Second round: Yufudo Yusei VS Poma

   As currently Godwin, the strongest duel Poma that can be mobilized under the authority of the highest administrator of the Public Security Bureau. Compress Yuxing with absolute strength to awaken the dragon seal.

   Third battle: Long Ke vs. Professor Frank, the hypnotist

   This battle can be said to be the most complicated battle arranged by Godwin.

  According to the investigation, Long Ke, as a famous genius girl who mastered the duel at the age of three, fell into a coma in a duel at that time.

   After waking up, Long Ke described the world he saw in his dream, which was exactly the same as Godwin’s information about the world of the elves.

   A large degree of speculation is that the young dragon could enter the world of elves under the guidance of the red dragon at that time.

   But according to Godwin's further investigation, after that, Long Ke gradually rejected the duel. Today, eight years later, it seems that he has completely forgotten the memory of his childhood.

  The task of the hypnotist is to awaken the memory of Dragon Ke once being guided by the red dragon to go to the world of elves. In this way, the dragon seal is awakened.

   As for the fourth round: Mr. K VS Qianxue

  The reason is very simple. If you put two uncertain factors in the first game of the preliminaries and directly eliminate one of them, you can reduce the probability of affecting your plan.

   "Hmph, the time is almost up, ready to announce." Godwin smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth.


   "Gentlemen and ladies, the long-awaited Lucky Cup duel has finally arrived!"

   perfectly inherited the enthusiasm promoted by Jack, leaving the enthusiastic host of the eight-character Hu, holding the microphone in hand to announce loudly.

   "Please pay attention to the big screen above your head. What follows is the eight lucky winners randomly selected by the Lucky Cup, and the schedule of their first day of competition!"

   "Is it finally going to start..."

  Long Ke silently rubbed his palms. Although he said that he was in good condition in the morning, he was only a primary school student after all. At this moment like the announcement of test results, he would still feel a little nervous.

   "Will you meet Qianxue, Sister Qiu, or Youxing in the first round? Then I should lose."

   "I hope I can officially duel with Qianxue in the first round!"

  Israeli Night Autumn, who has no interest in the duel king Jack, insists on participating in the Lucky Cup, just to be able to fight Hoshino again on the official stage.

   Compared with Long Ke and Qiu, Hoshino and Yuxing are completely indifferent.

   After all, if the final victory is the goal, the pre-match schedule will not have much impact. Winning until the end is the key.

   However, even if Hoshino knew a little bit about the insider behavior of the designated players for the Lucky Cup, he probably wouldn't have guessed that even the arrangement of the duel order in this competition was so thorough.

  The "so thorough" inside story means a deeper level than the inside story planned by Godwin.

   "What's the matter with this schedule!"

   Godwin with his pupils trembling, when he saw the duel schedule displayed on the big screen, which was completely different from the duel schedule he ordered, his calm expression could no longer be stretched.

   First battle: Sixteen Nights Autumn VS Hypnotist Professor Frank

   Second round: Mr. K VS Long Ke

   Third battle: Fudo Yuxing VS Justice Knight·Gilderance

   Fourth round: Qianxue VS Poma

   "Deputy Chief Yego, please explain."

  When this happened, Godwin naturally thought for the first time that it was the deputy director Jego who was in charge of arranging the schedule that had made a mistake.

   "Sir, sir! I, I don't know, I really arranged according to you..."

   Yege bitterness, the facts are in front of you, and you can't argue with each other, only he knows it, and he didn't do anything.

   "Oh, that's it."

   However, after Godwin calmed down, he didn't blame Yego too much.

   Because if you think carefully, it is not difficult to find the abnormality of the duel schedule in front of you.

   none of them match up.

   Godwin named the three dueling assassins against the three Dragon Seals. On the duel schedule officially displayed on the big screen, none of them really met the goal they should fight against.

   In this way, it is not so much Yego's omission, as it is that this schedule was deliberately revised just before the official announcement.

Chapter 52: The mysterious Mr. K [2&1]

   Even if the scheduled duel order was completely disrupted, Godwin couldn't change anything at the moment this matchlist was officially announced.

