Electromagnetic barrier, superimposed on the energy of the big trojan horse **** realm, double-seal the effect of Jack's monster and the battle in this round.

   "It's so despicable, Qianxue! In the duel with KING, he used this kind of underworld combination to cringe to this point!"

   "Whatever you say." Hoshino said with disdain: "Netherworld or storm, I have made it clear, as long as you can win the duel!"

  The battle phase is forced to end, and Jack, who is kicked directly to the main phase 2, selects the high-speed magic card in his hand to start.

   "—— then, [High Speed ​​Magic-Speed ​​Limit Conversion]!"

   [High-speed magic-speed limit conversion effect: discard a card in your hand, remove one of your own high-speed counters to activate. Select a trap card with a description of "High Speed ​​Counter" from your deck and add it to your hand. 】

  Jack SPC: 4→3

   Discard the card in the hand, and at the cost of 1 point of speed, can you retrieve the card for the special trap in the riding duel.

"I searched for the trap card [Curve Collision] and added it to my hand. And after I discarded the adjustment monster [Shield Resonator] as a cost, due to the increase in the number of adjustment monsters in the graveyard, the attack power of the True Red Lotus Star Dragon increased by 500 points !"

   [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon ATK: 5500→6000]

   Attack power reached 6000 points. The previous two coherent monsters [Crimson King] are trap cards, so after entering the graveyard, they will not increase their combat power for the true red lotus.

   Hoshino's eyes rolled slightly, and he said below: "Trap card [Curve collision]? Jack actually brought this one too..."

   The effect of this [curve collision] Hoshino is actually clear, but this card belongs to the trap. Even if the effect is clear, I don’t know how to counter the trap.

   "After I overwrite the retrieved hand, the round is over! And at the end of my round, [Energy Boost] will no longer work, and the big Trojan can no longer seal the effect of my synchronic monster."

  【The final big Trojan ATK: 3500→2000】

  Jack Atlas remaining hands: 0 cover cards: 1

   "My round, draw a card!"

   Thousand Snow SPC: 6→7

  Jack SPC: 3→4

   After the card was drawn, the high-speed counter was raised, and after the round officially started, Hoshino immediately opened the last card covered in the previous round next to round D.

   "This is the power of the Star Relic! The trap card retrieved by the Son of God-[Sleeping in the depths of the Star Relic]!"

   [Deep Persistent Trap Card Effect of Sleeping in Star Relic: When this card is activated, you can target a 5-star or higher monster in your graveyard. On that occasion, that monster was specially summoned. Destroy the monster when this card leaves the field. 】

   "I take the 7-star coherent monster in the cemetery [High Speed ​​Hero-Meri] as a special summon!"

   In the brilliance of the star relic, the flower magician Mei Li, wearing a pure white robe, reappeared, blocking her wand in front of her in a defensive manner.

  [High Speed ​​Hero-Meili DEF: 2100]

   "Following the effect of [Heroic Odysseus] in the Graveyard, return the [High-Speed ​​Heroic-Merry/Blaster] in the Graveyard to the deck, and re-add this card to your hand!"

   first specially summoned Meili, and then returned the burst body to the deck, and got back the Odysseus who could chain effect to achieve burst evolution.

   Anyone with a clear eye can see what Hoshino wants to do...

   "Then, the effect of [High-Speed ​​Hero-Meri] is activated! From Jack, your deck, special summon a monster equal to your high-speed counter with 4 points and level LV4 on my field!"

   As long as Jack chained the effect of Harmony Melly, Hoshino could throw Odysseus backhand and Special Summon a more powerful burst monster.

   But this time, in Hoshino's hands, Jack, who exists as a bursting body hand pit [Heroic Odysseus], ​​will definitely not have the effect of going to the chain Melly like the first time.

   After all, as long as the chain is not carried out, the effect of Odysseus cannot be activated.

   However, just as Jack was about to say nothing, he planned to watch Hoshino steal the monster card from his deck again with a forbearing attitude...

   The monster that existed in Jack's field got up without authorization.

   "It's now, Big Trojan Horse, guide the destiny!"

   Odysseus galloping out of the star field hand card, the brilliance of the dark armor on his body is connected with the brilliance shining from the head of the end-war horse.

  【The big Trojan horse effect of the end: it is activated every time the opponent's synchronic monster activates the effect. The attack power of this card increases by 1000 points. 】

   Hoshino, who threw the Odysseus card, explained in a chain: "Don't forget Jack, the big Trojan horse, the effect must be activated!"

Therefore, when the opponent’s control has been transferred to the [Large Trojan Horse], and there is [Heroic Odysseus] in the star fielder’s card, as long as the effect is activated by the homologous monster, it will be 100% chained. , And then burst evolution.

   "This is Odysseus and Big Trojan, two in one, burst mode evolutionary tactics. I discard Odysseus in my hand and liberate Mery!"

   The brilliance of the gods connected with the big wooden horse and Odysseus passed through the slender body of Mei Li in the center of the venue, and once again bloomed the bursting flower of the ideal hometown.

