"I choose to resurrect the monster in the graveyard..."

   Draws the card that was thrown from the hand to the graveyard in the last round, Hoshino throws her on the D-round duel board again.

   "Come on, [Heroic Gareth]!"

  【Heroic-Gareth ★★★★★ (4 stars→5 stars) land]

  【Warrior Clan/Adjustment/Effect ATK:1500→1600DEF:1900→2000】

   "The seventh seat of the Knights of the Round Table, Gareth, rush forward at full speed!"

  , holding a knight's long spear and a puppy, the girl knight Gareth, after realizing, spread her legs and ran with all her strength to keep up with the speed of Hoshino's D round.

   Hoshino was entangled in the last round. It is better to discard Gareth and summon Eve on defense, or it is better to discard Eve and summon Gareth on defense.

   Although it seems that in most cases, the [Heroic Gareth], which has the resistance that will not be destroyed by the high-star monster battle, and the additional adjustment effect, is better than the white board monster Eve in all aspects.

   But the intuition of the duelist finally made Hoshino choose Eve.

   And from the result, it is precisely because Eve has 2100 points, which is 200 points higher than Gareth’s defensive power, that barely allows Hoshino to survive the jet of the dragon.

   And at this moment, after Eve and Gareth got together, they will lead Hoshino to fight back against the storm this time.

   "Level LV5 adjustment monster [Heroic-Gareth], level LV2 [Miko who receives the star cup], total level LV7, the same tune!"

  The burning black flame was dyed with the same light. During the summoning process, the Hoshino D-wheel moonlight butterfly accelerated the turbine and began to charge up.

  "——The resentment and black flames of hatred and vengeance burn to the other side of the dimension! Summon the same, speed up, the high-speed hero-Earl of Monte Cristo!"

   [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Count of Monte Cristo★★★★★★★ (7 stars) dark] [Warrior Clan/Synchronous/Effect ATK: 2400DEF: 2300]

   [1 or more monsters other than adjustment + adjustment]

   "Koohahahahahahahaha! Decided to use speed to decide the victory or defeat, then I will give you the accomplice, the fastest proof!"

   Jumped out from the black homophonic special effects and dragged countless afterimages. The high-speed Heroic Cave King shook his black cloak behind him, appearing as handsome as lightning.

   "[High Speed ​​Hero-Count of Monte Cristo] When the coordinating summon is successful, the effect can be activated——"

  【This card can only be activated if it is successfully synchronized. Your high-speed counters increase by 3, after that, when the number of your high-speed counters is greater than 6, then choose a "high-speed magic" from the deck and add it to your hand. 】

   Thousand Snow SPC: 5→8

   blasted the turbine in an instant, accelerated to the 8 o'clock high-speed counter, Hoshino’s roaring D-wheel moonlight butterfly, at the beginning of the second round of the duel, had already accelerated to the limit.

   "Which side is more able to create an advantage in terms of health and speed, let's bet on this round of battle, Seahorse!"

  The effect of the Cave King has been increased. If the high-speed counter is accelerated to more than 6 points, an additional effect will be triggered, allowing Hoshino to retrieve high-speed magic cards from the deck.

   "This is the card of hope that is brought about by speed, breaking the boundary..."

   Draw cards from the D-round deck, Hoshino's fingertips and high-speed cards draw a beautiful arc on the galloping track.

   "The card I searched and added was-[High Speed ​​Magic-Miracle Synchronization]!"

  Sixteen Night Autumn has been used, can be used in the cemetery to remove the synchronization material, high-speed magic card for simultaneous summons.

However, Eve and Gareth in Hoshino Cemetery now have a total of 6 stars, and can call [Heroic-Knights of the Round Table Gareth] at the same time. Although they can increase their attack power by 1500 according to the number of 3 monsters in the seahorse field, they cannot Bring a decisive reversal.

   "I summon in the usual defensive form-[Scrap Recycler]!"

   [Scrap recycler ★★★ (3 stars) land] [Machine family/Effect ATK: 900 DEF: 1200]

   "With the effect of [Scrap Collector], this card is summoned and special summoned-send a mechanical monster from the deck to the graveyard!"

   Scrap collectors skating on the track with one wheel, draw out the mechanical monster card from the Hoshino deck and send it to the graveyard area.

   "Level LV4 mechanical monster [Formula athlete] sent to the cemetery, launch [High Speed ​​Magic-Miracle Synchronization]!"

