"MAX Dragon, which will not be destroyed by the effect, will not end because of this ruling. It's my turn, draw a card——!"

   While declaring the effect, Mr. K forcibly ended Long Ke's round.

   After all, there is no card to perform more operations, and there is no way to surpass the attack power of the Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon. Even if the dragon continues to turn, it can't do anything.

  "——Quick Attack Magic Card [Enemy Controller]! Change the [Blazing Dragon Judgment] on your field to defensive mode! ←→←→ABAB!!!"

   In a fixed sequence, he skillfully pressed the large remote control that appeared in front of him, and Mr. K controlled and reversed the manifestation of [Blazing Dragon Judgment].

  【The Fiery Dragon Decision DEF: 2600】

   "Smash the opposite to all! This is the last attack of the Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon!——The bursting white light of Chaos!!"

   The rays of destruction intertwined with the spiral of light and darkness, bombarded straight towards the [Blazing Dragon Judgment], penetrating the gorgeous pure white dragon in the sky.

   And just when everyone is wondering, it is obviously [Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon] that has a higher attack power, why do you need to do this again and turn Long Ke's [Blazing Dragon Judgment] into a defensive form...

  The chaotic light that penetrated, shot from the sky to the earth. It never extinguished after breaking through the [Blazing Dragon Judgment], and was implicated in the attack along with the dragon below.

   "The effect of the blue-eyed chaos extremely dragon, when attacking a defensive monster, will inflict penetrating combat damage that exceeds the defensive power..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   Long Ke LP: 1450→50

   "Twice! So the farce is over!!!"

   Long Ke LP: 50→0

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -!"

   Amid the unwilling screams of the dragon, the Blue-eyed Chaos Chaos Dragon of the Fish Smasher, with twice the damage of penetrating the defense, perfectly ended the duel with one blow.

Asked for a day off on April Fools’ Day, adjusted my schedule and hadn’t rested for a long time


   I'm probably a salted fish A Wei (?3[▓▓]

   I will update as soon as possible tomorrow, the underworld update is too tiring

  Purple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato puddingPurple potato pudding

   Purple Potato Pudding

Chapter 56: Haima’s Answer [2&1]

   "Duel, the duel is over!"

   can't give more comments, the development of the last round completely surpassed the scope of knowledge of ‘professional commentary’, and can only broadcast the result of the duel mechanically.

   "You actually won, the awakened Longyin?" Godwin said in shock.

   "Sir Godwin, the blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, this card has never appeared in the registered deck." Said Shikage recalled.

  If this ritual monster existed in the deck that Mr. K registered with the Public Security Bureau, the impression of Deep Shadow must be particularly deep, and it would never be regarded as a ‘normal’ deck.

   However, it is commonplace to temporarily change and adjust the registration deck for a duel.

   After all, the Public Security Bureau does not have the authority and requires the duelist to use only a set of completely unchanged decks for the duel. Therefore, even if Mr. K's card group is different from the registration, there is no reason to judge his violation.

   "By now, the registered deck is not important anymore." Godwin frowned and judged.

   is just changing the construction of one or two cards in the deck to defeat the awakened Dragon Seal. Before this happened, Godwin would not even think about it.

  The important thing is not the blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, but the mysterious "Mr. K" himself.

   If it doesn't have the power that surpasses the Dragon Seal, any deck will be of no avail.

   "Secretary Xia Mist Deep Shadow, you go to inform KING that tomorrow's final battle must not be careless."

"Yes, sir."

  Understanding Godwin's meaning, the deep shadow of the mist turned and left, and ran to the room where Jack was resting.

   Since he can defeat the awakened Dragon Seal, this Mr. K has undoubtedly been promoted to become an absolute dark horse duel in the Lucky Cup.

   The remaining two Longyin people, Sixteen Night Autumn and Fudo Yuxing, are bound to be difficult to contend with without awakening.

