With the current power of Hoshino’s faith, it is not enough to summon the descendants other than Xiao Ai.

   So not only Xiao Ai wants to collect faith, Hoshino himself also wants to increase believers as much as possible.

   The quickest way right now is to beat Jack and become the new duel king.

   Abi: "Abi will obediently wait for you to be the master."

   Hokusai: "Okay, just work hard, master~"

  Yang Yuhuan: "Yuyu will also be here. If you wish to play for the master, you can rest assured and dance."

   Van Gogh: "That... about the afternoon duel... The time in the realm of the Outer Gods is going by so much faster than the real world..."

   Mixed with the people's farewells, Van Gogh finally seized the opportunity to throw the most important thing like a parting bomb before Hoshino's departure, and directly stunned Hoshino.

   "Qiaodou sack, you said that the time in the realm of the outer gods is faster than the real world, isn't it now?"

   was sucked into it by the door that connects the real world and the realm of the outer gods. Before Hoshino had time to ask Van Gogh about how fast the passage of time was, he returned to the coherent dimension in a blink of an eye, and then he personally came up with the answer.

   "——There is only one king, and that is me!"

   The familiar finger art of Jack Atlas, poking up to the sky.

   The next step is KING's usual show operation before the duel begins.

After the declaration of the king, Jack rode the wheel of fortune on the track and performed various difficult movements such as somersaults, reverses, climbing, and S-shaped driving with his superb riding skills, successfully detonating the audience. enthusiasm.

   "Master Atlas, so handsome!"

   "We will always support you, king!"

   "I look forward to your wonderful duel, KING!"

  After experiencing it in person, Hoshino really realized that the popularity of the king was not blown out.

   In Shinto Minano City, where duel is the highest honor, the status of the king is much higher than that of a simple idol star.

   Of course, to attract so many people and unswervingly support himself, Jack Atlas’s own personality charm is also very important.

   is like Jack’s belief that ‘the king’s duel must be entertaining’.

   In a duel, the audience’s feelings will be the leading factor, making the duel look gorgeous and moving.

   And the pursuit of performance effect, not only did not affect the rhythm of Jack's duel, on the contrary, it will make him more enjoy the duel way of being a king, and give him extraordinary performance.

   At this point, even Hoshino, who was also the duel king, is ashamed of it.

   "No, now is not the time to admire Jack! Why, I have already rode the D wheel?"

   turned his eyes from Jack's gorgeous posture back to his side, Hoshino realized that after returning from the realm of the outer gods, he had put on his helmet and rode on the D-wheel moonlight butterfly, ready to go.

   Bai Xing: "Ah, aibo. You are finally back! But I'm so worried, I thought I was going to fight Jack by myself."

   Hoshino enlightened: "Wait, when I left just now, did you always dominate the body?"

   Bai Xing: "Isn't that necessary. I can't let aibo faint in front of the hippocampus, right? I can't believe him, will he do anything strange to you aibo."

   After Hoshino's consciousness was connected to the realm of the outer gods, the white star in this world also noticed the abnormality, and immediately took over the control.

   Fortunately, everything that should be discussed with Seahorse has been discussed, and Bai Xing didn't have to deal with a few words, so he hurriedly left to meet with You Xing and others, and settled the lunch problem.

   To say something about worry, Bai Xing must be more worried than anyone else, why did Hoshino's consciousness suddenly disappear.

   But this kind of thing happened several times before, Bai Xing seemed to be very proficient, and he knew clearly that all he had to do was to wait quietly for Hoshino's return.

   So, after eating the three bowls with tears, Hoshino finally stepped back at the crucial moment before the official start of the Riding Duel in the Challenge of Kings in the afternoon.

   Bai Xing: "As expected of Aibo, the time to come back is just right, there is no delay at all!"

   Hoshino: "It's not just right, it's a big delay!"

   Now Hoshino, I just feel like it's over.

   originally seized the time to leave the realm of the outer gods in order to find the key card that can accelerate the idol Xiao Ai before the start of the Challenge of Kings.

   But it's good now. When I came back, I was already sitting on the D round, locked in with the longing gaze of countless viewers, looking forward to it.

   What is this called-riding a tiger hard to get off?

   In this situation, it is obviously not appropriate to leave the field to find the key card for accelerating synchrony.

   "Come on, Qianxue!" Behind him, Qiu and others excitedly responded, "We must win!"

  Especially after shouldering the expectations of his companions, Hoshino was even more unable to escape or escape.

   "Or, just say that I want to go to the bathroom. I can buy some time before it officially starts."

  The sky was not as expected. At the moment Hoshino imagined this, the dazzling spotlight on the stage had already condensed on Hoshino and the silver-white car body.

Professional commentary: "Gentlemen and ladies, much anticipated, the climax of the Lucky Cup duel, the Challenge of Kings is about to begin! After the gorgeous opening performance of KING, let us shout together that the brave man fought to the end and successfully won the challenge. The name of the proud duelist!!"


   "So handsome, Qianxue!"

   "Every one of your duels is very powerful!"

   "Hurry up and start a duel, challenge KING!"

   "The new duel king, it's up to you!"

   This should be considered, has it officially started?

   The eyes of the whole audience have been turned from Jack to Hoshino.

   Now that I talk about toilet escape, it seems too late.

   "Sorry, Xiao Ai, I'm so sorry for not keeping the promise. But now... I can only get on!"

   Breaking through the cauldron and starting the D-wheel engine, if you don't respond to the audience's expectations at this time, maybe even Hoshino's own belief value can't be kept.

   drove up to the starting position of the track mark, Hoshino’s D-round Moonlight Butterfly, and Jack’s Wheel of Fortune, parked side by side.

