At the same time, Long Ke, who trot into the passage, was stopped midway by the masked ‘Mr. K’.

   "Well, what do you want me to do?"

   Facing this strange second man who suddenly appeared, Long Ke took two steps to the corner cautiously.

   Of course, this mysterious Mr. K did not do anything gentlemanly to the dragon in the unmanned passage. It just drew a white dragon family's homology card from the duel plate to display.

   "Do you still remember this card?"

   "No, I haven't seen it."

   Long Ke looked at the strange Kamen in front of him and shook his head.

   "Huh, it seems that you have completely forgotten about the Elf World..."

   Putting away the cards of the ancient fairy dragon, Mr. K held his chin in his hand, no longer cared about Long Ke, and started talking to himself.

"No, if you just forget it, after seeing the card, you shouldn't be totally impressed. So it seems that her memory has been sealed. It is really amazing to start with such a little girl. Ah, that guy Hoshino."

   While taking advantage of the moment when the inexplicable man in front of him took his attention away from him, Long Ke also strayed at the speed of light, fled the competition channel, and rushed into the duel arena.

   "Ah, it's coming out."

   Hoshino and the others, who were worried about Long Ke's delay on stage, quietly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the familiar figure of Long Ke trotting.

   "What a cute duelist."

   "At such a young age, I have the courage to participate in the Lucky Cup competition and I love it."

   The lovely image of Dragon Ke’s well-dressed up was also the first time he took the stage, he received praise from the surrounding audience, and by the way, it washed away the shocking and terrifying atmosphere that had been brought about by the autumn duel just now.

   "Sure enough, **** is not worth mentioning in front of cuteness?"

   Cursing the line of Qiu's chest beside his eyes, Hoshino calculated silently in his heart.

   "It's rude, Qianxue, your eyes!"

   Seeing that Hoshino was peeking at Qiu on his chest, he put his hands on his chest to cover it, his cheeks flushed and complained.

  Professional commentator: "Oh, it seems that our two contestants are already on the stage! Then the second lucky cup duel is about to start!"

  In just a few seconds after Hoshino's eyes were turned away, Mr. K, who followed in the footsteps of Long Ke, also boarded the duel arena.

   "Huh? You are, Mr. K?"

  Long Ke was surprised, but he did not expect that the strange masked man who spoke to him in the game channel just now turned out to be his opponent in this duel.

   "Qiaodou sack, this Mr. K!"

   Hoshino was even more surprised, his eyes widened in disbelief after seeing the mask and trench coat of "Mr. K" clearly.

   Bai Xing also looked out, "Hey, hey! Aibo, is this person a seahorse?"

   Except that the mask is not a blue-eyed white dragon headgear, Mr. K's outfit, including his figure, are exactly the same as the original Seahorseman. If you look at the back, he is completely Seahorse himself.

   "Mr. K, Kaiba (Hippocampus), it's not a coincidence."

   Bai Xing: "Could it be that Haima was also selected to participate in the Lucky Cup, and it is still under the pseudonym of Mr. K?"

   "No, no, wait and see, it’s a bit wrong."

  If you want to be selected to participate in the Lucky Cup, the prerequisite is that you must be an official resident of the city area who has registered the card group.

   Otherwise, like Hoshino and Yuxing, Godwin personally appointed him to send the invitation letter.

And the hippocampus that crossed to the coherent dimension at the same time as Hoshino, stepped back ten thousand steps, even if it could really be in just one month, while Hoshino was still in the satellite area, he became an official resident of the city... …

   There is also a key point that cannot be explained.

   "Hippocampus, isn't he unable to use dueling methods other than the DuelLinks system?"

   The duel plate on Mr. K's arm in front of him is just a normal duel plate that can be seen everywhere, not the AR duel plate dedicated to the DuelLinks system.

  Long Ke said, "Um, I'm really sorry just now. Please advise, Mr. K."

   I didn't know that the man in front of him was his opponent in this duel, and Long Ke apologized for the act of sneaking away in the race channel just now.

