"Let the blue-eyed white dragon guide this new power and smash the opponent!-Special Summon! Blue-EyesAlternativeWhiteDragon!!"

   [Blue-eyed sub-white dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon/Effect ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500]

   threw a card to the duel monster area, the roaring blue-eyed sub-white dragon, showing a gorgeous white light in the sky, materialized flying on the track above the seahorse, glaring at the starry field in the empty field.

   "Continue to fight! The direct attack of the blue-eyed white dragon, be burned out by this light!-Alternative·Destroy the white light!"

   "Oops, Qianxue!" He burst towards the star field in the empty field. The sub-white light with an attack power of up to 3000 points made Yuxing and the others extremely nervous.

  "——The trap card activates [Precision Defense]!"

   When the attack was about to hit him, Hoshino hurriedly opened the cover card of the previous round to build a defensive line.

   [Accurate Defense Trap Card Effect: When the opponent's monster declares an attack, you can activate it by selecting a monster with 4 stars or less in your graveyard. The face-side defense of the selected monster means it is Special Summoned. 】

   Under the guidance of the effect of [Precision Defense], Hoshino's fingertips stretched into the graveyard area and drew out the card of Eve that had just been destroyed.

   "I use defensive means to resurrect [the witch receiving the star cup]!"

   [Miko who received the star cup DEF: 2100]

   was just smashed by the crystal dragon, and Eve, who had no human rights, was pulled up by Hoshino to block the attack of the blue-eyed Yabailong.

   Such a brutal and inhuman behavior, the audience around who watched was so happy and applauded again and again.

   Seahorse said with disdain: "Huh, monsters that can't even stop the crystal dragon will only be crushed more easily by the blue-eyed white dragon!"

   There is no special call to rewind the attack, and the continuous spray of white light changes the trajectory of the attack, and shoots at the resurrected Eve on the field.

   "Hehe, it seems that I haven't shown my defensive strength recently, I have been underestimated by you!"

   At this moment, I was complaining about the attack of this kind of high-level monster. The Eve of 'is simply different. After being resurrected by [Precise Defense], Eve raised her hand to drive the magic power of the witch, and spread a huge water barrier in front of her.

   The blue water barrier collided with the destructive white light, spreading the light in the audience, and stabbing the surrounding audience to open their eyes for a moment.

   However, Eve herself was not destroyed by this devastating jet of white light. After using the barrier to neutralize the attack, he stood on the court unscathed.

  Professional commentator: "Unbelievable! Clearly with a gap of 900 points, the [Miko who received the Star Cup], who was resurrected by the Qianxue contestant, blocked the impact of this devastating white light."

   Bai Xing vomited: "You are still a professional explanation..."

   Hoshino added: "Another effect of [Precision Defense], the monster resurrected by this trap this turn will not be destroyed by the battle effect!"

   Because Eve was given double damage resistance at the same time of resurrection, this guy suddenly became emboldened and provoked the blue-eyed Yabailong.

   "I have seen it, my maiden Eve, once the defense power that even a **** can block!"

   Bai Xing: "It is said that being hammered and crushed by Obelisk, it can't be regarded as successfully blocking the attack of the gods..."

   The hanging heart finally let go. Long Ya, who was relieved, patted his chest and sighed.

   "There was such a fierce confrontation in the first round. You deserve to be a duel who can defeat Long Ke and Qiu sister."

   Actually, if you count it, Haima’s round is already the third round.

   It's just that the first two rounds were carried out too fast, and both sides were basically blocked operations, which gave the audience the illusion that the duel had just begun.

   But even in the third round, the crystal dragon with 2500 attack power, and the blue-eyed white dragon with 3000 attack power by the way, combined the onslaught, which is a very rare fierce form in the riding duel.

  Qiu said with joy: "Although the offensive on the opposite side was very strong, at least Qianxue was able to block it unscathed, and it was very powerful!"


   Just when everyone thought that Haima’s attack this round should be over.

   laughed wildly and drew out the seahorse of the perpetual trap card in the duel, but slapped everyone in the face, declaring that the next step was the beginning of the real battle.

   "Let's drop the whip of complete defeat! I activate the effect of the perpetual trap card [World Regeneration] and another effect——"

   The ritual monster Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon’s [World Regeneration] was excluded from the last round, and the other effect it has is equivalent to the effect of the ritual summon.

  【World Rebirth Persistent Trap Card Effect: The effect of ①② of this card name can only use any one of them once in a round. ②: You can send this card to the Graveyard, and activate it by selecting one of the following effects.