   If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for a missed move and be calculated at the last minute.

   Yego asked timidly: "Sir, now..."

   "It's okay, go ahead. Although the order of the battle has been changed, the fact that the dueling assassins existed has not disappeared. As long as the Lucky Cup goes on, the Dragon Seal will awaken sooner or later."

   Perform a duel in accordance with the changed table. The first game of the Lucky Cup will be played by Professor Hypnotist Frank against Sixteen Night Autumn.

   "Say, everyone is looking forward to it. The first battle of the Lucky Cup is about to start! With eight lucky duelists, who can win the honor of the last challenge to KING, please wait and see!"

  Professional commentary, while maintaining the heat of the arena, while promoting the progress of the event, and have the courage to make judgments.

   "Is the first duel of Sister Qiu, come on!" Long Kelongya said in solidarity.

   "Win beautifully, Autumn." You Xing echoed.

   "However, looking at the appearance of the miscellaneous fish on the opposite side, it will definitely not be Qiu's opponent." Hoshino teased comfortably, supporting his cheek with one hand.

   "Well, then I'll be back when I go~"

   Sixteen Night Autumn, also confidently left the VIP spectator seat, followed the stairs, entered a brief closure, separated the competition channel between the stands and the venue, and walked straight into the direction of the duel arena.

   The duel of the Lucky Cup is based on a riding duel priority system.

   means that if both duels meet the conditions of a riding duel, the riding duel will be given priority.

   Conversely, if one side does not have a D round and does not meet the riding conditions, it can only engage in ordinary duels.

   And Sixteen Night Autumn, belongs to the party who has neither the D round nor the driver's license.

   The center of the track surrounded by the riding duel is a ring dedicated to ordinary duels.

   At the moment in the duel ring, the duel who is standing directly opposite Qiu is the hypnotist Professor Frank arranged by Godwin.

   Of course, "Hypnotist" is just his code name. This man who seems harmless to humans and animals, his career is "Duel Monster Psychological Counseling Expert." It is a profession unique to the coherent dimension that uses dueling monsters to treat mental illnesses.

   And the task he received from Godwin was to use his professional skills to induce the Dragon Sealer to awaken.

   Therefore, Professor Frank, who is dedicated enough, has no intention of slacking off whether his opponent is the originally scheduled Long Ke or the Sixteen Night Autumn who is standing in front of him because of the change of order.

   ‘treat’ them with a duel, that’s what Professor Frank should do.

   "Sixteen Night Autumn, I know you. Black Rose Witch, are you right?"

   "Nani, you actually know!!"

   "You don't need to resist me, I will use a duel to completely clear the darkness in your soul. The so-called healer's parental heart, even if it is the Black Rose Witch, I will treat it the same."

   Qiu glared at the opposite side angrily, "I am no longer the Black Rose Witch!"

   Hoshino helped his forehead helplessly, and Professor Frank kept stepping on thunder at the beginning.

   Since Qiu recognized Devine's true face and officially broke away from the Xanadu organization, the most annoying thing is that others mention the black history of the Black Rose Witch.

   And now this Professor Frank’s behavior is simply dancing in the minefield of autumn. If you anger Qiu, you will probably end up miserably.

   After all, Qiuya is still a duel of mind...

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

   Professor Frank LP: 4000→0

   "Hey, kill instantly?" Long Ya said dullly.

   "Angry Sister Qiu, it's terrible." After shrinking his petite body behind the seat, Long Ke completely forgot about the next game and it was his turn.

   A wave of black rose dragon bombing field OTK that shocked the audience in autumn, Hoshino was able to block it to the limit, but it doesn't mean that others can block it.


   Accompanied by a sonorous and powerful collision, in the end, Professor Frank lost consciousness due to the impact of the Qiu Nianli duel, and fell heavily on the ring.

   "Too, it's incredible! Sixteen nights and sixteen nights autumn players, with almost a crushing advantage, won the first match of the Lucky Cup!"

