[Ancient Holy Pterodactyl ATK: 2100]

   Long Ke LP: 2900

   Mr. K LP: 1700

   "Now, my health is still higher than yours. The attack power of the ancient holy pterodactyl will increase the difference between the lives of both parties!"

   [Ancient Holy Pterodactyl ATK: 2100→3300]

  The life value that the dragon can hardly protect with the chestnut ball in the horizontal jump has become the key to make the ancient holy pterodactyl's attack power surpass the 3000-point attack power of [ABC-Shenlong Annihilator].

   "If this is the source of your confidence, then even this last possibility is eliminated! The effect of [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] is activated—"

   [Once per round, discard 1 card in your hand, and target 1 card on the field to activate. Except for that card. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

   "I discard [Chaos Form] from my hand, except [Ancient Saint Wing Dragon] on your field!-ABC Dimensional Annihilation Cannon!"

   The fierce shelling that tore out the dimensional cracks blasted out, in front of the sluggish Long Ke, except her last hope, leaving no trace, and disappearing with the light of life.

   His pupils dilated and trembled slightly, and the dragon murmured to himself in a low voice, "Actually, the ancient holy pterodactyl was excluded..."

   Mr. K said indifferently: "You have lost your intent to fight, the kid is just a kid after all."

   "You can't win, such an opponent, I simply..."

   "Long Ke—!"

   penetrated the entire dueling hall, and Long Ya's exhausted cry came into Long Ke's ears.

   "It's not over yet, Long Ke, I can't give up here!"


   "Although I haven't said it before, but you no longer reject the dragon but you can accept and enjoy the duel again. I am really happy! Because I like the appearance of the dragon because you are fighting!"

   "What are you talking about suddenly, Long Ya."

   Unknowingly, Long Ke is a little shy. This kind of scene is as if his sister was exposed to the dark history by her brother in public, and she was at a loss for a while.

   "Because I like watching Long Ke duels the most, I certainly hope that Long Ke will continue to win. Then, with Qiu Sister, Qian Xue, and You Xing, we will have the best duel on this most gorgeous stage!"

   "Long Ya, Sister Qiu, Qianxue, Youxing..."

   Looking at the companions in the audience, although Qiu, Hoshino and Yuxing did not shout in shame like Long Ya, Long Ke can also see from everyone's expressions the expectation for the duel in the agreement with him.

   "So, remember it quickly, Long Ke! You used to be better than this!"

   "Remember, get up..."

  Longya's last sentence, after the words passed through Long Ke's mind, Long Ke suddenly recalled something like his brain was electrically charged.

   "I used to be better than this?"

How long is   , eight years ago?

   At that time, he was only three years old. Even if the people around him were surprised by mastering the duel in advance, he would definitely not be better than he is now.

   But after that, I probably didn't have a duel.

   I can't recall at all, I have no impression at all.

   But even so, Long Ke didn't even suspect that Long Ya was lying to himself.

   is like the instinct of the body, let Long Ke go to unconditionally believe in Long Ya.

  If I can be better, I will definitely win!

   The feeling of trust seems to have turned into real power at this moment, emerging from Long Ke's slender arm, similar to the mark of the dragon's arm.

   "Sir Godwin, what is this reaction?!" Jego said in shock.

   "Yes, it is the Dragon Seal, the seal of the dragon hand, actually awakened. Because of this duel, awakened in this way!"

   Godwin was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that the first Longyin to awaken was Long Ke, the young girl who had been the most uncertain identity before.

   "It's over. If Long Ke takes the lead in awakening the power of the Long Yinren, this Mr. K has no chance of winning."

   "There is no chance of winning? Under such a huge gap, is it still possible to lose?" Said Shikage in disbelief.

   "Have a good look, Secretary of the Deep Shadow. That is the power of the red dragon that can fight against the gods and bring a thousand-year miracle."

  Although Godwin said it was amazing, but Long Ke himself, apart from the strange burning sensation on his arm, actually didn't have any special feelings.

   What he insists on is no longer being afraid, rekindling fighting spirit, and clear thinking beyond any previous moment.

   Two hands of cards, plus the draw of this round, the dragon can only have two hands.

   These two hands must be used to fight the fusion of XYZ and ABC.

   "Chance, only once! I bet on this card!"

   Dragon can decisively throw a card into the duel plate.

  "—Magic Card [Name Reasoning]!"

