"How is it possible? How can there be chakra stronger than Senjutsu Chakra?" Jiraiya looked at 'Naraku' in disbelief.

Although he has not learned the sage mode yet, he has already seen the power of sage chakra.

It can be said that the power of the magical chakra shocked him at first.

This made him always believe that the sage chakra was the strongest chakra in his heart, so he had been working hard to learn the sage mode.

"Although I don't want to believe it, it is the fact. This guy is very extraordinary." Fukasaku said in a deep voice.

When it looked at Naraku, its eyes were full of fear.

It was also the first time that it encountered chakra that was more powerful than Senjutsu Chakra.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, it would really want to return to Miaomu Mountain immediately and ask the Great Toad Immortal about the situation.

"The Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku. He is said to be a sage, but no matter how you look at it, he looks more like a monster."

After the thunder and lightning dispersed, Naraku looked down at Jiraiya not far away and Fukasaku and Shima on each other's shoulders.

His eyes mainly fell on Fukasaku and Shima, the two toad sages of Mt. Myouki.

Senjutsu Chakra is indeed very good.

The power is not even inferior to that of true energy.

It's just that its nature and form, in the eyes of 'Naraku', an orthodox immortal cultivator, look like heresy.

Similarly, Fukasaku and Shima, the two toads named Sage, are very similar to the monsters recorded in the "Secret Book of Immortals" in his spiritual perception.


Maybe not similar, but fundamentally.

Whether it is Miaomu Mountain or two other spiritual holy places.

The inheritance of immortal arts passed down by it is completely the cultivation method of monsters.

Because of this, if humans learn, it will not only be extremely dangerous, but also become demonized.

"Uchiha Fire Formation!"

Just as Naraku was observing Fukasaku and Shima, suddenly, someone attacked him.

Crimson light curtains rose from all sides, forming a barrier that trapped Naraku and One-Tailed Shukaku inside.

"Jiraiya-sama, this guy controls our clan's Sharingan, and he also controls the One-Tail!"

The barrier comes from Uchiha Fugaku.

He shouted to Jiraiya while maintaining the barrier.

Not to mention Jiraiya's reaction.

The moment the barrier appeared, 'Naraku' had already stopped his thoughts and looked sideways at Uchiha Fugaku.

This guy is really extraordinarily hardworking.

But it's understandable.

After all, the Three Magatama Sharingan in Shukaku's eyes was so big. If the other party didn't desperately express his position, even if he survived afterwards, the Uchiha clan would definitely be listed as a suspect and held accountable.

Especially now that Danzo is in charge.

This makes it even more unacceptable for the other party not to work hard.



Within the barrier, ‘Naraku’ disappeared in a flash.


Blood spurts.

Uchiha Fugaku stiffly lowered his head and looked at his chest.

A blood-stained arm protruded from his chest.

The three magatama in the right eye rotated wildly.

The next second.

Uchiha Fugaku, whose chest was penetrated, seemed to disappear like a bubble.

for this scene.

'Nara', who put down his arms, looked as usual.

"Izanagi" How could he not know.

But this is already the second time.

Unless Uchiha Fugaku learns from Danzo and transplants other three magatama sharingan eyes into his body, there will be no chance of escape after the opponent's genjutsu ends and he appears.

‘Naru’ is calm and composed.

But not Jiraiya.

When 'Naraku' suddenly came out of the barrier and penetrated Uchiha Fugaku's chest with a blow, Jiraiya was startled.

But the good thing is.

Although he didn't know "Izanagi", from the sudden disappearance of Uchiha Fugaku, he immediately judged that Uchiha Fugaku must have escaped in some way.

"This guy really masters the space-time ninjutsu!" His eyes fell on 'Naraku', and Jiraiya felt heavy in his heart.

He knew the information about Naraku very well.

After all, it's not just Tsunade who wants to avenge Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya does the same.

Regarding the information that Naraku most likely possesses the space-time ninjutsu, Jiraiya, who specializes in inquiring about it, knows something about it.

But after all, I had only heard about it before.

Now that it was truly verified, Jiraiya still couldn't help but feel awe-struck.

Judging from his disciple's performance in learning the Flying Thunder God Technique, those who master Time and Space Ninjutsu are definitely very difficult to deal with.

Not to mention that from his information, Naraku not only mastered the space-time ninjutsu, but was also extremely powerful.

"We have to fight!"

All kinds of thoughts just happen in an instant.

In fact, when his eyes fell on 'Naraku', Jiraiya had already launched an attack.

"Wind Escape·Multiple Wind Blades!"

Perhaps it was because Naraku, in addition to time and space ninjutsu, mostly used thunder escape, so Jiraiya, who was proficient in various chakra attributes, did not hesitate to choose wind escape, which restrained thunder escape, as his attack.

In a quick seal, a gust of wind spurted out from Jiraiya's mouth, and immediately formed dozens of huge wind blades crisscrossing each other.

Almost as soon as Jiraiya launched a new round of offensive, on the other side, Gamabunta also violently collided with Ichibi Shukaku.

