Chapter 145 Magic·The Toad Sings

"Immortal method, fire escape, hard work!"

Shima, who was on Jiraiya's left shoulder, focused his eyes and immediately spit out a small fireball from his mouth.

The fireball was very weak when it first flew out, but after flying a certain distance, it immediately expanded rapidly and formed a majestic wave of fire.

boom! ! !

Fire waves and wind bombs meet.

Regardless of the attribute restraint of chakra or the superiority of magical chakra, the wind bomb not only failed to break through the fire wave, but actually helped the fire wave burn even more majestic.

The billowing waves of fire formed an overwhelming force, violently sweeping toward Ichibi Shukaku and Naraku.

Both claws poked out.

A Shukaku grabbed the incoming fire wave, and when it was about to collide, its claws suddenly spurted gravel, forming an even larger wave of sand, blocking the approach of the fire wave.

There are waves of fire on one side and waves of sand on the other.

The collision between the two seemed to split the entire world into two. Even Ye Cang and Tsunade who were fighting on the other side were affected and had to avoid the incoming sand and flames.

"Finally here!"

Tsunade, who retreated a distance and seemed to be uninjured, actually had tired eyes.

She looked towards where Jiraiya was.

My heart, which had been tense all the time, finally felt a breath of relief until now.

Whether it was the battle with Ye Cang or the constant deaths of others, the pressure she was under was too much.

It was so big that she felt a little desperate inside.

But the good thing is.

With Jiraiya's appearance, she finally saw some hope.

Whoosh! ! !

Fireball strikes.

Tsunade didn't have much chance to pay attention to Jiraiya's situation, because after a brief respite, Ye Cang had already attacked again.

Sensing the incoming fireballs, Tsunade's body that had just relaxed immediately tensed up again, and she quickly dodged the fireballs.

Following the fireball was Ye Cang, who was approaching rapidly.

Condensing a huge fireball with a diameter of ten meters in his right hand, Ye Cang jumped up high and slammed it towards Tsunade.

Use force from your feet.

Huge rocks tilted up as the earth cracked, and Tsunade grabbed them with one hand and collided with the huge fireball.

There is no suspense.

The stone was instantly melted and shattered by the fireball, and then pressed towards Tsunade.

Gritting her teeth, Tsunade quickly changed her hands and punched, using her strange power technique to resist Ye Cang's Immortal Magic Escape again.

boom! ! !

A huge pillar of fire rose into the sky.

Tsunade flew out in embarrassment, and at the same time, her right hand, up to her shoulder, was severely burned, dry and with all the bones exposed.

Regenerates quickly.

Maintaining the "Hundred Heroes Art" at all times, when Tsunade stabilized her body, her severely burned right arm healed quickly.

But this kind of healing also further squeezed her chakra and vitality.

In terms of strength, even if Tsunade is cured of his anemia, she is still only in the second stage of elite jounin.

On the other hand, Ye Cang's strength reached the third stage of elite jounin in sage mode.

The two sides have been able to fight until now without a winner. In fact, Tsunade relied entirely on the regeneration ability of the "Hundred Heroes Art".

If not, she wouldn't have been killed, but she would have definitely been seriously injured.

Of course, rebirth is not without cost.

After multiple regenerations, Tsunade's chakra was close to its limit, and even her life force was severely overdrawn.

With this situation, it can be said that even if Tsunade stops the "Hundred Heroes Art" immediately, she will have to lie in bed to recuperate for a long time.

"Let's see how long you can hold on!"

Seeing Tsunade's injury healed again, Ye Cang's eyes were cold and he immediately attacked the opponent again.

Of course she knew about the "Yin Seal" and "Hundred Heroes' Technique" from the information provided by Naraku.

Similarly, she also knows the price of excessive use of "The Art of Hundreds of Heroes".

Because of this, she will continue to attack without interruption.

Although her sage mode also has limitations, she is confident that Tsunade will be unable to hold on earlier before the senjutsu chakra is exhausted.

Ye Cang and Tsunade fought together again.

On the other side, 'Naraku' also had a confrontation with Jiraiya.

As the waves of sand collided with the waves of fire, before the two sides could decide the winner, a figure had already crossed the sky and charged towards Naraku from a high position.

"The magic toad is singing!"

It was Jiraiya who killed Naraku.

At the same time, as the killing approached, Fukasaku and Shima on Jiraiya's shoulders both let out strange frog sounds.

The crowing of frogs distorted the air and caused ripples. It also invaded Naraku's consciousness.

"Toad's Singing" is an extremely powerful sonic illusion that can make the listener trapped in the illusion barrier and unable to move.

In the original plot, even Nagato's Six Paths clone was in trouble due to this move.

"Ninpo Technique: The Technique of Random Lion's Hair!"

When Fukasaku and Shima activated their genjutsu, Jiraiya also attacked.

The hair grew crazily and turned into tough hair spears, either entangling or stabbing at various parts of Naraku's body.

"It sounds awful!"

The coordinated attack by Fukasaku, Shima and Jiraiya made 'Naraku' frown.

But this frown was not due to the threat from the attacks of the three, but just from the noise of the frogs.

"Lefa Thunderstorm Flow!"

The illusion contained in the frog's croaking was completely unable to shake Naraku's consciousness. When he touched his hand, a violent torrent of thunder and lightning burst out from his hand in an instant.

Crackling! !

Lightning flashed.

The approaching guns were shattered by the violent lightning, which also caused Jiraiya's pupils to shrink.

The opponent was not trapped by the illusion of the two immortals.

"Ninjutsu: Needle Jizo!"

In a hurry, Jiraiya had no time to respond too much, and could only quickly grow more hair to protect his body like a hedgehog.

Boom! ! !

The violent lightning that shattered the guns swept towards Jiraiya and hit his hedgehog-like hair fiercely.

In the fierce collision, even if Jiraiya used chakra to strengthen his hair to the greatest extent, his hair still quickly collapsed under the attack of lightning.

"Not good!"

Fukasaku and Shima were both shocked and angry.

Both found that their illusions failed to affect 'Naraku'.

In shock and anger, the two hurriedly changed their offensive.

One spit fire, and the other spit wind.

Wind and fire combined to form a fierce fire column to fight against the violent lightning.

Lightning and fire collided.

Fukasaku and Shima originally thought that they should be able to gain the upper hand with their fairy chakra.

But when the lightning and fire collided, the result was completely opposite. It was the lightning of ‘Naraku’ that gained the upper hand.

Under the continuous and violent lightning, the fire pillar that fought against it not only had difficulty in moving forward, but also retreated step by step.

"Little Jiraiya, retreat quickly!"

The result of the collision between lightning and fire shocked Fukasaku and Shima. Among them, Fukasaku, who reacted faster, hurriedly reminded Jiraiya.

Although the fire pillar was suppressed by lightning, it still played a certain delaying role, which created an opportunity for Jiraiya to dodge.

A shadow clone was separated, and Jiraiya used his foot on the shoulder of the shadow clone to gain strength, and the whole person quickly jumped to one side.


Just as Jiraiya left, the fire pillar that lost its subsequent support was immediately completely defeated by lightning, and then the shadow clone left by Jiraiya was blasted away fiercely.

"Little Jiraiya, this guy's chakra is not right, it is three times stronger than our senjutsu chakra!"

Jiraiya jumped to the ground and immediately reminded him.

Fukasaku and Shima naturally did not understand the true energy and thought it was just some unknown chakra.

But even so, when he heard that 'Naraku's' chakra was stronger than the senjutsu chakra of the two sages, Jiraiya was still shocked.

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