   "Evolve and guide the hero's way again, special summon-[High-speed Hero-Meili] Burst Body!"

Chapter 95: Burst · Beyond Soul [6K5 Plus]

  [High-speed Heroic-Merry/Blasting Body DEF: 2500]

   The bursting light spreads, and Hoshino directly special summons in a defensive manner, placing the Merly/Blasting card on the duel board horizontally.

   After all, the bursting body Meili, its own effect is destined not to be used for offense, but used to buff other monsters.

   After that, after Odysseus’ burst evolution effect and the big Trojan’s extra attack effect were processed in order, the chain advanced to the original Melly’s card stealing effect.

   is equal to Jack’s current high-speed counters. Level LV4 monster cards, a total of 3 cards, are presented in virtual card mode in front of the riding starfield.

   "It's this one, the level LV4 adjustment monster, the leader!"

   [Leader ★★★★ (4-star) Wind] [Mechanical Clan/Effect ATK: 1100 DEF: 800]

   Mandatory physical presentation, like the high-speed fighter, the monster running fast on the track [leader] has a star rating of 2 stars higher than that of the high-speed fighter.

   Coupled with the adjustment nature of [Leader], at this moment, you can interact with another LV4 monster on the Hoshino field [The Persuade of the Star Cup].

   Longya excitedly said: "It's a level 8 homophonic summoning. It just so happened that Musashi was returned to the extra deck by the effect of [Heroic Odysseus]!"

  In the beginning, Hoshino used Meri/Blaster and Musashi, and the heroic creation was combined with the first-class two days. The powerful offensive created by him left a deep impression on everyone present.

   "Before the synchronization, I once again activated the effect of [Heroic Odysseus] in the Graveyard, and returned the synchronization monster [God of the Star Cup-Eve] to the extra deck, and this card was added to my hand again!"

   Only this time, I need to be stronger!

   Continue to recover the hand-pit monster [Heroic Odysseus] of the burst body into the D-round hand card slot. This time, facing Jack's more powerful red lotus dragons, Hoshino, who once again set off the trump card offensive, obviously also plans to improve further.

"Level LV4 adjustment monster [Leader], level LV4 [Successful to the star cup], total level LV8, coherent summon!-The second breakthrough of the zero realm, return to my field, [High Speed ​​Hero-Palace This Musashi]!"

   [High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi ATK: 3000]

  Jack added: "When your co-simulation call is successful, adjust the monster [Frontrunner] to enter my graveyard to increase the attack power of the True Red Lotus Star Dragon by 500 points!"

  【True Red Lotus New Star Dragon ATK: 6000→6500】

   On one side is the continuously accumulated attack power of the True Guren Xinxinglong, and on the other side is Miyamoto Musashi's second tune, debuting a gorgeous double-sword flurry trajectory.

   "Activated when the [High-Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi] Co-Summon is successful, you can select the high-speed magic cards in the cemetery of both sides to add to your hand!"

   In response to the activation of the Harmonic Musashi effect, the galloping iron horse raised its head and screamed, chaining the effect of increasing attack power.

   Hoshino followed the chain of the final trojan horse, and Odysseus, who had added the card this round, threw once again into the huge brilliance that connected the gods.

   "Chain [Heroic Spirit-Odysseus]!-Come on, double burst evolution, special summon, [High-speed Heroic Spirit-Miyamoto Musashi / Burst Body]!"

   reproduces the scene of Meli’s bursting evolution. She is at the center of the connection between the big Trojan horse and Odysseus. The bursting energy blooms around and blends into the blade of Musashi.

   [High-speed Heroes-Miyamoto Musashi/Blasting Body ATK: 3500]

   "And after being summoned in burst mode, the attack power of the Trojan Horse reached 4000 points because of the chain!"

  【The final big Trojan ATK: 3000→4000】

The explosion spread from the steel body of the big wooden horse, and the enchantment of the gods in Jack’s audience was filled with the same as the last round. The effect was finally triggered. After the attack power surpassed the defense power, it successfully blocked Jack’s other synchronic monsters on the field. ’S launch.

   "In this way, the real red lotus star dragon can no longer activate the effect of resisting the attack. At the end of the chain processing, I choose [High Speed ​​Magic-Lost Star Susheng] in my graveyard to add to my hand!"

   This time, it is the same as the Musashi effect. Hoshino does not intend to use the high-speed magic that he acquired by retrieving it. Instead, he wants to use the effect of Musashi/Blaster as a cost to increase his attack power.

   "Now, it's our turn to fight!"

After the    dual burst mode special summoning is completed, Hoshino directly enters the battle phase of riding.

   Uninterrupted cooperation without the slightest hesitation, at the same time that Hoshino declared the battle phase, Musashi of the burst body would release the power of the five rounds integrated into the blade to his heart, turning it into a giant light blade that slashed towards the red lotus dragon and tyrant.

