But I'm used to this kind of "King Arthur can't be a girl" and so on, so I don't care about gender issues that heroes only see for a long time.

   "This is a foreign land... This is the realm of the outer gods... This is the land created by human thought... This is also the land rejected by the will of the world."

   "Then what." The body leaned towards Hokusai, who was a little more reliable, and Hoshino asked in a low voice, "Tell me, translate."

   "Hee hee, we don't understand very well. Master, you should try to understand it. After all, there are a few people present, and only Van Gogh is a local~"

   "Ben, locals..."

   Hokusai’s old Edo tone, even the word ‘local’ popped out. It probably means that only Van Gogh is the heroic spirit of the descent of the outer gods on the coherent dimension, similar to Meili and Gareth.

   Van Gogh said: "Master... Can Van Gogh call you master? I think everyone calls it that way."

   "It's not a problem, after all, I earned it whatever I thought."

   made Hoshino Bai pick up the feeling of a hero again, this kind of thing can be obtained without consuming stones, is it the so-called white prostitute? It's so cool.

   "Master, at that moment... you were rejected by the world, the original will. You were divided into... the realm of the outer gods."

   "Rejected by the original will of the existence of the world?"

   Hoshino recalled that when he suddenly fell into this area, the dragon mark on his arm seemed to emit a cold and dark blue light that was completely different from the past.

   As for the specific reason for this phenomenon, Hoshino couldn't think of it, and he didn't have time to think about it. God was already thrown here after a while.

   But at this moment, Hoshino has no way to know, because Yu Ling awakened Jack's power in advance, and wanted to defeat her by this, so she was judged to be an "outer god" rejected by the will of the world.

   "Oops, if you are repelled by the world consciousness, can you go back? I can't just be classified as an indescribable thing like this."

   "You can go back, but you need faith... The outer gods are rejected by the will of the world, but they can also exist because of human thought... As long as you confuse the believers who believe in master you, you can go back."

   "Do you want me to confuse believers?"

   Hoshino also knows from the novel animation, similar to believers who become crazy after believing in foreign gods. Such people are collectively called cultists.

   But this kind of thing happened so suddenly, there was no time for Hoshino to prepare, where would I go to confuse the cultists who believe in me?

"Try to listen and see... in this outer **** realm... you can hear all the life on the planet." Van Gogh hesitated to explain: "The voice of people of faith will enter this space and provide us with strength. ."


   Hoshino, a dead horse who is a living horse doctor, narrowed his eyes and focused his senses on his ears.

   Although hope is slim, there may be a cult that believes in "Hoshino Chiyuki" somewhere in this world to stop it.

   Power is provided by some existence outside the star field, and Hoshino’s ‘listening’ penetrates this space.

   is like an old radio adjusting channel. First, there is a burst of irritating noise, and then it turns into human words, different voices, it seems that they are discussing the same thing.

   "Hey, say, who will win the afternoon duel?"

   "I support the little girl named Qianxue anyway. Cuteness is justice."

   Hoshino's hair curled up with a question mark. This is obviously discussing the matter of the afternoon kings challenge. Can this be regarded as the voice of believers?

   But it seems to see Hoshino of hope. If the supporters of the duel can be counted as believers, maybe after the lucky cup duel, I have quite a lot of believers.

   "Qianxue is so strong, I really want to be a duelist like her."

   "It would be great if Qianxue could become the duel king, I will definitely push her alone forever."

   Hoshino: "Yo Xi Yo Xi, I have already felt the power of your faith. Compliment me more."

   It’s really the same as Van Gogh said. The more you listen to the worship of supporters (believers), the more Hoshino seems to be able to accumulate some indescribable energy.

   "Qianxue is so cute, I really want to lick her feet!"

   Hoshino: "My boy, your road is narrow?... But this voice seems to be a girl, oh, that's okay."

   Just listen to the left for a while, and listen to the right for a while, the accumulated energy gradually reflected on the dragon mark of the arm, the original light blue dragon claw mark, again glowing red.

  Yang Yuhuan helped her cheeks and sighed: "I have collected so many faiths so quickly, I really deserve to be the master, how fascinating~"

   Van Gogh said: "Although the piety of the faith is not enough...but there are a lot of them."

   The pious belief in foreign gods refers to the kind of crazy people who are willing to dedicate their lives to gods. If you rely on a duel alone, Hoshino really can't attract believers of this level.