   [Name reasoning magic card effect: the opponent declares any level from 1 to 12. Turn cards from the top of your deck until the monster that can be normally summoned appears. If the level of that monster is the same as the declared level, all the cards turned up are sent to the Graveyard. If it is not, the monster is Special Summoned, and all the remaining cards opened are sent to the graveyard. 】

   "Declare the level of my next monster, Mr. K!"

   "Huh, interesting! I declare level LV3!"

  According to Long Ke’s previous rules for summoning monsters, Mr. K chose the 3-star monster that appeared the most. This is also the best option for reasoning based on probability.

   Longya nervously swallowed, "If he is guessed right, there is no way to special summon it."

  Dragon can turn over the first card.

   Adjust Monster Card [Synchronous Magnet Head] Level LV3.

   "How can this be? The first one was guessed?" Long Ya said desperately, holding his head.

   "No, it's not over yet!" You Xing warned cautiously: "[Coherent Magnet Head] There is no way to summon this card normally."

  【Homo Magnet Head Effect: This card cannot be summoned normally. When you succeed in Synchro Summoning a Synchro Monster, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. 】

  The effect of name reasoning is until a monster that can be normally summoned is revealed. Therefore, even if this [Coherent Magnet] that cannot be summoned normally is turned out, it cannot be counted as Mr. K’s guess.

   After sending the synchronous magnet head to the graveyard, the dragon can turn over the second card above the deck.

   is still a monster card.

  【Knight of Dawn】Level LV4

   Qiu said excitedly: "It's a level LV4 monster, the other side didn't guess it!"

   is no longer to send to the cemetery, the dragon can place the opened [Knight of Dawn] card on his field.

   "Because of the effect of [Name Deduction], I can special summon [Knight of Dawn]!"

  【Knight of Dawn★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1400 DEF: 1200】

  The knight monster that enters the arena wearing a shining brilliance represents the 1/2 hope that the dragon can counterattack.

   "Then the usual call for this round-[Sail Sailor Ocean Dew]!"

   [Sail Sailor Ocean Dew★★★★ (4 stars) light] [Plant family/Adjustment/Effect ATK: 1600DEF: 300]

  The cute girl who appears holding a banner materialized, the LV4 adjustment posture, draws a brand-new coherent brilliance on the Long Ke field.

   "Light attribute level LV4 adjustment monster [Sail Sailor Ocean Dew], plus light attribute level LV4 [Dawn Rider]! Total level LV8, the same tone!"

The almost exploding power of the Dragon Seal, let the dragon hand print on Long Ke's arm release a huge energy that has never been seen before, giving the girl the courage to call the dragon of light of judgment at this moment, and flowing the shining card at the fingertips Card.

  "—The light of the sacred ruling, cut through the sky of burning stars! Summon in the same tone, shine, the blazing dragon ruling!"

  【Blazing Dragon Judgment ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Light】【Dragon/homology/effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2600】

   [1 or more monsters other than adjustment + adjustment]

   [If this card is synchronously summoned, all the monsters of the synchronous material must be monsters of the same attribute. 】

   The blazing dragon ruling with four giant white wings spread out, flapping its wings and roaring in the sacred coherent radiance burning like a blazing sun, shaking the entire dueling hall.

   And under the blazing dragon's verdict, Long Ke's petite body showed a subtle sacred aura.

  Professional commentator: "I haven't given up yet, I haven't given up yet! Our dragon can choose the hand. At the last critical moment, the coordinator summoned such a gorgeous blazing dragon, which is really touching!"

   Longya cautiously said: "But the attack power of [Blazing Dragon Judgment] is the same as [ABC-Dragon Annihilator]."

   The red dragon-marked arm is raised above the head, and the dragon can swing at the coherent dragon in the sky, declaring the effect.

   "At this moment, let down the blazing light that judges everything! [Blazing Dragon Judgment] launch—"

   [①: There are more than 4 types of adjustments in your graveyard, and if this card has been summoned in tune, it can be activated once a round by paying half of the basic score. All cards on the field other than this card are destroyed. 】

   Qiu perceives: "Wait, there seem to be only 3 adjustment monsters in Long Ke's graveyard!"

[Sunshine Fairy] used to tune [Ancient Sacred Pterodactyl], [Sail Sailor Ocean Dew] used to tune [Blazing Dragon Judgment], even with the [Synchronous Magnet Head] sent to the cemetery by name reasoning The pre-conditions of the ruling cannot be met.

   "It is the effect of [Knight of Dawn]!" You Xing saw the answer at a glance.

