Danzo was happy that he could use the war to improve his prestige.

On the other side, Tsunade, who left the Hokage Building and returned to her residence, also continued to treat herself.

In the room, Tsunade stared at the blood in the glass container, not only her face quickly turned pale, but she couldn't stop shaking while holding her shoulders.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just some blood. I'm a doctor. I have been exposed to blood before. I have to overcome it."

Forcing herself not to look away, Tsunade stared at the blood and kept muttering in her mouth, using it as encouragement to prevent herself from avoiding the blood because of fear.

The reason why Tsunade gave up the fight for the position of Hokage was that she didn't have much idea of ​​becoming Hokage at that time, but more of it came from hemophobia.

But now, whether it is to avenge her teacher or to drive Danzo, who accidentally took the position, off the stage, Tsunade is obviously trying to treat her hemophobia.

Hemophobia is a psychological disease.

Even Tsunade, who is known as a medical saint, can only rely on her own will to overcome her fear if she wants to cure hemophobia.

Danzo moved quickly.

Or in order to expand his power as a Hokage, he was eager to win a war.

After reaching an alliance with the Hidden Rock Village and a ceasefire, he immediately drew troops from this battlefield and sent reinforcements to the River Country battlefield where he was fighting with the Hidden Sand Village.

On the Hidden Sand Village side, with the rise of Ye Cang, Chiyo, who had handled the affairs, had already returned to the front line of the battlefield.

When Konoha's reinforcements came, the two sides immediately launched a more intense confrontation.

Swish swish swish ~~~

In the desolate desert, a series of figures rushed past.


After walking an unknown distance, the leader suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

All of a sudden, including the leader, the dozen people who were traveling together stopped immediately.

Aburame Ryoma looked at the vague outline of the Hidden Sand Village in the distance, with a solemn look in his eyes.

He knew that the next step was the real challenge.

Aburame Ryoma was Danzo's right-hand man.

The dozen people who came with him were also the elite of the Root Organization.

Just as Aburame Ryoma was looking at the Sand Village from afar at this moment.

The purpose of their coming was to assassinate Ye Cang, who had just taken office as the Fifth Kazekage, under Danzo's order.

That's right.

In addition to increasing troops on the battlefield, Danzo's actions against the Sand Village also included a decapitation operation to assassinate Ye Cang.

Well. It can't be said that the decapitation operation was a wrong approach, but it can only be said that Danzo was really very confident.

Maybe he was encouraged by Naraku's assassination of Sarutobi Hiruzen, or maybe he had lived in the darkness of the Root of Konoha for too long.

In short, although Danzo became Hokage, his style of doing things still maintained his previous habits.

Just like now, in order to increase his chances of winning, he thought of assassinating Ye Cang.

If it really succeeds, it will naturally be effective.

The Sand Village has just experienced the death of a Kazekage. If Ye Cang, who has just taken office, is assassinated again.

This will not only cause the Sand Village to lose a top combat force, but it will also be a heavy blow to the overall morale of the Sand Village.

But the premise is that it must be successful.

Assassinating the shadow of the five major ninja villages, and in the opponent's village.

It can only be said that those who dare to have such an idea are either too strong or have a brain missing.

At that time, Naraku proved that he belonged to the former with the result.

As for the present

When Aburame Ryoma looked at the Sand Village in the distance, neither he nor other members of the Root Organization who were traveling with him noticed that there were several scorpions staring at them in the nearby sand.

But this is normal, after all, scorpions are extremely common in the desert.

But Aburame Ryoma and others did not know that the scorpions staring at them at this moment were called Death Scorpions.

War is a beast that devours money.

Although the war with the Cloud Village that Luosha had formulated was interrupted by Ye Cang as Ye Cang took office, the current war with Konoha alone has caused caravans to enter and exit the Sand Village every day.

These caravans transported all kinds of supplies needed for the war.

"Hurry up, speed up!"

"It's so hot, the weather in the Kingdom of Wind is really terrible."

"Stop complaining, it's not like you haven't been paid, hurry up and work."


This is a small caravan consisting of 20 to 30 people and a dozen camels, slowly moving forward in the desert, approaching the Sand Village.

"Nirvana Jingshe Technique!"

Suddenly, just as the caravan boss was dissatisfied and scolded the workers for their complaints, a large number of feathers fell from the sky above the caravan.

The caravan members were stunned when they saw the feathers falling, and then, including the hired guards, everyone felt a strong sense of sleepiness.


Everyone in the caravan fell to the sand because they fell into a deep sleep.

This sudden change made the camels in the caravan panic.


A low shout sounded.

The moment the caravan members fell asleep, a figure jumped out of the sand on the side, and used the fixation technique to bind all the panicked camels in place.

Swish, swish, swish~~~~

Figures appeared one after another in the nearby sand, and the leader was none other than Aburame Ryoma.

Looking at the caravan members who had fainted, Aburame Ryoma waved his hand, and immediately, the Root Organization members stepped forward, waking up the caravan members one by one, and then hypnotized them with illusions, interrogating each person for basic information.

If you want to assassinate Ye Cang, the first thing to do is to sneak into the Sand Village.

The method chosen by Aburame Ryoma is to occupy the nest of the magpie, disguised as a caravan transporting supplies to sneak into the Sand Village.

"My lord, it's done!"

After all, the people of the Root Organization are elites. It's just basic intelligence, so the speed of interrogation is very fast.

After a while, the interrogation of intelligence was over, and then someone came back to Aburame Ryoma, knelt on one knee, and reported respectfully.

"Well, then--" Aburame Ryoma nodded slightly, and then opened his mouth to prepare to let his men clear out the people in the caravan.

Boom boom boom! ! !

An unexpected situation suddenly appeared.

Just as Aburame Ryoma finished half of his words, sand pillars exploded in the area where the Root Organization was.


A shrill scream sounded.

Huge purple pincers appeared in the exploded sand pillars, which caught several Root Organization members off guard and cut them off.

The broken body did not kill these Root members immediately, but instead they felt boundless pain.

"Damn it, get out of the way!"

The sudden change made Aburame Ryoma's face change drastically. As he hurriedly retreated, he also shouted to others to remind them.

The remaining Root members also reacted quickly, and they hurriedly distanced themselves in anger to avoid the strange pincers that emerged from the sand.

Hiss hiss hiss ~ ~

The sound of tentacles crawling appeared.

As the Root members retreated, the owners of those strange pincers emerged from the sand one after another. They were scorpions as big as houses.

The barely detectable purple aura floated in the air.

The Root members reacted quickly, but some of them were not fast enough.

When they saw the huge scorpions coming out of the sand, many of them suddenly knelt on the ground one by one without any power.

"It's poisonous, the air is poisonous!"

The Root members were kneeling on the ground, with foam coming out of their mouths and distorted faces under their masks. Some of them shouted in pain to warn.

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