"Show the king's wind, press the trap card of my soul reversal, I declare!-the king's harmony!"

   Bai Xing: "It turned out to be [The King's Reconciliation] again?"

   Jack has used [King’s Reconciliation] once in this duel. If the card name can be declared at this time, it proves that Jack’s deck must have a second card of the same trap.

  Of course, maybe there is more than the second one...

   "Jack, there are too many such cassettes, will you really not get stuck?"

   "Hmph, too ignorant, Qianxue! Whether it is [King’s Reconciliation] or [King’s Reconciliation], you must bring 3 full cards, this is a duel of king!"

  【King’s Reconciliation】 is a trap used by Jack in his first duel with Hoshino. The difference with the King’s Reconciliation is that it must be activated when directly attacking the declaration.

   In response to the effect of the declaration, the card surface of the trap card [Curve Collision] opened by Jack gradually changed to the card surface of [King’s Reconciliation].

"When a homogenous monster on my field is attacked, through [King’s Reconciliation], this attack is invalidated, and this homogenous monster is excluded from the adjustment monster in the Graveyard, and monsters with the same level total are treated as a special synchronous summon. call!"

   Hoshino attacked the chosen target for the last time [The Endless Trojan Horse], which itself is a LV8 homologous monster, which satisfies the activation conditions of the king's reconciliation.

The reason why Jack, who covers this [Bend Collision], didn’t open this trap when Musashi attacked the tyrant, was obviously intended to use the follow-up effect of [King’s Reconciliation] to exclude the big Trojan horse, so as to unlock the ultimate war. Seal of the Trojan Horse.

   "I'm optimistic, this homology beyond the limit of the soul!"

   Jack's arm, which shines with the seal of the ultimate dragon wing, excludes the adjustment monster card in the cemetery that is used as the [King's Reconciliation] with the end-war horse.

   "Hey hey hey, this is not Liz's power? It's a mistake, Jack."

   The King's Reconciliation in Jack's desperate situation, on the contrary, surpassed You Ling's original expectations.

   is completely different from Yu Ling's entrusted to Jack, the dark power of Lisi's control of fate is completely different.

  The power from the mark of the red dragon, intertwined with Jack's burning soul of the brave, has become the power of the soul to create a destiny.

   At this moment, Yu Ling, there is no way to feel a trace of darkness in Jack's soul that has burned beyond the limit.

   Yu Ling said in disbelief: "Jack Atlas, did he use his own will to reject Liz's power?"

   "KING, will not be swallowed by the darkness! This fiercely burning red flame is the proof of the undefeated king!"

   "Master Atlas!" At the backstage observation area of ​​the Public Security Bureau, the narrow fog and deep shadows, white and clean hands, lightly placed his hands on his chest, and his eyes were full of longing.

   ("Nothing, nothing happened!")

   Persistence like that will definitely not be mixed with any darkness. What Jack Atlas could see from the deep shadow of the mist, surmounting the painful wailing, and using his own will to reach the realm that belongs only to the king.

   "I exclude the level LV4 adjustment monster in the cemetery [Leader], and the level LV8 monster [The Final Trojan], the total level LV12, the harmony of the king!"

   "It turned out to be a level LV12 homologous monster again?"

   Hoshino's eyes were slightly startled, and he stared at the red light that gathered while the king was galloping in front of him.

   There is already a level LV12 homologous monster [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon] on the field of Jack, and it also uses the adjustment monster drawn from the deck with the Merly effect as the material.

   Now that the scene repeats itself, the second level LV12 homophonic monster summoned by Jack is also a 4-star adjustment drawn from the deck using the Merly effect.

   "I said, Qianxue... King's cards are not something everyone can control. As the price of using the king's card, this burning to the end of the cause and effect will bring me the final victory!"

   rising from the flames, 12 scorching coherent stars, embedded in the pillar of light harmonized by the king, brought the strongest dragon at the end of cause and effect to Jack's field.

  "——The realm of the king is now at its peak! The crimson star is eternally immortal, bursting out with a roar of fragmentation and cause and effect! Summon in the same tone, create a destiny, the real red lotus supernova supernova dragon!!"

  【True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon★★★★★★★★★★★★ (12 stars) dark】

   [Dragons/homology/effect ATK: 4000 DEF: 3000]

   [Adjust 3 + 1 non-adjusted homologous monster]

   is also a 12-star coherent monster. The supernova dragon itself has a higher attack power than the new star dragon. Of course, the coherence requirements are more stringent. It requires the use of triple synchronism of 3 adjustment monsters.

