As long as you take the lead in the first corner, you can get the authority to start the duel.

   At the same time, Hoshino, who has fought so many riding duels, has also deeply understood the advantage of being first in riding duels where ordinary magic cards cannot be used.

   Covering the trap card in one round can greatly interfere with the development of the opponent's backhand.

   Without the use of ordinary magic, it would be difficult for the back hand to make a countermeasure.

   Therefore, the victory or defeat of the riding duel, even if the card is not drawn, has already started in the initial D-round sprint stage.

   "Both sides, so fast!" Long Ke and Long Ya exclaimed.

   "But if you fight for speed, Qianxue's D round should not lose." You Xing judged.

   may be the D-wheel of the seahorse blue-eyed white dragon. The decoration is too complicated and heavy, which slows down the speed. It is not as simple and exquisite as the streamlined body of the Moonlight Butterfly.

   Even in the last riding duel with Qiu, Haima was ahead of Qiu, a novice riding duel, but compared with Hoshino, a D-round veteran, it seemed a bit behind.

   "Hehe, I seem to be dragged by my own evil taste, Hippocampus~"

   was getting closer to the first corner, and Hoshino, who was in the leading position, couldn't help but smile as he looked at the hippocampus that suffered from the blue-eyed white dragon shape.


   With a sneer, Hippocampus turned the throttle with his right hand in reverse.

   "Break out, blue eyes!-a jet of white light of destruction!"

   "Huh, ruinous jet white light?"

   Hoshino looked bewildered. The Seahorse duel hadn't officially started yet, just when the name of this strange roar trick...

   responded to the operation of the seahorse, and behind the wheel D of the blue-eyed white dragon, blue and white jet flames burst out.

   Bai Xing: "Hey, do you even play this trick in round D?"

   This modification is exactly the same as the blue-eyed white dragon fighter that eats more chili peppers and breathes fire, except that the blue and white jetting flames will not be particularly conspicuous.

   With the help of a burst of flame propelling force, the hippocampus galloped and accelerated at the moment before entering the curve, and Hoshino succeeded in turning the corner one step ahead and took the lead.

   His own advantage was overtaken in an instant, Hoshino said loudly: "Is it really cheating to install flame-powered jet on D wheel?"

   Haima dismissed it and said, "The modification of the D wheel is also part of the strength. Qianxue, you are not the D wheel you assembled only with the help of the technology of the immovable travel star."

   speechless, it seems that there is no limit to the modification of the D round in the game. Including the flying wings of the Blackbird and Moonlight Butterfly, or the 180° rotation of Jack's Wheel of Fortune, are allowed by default.

   However, even so, Hoshino's expression was still slightly uncomfortable.

   "Well, if you want to get the first hand at this level, then let you give it to you, Haima!"

   "Huh! My turn, draw a card——!"

   At the beginning of the first attack round, Seahorse glanced at the 6 starting cards in the card slot, and drew two duel plates in the front and back fields.

   "After I summon a monster in the form of defensive side, I cover another card, and the turn is over!"

  Mr. K's remaining hand cards: 4 cover cards: 1

   Bai Xing: "Ah, that guy in the hippocampus, it's this routine again, the monster on the inside defending the face side."

  The sixteen night autumn watching the battle frowned, and said: "The monster card covered by Mr. K should be the [Prime Shiraishi] card."

   is really the world now, including the sixteen night autumn who was not familiar with the white dragon deck before, and they all know which card the seahorse covers.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 0→1

   Mr. K SPC: 0→1

   After Hoshino starts the round, the high-speed counters are activated in accumulation.

   1 point high-speed indicator, there is no high-speed magic that can be activated under normal circumstances.

   This is the disadvantage of getting a back hand after a failed start speed competition.

   However, there is a card that can bring back this disadvantage slightly.

   "——High-speed magic launch! Upshift!"

  【High-speed magic-upshift effect: 1 high-speed counter on both sides will be added. After that, both parties draw 1 card from the deck. The effect of "upshift" can only be used once in a duel. 】

   "According to the effect of the upshift, the high-speed indicator goes up!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 1→2

   Mr. K SPC: 1→2

   The high-speed counter changed from 1 point to 2 points, which can be said to be equivalent to a qualitative change. The disadvantage is that it will allow the opponent to draw one more card.

