   After being interrupted by Long Ke's cranky thinking, Hoshino asked quickly.

   "I said I have never seen a card before."

   "No, the last sentence."

  Long tilted his little head suspiciously, and the double ponytail on top of his head also hung to one side, "Is it the new card of Haima Company?"

   Bai Xing: "Aibo, she said Haima Company? How could there be such a thing, here is the coherent dimension!"

   It is too coincidental that the same Haima company exists in a completely different dimension.

   You must know that the three dimensions were divided into three 10,000 years ago.

   After tens of thousands of years of development, they have already formed their own unique worldviews.

   For example, Hoshino was originally in the fusion dimension. Compared with the super dimension, there are two worlds that are completely different in history, species, and technology.

   Overcall, the nine kingdoms, the land of the elves, the moonlight cannon of the world, the world tree that runs through the world, are completely different from the fusion dimension, let alone the existence of the Seahorse Company.

   But now, in this coherent dimension, Hoshino unexpectedly heard the name of Haima Company again.

   "Long Ke, where is the Haima company you said now?"

   Hoshino asked this question, everyone present, including Yuxing, looked at Hoshino with surprise, as if Hoshino had suddenly become a rare and cherished species.

   "Qianxue what are you talking about?" Long blinked his eyes puzzledly, "Hippocampus, of course, is in the new Tongsino City where we are located. Wouldn't you know?"

   "New... Tominano City..."

   It's true, Hoshino doesn't know it at all.

   Including the fact that this is Tomino City, to be precise-Shin Tomino City, Hoshino is also the first time I heard about it.

   However, if this is Tomino City, it is too different from Hoshino’s impression. Not only the architectural style, but also the terrain is completely incompatible with Hoshino's memory.

   "Is there a map, show me."

   "I have it on my smartphone."

   After that, Long Ya, who opened the map software, handed the phone to Hoshino.

   While chatting on the road, Long Ya, Long Ke, and Sixteen Yeqiu also knew that Hoshino was from a satellite area.

   But from the three of them, instead of feeling the kind of discrimination against the low-level residents in the satellite area in the city, they are more concerned about Hoshino.

   So for the fact that Hoshino doesn't understand the history of the city, the three can only blame it on living in a satellite area, and there is no way to receive a basic education.

   took Longya's phone, Hoshino's fingertips repeatedly swiped on the screen, zooming in, zooming out, and shifting the map in front of him.

   After confirming it several times, Hoshino was finally sure.

   "Really, Tomino City."

   Prior to this, Hoshino had always thought that the place he was in was simply commensurate with the ‘satellite area’ and the ‘city area’.

   However, what Hoshino didn't expect was that the satellite area and the city area added up to be the complete landform of Tomino City once.

   The reason why the topography is different from the memory of Hoshino is that between the satellite area and the city area, it appeared inexplicably and separated a piece of water, dividing the topography of Tomino City in Hoshino’s memory into two.

   "Xin Tongmino City, Haima Company... Wait, there is no Haima Company on this map."

   specifically zoomed in on the map, where Hoshino had originally remembered the location of the Tongye Minaka Hippocampus Entertainment Group building.

   Even if the memory is misaligned, Hoshino will definitely not get the wrong location where he works.

   However, in this new Tosino City, the location of the Haima Entertainment Group building has been replaced by an unknown coffee shop.

   "I can't find it on the map anymore." Qiu explained in place of Hoshino.

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