●Until the level of the ritual-summoned monster is higher than the level, liberate 1 monster in your hand or on the field, or return a ceremonial monster in your graveyard to the deck as a substitute for liberation, and put the ① of this card Ritual Summon of monsters with effects excluded.

  ●A monster whose effect is excluded from this card is added to your hand. 】

   "After I sent [World Regeneration] to the graveyard, I chose the first effect to activate. I liberated the blue-eyed white dragon of level LV8 in my hand as a ritual sacrifice, except for the blue-eyed chaos extremely dragon of ritual summons!"

   The blue-eyed white dragon card that was liberated by the ritual in his hand was transformed into 8 stars and embedded in the gate of the chaos ritual regenerated from the excluded area. He pulled the extremely destructive extremely dragon figure standing between the sky and the earth onto the seahorse field.

  "——This is the dragon of chaos that declares destruction. Witness the strongest posture of light and dark interweaving! Come, Blue-EyesChaosMAXDragon!!!"

   [Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) dark] [Dragon/Ritual/Effect ATK: 4000DEF:0]

   [①: This card will not be the target of the opponent's effect, and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect. 】

   trembles the sky, crushes the earth, roars the MAX dragon on the riding duel track, stirs the magnificent wings of the thunder, and sets off an aura of absolute destruction.

   Ichigoya, staring wide-eyed, trembled slightly and said: "This is just the beginning of the duel, has it summoned a monster of the level of [Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon]?"

  Dragon was terrified, and he was unwilling to admit: "Not only the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, there are also two monsters, the Crystal Dragon and the Blue-eyed White Dragon. It turns out that Mr. K has never seriously fought with us."

   In the duel with Qiu and Long Ke, the seahorse basically summoned the ritual [Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon] as a means to kill the trump card.

In the duel with Hoshino, the Seahorse truly showed his full strength. After the key card [Blue Eyed White Dragon] was added to the deck, three dragon monsters including [Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon] were continuously summoned for one round. .

   The most important thing is that this kind of horrible suppression scene can be perfectly achieved even at the beginning of the game.

   "Blow up the dragon!-the bursting white light of the chaos!"

   Even if Eve won’t be destroyed by battle because of the effect of [Precise Defense] this round, Seahorse still declares that it has launched the attack of the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, and at the same time triggers the effect of the Dragon’s penetrating defense.

   "I said, the weak defense will be shattered in an instant! This battle damage that exceeds 2 times the defensive power, Qianxue, you can eat it all!!"

   The light of chaos erupted and burst, penetrated Eve's thin body, and shot towards the star field.

   "Ah ah ah ah ah -!"

   Thousand Snow LP: 4000→200

   In the first round of the battle, Hoshino had eaten it completely, and Chaos Extreme Dragon had 3800 penetration damage.

Chapter 75: Accelerate to the limit [5K]

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"


  The sudden onslaught penetrated, and I watched Youxing and others, including all the audience present.

   Even the professional host, because of the overly shocking development, began to stutter the commentary.

   "This, this, this... it's like the devil descending from the sky, really the **** of the world! The blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, with its extremely exaggerated combat power, at the beginning of the game, the Qianxue player was forced to the edge of the cliff of defeat!"

   "Really, too, too strong." Long Ya said with fear from the bottom of his heart: "This Mr. K is really too powerful, and I feel that it has completely surpassed the limit of my cognition."

   "Qianxue, is she okay?" Qiu worried.

  The bursting impact from the extremely dragon chaotic light made Hoshino's light silver-white D-wheel moonlight butterfly instantly lose its balance.

   With such a degree of damage, if I were to drive in the Sixteen Nights Autumn, I would definitely not escape the end of the car overturned. Only a D-wheel veteran driver like Hoshino can stabilize the car to the limit with many years of driving experience.

   Although the body burns and stabilizes, the loss of health is not lost at all.

   Thousand Snow LP: 200

   Hoshino complained: "Hey hey hey, this directly summons the blue-eyed chaotic extremely dragon in a ritual. Seahorse, he has never duel seriously before!"

   The perpetual trap card [World Rebirth] is more suitable for use in riding duels than the [emergency ritual technique] used by seahorses to ritually summon extreme dragons in the previous two games.

   However, Seahorseman hid this card until now, and it was only revealed, presumably he was planning to play Hoshino in the finals.

   Or, in the first two games, Dragon Ke and Sixteen Night Autumn, as opponents, are not worthy of Haima's real strength. After all, in the eyes of Seahorse, it's just the play of adults and children.

   This also made Hoshino understand once again that the opponents he is facing now are not at the same level as the opponents who were in the same tune before then.