   [Effect of Knight of Dawn: If this card on the field is sent to the graveyard, you can send 1 light monster from the deck to the graveyard. 】

Long Ke explained: "When [Knight of Dawn] was sent to the cemetery as a co-tuned material, I sent the light attribute adjustment monster [Ghost Rabbit] from the deck to the cemetery, and the cemetery collected 4 types of adjustments. !"

   The four-fold adjustment overlaps and gathers, erupting from the cemetery area of ​​the dragon's duel plate, forming a beam of light that rushes into the sky, connecting and meeting the prerequisites for the effect of [Blazing Dragon Judgment].

   "I pay half of my health and destroy all the cards on the field except the [Scorching Dragon Judgment]!"

   Long Ke LP: 2900→1450

   The destructive trajectory guided by the [Blazing Dragon Judgment] fell from the sky, and the detonated brilliant nuclear bomb exploded on the field in an instant.


   was swallowed and disintegrated by the light judged by the blazing dragon, the XYZ and ABC alliance monsters fused on Mr. K's field were destroyed.

   At the same time, the radiant fluctuations that continue to spread outwards also sublimate the energy of the awakening of the seal of the dragon hand to the extreme.

   "This is the power of Longyin people?"

   The eyes couldn't help trembling with the deep shadow of the narrow mist. How could he never imagine that Mr. K's superior situation, as Chief Godwin said, the [Blazing Dragon Judgment] summoned by the dragon with the same tune was reversed.

   Longya excitedly said: "If you destroy all the cards on the field except for the [Blazing Dragon Judgment] card, and then launch a direct attack, it will be Long Ke's victory!"

   "This blow is not bad, Long Ke!"

   In the field completely covered by the dazzling light, Mr. K's penetrating voice came out beyond the light.

   "Dragon Hand Seal and [Blazing Dragon Judgment], beautiful cooperation, worthy of my strength to respond! Then, open it at this moment...light and dark intertwined, the door of chaos!"

   "Qiaodou sack, gate of chaos?" Hoshino felt bad, "Oops, Long Ke!"


The deafening roar of the dragon, and the thunder of chaos that ripped the sun apart, under the condition of being flooded by the brilliant nuclear bomb, Mr. K's field, which should have been completely emptied, stood erect at this moment, letting the sky and the earth stand. A monster trembling for it.

   "Let's drop the whip of complete defeat!-I chain the destruction effect of the [Blazing Dragon Judgment] and activate the trap card [Emergency Ritual Art]!"

  【Emergency Ritual Spell Trap Card Effect: ①: When there is no Ritual Monster on your field, you can activate it by removing 1 Ritual Spell Card from your hand or Graveyard. The effect of this card becomes the same as the effect of the ritual summon when the ritual magic card is activated. 】

   "Excluding the ritual magic card [Chaos Form] sent to the cemetery this round, the effect of [Emergency Ritual Art] becomes the same as [Chaos Form]!"

[Chaos form ritual magic card effect: ①: Until the total level becomes the same as the monster summoned by the ritual, liberate your hand card or monster on the field or, instead of liberating, remove the "blue-eyed white dragon" from your graveyard or Excluding "Black Magician", ritual summon 1 "Chaos" ritual monster from the hand card. 】

   White Star: "Emergency ritual spell? It turned out to be a card that can be used for ritual summoning on the opponent's turn!"

   Hoshino: "No, the most surprising thing right now is that it wasn't the seahorse guy who used the trap card to complete the ritual summon."

   Instead of using ritual magic cards directly, but using trap cards [emergency rituals] for rituals, it means that even in riding duels, you can use this method for ritual summoning.

   "With the level 8 [ABC-Dragon Annihilator] on my field as a ritual sacrifice, the ritual summons the last monster in my hand!"

  "—The chaos dragon that shows destruction, the strongest posture where light and darkness meet! Come on, the blue-eyed chaos dragon!"

   [Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) dark] [Dragon/Ritual/Effect ATK: 4000DEF:0]

   [①: This card will not be the target of the opponent's effect, and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect. 】

   fully open the wings of chaos surrounding the thunder light, corresponding to the sacred posture of [Blazing Dragon Judgment], the blue-eyed chaos extremely dragon is completely a posture of destruction that can crush everything.

   "How is it possible! What monster is this?"

   Unplanned variables appeared again, this blue-eyed chaotic extremely dragon, Godwin had never seen or heard.

   Rather, in this coherent dimension where even the fusion is extremely rare, and the ritual is immediately extinct, no one can imagine that there are still such terrifying ritual monsters in this world.

   Long Ke opened his mouth slightly, and said in a puzzled way: "This monster has forcibly resisted the destruction of the [Blazing Dragon Judgment]?"

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