  [Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Tyrant ATK: 3500]

   The attack power is the same as the Musashi/Blaster. Even if the effect is sealed, the Red Lotus Demon Dragon Tyrant is still unwilling to show weakness, and flutters his wings in response to the attack and rushes forward.

   Musashi holding the handle of the knife tightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Hehe, haven't you felt the gap. Then when my blade cuts your body, you probably won't realize your defeat."

   seems to be a collision of the same attack power, but when the Musashi/Blaster enters the battle calculation phase, the subsequent increase is more terrifying.

   "During battle damage calculation, the effect of [High Speed ​​Hero-Merly/Blaster] is activated!"

   The scattered blooming flowers, together with Mei Li’s soft and delicate singing, will once again bless the magic that guides the power of the hero to the Musashi burst body.

   "For the victory ahead, gallop with all your strength! This is your will, heroes!-"Heroes made"!"

  【Merry/Blast ATK: 3000→1500】

  【Musashi/Blaster ATK: 3500→5000】

   Passing his own attack power along with his will, the light blade that cuts off the space, easily cut off the flames of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon Tyrant's counterattack.

   Hoshino discarded the high-speed magic in his hand, and continued to declare the effect: "It's more than that! The effect of Musashi/Blaster itself is activated——"

  【This card can only be activated when the damage of this card battles with a monster is calculated. Send a card of "High Speed ​​Magic" from your hand to the Graveyard, and the attack power of this card will only increase by 1000 points during that damage calculation. 】

   "I discard the [High Speed ​​Magic-Lost Star Susheng] that I searched just now, and finally increase the attack power of Musashi/Blast by 1000 points!"

  【Miyamoto Musashi/Blast body ATK: 5000→6000】

   has reached the ultimate attack power value that Hoshino can currently achieve, bursting Musashi slashed down, and no matter what the six tracks are engraved on the tyrant, they release the power of Fengshui and Fire and detonate at the same time.

  【Red Lotus Demon Dragon·Tyrant】Break

   "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Jack Atlas LP: 2800→300SPC: 4→2

   The scream of the king, after he has recovered 4500 points of health, Jack's health was once again pushed to the brink of defeat by Hoshino.

   "This time is really over, KING! The effect of Musashi/Blaster can be attacked twice in the same battle phase!"

  【Musashi/Blast body ATK: 6000→5000】

   Lost the short-term attack power increase gained by discarding the high-speed magic. Although Musashi's attack power is not as good as the real red lotus new star dragon, it can accurately end the duel by destroying the final big Trojan horse.

   [The Ending Trojan ATK: 4000]

   Since the burst monster is no longer a homologous monster, even if Meili and Musashi activated their effects separately, the attack power of the Trojan Horse was not improved.

   5000 vs. 4000, this is the final blow Hoshino calculated.

  "——"Six Paths and Five Wheels·Kuligara Celestial Phenomenon"!"

   "Hey hey hey, don't bear it any longer, Jack, you won't be able to bear it any more."

   Yu Ling, who watched the battle in the distance, gradually became nervous as Hoshino's offensive gradually increased.

   "I didn't expect that even after the Burning Soul awakened, the born [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon] would not be able to beat that guy Qianxue."

  Originally according to Yu Ling's plan, the constantly increasing attack power of the True Red Lotus New Star Dragon, coupled with the defensive characteristics of an ineffective battle each round, can perfectly suppress Hoshino, and there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

   But now, the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, who was supposed to stand up to block the attack, has been completely blocked by the effect of the final big Trojan horse.

   "The big Trojan horse of the end, it is really tricky when it is playing against the same card group... It is indeed the card I used to! No, no, now is not the time to brag, it's time to show the trump card."

   Yu Ling, who awakened Jack's burning soul in advance, had set the second insurance from Starcup Lisi, mastering the dark power of fate.

   "I, I will never lose another place like this! The covered trap card is activated—"

   At the moment when Musashi declared his second attack, the dragon wing mark on Jack's arm lit up with an unprecedented crimson brilliance.

  【Curve Collision Trap Card Effect: When the opponent's monster attacks, you can activate it by removing your 2 high-speed counters. Declare a trap card name, and if that trap card exists in both decks and can be activated, this card becomes the effect of the declaring card. 】

   Jack specially retrieved the covered riding duel special trap card last turn.

  Even if Hoshino knew the effect of this card, he couldn't counter the root cause-who knows which trap card effect Jack will declare when he attacks himself.

   can't be a magic tube, it's not a king's duel style, it is impossible to put that kind of card in the Jack deck.

  At this moment, Hoshino even started to feel a little grateful. Fortunately, he didn't bring that kind of attack and declaration in his deck. Otherwise, according to [Curve Collision], he could declare the characteristics of the traps in both decks, and it was him who was disgusted.

   "I will remove the remaining 2 points and activate all the high-speed counters!"

  Jack Atlas SPC: 2→0

   Squeezed all the speed of the D round, just like the last time Hoshino and Seahorse collided in the final round of duel, Jack made a desperate bet to completely cut off his back.

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