   Hoshino puts the second high-speed magic card in the duel board, "Then 2 points high-speed counter, I can activate [High-speed Magic-Angel Scepter]!"

  【High-speed Magic-Angel Scepter Effect: It can only be activated when there are more than 2 high-speed counters. Draw 2 cards, and then send 1 hand card to the cemetery. 】

   Use upshifts to increase the high-speed indicator, and then use the little angel's charity to filter the hand once more.

   Even after filtering the hand, looking at the Hoshino of the seahorse field in front of him, he still has no desire to attack.

   Everyone knows that the seahorse will cover the [prime ancient white stone]. If Hoshino destroys the white stone this round, after entering the cemetery, let the seahorse summon a special [white spirit dragon], except for the cover card in the backcourt. Isn't it a **** start?

   "I also summon a monster in defensive form, and then cover 3 cards, the turn is over!"

   In the end, Hoshino decided to use the same method to deal with the seahorse. If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

   Qianxue remaining hand cards: 2 cover cards: 3

   Seahorse said solemnly: "You can't press the pawn, Omoses Roy. But the weak defense, in front of me, will be crushed in an instant, Qianxue! At the end of your turn, the covered card will be activated!"

   With a big wave, Seahorse opened the only trap card covered by round D.

   "——Perpetual Trap Card [World Regeneration]!"

  【World Rebirth Persistent Trap Card Effect: The effect of ①② of this card name can only use any one of them once in a round. ①: As an effect when this card is activated, remove 1 ritual monster from the deck. 】

   "As the activation effect of the perpetual trap card [World Regeneration], I excluded [Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon] from the deck."

   "[Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon] has been excluded!"

  The dragon was startled, and the double ponytail on top of his head trembled twice.

   Yuxing touched his chin, and analyzed: "But as a ritual monster, the [Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon] cannot be pulled back from the exclusion zone unless it is summoned through the ritual."

   "Except Chaos Extreme Dragon..."

   Hoshino also knows that the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon can only be summoned through rituals. If Seahorse intends to use trap cards such as [Return of Different Dimension] and [Return of Long Lan] to special summon the MAX dragon, it cannot be achieved.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Mr. K SCP: 2→3

   Thousand Snow SPC: 2→3

   At the end of Hoshino's turn, after using the [World Regeneration] to eliminate the ritual monster, Seahorse drew the card and started his own turn.

   "This round, I liberate the monster in the defense position on the back as a sacrifice, and summon the monster from the upper level in my hand-[Crystal Dragon]!"

   The light of liberation engulfed the monster in the defense position of the seahorse's turn, guiding and calling the dragon with the higher level in the hand.

   Sixteen Yeqiu said in surprise: "Because Qianxue saw through the tactics, [Prime Shiraishi] was not destroyed, so this round is simply liberated as a sacrifice, and take the initiative to send it to the cemetery!"

   "No! The monster on the back is not [Prime Shiraishi]!"

   Although the real body was revealed from the opened back card for only a moment, Hoshino still distinguished the seahorse cover card, which was different from Taikoo Shiraishi's.

   Bai Xing suddenly realized: "Yes, because everyone will think that the card that Seahorse covers is [Prime Shiraishi], so as long as you do the opposite..."

   After the inherent impression is formed, the seahorse only needs to cover a monster randomly, even if it is not [Prime Shiraishi], Hoshino will definitely not take the initiative to attack.

   It was precisely using this strategy that Seahorse easily assured that the sacrifices needed for the superior summoning this round were not destroyed by Hoshino.

  "——Roar, the gorgeous [Crystal Dragon] born!"

  【Crystal Dragon★★★★★★(6 stars) Light】【Dragon/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 1000】


   The entire body, including the huge wings, is a dragon monster [Crystal Dragon] composed of exaggerated crystal material, shaking and spreading out countless crystal particles, and flying onto the seahorse racetrack.

   "Next, I activate the effect of the [Legendary Shiraishi] that was sent to the cemetery as a sacrifice just now!"

   is not [Prime Shiraishi], but [Legendary Shiraishi].

  The difference between the two is that the effect can be activated when the white stone of the ancient times is sent to the cemetery at the end of the round, while the effect can be activated as soon as the white stone of the legend enters the cemetery.