   "Huh ↑↓! Talking more is not helpful, let's get started!"

   Bai Xing: "o(?Д?)っhum↑↓? Just like this, can you still deny aibo, this guy is a seahorse!"

   "I can't refute it...what the **** is that guy at the hippocampus doing. Even if he disappears for a month, he still becomes Mr. K anonymously? What the **** is he doing?"

   Shifting his eyes, Yu Xing noticed Hoshino next to him. From the moment Mr. K appeared on the stage, his expression became extremely rich and tangled.

   "Could it be that Qianxue, do you know this Mr. K?"

   "I don't know! ... Although I want to deny it, it is actually true. There are so many intersections."

   squeezed his index finger and thumb tightly and gestured at his fingertips. For some reason, he didn't want to admit his relationship with the strange man wearing a mask in front of his companions.

   "Just lost it, the kind of recognition that I met once."

Chapter 53: Kaiba who insists on fusion [4K plus more]

  Professional commentator: "The second game of the Lucky Cup preliminaries officially begins!"


   Long Ke LP: 4000


   Mr. K LP: 4000

   Although it is not clear whether Mr. K will mount a duel, because of Long Ke, the official still decides that this duel will be conducted in the usual duel way.

   "I will attack first, draw the card!"

   Long Ke, who plucked up the courage to start a duel, took a step ahead of Mr. K and drew the card for the start of the round.

   "I summoned in the form of an attack-[The Spirit of the Breeze]!"

  【Breeze Spirit★★★(3 stars) Wind】【Angel Family/Effect ATK:0DEF:1800】

  The spirit of the wind without any attack materialized in the dragon field.

   both have 0 attack power, but their defense power is completely inferior to Eve. Long Ke also suffers from Eve's taunts when practicing duels.

   But the most important thing is that it is obviously 0 points of attack power, and the dragon actually placed this card in an attack form.

   "Finally, I cover a card and the round is over."

  Dragon can remaining hand cards: 4

  Professional commentator: "In the first round, a monster with 0 ATK was summoned as an attack. Is it a trap, or is it a mistake that the dragon can choose?"

   "My round, draw a card!"

   glanced at Mr. K who had drawn the card through the mask, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   Looking back at Hoshino who was watching the battle, he was not so unhurried.

   "Damn it, this seahorse. It's unforgivable to bully my Long Ke!"

  Originally, with Long Ke's strength, if you encounter ordinary duelists, there will be no problems.

   But Seahorse Seti is definitely not in the category of ordinary duelists.

   And before that, Hoshino would never have thought that the Mr. K that the dragon was going to fight against would actually be Kaiba.

   Bai Xing: "Aibo, what deck will you use for him?"

   Hoshino: "If it's a blue-eyed white dragon, I'll call the police on the spot."

   Why can't he use the Heroic Card set, the guy in the hippocampus can use the blue-eyed white dragon, which is unfair.

   But Hoshino thought about it again. He couldn't use the Heroic Cards, because Paradox's D round was lost together with the D-round cards during the crossing.

   What was lost at the time was not only the D round and the deck, but also such a big living person as Seahorse.

   Now that Seahorse Seti has been found, is it possible that round D and the deck are also on him?

   "When the duel is over, I must not let that guy run away."

   Hoshino, who had planned it in his heart, was ready to go to the race channel at any time to catch this Mr. K.

   "I cover a card, and the round is over!"

   However, Mr. K, who had a confident smile at the corner of his mouth when the card was drawn, ended the turn of the attack. With only 0 ATK monsters on the field, Long Ke only covered a card on the duel board.

   But in this case, Hoshino will not be able to see what deck Mr. Kaiba is using at all.

  Professional commentator: "Once again, it is shocking! Mr. K, who is back attack, did not launch any attack when facing a monster with 0 attack power in the dragon's optional hand!"

   If we say that in the previous duel, Sixteen Night Autumn showed unparalleled duel strength. So this second duel was quite a bit of pecking at each other.