   However, the power of belief formed by gathering sand into towers, accumulating flows into rivers, countless small longings, has made Hoshino, a newcomer, a position that is not lost to the few veteran ones present.

   "Enough master... such beliefs... can return easily." Van Gogh gave his judgment.

   "Huh? That's solved, the accident is very simple. Then I was really worried just now."

   "However, even if you leave the master...I hope you can collect the power of devout faith as much as possible...Otherwise, you will lose your identity as a descendant and become an ordinary person."

   "If the punishment is to become an ordinary person, it doesn't seem to be serious."

   Anyway, Hoshino was not considered a descendant five minutes ago. It's just a short-lived Descendant experience card, and it's good to be able to meet the outer gods and heroic spirits that have not been seen for a long time.

   "No, it can't be like this, master."

   Grabbing Hoshino's sleeves, Xiao Ai's cheeks flushed slightly, he wanted to speak but stopped, with a reluctant expression.

   "Unexpectedly, after becoming an idol, Xiao Ai will still have such a side. He is even more clingy than Abi."

   "This is not clinging, but if you are not the master, I will, I will be very troubled."

   "Troubled, why?"

   "..." After a few twists, Xiao Ai turned his head to Abi, his eyes full of requests for help.

   "There is really no way, then let Abi replace Xiao Ai to explain. Who makes Abi a good child who can take care of others."

   stood on tiptoe and touched Xiao Ai's head, and little Abi slowly said.

   "External gods exist based on people's thoughts. Without faith, you will lose the power of the external gods and cannot maintain the identity of the descendants. And the new advent here, besides you, there is another person."

   Another newcomer besides Hoshino, don't think about it, it must be this Xiao Ai who has behaved very strangely since just now.

   "Because it is a newcomer, there is no power of faith at all, and there is no way to gain believers and collect faith as easily as a master. If this continues, Xiao Ai will be disqualified."

   Hoshino tilted his head and said, "The Descendant is disqualified? Isn't it enough to be an ordinary Xiao Ai, I think the Berserker is also suitable for you."

   Hokusai chuckled and said, "Hehehe, master, you really don’t understand a woman’s heart. You can say such things~"

  Yang Yuhuan added: "Even I think it's too good, the master is too bad!"

   unfolded inexplicably, making Hoshino puzzled for a while, "Oh? Did I say something very excessive?"

   Abi helplessly explained: "Master, Xiao Ai is now an idol! If the adventer is disqualified, doesn't it mean that the idol is disqualified? This is too hurt for the girl!"

   "Idols are disqualified... Isn't that the plot? Besides, if you are an idol now, Xiao Ai, you should collect faith yourself. Isn't idol the most suitable profession for recruiting believers."

   Not to mention the foreign **** cults that only appear in novels and animations, but in reality, certain idol fan groups are as fanatical as cults.

   "What, you said there is no chance to perform?"

   Xiao Ai nodded sharply.

   "You said that this world is unfamiliar, even if you want to collect faith, you can't start?"

   Xiao Ai nodded like pounding garlic.

   "Do you want me to use you in the duel to expand the popularity of the fan idol X·Alter to maintain my faith?"

   Xiao Ai nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

   "I really want to help you, but... what should I do?"

  Because the heroic card group is not around, the heroic spirits of Hoshino's original world are all turned into high-speed heroic spirits under certain opportunities, so that they can be used in the riding duel in the synchronic dimension.

   As for the way of speeding up the original heroes, Hoshino basically uses his feelings every time, and has not figured out the specific operation method.

   Van Gogh interjected: "Master, Van Gogh just explained... the disadvantages of not collecting faith. Next, I should explain to you... the effect of accumulating the power of faith."

   "Are there any rewards for collecting the power of faith?"

   "You can... use the power of faith to connect to the realm of the outer gods... in the real world, summon the outer gods..."

   Hoshino said in surprise: "As long as you gather enough power of faith, can you summon the descendants? There are such good things."

   All of the Advent cards that Hoshino has used before, without exception, are all homonymous monster cards, and there is nothing more suitable for homonymous dimensional riding duels than them.

   Xiao Ai asked: "As long as you use the power of faith to summon me in a duel, I will be able to perform on the most magnificent stage! I won't be disqualified by then!"

   "Then how much faith is needed to summon an outside god." Hoshino asked the key question.

   Van Gogh calculated and explained: "Different levels of foreign gods... require different beliefs... Xiao Ai is a junior foreign god, very cheap... with the master's current beliefs, it can be summoned."