   It’s just that because of the nature of the [King’s Reconciliation] this trap card, when performing the King’s Reconciliation, you only need to meet the requirements of the star, not the conditions of the material.

   This effect also reveals the overbearing power of the king when he reconciles.

   "[True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon] also has the effect of adjusting the number of monsters in the cemetery, each boosting 500 points of attack power!"

   The original 6 adjustment monsters in Jack’s Graveyard were reduced to 5 after the [Frontrunner] was eliminated from the King’s Reconciliation, and the attack power of the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon was also reduced by 500 points.

   But instead, the brand-new coherent [True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon] took over the height of 6,500 attack power.

  【True Red Lotus Supernova ATK: 4000→6500】

   [True Red Lotus New Star Dragon ATK: 6500→6000]

   "Due to the activation of the King's Harmony, the second attack of Musashi/Blaster was invalidated. Qianxue, now the remaining trash fish on your field, can no longer touch the proud soul!"

   Even if he is not afraid of Jack’s arrogant words, the launch of [King’s Reconciliation] completely blocked Hoshino’s offensive conditions this round.

   And after [The Big Trojan Horse of the End] leaves the field, Jack's effect of the coherent monster on the field is liberated. Even if Hoshino has room to attack, it will only be blocked by the True Red Lotus Star Dragon.

   "I will turn two [Dual Body Tokens] into defensive form, and then cover a card, and the round is over!"

  【Dual Body Derivative DEF: 400】×2

   Hoshino Remaining Hand Card: 2 Cover Cards: 1

   "My round, draw a card!"

  Jack SPC: 0→1

   Thousand Snow SPC: 7→8

   The gap between the two high-speed indicators has grown wider, but Jack doesn't seem to have such disadvantages in his eyes.

   It just so happened that this round was only a trap card. In the current endgame, whether there is a high-speed counter or not has no effect on Jack.

   "Offensive, double burning soul!"

   There is no need to make extra groundwork. At the same time, he drives the new star dragon and the supernova dragon Jack, and declares to launch an attack.

   "Let you feel the horror of the pinnacle king realm, Qianxue! The real red lotus supernova star dragon, defeat the opposite trump card, Musashi/Blast!"

   The extreme flames gathered on the multiple dragon wings, the entire dragon body turned into a ruining meteor, the supernova dragon's 6500 attack power, smashed into the Musashi/Blast body.

   "—— "Super·Burning Soul"!"

   Hoshino backhand declared: "At this time, it is no longer the time to continue to retreat... Let's cut back this blow with all your strength, Musashi, Meili!"

  The two explosive monsters united, Mei Li chants the release of heroes, and adds her final attack power to Musashi/Explosive body.

  【Merry/Blast body ATK: 1500→0】

  【Musashi/Blaster ATK: 5000→6500】

   The host exclaimed with excitement: "A collision of the same attack power! Will the battle between the two sides' strongest trump card end up together?"

   As if even time and space can be distorted by the collision, staged on the riding duel track.

   "Only you will be destroyed, Qianxue! The effect of [Shield Resonator] in the graveyard——"

   [Shield Resonator Effect: When a dark-attribute dragon-type synchro monster on your field is destroyed by battle, you can replace this card in the Graveyard. The effect of this card name can only be used once in a duel. 】

   "I except the [Shield Resonator] in the cemetery to replace the destruction of the supernova dragon!"

  [High Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi/Blasting Body] Destroy

  Jack drew out the cemetery to adjust the monsters, so that what should have been killed, turned into a unilateral defeat.

   "Even if you can't win, I will leave you a trace before you leave!"

   At the moment of destruction and leaving the field, the blasting body Musashi drew a knife backhand, and the sword wind swept across the wings of the two magic dragons.

  【True Red Lotus New Star Dragon ATK:6000→5500】

  【True Red Lotus Supernova ATK: 6500→6000】

   As an alternative to destroying Musashi in battle, except for the [Shield Resonator], the number of adjusted monsters in the graveyard will decrease, and the attack power of the two dragons will decrease at the same time.

   Jack disdainfully said: "Huh, useless resistance! Sa, let's continue fighting, I know that when the burst monster is destroyed, it will specially summon the original homophonic monster that exists in the graveyard!"

   "No, this is enough! Since the beginning of the battle, Musashi has been worthy of the title of ace. This time, I did not choose to resurrect her from the cemetery!"

   "Nani, you don't want to resurrect the monster?"

  Jack was surprised at first, and then quickly understood.

   "The principle is like this, even if it is resurrected, it will only be burned out by the flames of the new star dragon, so I just gave up, Qianxue."

