Reading the memories of the dead is not a method that only the Yamanaka clan has.

As one of the five major ninja villages, the analysis class of the Sand Village is naturally very good at it.

As the memories were read, the faces of the members of the analysis class changed quickly, and at the end, they looked at the heads in their hands in a daze.


After a brief daze, one of the members of the analysis class quickly adjusted his mentality, and then hurried to Ebizo, whispering in a voice that only the two sides could hear.

Ebizo, who had originally closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes as the analysis class members spoke, and his face quickly became ugly.

His eyes looked at Ye Cang across from him again.

Looking at Ye Cang's frosty face, Ebizo already knew why the other party was like this.

"Everyone disperse immediately. From now on, the whole village is under martial law. No one is allowed to enter or leave without my order. At the same time, no one is allowed to discuss what happened tonight. Anyone who violates it will be punished for treason."

Taking a deep breath, Ebizo turned and looked at the group of rock ninjas behind him, and shouted loudly.

The Sand Ninjas were stunned.

But seeing Ebizo's stern expression, the Sand Ninjas could only hold back their confusion and quickly dispersed.

"Let's go, let's go to my office first!"

When the crowd dispersed, Ebizo turned around and looked at Ye Cang again. He sighed and walked into the Wind Shadow Building.

"You wait here!" Ye Cang ordered his confidants, and then followed Ebizo's footsteps.

Soon, the two came to an office.

"I don't know what Luo Sha did." After sitting down, Ebizo said to Ye Cang with a serious face.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I want to replace Luo Sha as the Wind Shadow of the village." Ye Cang did not comment on what Ebizo said, and directly expressed his attitude.

Ebizo frowned.

"You killed Luo Sha, I can let it go, but Luo Sha is the Kazekage after all, you killed him in public, this has a huge impact."

Ye Cang was unmoved, and said coldly: "Then make public what Luo Sha did, let everyone in the village judge whether I should kill him and whether I am qualified to become the Kazekage."

"This is impossible!" Ebizo immediately rejected it.

As the leader of the village, he betrayed his own people, and it was a top-level combat force like Ye Cang who was very prestigious in the village.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely cause a heavy blow to the hearts of the people in the Sand Village, and even seriously affect the morale of the front line.

"Nothing is impossible, or you want to see the village split, otherwise you can only help me ascend to the position of Kazekage." Ye Cang crossed his arms and his posture was very strong.

A shadow appeared in Ebizo's eyes, and he looked at Ye Cang intently.

"Do you dare to split the village?"

"It's not me who dares, but whether you dare or not."

Facing the murderous aura faintly emanating from Ebizo, Ye Cang did not flinch, and also emanated murderous aura with cold eyes.

The murderous aura that was almost tangible collided in the office, and even caused the ground under his feet to crack slightly.

Seeing Ye Cang confronting him so strongly, Ebizo was shocked and angry, but gradually calmed down.

The current situation is very clear.

The other party is determined to become the Kazekage.

If a conflict breaks out with the other party now, not to mention whether it can be taken down, even if it can be taken down, the village will inevitably lose a top combat force.

Thinking that Luo Sha is now dead, if the combat force like Ye Cang is lost again, the situation of the village

"I can't decide on your becoming the Kazekage alone, I need to get in touch with my sister." The murderous aura quickly dissipated, and Ebizo said in a deep voice.

"Okay, but my patience is limited. I hope you can give a result as soon as possible." Ye Cang felt the murderous aura dissipated from the other party, and also retracted his own murderous aura.

She stood up, looked at him coldly, and left after saying a word.

"Luo Sha, you idiot!"

When Ye Cang left, he was the only one left in the office, and Ebizo could no longer hold back and roared.

He really didn't expect Luo Sha to be so blinded by greed that he would betray Ye Cang.

This is Ye Cang, the top fighting force in their village.

To betray such a fighting force is like crippling one's own hands and feet.

Ebizo's chest rose and fell violently with anger.

At the same time, he felt a wave of regret in his heart.

He and his sister were really old and blind, and they actually chose to support Luo Sha to become the Wind Shadow.

If not, how could the situation develop into what it is now.

"I hope my sister can have some good ideas!" Ebizo rubbed his temples with a headache.

Ye Cang's strength and prestige in the village made him dare not act rashly. Now he could only hope that his sister had a good solution.

Ebizo acted quickly and secretly sent people to the front battlefield that night.

Similarly, only the next day, Chiyo returned to Sand Village from the front line.

"This is what happened. In order to consolidate his power, the idiot Luo Sha sold Ye Cang to the Iwagakure Village, but failed in the end and was killed by Ye Cang. Now Ye Cang wants to take the position of Kazekage."

After returning to the village, Chiyo met with her brother Ebizo as soon as possible, and asked Ebizo to explain the specific situation to her in detail.

"Luo Sha, this idiot!"

Like Ebizo, after confirming the details, Chiyo couldn't help cursing.

"Sister, what should we do now? Should we agree to Ye Cang's request or find a way to get rid of her?" Ebizo asked worriedly.

After Chiyo vented her anger, she fell into deep thought.

She could understand that Ye Cang killed Luo Sha. She would do the same if she were in his place.

But Ye Cang wanted to become the Kazekage, which was undoubtedly a very troublesome thing.

After all, Ye Cang killed Luo Sha in public.

"Wait, did the villagers see Ye Cang killing Luo Sha with their own eyes?" Chiyo suddenly thought of something and asked Ebizo.

Ebizo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking carefully, he shook his head and said, "That's not the case. At that time, we just saw Ye Cang carrying Luo Sha's head out of the Kazekage Building."

At this point, Ebizo paused, but realized the reason why his sister asked this question.

"It's good that there is no such thing. The village can't lose another top combat force now. You will announce it to the outside world later, saying that Luo Sha was assassinated by others, and Ye Cang came back to rescue after getting the news, but Luo Sha had been killed when she came back, and she only had time to kill the murderer." Chiyo let out a long breath and immediately began to explain.

"Are you going to agree to Ye Cang becoming the Kazekage?" Ebizo asked in surprise.

Chiyo nodded slightly, and said with a headache: "This is the only way now. The details of Ye Cang killing Luo Sha must not be spread, so we can only appease Ye Cang and make Ye Cang a hero, so as to reverse the negative impact of Luo Sha's death as much as possible."

At this point, Chiyo paused slightly, and then said: "The premise is to first confirm Ye Cang's purity."

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