It's like this again.

This is not the first time that the other party has contradicted him like this.

If he was just the leader of the Root Organization, it would be fine, but he is now the Hokage.

He was contradicted before he became the Hokage, and he was still contradicted after he became the Hokage. What's the point of him becoming the Hokage?

If possible, Danzo really wants to turn against this stinky woman in front of him and teach her a lesson.

Even if the other party is the granddaughter of the first generation Hokage, he will let her know what it means that the Hokage cannot be insulted.

But unfortunately, he can't.

"Take a look at this document first." Danzo suppressed his anger and threw the document he was looking at to the other party.

Tsunade raised her hand to catch the document and said sarcastically: "Why, don't you want to monopolize power? Why did you let me get involved in the affairs of the village this time?"

Although she joined forces with Jiraiya to intercept most of the rights of the Hokage, Danzo was the Hokage after all, and it was difficult for her to intervene in the management of the village.

Similarly, after becoming Hokage, Danzo also held on to the power he had acquired tightly, not giving Tsunade any extra opportunities to reach out.

"Stop talking so much, you'll understand when you read it." Danzo said dissatisfiedly.

Tsunade snorted, and then lowered her head to look at the document in her hand.

Although she didn't know why Danzo would give her the opportunity to get in touch with village affairs this time, since the other party gave her the opportunity, she would naturally not miss it.

When she saw the content recorded in the document, Tsunade's eyes quickly flashed.

The document came from the Hidden Rock Village, and was written by Ohnoki himself. It actually proposed to cease fire with Konoha, and even to form an alliance with Konoha.

In particular, one of the purposes of the alliance was to clearly express the desire to unite with Konoha to suppress the development of the Star Ninja Village.

"Do you agree?" Tsunade looked up at Danzo opposite her after reading the document.

"I have this intention." Danzo nodded slightly.

Tsunade was thoughtful.

She had always been paying attention to Naraku's movements, so she naturally knew about the previous actions of the Star Ninja Village and the Hidden Cloud Village to plunder the Land of Earth.

Now that Ohnoki proposed an alliance and wanted to join forces to suppress the development of the Star Ninja Village, she was surprised but not too surprised.

"Then agree to the alliance." Tsunade said quickly and firmly.

Although she did not directly attack Naraku, she was very happy to be able to suppress the opponent's power.

Moreover, a truce with the Hidden Rock Village is also beneficial to the village, which can reduce the pressure on the front battlefield.

After all, in addition to fighting with the Hidden Rock Village, Konoha has never really stopped fighting with the Hidden Sand Village and the Hidden Cloud Village.

One against three, even though Konoha has a deep foundation and still resisted the pressure after losing Sarutobi Hiruzen, this pressure is undoubtedly very great.

"Well, it's not that I don't want to avenge Hiruzen, but the pressure of war and the danger of Naraku, I will always disagree with your actions, but like now, I also support the cooperation with the Hidden Rock Village to suppress the Star Ninja Village." Danzo said earnestly.

However, these words did not arouse Tsunade's approval, but were met with a sneer.

Tsunade looked at Danzo, and her inner attitude was like a sneer.

How could she not know the real reason why the other party had been preventing her from taking revenge.

The pressure of war and the danger of Naraku were only secondary. The real reason was actually that he was afraid that her prestige would increase after she successfully avenged the old man, thus threatening the other party's position as Hokage.

Tsunade's sneer was selectively ignored by Danzo, and he continued with a normal expression: "In addition, the old man has decided to increase troops in the River Country and launch a full-scale attack on the Sand Village!"

Hearing this, Tsunade frowned: "What do you mean?"

Since the other party also accepted the alliance with the Rock Village, then instead of taking advantage of the reduced war pressure to rest the troops, instead of increasing troops in other battlefields, wouldn't this increase the pressure of the war again?

Danzo said clearly: "You said before that the Star Village has formed an alliance with the Sand Village after the Cloud Village. Our ultimate goal is Naraku, so we can't let the other party continue to develop.

Now that the Sand Village is in internal turmoil, we can take this opportunity to put pressure on the other party and force the Sand Village to terminate its alliance with the Star Village."

Tsunade fell into deep thought.

It is indeed feasible to use war to force the Sand Village to terminate its alliance with the Star Village.

After all, the covenant is just a piece of paper.

As long as the Sand Village can't withstand the pressure of war, it will naturally not care about the Star Village.

But is Danzo really so kind?

Does the other party really want to increase troops to attack the Sand Village just to suppress the development of the Star Village?

Tsunade doesn't believe it.

She knows Danzo too well.

This person certainly has Konoha in his eyes, but the premise is that this Konoha must belong to the other party.

In other words, what the other party really wants is the power of Hokage.

"If the Hokage orders to increase the troops in the River Country, and if the war with the Sand Village is won, then the prestige of Danzo who issued this order will definitely be improved."

Thinking quickly, Tsunade gradually understood Danzo's real purpose.

"I see, you are the Hokage, then do as you say!" Tsunade took a deep look at the other party, and then said calmly.

She already understood the other party's intention, which was to use the victory of the war to improve his prestige and then seize more power.

But preventing the Sand Village and the Star Ninja Village from forming an alliance will also help him to avenge the old man in the future, so giving the other party a little sweetness is not a bad idea.


"That man is not a good person. Danzo wants to use the war to improve his prestige, but once the Sand Village can't stand it and terminates the covenant with the Star Village, how can that man remain indifferent?" Tsunade thought silently in her heart.

Sometimes the enemy is the one who knows you best.

Although Tsunade was very dissatisfied with some of her teacher's behaviors in the past, and even thought about leaving Konoha.

But with the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the past mistakes were naturally replaced by the kindness of the master and apprentice.

Therefore, in order to avenge Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade has studied Naraku's intelligence.

This also gave her a deep understanding of Naraku.

There was no mention that putting pressure on the Sand Village might lead to Naraku's counterattack.

Tsunade pretended not to know Danzo's true intentions and catered to the other party and then left the office naturally.

Didn't Danzo know that putting pressure on the Sand Village might lead to Naraku's counterattack?

The answer is obviously not.

He just chose to ignore it subconsciously, or he was confident enough.

Even though Naraku had many amazing achievements, and even demonstrated a terrifying assassination ability that was enough to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen silently in Konoha.

But Danzo was still not afraid.

He always had a kind of mysterious self-confidence.

Just as he always believed that Konoha was the strongest, as long as he was at the helm, he could dominate the four sides and look down on the entire ninja world.

The same was true of his attitude towards Naraku.

Of course, his confidence was also supported by a certain amount.

For example, he believed that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be assassinated by Naraku because he was too lax.

For this reason, he now always arranges a large number of people to guard him.

He even found a barrier that can isolate time and space ninjutsu through the legacy of the Uzumaki clan, which was specially set up in the Hokage Building and the Root Organization Base.

This made him not afraid that Naraku would use time and space ninjutsu to sneak into Konoha to assassinate him, whether he was working during the day or resting at night.

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