   "Although he is very upset, Haima is still that great, Qianxue."

Eve, who was sprayed frontally by the extremely dragon's chaotic light, has the resistance provided by [precision defense] and will not be destroyed by battle, but the witch costume on her body has been burned by nearly half of the white light of destruction, exposed to the exquisite skin. , Emitting a few smoke and dust after high-temperature baking, it looks very embarrassed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

   The Sea Horseman riding on D wheel of the blue-eyed white dragon, raised his head and laughed wildly.

   "This level is no longer good, Qianxue? You who lost the Heroic Card group are only of this level after all."

   "Hey!" Faced with Seahorse's unbridled mockery, Hoshino smashed his mouth unhappily and retorted.

   "The outcome of the duel has just begun, Haima! This round, I just locked it first!"

   In fact, when Hoshino said these words, he was very embarrassed.

   Blood lock generally refers to a state in which both sides have fought fiercely, their life value limit has been reduced, and they have not been defeated.

   doesn't mean that he was bombarded at the beginning and there was only a trace of blood...This can no longer be regarded as lock blood, but was completely suppressed.

   "Huh, don't be **** your lips. The one-time explosion damage from a riding duel affects more than just your health."

   Seeing Hoshino's support, the hippocampus waved his hand to declare, pointing to the silver-white moonlight butterfly.

   "The 3800 points of damage caused by the Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon will directly deduct your 3 high-speed counters!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 3

   "Three deductions at once?" Long Ke said badly: "In that case, doesn't Qianxue have no high-speed counters?"

   If you return to the state where the high-speed counter is equivalent to the 0 o'clock at the beginning, no high-speed magic can be used, facing the current scene of the seahorse, Hoshino will really have no chance of winning.

   Bai Xing: "Aibo, it doesn't matter what your health is. But only with SPC, you can't give in!"

   "Well, I know!" Hoshino nodded his head heavily and lifted the card covered by round D.

   "Now there is no room for concession in the health value, and I can only bet on the hope of victory and defeat on the speed!-the trap card activates the [absorption engine]!"

   [Effect of Absorbing Engine Trap Card: Activated when your high-speed counter is reduced due to damage. As an alternative to the reduction of high-speed indicators, one high-speed indicator has been added. 】

   The trap card is activated, and the D-wheel engine that rotates retrogradely absorbs the impact that should have been reduced by the high-speed indicator, and further turned it into a capital for speed improvement.

   Thousand Snow SPC: 3→4

   "I am faster now, Haima!"

   The original SPC of the hippocampus and Hoshino were both 3 points. The difference between the two was only the point where the hippocampus jet propelled the first corner.

   So while the high-speed counter was rising in the reverse direction, Hoshino directly twisted the horsepower with his right hand to complete the overtake in an instant.

   "Oh, do you want to use the speed to regain the disadvantage. Then let me see, Qianxue, your struggle!"

   After the battle is over, Seahorse draws two cards from the hand placed in the D-round card slot and inserts them into the backcourt area of ​​the duel board.

   "I cover two cards and the round is over!"

  Hippocampus remaining hand cards: 3 cover cards: 2

   Thousand Snow Cover Card: 1

  (ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノBecause there are more trap cards used in riding duels, in order to facilitate the viewing experience, from now on, the number of cards on both sides will be written after the end of the round.)

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 4→5

   Mr. K SPC: 3→4

   glanced at the remaining 3 cards in his hand, Hoshino murmured.

   "It's not fast enough. If you want to break through this dilemma, you need to be faster..."

   The most important thing is that among the three cards that Seahorse holds in his hand, if there is ‘that card’ in his hand, if he attacks blindly like this, he will definitely lose.

   "Only, accelerate to the extreme first!"

   finalized the strategy, the galloping Hoshino raised his arm and opened the trap card covering him.

   "——Perpetual Trap Card Launches [Strengthen Susheng]!"

   [Strengthen the effect of the Susheng Perpetual Trap Card: ①: Target a 4-star or lower monster in your graveyard to activate this card. That monster is specially summoned. The monster's level increased by 1 star, and its attack power and defense power increased by 100. When that monster is destroyed, this card is destroyed. 】

   "Are there any monsters in Qianxue's cemetery?" Long Ya wondered.

   For now, the only monsters that Hoshino has summoned on the face are the witches who have received the star cup.

   The witch who received the star cup was pulled back from the cemetery by the trap card [Precision Defense] for the first time after being destroyed by battle in the last round.

   "Yes." You Xing recalled: "Qianxue used [High Speed ​​Magic Card-Angel Scepter] to send a card from his hand to the graveyard before."

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