   "It's really a well-matched opponent!"

   "Equally equal to the little girl, this Mr. K is really happy to kill me~"

   There is no dissatisfaction. In fact, the audience of Lucky Cup has long been accustomed to and happy to see this kind of scene.

   After all, this is a lucky duelist randomly selected by all the residents of the city. No one can guarantee that everyone selected is a strong duel.

   This kind of occasional uncertainty, seeing the rookie pecking each other in major competitions, is also another charm of the Lucky Cup.

   Longya excitedly said: "Could it be that there was a hand card accident on the other side, and I didn't get a monster card, so lucky!"

   Qiu said: "Take advantage of the empty field opposite, let's break through in one breath, Long Ke!"

   "My round, draw a card!"

   drew the card for the beginning of the round, and at the same time, the [Elf of the Breeze] in Dragon Ke's field instigated wings that were as thin as cicada wings, blew up the healing breeze, and skipped the girl's cheeks.

   "The effect of [Breeze Wizard] is activated——"

   [As long as this card is face-up attack on your field, it will restore 1000 basic points every time you prepare. 】

   Long Ke LP: 4000→5000

   Put [The Spirit of Breeze] in a dangerous form of 0 attack power. What the dragon can do is to trigger the restoration effect of 1000 health points.

  Of course, the dragon is certainly not simply greedy, or betting on the opposite side.

  The counter-attack trap card covered in the backcourt [attack weakening], even if Mr. K summons a monster, he can guarantee that he will not be attacked by [Breeze Spirit].

   "Then the usual summoning of this round-I summon [Sunlight Unicorn] in the form of an attack!"

  【Sunlight Unicorn★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Beast/Effect ATK: 1800DEF: 1000】

   After throwing a card on the duel board, he stepped on the blue flames, and the unicorn, a fantasy creature that only existed in mythology, stood on the field of Dragon.

   "And in the main stage, the effect of [Daylight Unicorn] is activated——"

   [Once in a round, it can only be activated during your main phase. Turn over the top card in your deck and add it to your hand when you equip a magic card. If not, return to the bottom of your deck. 】

   In response to [Sunlight Unicorn] shining light on the duel deck, Long Ke turned over the top card of the deck.

   "It's great, it's the equipment magic card [Unity Force]!" Long Ke was pleasantly surprised: "According to the effect of [Daylight Unicorn], I can add this equipment magic card to my hand."

   "Is this the bond between Dragon Ke and the unicorn."

   Hoshino had to sigh, even in the duel in the previous practice, the probability that the dragon can use this [Daylight Unicorn] to retrieve the equipped magic card is extremely high.

   "——Equip the magic card [Unity Force] to activate! Equip [Sunlight Unicorn]!"

   [Unity Force Equipped with Spell Card Effect: The attack power and defense power of the equipped monster increases. The number of face-up monsters on the field of your field × 800. 】

   "Because I have two monsters in the field, [Breeze Wizard] and [Daylight Unicorn], so equipped with [Unity Force] monsters will increase their attack power by 1600 points!"

  【Nikko Unicorn ATK: 1800→3400】

   Attack power directly soared to 3400 points, and the light blue flame on the body of the daylight unicorn is now really burning like the sun.

   Hoshino applauded silently in his heart, "Yo Xi, 3400 attack power, so it has surpassed the blue-eyed white dragon!"

   The current Hoshino is not simply using the blue-eyed white dragon's attack power of 3000 points, as usual, as a unit of combat power calculation.

   If the opposite Mr. K really uses the blue-eyed white dragon deck, whether the attack power exceeds 3000 points, it is the watershed that the dragon may not be able to complete the key breakthrough.

   "There is no monster on the opposite side of the field, please [Sunlight Unicorn], attack directly!-Sunshine flames!"

   The scorching light condensed on the horn above his head burst out and hit Mr. K who didn't have any monsters as a wall.

  Professional commentator: "Direct attack damages 3400 points, it is simply a blow for the dragon to choose to establish the victory!"

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