'S expression was a little bit lost. After all, this was a distant but unforgettable sad memory for Eve.

   Hoshino confirmed: "The reason why Hoshino Yuaya came here is to take away the dark will "Lisi" from the star's relics? "

   (Signpost: Regarding Eve, Liz, and Yu Ling, you can skip directly to Chapter 337 of the GX chapter "Hoshino Ten Thousand Years Ago". That chapter is an independent story and does not affect reading.)

   Eve nodded and said: "Well, in order to save me who was eroded by Liz, Yu Ling used the power of [Super Fusion] to integrate Liz into her body. Then came to the coherent dimension with Liz. "

   Haima added: "Then next, it's something that even this waste maiden doesn't know. Yuling Hoshino and Lisi of the Dark Will of the Star Cup, in the same tune dimension, have actually been fighting to this day."

   "You said the battle has been so far?" Hoshino took a breath, and said in surprise: "Didn't the two of them come here ten thousand years ago?"

   Bai Xing: "In other words, love and kill each other for ten thousand years?"

   "Of course it's not a battle in a specific sense. Because Yu Ling has used hyperfusion to fuse Lisy into her body, in fact, the battle between the two people is constantly fighting for control of that body."

   "Fighting for control of the body, fighting for ten thousand years..." Hoshino murmured.

The concept of    10,000 years is too far away and difficult to understand for Hoshino, an ‘ordinary person’ who has only lived for more than 20 years.

   The only thing Hoshino can feel is to compete with each other for ten thousand years. It will definitely be very hard.

   "You Ling, she actually fought with Liz so far." Eve couldn't understand: "Then Haima, why did you say you wanted to kill You Ling? You Ling has worked hard for this world for ten thousand years!"

   "But there are some things that can't be done with hard work."

Haima solemnly said: "Although You Ling herself seems to be unwilling to admit it, her personality and thinking have shifted more and more towards Lisi recently, and she has gradually relied on Lisi's power. This is a sign of erosion. "

   Hoshino guessed: "Because Yu Ling has also begun to be eroded, Haima you are responsible for solving her. As long as there is no body, both Yu Ling and Lis will disappear."

   "Well, you can think so."

   "What do I mean by that?" Hoshino raised his eyebrows unhappily.

   "Can you stop studying Sherlock Holmes and clarify things a little bit more clearly. And what you mentioned before, about the false dreams of this world, and the original real history, will be more detailed!"

   "I can't tell you too much about this." Haima refused.

   "What's hiding in this? You didn't talk about it before. According to the history of the original world, Fudo Yuxing has never been defeated once, and he has become the new duel king in this Lucky Cup."

   "That's all I can say. Although I know the follow-up history too, I can't tell you."

   "Huh? What is your attitude? You, awkward fool!"

   Angrily raised his foot, Hoshino kicked Seahorse's calf hard. Haima’s attitude of ‘Although I know everything, but I just don’t tell you’, Hoshino is offended.

"so hard?!"

   As a result, Hoshino felt that his toes were cruelly bent as if they had kicked their toes on the stone pillar.

   "Hey oh oh oh oh oh. What kind of legs are you, do you change people?"

   Hugging his feet and crying bitterly, Hoshino felt that his majesty as a winner had disappeared at this moment.

   After taking a pitying look at Hoshino, Haima explained, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but if I tell you more, Qianxue, you will be meaningless in this dimension.

   "It doesn't make sense, why?"

   "If you know the history of this dimension, you will transform from a historical "participant" to an "outlier". "

   "Participants" and "Outsiders"? "

"Well, now you don’t know anything. As a participant, you can stir up the torrent of the entire coherent dimensional history as you like. But when I tell you the truth of history, the most you can do is " Interfere. "

   "What's the difference?" Hoshino wondered: "It is not to participate in history, but to interfere in history. If I know the specific process of history, my actions can be more purposeful, right?"

   "No, it's completely different. People who "interfer" in history cannot create a new historical process. All your "interference" behaviors will be condensed into a zero point because of the world's own repair consciousness, and there will be no change in the final outcome. "

  Speaking of this, Seahorse suddenly looked up at the sky.

