That's right.

The Ninja School in Star Ninja Village is about to celebrate its first graduation day.

And according to Nonoyu, on the first graduation day, the number of students who met the graduation standards was over 500.

This number of graduates is undoubtedly quite astonishing.

But this is not without reason.

In order to cultivate a new generation of strength, Naraku invested a lot of resources in the Ninja School.

For example, the Tiger Wolf Pill prescription he gave to No Naiyu.

Although Nonoyu lacked the ability to make alchemy, he only used the Tiger Wolf Pill to make a pill with much weaker efficacy, which he named Tiger Wolf Pill.

But after the Tiger Wolf Pill was produced, Naraku immediately invested a large amount of money in mass production.

Among them, the first people to enjoy this resource are the students of Ninja School.

Judging from the number of students in the Ninja School, it can be said that the financial consumption caused by the Tiger Wolf Maru alone is an astonishing amount.

Of course, the effect is also excellent.

Even though the Tiger Wolf Pill is not as effective as the Tiger Wolf Pill, and its efficacy is much weaker, its efficacy is still better than 99% of the secret medicines in the ninja world, and it is enough to allow people to grow better mentally and physically.

This is the reason why there are so many students graduating from Ninja School this time.

You must know that although Naraku set the grade system of the Ninja School to three years, whether it is graduation assessment, or the usual monthly assessment and grade assessment, the requirements have not been lowered, or even increased.

Under such circumstances, at least 500 students were able to graduate in just three years, which is enough to prove how strong the training in Ninja School is.

Naraku also became interested when he heard that at least five hundred people could graduate.

"So much? It seems that the village's military strength will advance by leaps and bounds." Naraku was very satisfied with the training results of the Ninja School.

"Well, by adding at least five hundred ninjas at once, the military pressure on the village will indeed be greatly relieved. Moreover, there are many outstanding people among these new generations. It is estimated that with a little training, they can be promoted to chunin very quickly. ." Ye Naiyu said with emotion.

People are different.

If there are mediocre people, there will naturally be no shortage of talented people.

Although there are no super geniuses like Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui emerging in the Ninja School of Star Ninja Village, there is no shortage of ordinary geniuses.

As Nonoyu said, among the students who are about to graduate, some have outstanding qualifications, and their strength has even caught up with Chuunin.

Such a genius only needs to be supplemented with experience, and it is basically not difficult to be promoted to Chunin.

After Naraku and Nonoyu chatted about the Ninja School, the topic soon turned to the rectification of the village.

As the Star Ninja Village grows and develops, the systems that were applicable in the past gradually become no longer appropriate.

Especially military expansion, this needs to be handled well.

After detailed discussions, Naraku and Nonoyu initially planned a new system for the village.

Take Naraku as the leader.

Five main departments will be divided below.

They are: Administrative Department, Military Department, Police Department, Scientific Research Department, and Logistics Department.

"The administrative department and logistics department can only be left to you for the time being." Naraku said to Nonoyu.

"No problem!" Nonoyu nodded, and then asked: "What about other departments?"

Naraku said: "I am going to put Xia Xing in charge of the military department, Yu Lai will be in charge of the police department, and Xie Lai will be in charge of the scientific research department."

Nonoyu thought for a while and then said: "I have no objection to the selection of these three ministers, but I would like to set up two more groups, one is the secretary group and the other is the escort group, specifically responsible for the work around you."

"So considerate!" Naraku laughed.

Not to mention the security team, the secretarial team obviously wants to reduce his work.

Nonoyu said helplessly: "Please, I also have limited energy. Now that I have to take charge of two departments, I can no longer focus on serving you as before."

"Um, too!"

Naraku suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he thought that Nonoyu had been his secretary before.

The framework of the new system has been established, and the next step is to gradually improve it.

In addition to the five major departments and the secretarial group and guard group that specialize in serving Naraku.

Naraku and Nonoyu added bit by bit.

For example, medical treatment, intelligence, interrogation, etc.

"From today on, you are the ninjas of Star Ninja Village!"

The sun was shining brightly, and on the podium of the Ninja School, wearing a luxurious robe custom-made by Nonou, Naraku proudly announced in front of the admiring eyes of many young girls in the square.


"I became a ninja!"

"Long live Lord Naraku!"


The boys and girls who successfully passed the graduation examination cheered youthfully. Such a scene made the Ninja School teachers in charge of order also smile.

A week goes by quickly.

Right now, it is the first graduation ceremony of the Hoshi Ninja Village Ninja School.

After investing a lot of resources in training, the results were even better than Nonoyu's original expectations.

The first batch of graduates from the Hoshi Ninja Village Ninja School totaled six hundred and twenty-three people.

This also means that the military strength of the Star Ninja Village has suddenly increased by 623 genin.

And this is just the beginning.

With the graduation of the first class, Ninja School not only recruited a new batch of students, but most of the original second-year students were also successfully promoted to new third-year students.

This undoubtedly proves that as long as we wait another year, the Star Ninja Village will once again usher in a new generation.

After a lively celebration, Naraku returned to the Xingying Building with Jialuo.

"Jialuo, have you sorted out the matters concerning the alliance with the Sand Village?"

Sitting in the office chair, Naraku turned his head and looked at Jialuo who was waiting beside him.

Jialuo was wearing a standard secretary outfit at this time, with a slim white shirt on the upper body and a black hip skirt on the lower body.

She even wore a pair of frameless glasses on her face.

It can be said that this outfit not only highlights Jialuo's figure very well, but also makes the already beautiful Jialuo look more charming.

Well. This secretary outfit is Naraku's personal request.

After forming the secretary team, Naraku arranged Jialuo as the first person.

Arranging Jialuo as his secretary is not only to make it convenient for him to have more time to train the other party in the future, but also to facilitate himself.

Pushing his glasses with his fingers, Jialuo reported seriously: "Don't worry, sir, I have sorted out the matters of the covenant."

As he said that, Jialuo leaned over to help Naraku find the relevant documents from the many documents on the desk.

Naraku leaned back in his chair, his sight attracted by the big peach swaying in front of him.

Without being polite, he weighed it directly.

Feeling the palm behind him, Jialuo paused, but immediately returned to normal and continued to look for the documents.

Even after finding the documents, Jialuo squatted down very sensibly, took out the things from the bag, and began to take the initiative to help Naraku adjust his body.

Naraku smiled slightly.

While enjoying Jialuo's conditioning, he flipped through the documents in his hand.

The content of the document was about the alliance between the Star Ninja Village and the Sand Village.

Ye Cang successfully became the Wind Shadow, and Naraku naturally would not waste this right.

When he left the Sand Village, he had already communicated with Ye Cang.

Therefore, during this period of time, Ye Cang has sent an envoy to prepare for the alliance between Sand Village and Star Ninja Village.

As for why Naraku wants Star Ninja Village and Sand Village to form an alliance.

The simplest purpose is to be able to openly help Ye Cang when he encounters problems.

Of course, an alliance with Sand Village is also beneficial to the future development of Star Ninja Village.

For example, it is easier to obtain various mineral resources needed for development through the Wind Country.


Just as Naraku was flipping through the documents, he suddenly felt a move in his heart and sensed that a death scorpion was contacting him with spiritualism.

Without hesitation, Naraku directly summoned the death scorpion that contacted him.

Accompanied by white smoke, a palm-sized death scorpion appeared on the desk.

The death scorpion saw Naraku and spit out a scroll larger than its own body.

Seeing this scene, Naraku took the scroll and opened it.

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