   However, this time, no matter how professionally explained how to mobilize the emotions of the scene, the audience around the Lucky Cup did not dare to shout with excitement as before. It was obviously frightened by Qiu's duel.

   "Autumn, I think it would be better for you to start a little lightly."

   Hoshino persuaded Qiu who returned to his seat.

  In the past half a month, Hoshino has tried his best to help Sixteen Yeqiu to exercise her ability to control the leakage of thought power duelers.

   The result is also very fruitful.

  In a normal duel, even if the monster that Qiu summons hits the opponent, it will not trigger physical damage.

   But the mood fluctuates like the one just now. In short, even if he gets angry and blows up his hair, Qiu will still subconsciously show the destructive power of thought duel.

   This last point of uncontrollable uncertainty, Hoshino guessed that Qiu's heart still has no untied knots.

   Maybe it has something to do with his parents. For at least half a month of living together, Qiu didn't mention anything about his parents.

   "Sorry, Qianxue. I didn't control it again..."

   "There is nothing to be sorry for. Think better, at least the other side is still alive, isn't it?"

   It was the professor Frank who was on the other side who had died, so he had to mention the Black Rose Witch.

   The person who died is not dead, it can be regarded as happyend.

   "Is there any reaction to the detection of Longyin people?" Godwin asked in the backstage.

   "Report to the sir, there is no response." Yego replied.

   "Sure enough, this level of duel is still too difficult for the red dragon to awaken."

   Originally, the hypnotist Frank was not the assassin arranged for the autumn. Although Godwin hadn't expected the loss so thoroughly, Long Yin did not have an awakening reaction, but it was expected.

   "Go ahead, don't delay the next duel."

   Compared to the first duel, Godwin paid more attention to the second duel, Mr. K, who participated anonymously, and the duel of Long Ke, a girl who was suspected to be guided by the red dragon to the world of the elves.

  If the order of the duel was modified by this Mr. K, then he deliberately placed himself in this duel, it should be his own intention.

   "After the first shocking duel, we will usher in the second duel! The lovely girl duel Long Ke will play against the mysterious contestant Mr. K!"

   "It's Dragon's turn!" Long Ya said excitedly.

   "As long as the duel is won, the semi-final will be my duel with Long Ke." Qiu said.

   "Well, I will work hard, Sister Qiu!" Long nodded vigorously.

   "Win beautifully, Long Ke." You Xing echoed again.

   I said, You Xing, what's the superficial perfunctory, from the beginning of the duel in autumn, to the current Long Ke, what you said is exactly the same.

   But Hoshino, who was silently complaining in his heart, couldn't tell this time that the opposite was ‘Miscellaneous Fish’.

   Because unlike Professor Frank who stood obediently on the ring at the beginning, this Mr. K hasn't shown up yet.

   "Then I'm going to go!"

   After taking a deep breath to adjust the state, the dragon can cross the stairs, enter the separated competition channel, and trot to the duel ring in the center of the field.

   "Long can be her, it doesn't matter."

   After Long Ke left, Long Ya, who was the older brother, showed the worries he deserved.

   After all, it was also the first time for my sister to participate in such a large duel competition. Although Dragon seemed to be enthusiastic during this period, Long Ke had always been very resistant to duels before meeting Qianxue. At the same time, due to physical reasons, I feel sleepy and fatigued every time I fight.

   "Don't worry too much, trust your sister, Long Ya" Qiu added, "With Long Ke's current strength, a duel of average level will definitely not be able to stop her."

  Qiu is still not clear about the selection of people inside the Lucky Cup, but simply treats other contestants as an ordinary level randomly selected from the entire city area.

   Although Long Ke’s opponent, Mr. K, is indeed the only ‘lucky’ duel who was randomly selected in a sense, that’s right.

   "It's really slow, Long Ke hasn't reached the ring yet?" You Xing frowned slightly.

   Even with Long Ke’s short legs, it shouldn’t take long to cross the race channel.

   But now let alone Long Keren, even the shadow of Mr. K has not appeared, and the entire duel ring is still empty.

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