"During a long period of time, several traversers have also been born. They intend to use their knowledge and experience ahead of the time to change the original process of this world. But the final outcome is undoubtedly failure. Qianxue, you too. I should know one of them."


   Hoshino remembered this name for the first time.

   In order to change the future shattered by the dueling monsters, Paradox crossed the past hopelessly, trying to obliterate the existence of the dueling monsters.

   But the final outcome is that even if Paradox held a powerful deck that surpassed the times, it still ended in failure.

   "A person who knows history cannot change history. A person who knows the future cannot create the future. The destiny of this world is not in the hands of the traversers, but in the hands of the pioneers!"

   Raised his hand and pointed it at Hoshino's eyebrows, Hippocampus declared sternly.

   "Now it's only you, Chiyuki Hoshino! No one knows anything, a pure soul that is as pure as white paper, and it is possible to become the pioneer of this world's new (star), creating a new historical process that is different from the original ruined history!"

   "Let me be a new pioneer..."

   It should be said that Hippocampus is worthy of being an elite of the leading group. This passionate preaching easily infected Hoshino, and Hoshino's previous unpleasant behaviors that Hippocampus deliberately concealed were all forgotten.

   "Hippocampus Entertainment Group-Duel Academy Headquarters Honorary Dean, Chiyuki Hoshino! Your latest task is to change with all your strength and harmonize the end of dimensional destruction!"

   "The latest job. I see, President!"

   Bai Xing: "I said, you two, what are you doing?"

   Hoshino didn't know what he was doing, so he subconsciously accepted this ‘work assignment’.

   Could this be Haima’s leadership as a group director?

   Hoshino felt the existence of leadership for the first time, and sighed that it was so terrifying.

   "But, that's not right, Masaka!"

   Eve suddenly realized something suddenly, jumped out anxiously, and interjected.

   "Since people who know history can't change history. Then you know better than anyone the seahorse of the true historical process of the coherent dimension, even if you kill You Ling, can't you change the end of destruction?"

   This waste wood maiden does not understand anything at ordinary times, but at this critical moment, she has twice pointed out a key issue that Hoshino hasn't noticed.

   Bai Xing: "So, Eve, you are really not a fool."

   Therefore, according to the previous theory of Seahorse, there was a huge contradiction between his behavior.

   "..." Seahorse, who didn't seem to intend to explain, silently looked away from Hoshino.

   "Ahhhhhhhhh! Haima, you lie to me!"

   However, Hippocampus didn't need explanation at all, Hoshino got the answer instantly.

   "You didn't plan to kill Yuling Hoshino from the beginning!"

   It’s no wonder that when Hoshino was guessing the truth, Haima threw out an ambiguous answer of ‘you can think so’.

   If just ordinary duel, Hoshino will definitely not be able to beat Seahorse.

   That’s why he saw the seahorse of Hoshino's character, so he gambled on this method and tried to make Hoshino play 120% of his strength. In the end, even the combination of Yuxing's deck was used, and Hoshino finally defeated himself in the lucky finals, surpassing the failure of the original Heroic deck.

   "Huh, if Qianxue can become the new duel king, shouldn't it be the most direct and violent way to disturb the original historical process."

   "You capitalists, your hearts are really dirty!"

   ["The burning soul of the brave, this is the power Jack you will awaken in the future."]

   Everything that followed happened too suddenly, and Hoshino was still in conversation without any reaction time.

   almost ignited Jack's soul while Yu Ling, giving Jack a new power, the mark of the dragon claw on Hoshino's arm also echoed.

   But this time, the light shining from the mark of the dragon's claw is no longer the same hot red as before.

   It was cold and dark, like an abyss that couldn't be seen, Hoshino felt so cold for the first time because of Dragon Seal's awakening.

   "What the **** is..."

   Waiting for another second, Hoshino wanted to ask for help again. When asking about the Seahorse Dragon Seal, he found that he was already in another dimension.

   The boundless darkness is like the universe, and the faint light is like the starry sky.

