
His smile froze, and a sudden pain swept through his body.

Luo Sha's consciousness became hazy.

The next second, the scene in front of him was like shattered glass, all shattered and disappeared.

There was no gold in the office, only Ye Cang who appeared in front of Luo Sha at some point.

He looked down at the arm inserted into his heart, and Ye Cang, the owner of the arm.

"Illusion." Luo Sha murmured, and then his pupils were dilated, and his body collapsed weakly.

Feeling the downward force from his arm.

Ye Cang pulled out the blood-stained arm without hesitation.


Looking down at Luo Sha who fell to the ground and had become a corpse, Ye Cang felt happy in his heart.

"Luo Sha, my revenge on you has just begun. I will make you sink into regret after death."

Ye Cang smiled coldly, swung his arm and formed a messy bloodstain on the ground beside him.

"It's your turn to perform next."

Footsteps came from the side, and there was actually another person in the office.

This person was none other than Naraku.

Walking to Ye Cang's side, Naraku glanced at Luo Sha's body, turned his head and looked at Ye Cang with a smile.

"Leave it to me!" Ye Cang's eyes also looked at Naraku and nodded.

At the same time, she looked at Naraku with respect.

This respect was not only because Naraku saved her life, but also because Naraku had just helped her complete her revenge.

The illusion that could confuse a master of Luo Sha's level was naturally not performed by Ye Cang, but from Naraku.

Illusions are not what Naraku is good at.

But this lack of proficiency is only for himself, and it does not mean that his attainments in illusions are poor.

In fact, his illusion ability is also among the top in the ninja world.

Not to mention that he is now nurturing eleven pairs of [Three Magatama Sharingan] in his body.

With eleven pairs of [Three Magatama Sharingan] to amplify illusions, I just want to ask you if you are afraid.

Naraku used illusion to confuse Luo Sha, the purpose was very simple, in addition to getting rid of Luo Sha as soon as possible, it was also to satisfy Ye Cang's needs, so that she could take revenge personally.

"Then I'll wait and see!" Naraku chuckled, then cast "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" and left.

Seeing Naraku disappear, Ye Cang, who had already experienced "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" on the way back, was not surprised, and immediately began his own actions.

She took out the kunai without hesitation, cut off Luo Sha's head, and then jumped down from the office window with the head.


"Ye Cang?"

"Wait, is Ye Cang holding the head of Lord Kazekage?"


The casters who cast the barrier to cover the Kazekage Building were several Sand Ninjas.

To be precise, these Sand Ninjas were the confidants selected by Ye Cang from the village after Naraku brought Ye Cang back to the Sand Village with "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

At this moment, when Ye Cang jumped down from above with Luo Sha's head and landed on the ground outside the Fengying Building.

This not only made the Sand Ninjas who cast the barrier look back quickly, but also made more Sand Ninjas gathered outside the barrier focus their attention immediately.

Seeing that the person who appeared from the Fengying Building was Ye Cang, the Sand Ninjas outside the barrier were suddenly surprised.

Because in their understanding, Ye Cang should now represent the village to go to the Hidden Rock Village.

But soon, the surprise of the Sand Ninjas was quickly replaced by horror.

Because they found that Ye Cang was holding Luo Sha's head in his hand.

A familiar face, plus the location where Ye Cang appeared was the Fengying office.

Especially with the barrier blockade at this moment.

This series of pictures are spliced ​​together, as long as you are not too stupid, it is easy to associate it with the current situation.

Lord Ye Cang assassinated Lord Fengying?

This thought quickly flashed through the minds of each Sand Ninja, and also made many Sand Ninjas fall into incomparable horror.

This also includes Ebizo.

What an important place Fengyinglou is.

It was suddenly blocked by a barrier, and Ebizo rushed here as soon as he got the news.

When Ebizo, who was at the front of the group of Sand Ninjas, saw Ye Cang holding Luo Sha's head in his hand, his face changed drastically.

What on earth is going on, why did this happen.

"Open the barrier!"

Ye Cang, who landed smoothly, quickly glanced at the people outside the barrier, and finally focused his eyes on Ebizo who was at the front.

Ye Cang's expression did not change, and he directly asked his confidants to open the barrier.


Ye Cang's confidants quickly withdrew their hands and lifted the barrier.

While lifting the barrier, Ye Cang's confidants stood behind Ye Cang as soon as possible, as if they wanted to show their support for Ye Cang.

At the same time, when these people looked at Ye Cang's back and Luo Sha's head held in Ye Cang's hand, they were all particularly excited.

There was no way, their action this time was taking a huge risk.

Only by getting rid of Luo Sha, they will have a chance to push Lord Ye Cang to the position of Kazekage.

Similarly, only in this way can they have a chance to make meritorious contributions.

There is no greater merit than following the dragon.

Ye Cang's confidants are willing to listen to her and come to help. On the one hand, she has a very high prestige in the hearts of these people, but on the other hand, these people have their own ambitions.

Just like Luo Sha ascended to the position of Kazekage.

As he ascended to the position, his supporters all got promotions and salary increases because of their meritorious contributions.

"Ye Cang, I hope you can give me an explanation!"

As the barrier dissipated, Ebizo, who had been tightly locking onto Ye Cang, immediately shouted loudly.

Luo Sha's death naturally shocked and angered him.

But he did not lose his mind.

Based on his understanding of Ye Cang, the other party would never assassinate Luo Sha for no reason.

Especially since Ye Cang, who was supposed to be on a diplomatic mission to the Hidden Rock Village, unexpectedly returned to the village, which made him have many guesses.

"Look for yourself!"

Why did Ye Cang cut off Luo Sha's head? Naturally, it was not to vent his anger, but to serve as evidence.

Facing Ebizo's questioning, Ye Cang did not say much, and directly threw Luo Sha's head to the other party with a frosty face.


A rock ninja guarding behind Ebizo saw Luo Sha's head being thrown by Ye Cang, and hurried forward to catch it.

Ebizo's eyes shifted from Ye Cang to Luo Sha's head, and his eyes flickered.

"Are the people in the analysis class here?" Ebizo suddenly shouted.

Swish, swish, swish!!!

Among the many Sand Ninjas behind Ebizo, several of them immediately landed beside Ebizo with the instant body technique, knelt on one knee and saluted, saying: "Sir, the analysis team is here."

"Read the memory of the Kazekage." Ebizo slowly closed his eyes and said.

The members of the analysis team couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Reading the memory of the Kazekage, this is really an experience they have never imagined.

But now that the Kazekage is dead, they can only obey Ebizo as the elder.

Soon, the members of the analysis team took over Luosha's head and began to read the memory.

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