   "Finally let me wait, Qianxue! As KING, on the most magnificent stage, I will defeat you in a revenge battle!"

   No accident, just as Hoshino got into position, Jack's cruel words came out.

   It's just that after getting in touch with Jack Atlas at close range, Hoshino was surprised to find that this guy felt like he was different from the previous duel.

   Even when Jack gave himself a card and mentioned the soul of the evolution of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon, he did not show such a powerful aura today.

   Baixing: "Aibo, I just forgot to tell you because I was so excited. This Jack was judged by Musashi as an incredible monster the moment he appeared on the scene."

   "Unbelievable monster..."

  In the mouth of the great swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, this level of evaluation can be obtained, but it is definitely not low.

   Even in the previous duel with Seahorse, Musashi did not say such a thing.

   Although what Musashi is referring to is not necessarily a "monster" in terms of duel strength.

   But at least it can be said that Jack Atala at this time, in some respects, has surpassed any opponent Hoshino has encountered in the past.

   "That's right, Jack Atlas. It's only so little time to see, so I renewed a new plug-in." Hoshino teased.

   "Huh, glib tongue. In the next riding duel, let you feel the king's fighting style!"

  Professional commentator: "Then, the final duel of the Lucky Cup! The Challenge of Kings, the official start!"


  Special venue magic card "SpeedWorld" (SpeedWorld) is launched!

   Thousand Snow LP: 4000SPC:0


  Jack Atlas LP: 4000SPC:0


   At the referee's order, Hoshino, who was tensed, rushed out of the starting point with Jack and galloped towards the first corner.

   The double roar of the engine sound, and the burst of speed blessing, instantly brought Hoshino back to the accelerating homology domain that he had learned from the previous duel.

   "Jack, you are not the only one who gets stronger!"

   "Then you try first, let's go beyond the king's first position!"

  The wheel of fortune with super-huge tires brought unreasonable acceleration and smashed Hoshino with a clear advantage.

   Although in the first duel, Hoshino took advantage of the potholes caused by the appearance of the red dragon on the track, and used the mechanism that the moonlight butterfly can slide to take a step ahead of Jack.

   But as expected, it is difficult to surpass the wheel of fortune if you simply struggle with horsepower on the ground.

   "I won the first strike, draw the card!"

   But after these few lucky cup duels, whether it was Poma, Yuxing, or Seahorse, they all got the upper hand on Hoshino's side.

   In this way, Hoshino became more and more proficient, and he became the backhand in the riding duel.

   "Come on, Jack, let me see your king's first strike!"

   "——[High Speed ​​Magic-Temporary Maintenance] Launched!"

   Draw out the cards stored in the D-round card slot, Jack directly activates the high-speed magic when the SPC is still 0 points in the opening.

   [High-speed Magic-Temporary Maintenance Effect: In the next preparation phase, your high-speed counter will not increase. Instead of adding high-speed counters, select 2 adjustment monsters from your deck and add them to your hand. 】

   Use the 1 point SPC non-amplification of the next round in exchange for the effect of delaying the directional retrieval of 2 adjustment monsters.

   If there is no accident, in the preparation phase of the Hoshino round, the speed will be able to overtake Jack.

   "Hmph, the king's duel will shock the audience at the very beginning! Give me a lesson, Qianxue!"

   After the high-speed magic was activated, Jack declared loudly:

   "——The round is over!"


  The king's duel, not only shocked the audience, but even Hoshino was shocked.

   After taking advantage of the performance advantage of the lucky D-wheel to grab the first hand, Jack actually just threw a high-speed magic, and directly chose the end of the round.

  Professional commentator: "What's the matter, is there a hand accident? Jack Atlas' first turn, not even a card was placed on the field!"

  Jack pointed angrily at the host, and emphasized: "KING's hand will not have accidents, it will only be a perfect hand!"

   Hoshino murmured silently: "A perfect hand card, isn't it that you can't get anything out?"

   Lightspeed took over in successive rounds, and Hoshino even wondered if Jack was using tactics-to end his round quickly, giving the opponent the illusion that he was still in the first round.

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 0→1

   Jack Atlas SPC: 0→0

   Due to the effect of the [High Speed ​​Magic-Temporary Maintenance] launched by Jack in the last round, his high speed counters could not be accumulated during this preparation stage, and Hoshino's speed was overtaken.

   Hoshino mocked: "KING's leading position, is it only for one round, Jack~"

   Jack smiled confidently: "Occasionally, it’s very fresh to see the chasers." Isn't that what you said in the duel, Qianxue. As a king, you can accept admonitions with an humility! "

   In the first duel between Hoshino and Jack, Hoshino launched the final reversal trap card to win.

   (With the soul of the chaser, issue the final challenge to KING!-Launch the [Chasing Wings] with the Perpetual Trap Card!)

   Jack, who had crossed that failed duel, can now refute Hoshino from the same perspective.

   "The king's duel will never be set in stone! The effect of [High Speed ​​Magic-Temporary Maintenance], I added 2 [Resonator] adjustment monsters from the deck to my hand!"

   Retrieval was delayed. Although Jack added up to 7 cards in his hand, what remained unchanged was the empty field he was in.

   Bai Xing: "Jack, he is completely different from before. You have to be careful, aibo!"

   "Well, I know."

   Of course, being small does not mean that Hoshino will let Jack go empty.

   "Whether it's an empty city plan or a hand pit, let's fight this round with all your strength!"

   Flip and draw out the cards in the D-round card slot to display, and Hoshino's declaration activates the effect.

   "The effect of [Heroic-Meili]——"

   [If there are no other monsters on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. 】

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