   Therefore, Godwin must prepare for the worst-the final battle of the Lucky Cup. It is very likely that Mr. K will fight the dueling king Jack Atlas.

   On the frontal arena, the dragon Ke, who had lost the duel, gradually recovered from the burning fighting state of the dragon mark, and the red dragon mark on his arm gradually dimmed.

   "I, did you lose? There is no way to fulfill the promise of duel with everyone..."

"Well, you lost, Long Ke." Mr. K pointed around and added: "However, in this duel, there are more than just two results, winning or losing. Look up, and impress your eyes with pride. The reward for hard work."

   "The reward for my hard work?"

   Long can look up at the surrounding auditorium.

   "It's so beautiful, Long Kejiang!"

   "This is really the most exciting duel I have ever seen!"

   "Don't be discouraged! It's so great at a young age, and the future is beyond limit!"

   Excited support, even for Long Ke who failed the duel, the surrounding audience gave the highest evaluation.

   Yuxing: "You have shown your pride as a duelist, Long Ke."

  秋: "You really have become very strong, Long Ke. If you have a duel, you will definitely have a chance next time!"

   Longya: "Woohoo, Long Ke, Long Ke, my Long Ke!"

  Only Long Ya was crying on the sidelines, becoming a repeater mode that only called Long Ke's name.


   "Go back, Long Ke, and welcome your victory."

   "Well! I blamed Mr. K by mistake. You are a very nice guy."

   After bowing to Mr. K, Long Ke trotted out of the duel ring again.

   "A good person, isn't it? It's really not suitable for my evaluation..."

   Looking at Long Ke's distant back, Mr. K muttered to himself in a low voice.

   "After paying a high price, is this what you expect to see, Hoshino?"

   After Long Ke left the duel ring and the duel was officially over, Mr. K did not stay in the ring for a long time, but as if he knew what was waiting for him, Long Ke walked into the channel of the contestants one minute late.

   "A duel is not just about winning or losing. It's really nothing like what you would say, Haima!"

   After the duel was over, Hoshino, who was already secretly ambushing on this necessary road, finally waited for the "Mr. K" who used the blue-eyed Chaos Dragon.

   "Hippocampus Seto! Where have you been this month? And the D-round and deck that I lost, are you on your side?"

   "Huh, is it a month? It's not that short..."

   A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth under the mask, Seahorse, who did not answer Hoshino's question, just waved.

   "Come with me, Qianxue."


  Although he had doubts in his heart, he was used to Hoshino with his own independent personality. Without too much doubt, he subconsciously followed.

   is just a little unaccustomed to Seahorse calling himself ‘Qianxue’ suddenly.

   Could it be that after I came to the coherent dimension, I changed my tune in the same way as the customs?

   Followed the other exit of the competition channel and walked up for a long time. After passing through the entire large duel hall, Hoshino was taken by Seahorse to a location similar to the rooftop, overlooking the entire duel hall.

   During this period, the third duel, the riding duel between Fudo Yuxing and the knight Gilderance has begun.

   Stepping onto the star field on the high roof, what is greeted is the scene in which you call out the junk fighter in the same way. At the same time, because of the presence of the [high speed warrior] on the field, the junk fighter’s attack power has increased by 900 points.

  【Scrap Warrior ATK: 2300→3200】

   Standing on the opposite field is the LV monster [Kamen Rider LV7].

   [Kamen Rider LV7ATK: 2900]

  Professional commentator: "The attack power of the Fudo Yuxing player has completed the overtake, is this a blow that condenses the will of the waste monster!"

   "Attack of the Scrap Soldier!-Scrap Iron Fist!"

   A punch break, although it is not enough to clear the opponent's health, judging from the current battle situation, it is undoubtedly a big advantage for Youxing, and victory is only a matter of time.

   was infected by Yuxing's reversal punch, and the entire duel hall was very boiling.

   The hippocampus with his arms around his chest, looking down at the entire duel arena from a high place, the windbreaker behind him was slowly blown by the rooftop wind and fluttered backwards.

