I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 118 Internal strife in Konoha

Seeing the contents recorded on the scroll, Naraku frowned slightly.

The scroll came from Ye Cang.

In order to facilitate mutual contact, he specially asked Ye Cang to sign a spiritual contract with the Death Scorpion Clan.

Now, Ye Cang used the Death Scorpion to send him a message.

"The Daimyo of the Wind Country, haha, although you are the Daimyo of the Five Great Countries, now even the Wind Shadow of the Sand Village is my man. If you dare to come out and make trouble, don't blame me for turning you into a tool."

Naraku's eyes showed a dangerous look.

The news from Ye Cang was about the Daimyo of the Wind Country.

To be precise, the Daimyo of the Wind Country proposed to cut the military expenditure of the Sand Village, and also implicitly told Ye Cang that as long as Ye Cang submitted to him, the military expenditure issue could be discussed.

The ninja village is the military core of a country.

But the relationship between the two is not that of superiors and subordinates, but rather similar to a cooperative relationship.

Therefore, the Daimyo generally only has the right to make suggestions to the ninja village, but does not have direct command power.

If the two sides cooperate well, there is nothing wrong, but if there are problems in the cooperation between the two sides, it will undoubtedly lead to a deterioration reaction.

The Sand Village and the Daimyo of Wind Country are obviously the latter.

In the original plot, after the Third Ninja World War, the military expenditure of the Sand Village was severely cut by the Daimyo of Wind Country, so that it was almost out of the ranks of the five major ninja villages.

Now there are also such signs.

It may be that the sudden death of Luosha, the Wind Shadow, gave the Daimyo of Wind Country an opportunity to seize power, so he wanted to use military expenditure cuts to put pressure on the newly promoted Ye Cang to surrender.

For this approach, neither Ye Cang nor Naraku could accept it.

Especially Naraku.

In order to completely control the entire Bear Country, he directly let Yu and Lang use illusions to control the Daimyo of Bear Country.

There is no taboo for Daimyo here.

When he learned that the Daimyo of Wind Country wanted to do something, he immediately decided to go to the capital of Wind Country and use illusions to turn the other party into his tool man.

Luo Sha died suddenly, and Ye Cang took over.

The changes in the Sand Village could not be hidden from the eyes of various forces.

In particular, the other four of the five major ninja villages learned the news at the first time.

Even based on the information they obtained, various forces suspected that Luo Sha's death was not caused by an outsider at all, but most likely by the newly promoted Ye Cang.

There was no way, the people of other forces were not as convinced of Chiyo and Ebizo as the people of the Sand Village, so they would naturally make a more rational analysis.

"The Sand Village has been hit by many disasters. The Third Kazekage is missing, and now the Fourth Kazekage who just took office has died suddenly. I don't know how long this new Fifth Kazekage can last."

"The Five Great Ninja Villages are not static. Now the Sand Village is in turmoil. It may be the first to fall from the ranks of the Five Great Ninja Villages."

"Really? The Sand Village has also formed an alliance with the Star Village? Doesn't this mean that the Star Village has already formed an alliance with two large ninja villages?"


All parties are talking about the turmoil in the Sand Village, and there is also talk about the alliance between the Sand Village and the Star Village.

You should know that the Star Village had already formed an alliance with the Cloud Village before, and even cooperated tacitly after the alliance to fight the Land of Earth.

Now when they learned that the Star Village had formed an alliance with the Sand Village after the Cloud Village, many people were amazed for a while.

There is no other reason. With the series of developments in the Star Village, anyone who is a little smart can undoubtedly see that the rise of the Star Village is unstoppable.

Especially when many people think of the man who is in charge of the Star Ninja Village, they can't help but feel awe.

Like in the Kankin Office.

Since Naraku assassinated Sarutobi Hiruzen, many bounty hunters in the Kankin Office even worship Naraku as the king of assassins in the ninja world.

Iwagakure Village.

"Rasa, this waste!!"

In the office of the Tsuchikage Building, even the guards guarding outside the door can clearly hear Ohnoki's curse.

