If you know the Lucky Cup, a total of eight contestants will be selected for the elimination round.

   Among the eight contestants, seven were secretly designated by the organizer. It might be more appropriate to rename the Lucky Cup to the "Inside Story" Cup.

   It's just that, compared to the seven known players on the entry list, Godwin's attention fell on the last person's name.

   "Well, who is this person?"

  In the beginning, Godwin wanted to appoint all eight contestants himself.

   But his proposal was directly rejected by the upper management.

  The reason is that the contest named after lucky is completely out of compliance by the organizer's designation of contestants.

   Therefore, even if the Public Security Bureau tries its best to ensure the victory and status of the dueling king Jack Atlas, there must be at least one spot, which is truly a randomly generated ‘lucky’ player.

   In this case, at least nominally, completely ‘insider’ situations are avoided.

   The final result is that the eighth name on this entry list is the lucky one in a million contestants.

  ——Mr. K.

   "Mr. K?"

  Of course Godwin is not a fool, this name is a pseudonym. Even the registered identity photos completely cover the facial features with a mask, making it impossible to identify the identity.

   "This person, can you find more detailed information?"

   "Report to the chief that with the authority of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, no more information can be found. This shows that the card group registered by Mr. K does not have any recorded crimes."

Narrow Misty Shadow can be regarded as a talent search for the guest chief and secretary. At the very beginning, I guessed that Chief Godwin would have questions about the last contestant. Therefore, he conducted an investigation in advance before submitting the list of entries. .

   If there is no criminal record, then it can only be explained that the other party intends to participate anonymously.

   Of course, for the Lucky Cup, anonymous participation is also allowed on the surface, and there have been anonymous contestants in previous competitions.

  Since childhood, it is necessary to compulsorily register the new Tosino City, which belongs to his own card group as an identity certificate. The random selection condition of the lucky cup invitation letter is also selected from the registered card group.

   This guarantees that the contestants of the Lucky Cup must be legal residents of the city and have no record of dangerous criminal behavior.

  With such pre-conditions, illegal contestants will not be selected by the Lucky Cup.

Therefore, after officially receiving the invitation letter of the Lucky Cup, you only need to log in to the official website and enter the key in the invitation letter to fill in the relevant entry information. There is no longer any threshold. Anonymity or even wearing a mask during a duel does not want to be recognized. It is also allowed.

   This is why Long Ya plans to replace Long Ke in the competition.

   In the previous Lucky Cup, as long as you get the invitation letter, the management is so loose that it doesn't matter if you are the same-looking twins instead of participating in the competition.

   This Lucky Cup is different. It is related to Godwin’s Longyin Man awakening plan. The appearance of anonymous contestants in the end will always make him vaguely uneasy.

   This Mr. K was really just picked out at random, is that ‘lucky’ person?

   "Show me the information of this Mr. K and the registered deck."

   "Sir Godwin, I sent it to your computer before I came."

  Narrow Mist and Deep Shadow are still shrewd and capable, so prepare in advance.

   Click to open the mailbox for work, and in the document transmitted by the shadow of the mist, the card group information registered by the name ‘Mr. K’ as the identity certificate is displayed in front of Godwin without reservation.

   "This deck is!"

   "Sir, is there anything weird about this deck?"

  , who had personally confirmed the deep shadow of the narrow mist, did not understand that this kind of ordinary deck that should be very common could allow the highest officer of the Public Security Bureau to show such a serious understanding.

   "No, it's nothing. Take the list back, and the contestants are fine."

   Godwin quickly sorted his expressions, and stood up as he handed the list back to the shadow of the mist, put his hands behind his back, and looked into the distance from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

   After waiting for the deep shadow of the mist to leave, Godwin murmured and said that sentence.

   "Hehe, this lucky cup is really unlucky at all. However, it is just two uncertain factors and will not become a threat to Dragon Seal."

   Two uncertain factors, in addition to randomly selecting an anonymous Mr. K, of course Hoshino Chiyuki who was not designated by Godwin.

Chapter 51: The Rising Lucky Cup [2&1]

   Leisure time, Hoshino feels that living in a mansion, compared to living in a cheap hotel, the speed of time passing is completely different. This is probably the so-called theory of relativity.