   "Did you see, Qianxue... This is a city that exists because of duels, and people's enthusiasm for duels."

   Hoshino said: "After all, there is a perpetual motion machine in this dimension. If energy can be obtained through a duel, it is natural to be so passionate."

   "So Qianxue, how do you think this world, this new Tokino City, compares to our previous Tokino City?"

   "Compared with Tomino City before..."

   Unexpectedly, Hippocampus would suddenly ask this question, Hoshino raised his eyebrows lightly and pondered for a while.

   "It cannot be denied that because of the existence of perpetual motion machines, Shin Tomino City, as far as the city area is concerned, is indeed more prosperous than Tominino City in our world. But the premise is that I have not lived in a satellite area."

   Inner city area and satellite area belong to the category of Xintong Mino City. Hoshino, who has lived in the satellite area for a month, deeply understands the darkness and poverty behind this prosperity.

   "I still prefer the Toshino City in our world. In my opinion, the brightness and prosperity of the Shintoshino City is nothing more than a false scene based on the darkness of the satellite area."

   Hoshino gave his own answer.

   "Is it a false scene? Humph, hahahaha! It's really you, Qianxue, just one word tells the truth!"

   inexplicably began to raise his head and laugh wildly. The magical laughter of the hippocampus is full of recognition even if it is mixed with the cheers of the audience.

   "But Qianxue, you are only half right. All this is indeed a false sight..."

   Fudo Yuxing's riding duel seems to have come to an end.

   A direct attack towards victory. The combined attack power of the Harmony Monster Scrap Warriors and Sync Monster Scrap Berserkers on the Star Field has far surpassed the remaining HP of Knight Gilderance.

  Knight Gilderance: "Feel the noble power of justice!-Trap Card [Holy Protective Cover-Mirror Power -]!"

   However, Yuxing’s winning blow was blocked by the trap card reflector that was able to bounce back and destroy all the attacking monsters.

   "Everything we see before our eyes is indeed a false scenery...false dreams."

   "False, dreamland?"

   "The false dream comes from the scenery that the sleeping girl expects to see. Whether it is the light in the city area or the darkness in the satellite area, it is just the positive and negative of her heart."

   "Hippocampus, what are you talking about... false dreams, who is the sleeping girl?"

   Hoshino thought he knew enough about the seahorse, but at this moment he still couldn't fully understand the meaning of what the seahorse said.

   But only a little Hoshino knows that Seahorse is definitely not a person who can circumscribe the words like Sherlock Holmes. What he said doesn't involve magical metaphysics, basically it is just a literal expression.

   "It's hard to say that the entire Xintongmino City is just a scene in someone's dream. Is this Haima you investigated in a month?"

   "If this is true." Haima asked back: "Then Qianxue, who do you think the sleeping girl is?"

   As far as Hoshino knew, if Seahorse asked this question, the answer could only be that person.

   "Hoshino... Yu Ling?"

   defaulted to Hoshino's answer, and Haima continued to explain.

   "It's not just New Toshino City. When the girl wakes up from a dream, the dream will no longer exist, and all the concepts that exist in this dimension will collapse. This is what I know, the truth of the destruction of the homology dimension."

   "As long as the dream wakes up, the coherent dimension will be destroyed..."

Hoshino had imagined countless possibilities for the destruction of the coherent dimension, perhaps it was an irresistible natural disaster, or a man-made calamity in the dark heart...but I would never think of this, or that it has surpassed Hoshino’s understanding. category.


   "Then how are we going to save this dimension? The reason for this destruction, dreams or something, is too dreamy, I don't know how to act."

   "The simplest answer-since it is a dream, then don't let Hoshino Yuu Aya wake up. If you sleep forever, this false scene will become an eternal reality."

   "Never let Yuu Hoshino wake up, do you mean Haima?"

   "Kill her, if you want to save the coherent dimension, this is the only way."

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