   It seems that I can still see the tentacles of the indescribable, creeping quietly in the black abyss, huge and unknown.

   Few witnesses the full power of this giant, and its scenery is full of weird horror.

"what is this?"

  A question from Hoshino's soul, such an incomprehensible picture, makes Hoshino just in it, and he doesn't consciously feel that his mind is lowered.

   "I am a guest in a foreign land, something rejected by the original world."

   is like a girl's voice, and some are like the voice of an undeveloped boy, it seems to be close to Hoshino's ear, and it seems that it is far away and untouchable.

"Can you understand, you are both a person who is rejected by the world. You do not belong to this world, and you are also a guest from a foreign land. We are of the same kind, and you, like Van Gogh, are all descendants who are entrusted with the power of an outside god? Oh~"

   "Van, Van Gogh? Is that Van Gogh who painted?"

   A European painter who was active in the nineteenth century. His works were highly regarded after his death.

   But because of a mental illness, Van Gogh, who was only 37 years old, committed suicide, and it is said that his death has an incomprehensible part.

   "So happy, you actually know Van Gogh and me~"

   "Well, I'm also glad you can be happy. But Van Gogh, can you please let me out first."

"Can not……"

  Hoshino has already had a foreboding that he has been entangled in something inexplicable again. In fact, Hoshino himself is still not good at dealing with this indescribable concept of an alien god.

   "Why? We don't seem to have met before, Van Gogh?"

   "Because, someone wants to see you. This is a foreign land, this is the space of the will of the outside god, it is a resting place for the people who belong to the foreign land and the descendants who are rejected by the world."

   "Someone wants to see me? The resting place of the descendants, can it be said..."

   At this moment, Hoshino's fear of the unknown suddenly turned upside down.

   "Really, don't bully msater. Van Gogh, this is the behavior of a bad boy."

   There has never been a moment when Hoshino was able to feel so relieved after seeing Abigail like this.

   "Abi, is it really Abi?"

   "Of course, master, Abi, I am also the real descendant."

   "Don't forget there is us, master!"

   Following in Abi's footsteps, Katsushika Hokusai, holding a huge paintbrush, walked out of the darkness.

   "My concubine, I am also very happy to see the master again~"

   and even the environment of the dark abyss can't conceal the face of Yang Yuhuan who is overwhelmed by the country.

   "Really, everyone of the descendants! Why, why did they appear together?"

   At this time, Hoshino didn't know what he wanted to express, whether he should be surprised or pleasantly surprised.

   "That's right, everyone here is a descendant."

   The last figure that walked out of the dark abyss, the descendant in Hoshino's memory, should be the mysterious heroine XX, but the way he spoke just now seemed a bit strange.

   Fan’s heroine X·Alter: "Good noon, master~"

   "No no no, Xiao Ai, you don't seem to be a descent? Are you not Berserker?" Hoshino pointed out.

   "No, no, I am the Descendant, yes." X·Alter replied firmly.

   "Also, please call me master from now on, mystery idol X [Alter]."

Chapter 86: Idol Disqualification [2&1]

   "Mystery idol X·Alter?"

   A closer look is actually not difficult to find that the pile of weird equipment on X·Alter really seems to be used to make a lot of noise in the concert.

   "So what about XX, isn't she also a descendant?"

   "Miss XX went out of the space patrol mission. Everyone is used to it. Just like Aviga, she needs to make a performance at the end of the month."

   Hoshino, who didn't know how to answer, always felt that Xiao Ai broke a certain wall ruthlessly with a word.

   Even if you become an Adventer, you can’t change this attribute. Are your funny characters unconscious?

   "Okay." For more specific questions, Hoshino feels that he can no longer delve into Xiao Ai, such as why he is an idol.

   "So anyone can explain, why are everyone here?"

   "We...were here..." Van Gogh replied.

   After recovering from the indescribable fear of the outer gods, Hoshino only noticed that the words slowly swallowed, and the appearance of Van Gogh was a weak little loli, completely different from the Van Gogh in the historical records he knew.

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