   "Really, peaceful~~~"

   and others slumped on the soft and comfortable high-end sofa of Long Ke's house, lazy enough to melt into a ball of Hoshino, really noticing the date. Half a month has passed since the start of the Lucky Cup.

   "Qianxue, toast for breakfast, should I spread butter or honey?"

   "Give me honey, please, Qiu."

   Of course, Hoshino hasn't been like this for the past half a month, just staying paralyzed like an abandoned house.

   At the beginning, Hoshino still worked very hard to prepare the deck.

  Especially in order to be able to buy heroic reissue cards, Hoshino did not run less card shops, but the result was nothing more than-the heroic card set has been out of print for a long time.

   Although the rarity was not high when it was released, it is difficult to find a series that has been out of print for a long time. After all, most card shops are only responsible for selling the latest card box series.

   ""You might as well go to the Zhonggu store, you might meet someone who has a collection of similar cards. ""

   I don’t know how many times the card shop owner has regarded Hoshino as a collector enthusiast, and probably no one would have thought that in this era, there will be people who want to use the Heroic Re-engraved deck to play games.

   But if you really go to a second-hand store to find it, it will undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack. After trying several times, Hoshino finally reluctantly chose to give up.

   So being a salted fish is really not to blame Hoshino at all. To blame, I can only blame this world that developed too quickly and eliminated the Heroic deck.

   "Honey toast is so delicious, it's worthy of autumn craftsmanship~"

   "Just apply a layer of honey, Qianxue, you are too kind."

  噔噔噔! !

   While Hoshino was enjoying a loving breakfast from Sixteen Night Autumn, Long Ya ran down the stairs, and the sound of rapid footsteps on the stairs came.

   "Ahhhhhhhh! When is it, Qianxue and Sister Qiu, you two still have the intention to have breakfast here leisurely?"

   "Well, when can it be?"

   Hoshino dangling the bread, glanced at Long Ya suspiciously.

   "Longya, even if there is something urgent, breakfast is very important. Come, eat this."

   After that, Qiu passed another piece of bread in his hand.

   "Hmm, thank you Qiu sister...it's not right! Today is the day when the Lucky Cup kicks off, don’t you feel nervous at all?"

   "What can I be nervous about?"

   Hoshino and Qiu drank the black tea together, and replied in unison.

   "Well, I'm worried for nothing."

   Long Ya actually knows his mind well, the strength of these two people is worthy of this degree of self-confidence.

   "So Longya, what about Long Ke, she hasn't gotten up yet, right?"

   Hoshino observed for a while, but after not seeing Long Ke's figure, he said: "Then you should urge your sister who is lying in bed more than urging us."

   "I don't know how to sleep in bed. Long Ke has already gotten up and started debugging the deck. For this day, she also worked very hard."

   To say that in the past fifteen days, the mentality that has changed the most is still the dragon.

At the beginning, I didn’t have any interest in the duel of the Lucky Cup, and I planned to let Longya take part in the competition instead of Long Ke. After meeting Hoshino and Akiu, who are also female duelists, he seemed to be infected by the duel between the two, even the usual duel. The mental state that would feel fatigued later gradually improved.

   In order to face the Lucky Cup, for half a month, Long can practice continuously, find Hoshino or Autumn to learn from each other, and constantly adjust his deck.

   A girl from the elementary school of the dueling academy showed a lot more effort than the high school students in Hoshino knew about the duel.

   However, apart from hard work, what surprised Hoshino the most was the talent of the little girl Long Ke in duels.

   In just half a month, it was like having a duel elf plug-in possessed, often combining the fetters of the deck and the magic.

   From the beginning, he was indistinguishable from other elementary school students (Long Ya), and in the last few days he even forced Qiu into a hard fight. This kind of growth rate is not terrifying.

   "Long Ke, she has indeed become stronger."

   Even Hoshino recognized Long Ke, and he might become a dark horse duel on the lucky cup.

   "Hee hee, are you discussing me?"

   Long Ke, who went downstairs with a smile, could see that he was completely different from the nervous Long Ya, and he was more inclined to Hoshino and Qiu's unhurried mentality.

   "Are you ready, Dragon Ke?" Hoshino asked concerned.