"It hurts!"

Or maybe he was too angry, Ohnoki, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly changed his face and covered his lower back in pain.

After a while, Ohnoki was panting and relieved from the waist pain.

Then he showed anger again.

There was no way, this matter was really too irritating.

After Naraku killed Kari and others who were sent by the Iwagakure Village to meet, Ohnoki, who had not waited for news for a long time, naturally sent people to investigate again.

Unfortunately, in order not to expose himself, Naraku deliberately disposed of the bodies on both sides before leaving.

This made Ohnoki find nothing at all, and he could only list Kari and others as missing.

However, even so, the disappearance of Kari and others, and the failure to find Ye Cang's body, still gave Ohnoki a bad premonition.

But even so, Ohnoki did not expect the subsequent development to turn into what it is now.

Luo Sha, who wanted to plot against Ye Cang, was killed instead, and on the contrary, Ye Cang, who was plotted, replaced Luo Sha as the Wind Shadow of Sand Village.

Especially after Ye Cang became the Wind Shadow, he actually formed an alliance with the Star Ninja Village.

You know, Ohnoki's original plan was to unite with Sand Village to suppress the development of the Star Ninja Village.

Now that Sand Village and Star Ninja Village are cooperating, not to mention that the plan of joint suppression has failed, the Star Ninja Village may use the alliance with Sand Village to develop faster in the future.

With such a result, how can Ohnoki not be angry.

"No, I can't just give up. I have to think of other ways to suppress the Star Ninja Village." Although the failure of the plan made Ohnoki angry, it did not make him depressed.

His face changed constantly, and Ohnoki thought quickly, and finally thought of Naraku's origin.

"Konoha." Ohnoki slowly uttered two words.


The door was kicked open, and then a figure who looked down on the females walked into the office forcefully.

"Danzo, the Star Ninja Village has now formed an alliance with the Sand Village after the Cloud Village. How long do you have to wait to avenge the old man."

The person who broke into the office was Tsunade, one of the three ninjas of Konoha.

She scolded Danzo who was sitting behind the desk without any hesitation.

Wearing a royal robe representing the Hokage, and a brand new Hokage hat was placed on the table.

Danzo, who had ascended to the position of Hokage as he wished, looked up at Tsunade who had intruded, and said with an unchanged expression: "I have already said that the most important thing now is the war. We can deal with Hiruzen's matter after the war is over."

As he spoke, Danzo paused slightly, stared at Tsunade, and said in a heavier tone: "Also, I am now the Hokage, and you are just the disciple of the previous Hokage. For your current behavior, I can completely charge you with the crime of disrespecting the Hokage."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't think that you can suppress me just because you became the Hokage by dirty means. You are the Hokage if I give you face, and you are nothing if I don't give you face." Tsunade was not frightened by Danzo's words at all, but instead pushed back extremely strongly.

However, Tsunade does have the qualifications to be strong.

Not to mention her own value to Konoha, the power she now holds is enough to make her fearless of Danzo.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen's death, after a series of open and secret struggles, although Danzo successfully ascended to the position of Hokage, in fact, the power of Hokage he took over was only a small part.

Most of the power actually fell into Tsunade's hands.

The reason for this situation is that Tsunade got the support of Jiraiya.

Tsunade and Jiraiya are both direct disciples of Sarutobi Hiruzen. In addition to their own prestige, it is not difficult for them to inherit Sarutobi Hiruzen's legacy.

Especially with the background of Danzo.

Compared with Danzo, Tsunade, the granddaughter of the first generation Hokage, the direct disciple of the third generation Hokage, and the medical master of the ninja world, is definitely more supported by civilians and ninjas.

That is, Tsunade gave up the fight for Hokage because of her hemophobia, and she did not expect that Orochimaru, who was favored by her and Jiraiya, would give up in the end, otherwise he would not be able to take the position of Hokage by Danzo.

Tsunade's strong confrontation made Danzo's eyes appear hazy.

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