  【Legendary White Stone Effect: ①: Activate when this card is sent to the graveyard. Add 1 "Blue Eyed White Dragon" from the deck to the hand card. 】

   "I took a card from the deck and added a [Blue Eyed White Dragon] to my hand!"


   In the legendary card name "Blue-eyed White Dragon", the moment it was roared, the whole Lucky Cup venue was boiling.

  " He just said, "Blue-eyed white dragon" right? "

   "There are only three games in the world in that legend, super rare card!"

   "The strongest dragon that'all opponents can be scrapped to pieces'!"

   After all, in this duel between Haima and Hoshino, from the very beginning, he planned to use his full strength before adding three [Blue Eyes and White Dragon] cards to the deck without any scruples. Naturally, there is nothing to hide.

   In the backcourt watch, the secretary Sakigiri said in disbelief, "What is the origin of this Mr. K? The real [Blue Eyed White Dragon] card, hasn't it been missing for decades?"

   From the first duel to the last duel, the shadow of the mist is more and more invisible to this mysterious Mr. K.

   Deputy Director Yego stammered: "Mamasaka, is this related to the recent comeback of Haima Company?"

   After merging with government agencies, Haima has been responsible for managing Moment Energy produced by perpetual motion devices for many years.

  Although, because of the authorization of Bekas, the father of the original international phantom club and the duel card, Haima Company can release new cards every year, but there has never been a big move.

   But just recently, the rumors within the Shintosino city government that Yego heard——

   Haima Company seems to have carried out unprecedented, domineering and domineering methods, and even used Moment Energy as a threat to gradually expand its core class and status in the interior.

   Godwin seemed to be calm and said: "Don't mess around, wait until this duel is over."

   In the final duel of the Lucky Cup, the two players were neither the Dragon Seal named by Godwin nor the assassin arranged by Godwin, but the first two uncertain factors, the duel between Qianxue and Mr. K.

   Such an unfolding has already far surpassed Godwin's expectations.

But fortunately, all the Longyin people who should be awakened are awakened. What the Public Security Bureau has to do is to keep the position of Jack Atlas King as much as possible. After these two people can't get it, they can get involved in the core right class. identity of.

   After all, Jack Atlas, who only has a duel in his mind and has no interest in government rights, is the best candidate for KING who is easy to control.

   "Fight, Crystal Dragon!"

   After searching the blue-eyed white dragon with the legendary Shiraishi, Seahorse did not summon it immediately, but declared that he had entered the battle phase and ordered the crystal dragon on the field to attack the defensive card on the side of Hoshino.

   "——Crystal Storm!"

   The jet that reflected the prism light exploded, and the monster in Hoshino's side defense position was opened with a strong offensive force.

   [Miko who received the star cup DEF: 2100]

   Everyone knows that Seahorse’s Gika is Shiraishi, and Hoshino guesses that after so many duels, many people can guess that their Gika monster is basically this big **** witch.

   And I don’t know why, is it because the recent duel has become more intense, Eve’s proud defense power, has not successfully blocked the monster’s attack for a long time.

   "Damn it, it's weird that this kind of advanced monster's attack can be blocked!"

   Eve, who slapped the pot casually, disappeared directly into the crystal dragon's gorgeous attacking storm.

  【Miko receiving the star cup】Break

   Bai Xing: "Is it weird to be able to block it..."

   On the Nth day when Matthew was away, I missed her.

   "It's not over yet, after the [Crystal Dragon] battle, you can activate the effect—"

  【①: Once in a turn, this card can only be activated by the battle step of the own turn in which this card has fought. Add a Dragon·8-star monster from the deck to your hand. 】

   Amidst the roar of the crystal dragon, the card for the automatic retrieval of the D-round duel plate was drawn out, and Seahorse man flipped and displayed it.

   "The 8-star dragon monster I added to my hand is-[Blue-eyed Asian White Dragon]!"

   [Blue Eyed White Dragon Effect: This card cannot be normally summoned. It can be special summoned when you show a "Blue-eyed White Dragon" to the opponent. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. ] (Different from O-ization, restore the 2nd speed effect of the theater version)

  Since Seahorse has chosen to add three blue-eyed white dragons to his hand, this blue-eyed white dragon that can be combined with the blue-eyed white dragon and can be directly summoned will also become a key combat power.

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