   "Hmm!" Long Ke nodded his head heavily, "I feel like I'm in a good condition, I don't feel nervous at all."

   is not only in good condition, but even the well-dressed dragon can be seen on the outside. After two pink ribbons are tied on the originally upside-down double ponytail, the whole person looks more clever and cute.

   "You won’t be nervous, it’s the first step to becoming a strong man~ Let’s go after breakfast and get ready."


   The lucky cup officially started at ten o'clock in the morning, and the few people who didn't rush out until nine o'clock were really not afraid of being late at all.

   Of course, the other reason why I am not afraid of being late is that I have been waiting outside the house for a long time.

   has two D-wheels as a means of transportation. At this speed, one hour is enough to travel across the city.

   In the end, the minutes and seconds predicted by Hoshino were not different. At 9:28, half an hour before the official start of the Lucky Cup, everyone arrived at the dueling venue.

   After half a month, he returned to the place where he originally duel with Jack, and Hoshino's ears even faintly echoed with the dreamy sound of the mysterious red dragon that night.

   "There are so many people? It seems that everyone...is very idle."

   But it was different from the deserted duel hall where the pineapple was destroyed after the red dragon appeared that night. After repairing and even expanding, the dueling hall where the Lucky Cup officially started is now crowded into a crowd.

   Had it not been for the familiar riding duel track, Hoshino would even suspect that he had come to the wrong place.

   "Qianxue, you only count the time on the road, not the time in the line?"

   glanced at the crowd in front of him, Long Ya said badly: "If you start to line up from the beginning now, you may really miss the game."

   "When you look at Long Ya, you don't have any experience in competitions." Hoshino said proudly: "We are contestants. How can we honestly queue up like ordinary people."

   At this time, the privileges of the contestants selected by ‘lucky’ are perfectly displayed.

There is no need to squeeze the entry team that can't see the end at all. Just explain to the staff that after confirming their identities, Hoshino and others were taken into the dueling hall in advance, and arranged to watch the most duel. Good location.

   Of course, Long Ya, an outsider who is not a Lucky Cup contestant at all, should just follow along.

   After actually entering the arena and feeling the surging crowd around the seats of the riding duel, the crowd outside the door is already insignificant.

   Hoshino said: "Here, how many people come to see the duel..."

  秋 replied: "If I remember correctly, the duel hall can accommodate nearly half of the residents of the city."

   "Accommodating half of the residents in the city, hey hey, isn't this almost full?"

  In other words, half of the residents of the city came to the duel hall to watch the lucky cup match.

   This is not counting the satellite residents who cannot be there and can only watch the game through live broadcast.

  From this point of view, the lucky cup of the coherent dimension is enough to be called a national duel event like Hoshino’s original KC Cup.

   After everyone took their seats, the next step was to quietly wait for the opening of the Lucky Cup, and the list of dueling orders with the organizers was officially announced.

   "—— There is only one KING, that's me!"

   The first act of the opening of the Lucky Cup is also the hot spot that the previous duel kings are responsible for.

   "Oh oh oh oh oh oh! Jack Atlas, the duel king, is so handsome!"

   Accompanied by Jack Atlas’s two-feeling king’s declaration, coupled with the heroic fingers pointing to the sky, the enthusiasm of all the audience was pushed to the climax.

   "It drove people's emotions very smoothly, as expected to be Master Atlas!"

   in the backstage staring at Jack's heroic secretary, Sagiri, without concealing the longing in his heart.

   On the other side, the deputy director Jego, who reported to Godwin on the schedule, switched the screen to the interface of the eight contestants.

   "Sir, the order of the duels of all eight contestants has been arranged as you ordered."

   is still a lucky cup that is not lucky at all. Even the order of each contestant's duel is set by the Public Security Bureau without authorization.

  Of course, only by doing this, Godwin can guarantee that the three duel assassins who are used to target the Dragon Seal and fully awaken the red dragon will meet the opponents they should run into.

  The first battle: From Sixteen Nights Autumn VS Justice Knight·Gilderance

   In an attempt to use the righteous spirit of the knight to stimulate Qiu, who was once a witch, and the dark history that was wrecked as a duel of thought power. After shaking his mind, he awakened Long Yin.

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