   Hoshino’s current power of faith is full of calculations, and only the audience in the duel hall sincerely supports his audience after watching the duel.

   Even if it is optimistic, there are only a few thousand people at most. And most of them still have the mentality of watching the excitement, and they are not ‘pious’ believers.

   The power of faith is enough to summon X·Alter, the mystery idol of the descendants.

   If Hoshino wins Jack, he will become the new duel king in the same tune dimension.

   Then use the explosive popularity comparable to Jack Atlas to accumulate the power of faith.

   At that time, it is not a delusion to summon all the descendants.

After   , even if the Heroic Spirit deck is not on him, in the coherent dimension, relying only on the coherent power of the descendants, it can be regarded as a very substantial increase in strength.

   "It's a good deal, isn't it just gathering the power of faith? It's easy! It's wrapped around me, Xiao Ai. The big deal, I will also debut and become an idol together!"

   "In order to save the coherent dimension and his original world, he also serves as the duel king of the outer gods, and decided to make his debut and become an idol! 》

   "Well, I can only rely on you now, master! My idol soul is temporarily left to you for safekeeping!"

   In the realm of Outer Gods, after establishing a relationship with Xiao Ai through faith, as a coherent card of X·Alter, the idol of the Adventer, it successfully appeared in the extra deck of the Hoshino duel board.

   "Please call me on the most gorgeous stage, master!"

   "Ah, this is..."

   [High Speed ​​Hero-Mysterious Idol X·Alter★★★★ (4 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/homology/Effect ATK: 2300DEF: 1000]

   [Coherent monster adjustment + 1 or more monsters other than adjustment. 】

   The Accelerated Synchro Monster that requires synchronization and adjustment as a material, but its level is only LV4, which is lower than the only synchronization adjustment monster held by Hoshino [Eve of the Star Cup].

   "Sorry, Xiao Ai. I don't seem to be able to call you out now."


  ——The mystery idol X·Alter, the idol is disqualified.


   Three more chapters, rush rush!

Chapter 87: Wagata Mahi×2 [4 chapters plus more]

   "This method of summoning is really confusing. Sorry Xiao Ai, I probably can't help you fulfill your wish."

   After all, Hoshino couldn't even bring out a coherent monster lower than level 4, let alone coherence and adjustment, which are the restricted materials needed to accelerate coherence.

   Idol Xiao Ai grabbed Hoshino tightly, as if instinctively grasping the only life-saving straw in front of him, even if he knew that the hope was slim, he was unwilling to let go.

   "Don't be like this, master, try to look at it again. Maybe you can find a coherent material that meets the conditions! The world is huge, and there must be cards that can summon me!"

   After bowing his head in pity and looking at Ai, who was holding his thigh crazily and rubbing, Hoshino himself is not a devil, and he can also feel that the identity of the descendant (idol) is really important to Ai.

   "I really can't do anything with you. Well, I will try my best to look for it before the duel in the afternoon, and look for any monster cards that can speed up Ai Xiaoai."

   Based on the level of Yuxing's understanding of cohomology summoning, the restricted materials necessary to accelerate cohomology, and the cohomology and adjustment monsters, you should know some relevant information.

  The most critical question now is whether you can find the card before the official start of the Challenge of Kings in the afternoon.

The reason why Hoshino must be ahead of the Challenge of Kings is that as far as Hoshino knows, the most gorgeous stage, or the only stage where Xiao Ai has the opportunity to attract the attention of the masses as an idol, is the lucky cup. The last duel.

   I missed this duel, and the next duel will have the same popularity as the Lucky Cup and a national carnival. I don’t know how long it will take.

   Maybe at that time, Xiao Ai had already changed back to Berserker.

   "Ah, in the afternoon...before the duel..." After hearing Hoshino's suggestion, Van Gogh's hollow eyes trembled twice, hesitating and whispering, "That, master..."

   "Please, master! You are now the savior of the mysterious idol X·Alter!"

   However, before Van Gogh's whisper was finished, he was interrupted by Xiao Ai's sincere voice asking for help.

   "Well, then it shouldn't be too late, you can't waste time here. I have to go back and look for the card."

   Condensing the collected power of faith on the mark of the dragon's claw on the arm, Hoshino simply opened the door connecting the world and the realm of the outer gods.

   "Wait for me, when I gather enough power of faith, I will bring everyone of the descendants back!"

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