   Even the explosive body can't resist the super high attack power, and the main body Musashi is even more unlikely to be able to beat it.

   "Then let your second burst monster be destroyed under the flames of the new star dragon!-"Burning Soul""

   After the supernova dragon attacked, the new star dragon attack that took its place burst into flames and burned out the defensive Melly/explosive body.

  [High-speed Hero-Meili/Blasting Body] Destroy

   However, the scorching flames of the destructive dragon dissipated, and everyone was surprised to find that Hoshino did not choose to destroy the explosive body, and the high-speed Meili's homophonic body was resurrected.

   "What the **** are you calculating, Qianxue!"

   thought that this round of battle could only completely destroy Jack, one of the burst monsters, but unexpectedly achieved a double kill.

   Rather, it was a double kill sent by Hoshino.

   "I cover a card, and the round is over!"

  Qiu said incomprehensibly, "Jack obviously has no monsters to attack. Even so, doesn't he choose to resurrect the special summon?"

   Longya and Long Ke also looked at each other suspiciously, "Obviously the homologous monster of the body can be summoned if it exists in the cemetery. Why does Qianxue do this?"

   "Of course it makes sense because it exists in the cemetery... You have finished playing Jack, then it's my turn!"

   At the end of Jack's declaration round, Hoshino opened the cards covered in the previous round.

   "—— Trap Card [Dead Soul Fusion]!"

   [Dead Soul Fusion Trap Card Effect: Exclude the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster card from your graveyard, and summon that 1 fusion monster from the extra deck. Monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack during this turn. 】

   "Because it exists in the cemetery, it can be used as a fusion material in riding duels."

   Three consecutive Heroic Harmony cards, after the fusion of the dead souls are activated, they are excluded by Hoshino as the fusion material.

   "[High-Speed ​​Hero-Mei Li], [High-Speed ​​Hero-Miyamoto Musashi], [Hero-Knights of the Round Table Gareth], a trisomy monster, finally fusion!"

  "——Have the power of the Moon God, turn into stars, turn into heroic spirits, turn into the strongest star hunter that can crush all dilemmas! Fusion summon [Heroic Spirit-Superman Orion]!"

Chapter 96: The End of the Deathmatch

   "Summon of Fusion-[Heroic-Superman Orion]!"

   [Heroic-Superman Orion★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) light]

   [Warrior family/fusion/effect ATK:? DEF:? 】

  【"Heroic" homophonic monster×3 or more】

   The superman bear fusion monster with exaggerated muscles exploded, and at the end of the three beams of heroic light, the flame of the tearing dragon appeared shockingly.

   "Huh? Do you want me to come forward to solve it again. I really can't stand this kind of clingy master, hahahaha~"

   The muscles and muscles of both arms exploded and hammered each other. As the strongest star hunter Orion who resisted the gods with the human body, even if he faced the two strongest new star dragons on Jack's field, he would not show any fear.

   "Oh? Is it the fusion monster that defeated You Xing?" Jack raised one eyebrow and said: "But don't be naive to think that the methods used on You Xing can also work in front of the king!"

   "Whether it will work or not, I will know after playing it! The effect of [Heroic-Superman Orion]——"

   [The original attack power and defense power of this card becomes the number of fusion material monsters × 1000. 】

   "Because I used 3 heroic monsters as a fusion, Orion's original attack power is 3000! And when the fusion summon is successful, the effect can be activated!"

  【This card can only be activated if the Fusion Summon of this card is successful. Choose 1 monster on the field with a lower level than this card, and equip this card as an equipment card with 1000 ATK increased. 】

  Jack retorted: "Muda Da, Qianxue! Whether it is Nova Dragon or Super Nova Dragon, the highest level is 12 stars and will not be affected by the effect of Superman Orion!"

   "Then I will choose one of the [Dual Tokens] on the field and use the token as an equipment card to increase Orion’s attack power by 1000 points!"

  【Superman Orion ATK: 3000→4000】

   Absorbed the power of the derivative, the blessing of the moon wrapped around the strong muscles of Superman Orion, the soft light even more.

   "Hehe, even if I don't reluctantly equip it, I will be enough to get the opponent with one punch, young and lovely master."

   "You can't underestimate the opposite side, Orion." Hoshino whispered cautiously, "The two dragons on the opposite side are not easy to deal with."

  ● ̄(エ) ̄●) Huh? I seem to be underestimated, no, you have to master you to see the coolest side of me. But if you are fascinated by me, I will also have a headache."

   "No, no, at least something like you is absolutely impossible to happen."

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