  【High-speed Magic-Miracle Synchronization Effect: Activate when your high-speed counter has more than 5 occasions. Choose a synchronic monster in your extra deck. Select monsters that need to be adjusted for the synchronization call and monsters other than adjustments are selected from your own graveyard and removed from the game, and the selected synchronization monsters are Special Summoned on your field. This special call is treated as a homophonic call. Monsters specially summoned by this effect will be removed from the game at the end of the phase. 】

   "Level LV4 adjustment monster [Heroic Gareth], level LV4 [Formula Athlete], total level LV8!"

  Thanks to the abundance of high-speed counters, Hoshino, who can activate high-speed magic as much as possible, synchronizes two high-speed heroic monsters continuously in one round time to fight against the 3 dragons on the seahorse field.

  "——As a swordsman in the extreme speed gallop, surpass the light! The miracle simultaneous call, [High-speed Hero-Miyamoto Musashi]!"

   [High-speed Heroes-Miyamoto Musashi★★★★★★★★ (8-star) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Synchronous/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2900]

  The flower of heaven that blooms with hope, the ace swordsman who appeared in the miracle synchrony, the moment when Miyamoto Musashi materialized, the explosive sword pressure collided with the dragon pressure of the dragon.

   "This time the opponent really can't care about it, Qianxue!"

   "That's right, Musashi! So before attacking, you will also need your speed! [High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi]'s effect is activated——"

  【Activate when this card is summoned in tune. Select a magic card with "High Speed ​​Magic" in the card name from your own and opponent's graveyard and add it to your hand. 】

   Until now, Seahorse has not activated high-speed magic, so Hoshino can retrieve and recover from the graveyard with the Musashi effect, only the high-speed magic cards activated by himself.

   "——[High Speed ​​Magic-Angel Scepter]!"

   Without hesitation, Hoshino chose to reclaim the charity of the little angel in the cemetery, and immediately threw it in the duel plate to activate the effect.

   "After drawing two cards from the deck, discard another card from the hand!"

   Retrieve and retrieve, cooperate with the filter draw, let Hoshino's key cards of counterattack successfully get started.

   "——[High Speed ​​Magic-Detonation]!"

   The third high-speed magic, after Hoshino accelerated to the limit, fully explained in this round-speed is the magic of duel.

   [High-speed Magic-Detonation Effect: Activate when there are more than 2 high-speed counters. Choose 1 card in your own magic/trap zone to destroy it. The representation of all monsters on the opponent's field has been changed. 】

   "Destroy the perpetual trap card [Strengthen Susheng] in my backcourt!"

[Strengthen Resurrection] Although this card will be destroyed when the resurrected monster is destroyed, the resurrected [Heroic Gareth] is not destroyed, but sent to the graveyard as a coherent material, this card will remain On the Hoshino field, it is used as a resource for [High Speed ​​Magic-Detonation] at this moment.

The    trap detonated, and the violent impact spread on the galloping riding track, hitting the three dragon monsters on the seahorse.

   Hoshino reversal declared: "Use the detonation effect to reverse the manifestation of all your monsters!"

  【Crystal Dragon DEF: 1000】

  [Blue Eyed White Dragon DEF: 2500]

   "In the high-speed battlefield, the flaws are finally revealed, Seahorse~"

  [Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon DEF:0]

   Even the expression form of the Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon was forcibly changed by the effect of detonation.

   The blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, with a 4,000-point attack power that arrogantly dominates the crowd, has its biggest weakness, which is its 0-point defense power.

   "It works! Actually let Qianxue seize the opportunity and reversed it with speed!"

   was so excited that Long Ya, who stood up directly from the seat, beamed his eyes.

  秋 was also moved and said: "You can complete such a beautiful counterattack in that situation, you are really amazing, Qianxue."

   Summon two high-speed heroes in the same tune in Hoshino, and with the help of the two to retrieve and filter the high-speed magic, finally reversed the expression of the three dragons...

   The fighting power on both sides can be said to be completely subverted at this moment.

   "Now is the time for the best offense, Battle!"

A loud declaration entered the battle phase. As the highest co-ordinated combat power in Hoshino's deck, Musashi (the comprehensive highest combat power has been replaced by Superman Bear), the Liberation Treasure forms a sword against Nioh behind him, and the breakthrough effect of penetrating defense power is attached to the blade. superior.

   "The Dragon's **** damage last round was great, Haima. This time, it's my turn! Musashi's two combos of penetration defense!"

   took the lead in declaring Miyamoto Musashi's offensive, and the two swords fluttering in the air gorgeously, slashing towards the blue-eyed Chaos Dragon with 0 defensive power.

   "Use sword energy to cut its momentum! This sword is my empty way, my life! Ishena, the big celestial phenomenon——!"

   Roaring and roaring Musashi, with a full blow hidden behind the flurry of sword blades, it completely suppressed the blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, which represented the strongest destructive power, starting from the dragon's head and cutting from top to bottom.

  【Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon】Break

   Mr. K LP: 4000→1000

   "It's not over yet, Miyamoto Musashi's attack through the defense can make two shots in one round!"

   Although there is no **** effect of Chaos Extreme Dragon, at this moment, the first-class continuous attack in two days can be comparable to **** to some extent.

   "No, it's over, Qianxue!"

   The galloping seahorse raises the card in his hand to guide the white dragon's fury.

   The unstable time and space shattered in the sky above the head, shining the light of end.

   "The pure **** hidden in the source of infinite time, raise the wings trembling in the intertwined echoes of the soul, and emerge from the blue abyss! Deep-Eyes White Dragon!"

Chapter 76: Confrontation! Yuanyan Bailong【2&1】

   "At the moment when the Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon is destroyed, special summon! Deep-EyesWhiteDragon!"

  【Yuanyan White Dragon★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Light】【Dragon/Effect ATK:0DEF:0】

   [When an 8-star or higher monster on your field is destroyed, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. 】

   The time to come is always here. The card of end that exists in the seahorse's hand, the trembling white-winged deep-eyed white dragon, descends in a gorgeous posture that surpasses all the white dragons, and dances on this stage of a riding duel.

   "Oops, it's the white dragon with deep eyes!"

   The sixteen night autumn who subconsciously screamed in horror, the scene where the entire life value was wiped out by the deep-eyed white dragon in the duel, it seemed to reappear in front of her at this moment.

   "Qianxue, in the end of your defeat, you are already destined to be unable to escape after taking the damage of the Chaos Extreme Dragon Penetration!"

   Raised his arms to the shattered blue abyss, the gorgeous white dragon that shocked the stage, and the seahorse roared and declared.

   "At the moment the deep-eye white dragon special summon is successful, you will bear the anger of all the dragons in the cemetery!-Give 600 points of damage to each type of dragon monsters in your cemetery!"

   The phantom of the dragon re-emerged from the seahorse cemetery, the blue-eyed white dragon and the blue-eyed chaos extremely dragon, flying around the deep-eyed white dragon, turning the anger into light and condensing on the ring-shaped wings.

   Longya desperately said: "No way, with Qianxue's life value, absolutely can't hold it!"

   Thousand Snow LP: 200

   Hoshino's blood skin with 200 HP remaining, wanting to resist the bombing and blasting of this deep-eyed white dragon is like a fantasy.

"By the way, Tomato!" Long Ke recalled suddenly, "In the Qianxue Cemetery, I must have used the angel scepter just now to send in [Block Tomato]. That lovely tomato, but saved Qianxue several times! "

   Yuxing frowned, and denied: "No, the effect of [Block Tomato] can only be activated during the opponent's turn. There is basically no chance to block the damage effect of the deep-eyed white dragon."

  Because the deep-eyed white dragon will be specially summoned, most of the time it is in Hoshino's own turn, after destroying the blue-eyed monster.

   "So Qianxue, who knew this, did not put [Block Tomato] into the deck, but replaced it with another card..."

   "Another card instead?" Qiu looked at the star next to him curiously.


   Before the final, five minutes——

   "Youxing, if I use my power alone, I will probably lose the duel later."

   "Can't you even win Qianxue?"

   Before riding the D wheel off the track, Hoshino, who pulled the Yuxing aside, frankly confessed.

   "I'm sorry to lie to you before. Mr. K and I are actually very familiar with each other. Including the deck and the tactics used by each, we know each other very well."

   "No, I've seen this a long time ago." You Xing also bluntly confessed.

   "Ah, this..." Hoshino scratched his head awkwardly.

   "Because you know each other very well, Qianxue, do you think you will lose?"

   Although the plain expression did not show, Yu Xing still felt unbelievable in his heart. A duelist of the level of strength like Qianxue had already said the words ‘will lose’ before the duel started.

   That Mr. K, how powerful is a duelist? Let Qianxue, who had already defeated him, admitted willingly that it was difficult to bridge the gap of strength.

   "I will lose, but not exactly." Hoshino shook his head and solemnly pleaded: "I just said that if I use my power alone, I will lose..."


   "Is there any, Yuanyan Bailong."

   unfolded exactly as planned. Hoshino was galloping, and couldn't help but smile.

   "I have seen you through, Haima!"

  ——Whether it is the deck and the tactics used by each, they know each other very well.

   Of course, it does not only mean that Hippocampus understands Hoshino, Hoshino can also easily guess that the deep-eyed white dragon that Hippocampus keeps in his hands.

   For this reason, Hoshino in the first two rounds used the Angel Scepter to filter a large number of cards in his hand, in order to complete the combination of restraining Yuanyan.

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