As Uchiha Fugaku used "Izanagi" to resolve the fatal damage again, the "Uchiha Fire Formation" he used also dissipated.

Before Ichibi Shukaku could make a move, Gamabunta had already crashed into him.


The sudden impact made the One-Tailed Shukaku fall back, leaving deep gullies on the ground.

The double pupil three-magatama Sharingan fell on Gamabunta.


In the violent roar, the One-Tailed Shukaku's right claw expanded and extended, and swept Gamabunta away with one claw.

"It hurts!"

Bloody claw marks were torn on his face.

Although Gamabunta cried out in pain, his movements were not slow. He immediately drew out his waist knife and jumped high, swooping down and slashing at the One-Tailed Shukaku with a knife.


The short knife was blocked by the gushing sand waves.

Although the One-Tailed Shukaku looked fat, his movements were not slow.

After blocking the short knife, the One-Tailed Shukaku raised his upper body and hit Gamabunta's belly with another claw.

This blow not only sent Gamabunta flying high into the air, but also tore his abdomen again, spraying a lot of blood.

Gamabunta is the leader second only to the Sage in Myoboku Mountain.

But even so, there is still a big gap between him and the tailed beasts.

Wind blades swept.

Watching the huge wind blades coming towards him, ‘Naraku’ looked calm, and with his right hand clenched, the dazzling lightning sword condensed again.

“Thunder Method·Lightning Blade!”

The sword light was sharp.

Jiraiya thought that ‘Naraku’ was performing lightning escape, but in fact, the lightning method evolved from true energy has no restraint of chakra attributes at all.

The lightning sword slashed and chopped.

When the lightning sword and the wind blade collided, the lightning sword did not move at all, but the wind blade was constantly dispersed.

“Sage Method·Tongue Fighting Binding!”

A slender tongue like a venomous snake followed the wind blade.

Looking at the owner of the tongue, it was Shima who was on Jiraiya’s left shoulder.

Its tongue was not only like a venomous snake, but also very fast. It appeared near ‘Naraku’ in the blink of an eye.

His figure swayed.

‘Naraku’ dodged Shima’s tongue and slashed it with his backhand.

Under the sharp sword light, the slender toad tongue was immediately split in two.


Shima, whose tongue was cut off, screamed, and the severed tongue splashed with blood quickly fell back.

“Old woman!”

‘Naraku’ moved so fast that neither Fukasaku nor Jiraiya on the other side reacted until Shima screamed.

“Senjutsu·Water Style·Water Slash!”

Fukasaku was shocked and angry, and angrily sprayed a column of water at ‘Naraku’.

On the side of his head, the oncoming column of water passed through ‘Naraku’s’ face.


The missing column of water shot onto the ruins behind ‘Naraku’, showing amazing penetrating power, and penetrated the ruins in an instant.

While penetrating, Fukasaku did not stop the eruption of the water column, but swung it and cut the water column towards ‘Naraku’.


Even though it was right beside his face, when the water column approached, ‘Naraku’ easily avoided it with ‘Shrinking the Earth into an Inch’.

Flashing in.

‘Naraku’, who disappeared from the water column attack, instantly appeared in front of Jiraiya.

Sword light flashed!

Pupils shrank into needles.

The next second, blood splashed, and a broken arm spun and fell not far away.

Jiraiya reacted quickly, but ‘Naraku’ slashed faster.

Even though Jiraiya had responded to ‘Naraku’ the moment he flashed in, dodging to the side, he still failed to completely avoid it, and was cut off his right arm by ‘Naraku’s sword.

His face was pale.

But Jiraiya didn’t dare to stop at all, just wrapped his hair around the broken shoulder, stopping the blood from flowing, and continued to distance himself from ‘Naraku’.

He was actually very wary of ‘Naraku’’s ‘Shrinking the Earth into an Inch’.

But he still underestimated it.

'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch' does not need to set coordinates before moving like 'Flying Thunder God Technique', but can move freely to any place.


Flashed again.

Before Jiraiya could get away much, the sharp sword light had already attacked again.

'Naraku' was surprisingly close to the opponent with 'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch' again after cutting off Jiraiya's right arm.

"Don't even think about it!"

If it was just Jiraiya alone, 'Naraku's' sword would be enough to cut off Jiraiya's head.

But in addition to Jiraiya, he also had Fukasaku and Shima on his shoulders.

When the sword light approached, Fukasaku, who was on Jiraiya's right shoulder, immediately sprayed a penetrating water column at 'Naraku' again.

He glanced away with an indifferent look.

'Naraku' disappeared along with the sword light.

But the disappearance was only for a moment.

The next moment, the sword light had already landed on Fukasaku's back from behind.


With a shrill scream, Fukasaku's body split into two, and the upper and lower halves fell from Jiraiya's shoulders.

"Old man!"

"Sage Fukasaku!"

The tragic death of Fukasaku made Shima and Jiraiya on the other side tear their eyes out.

"I'll kill you!"

Witnessing her husband being killed, Shima screamed and jumped from Jiraiya's shoulder, rushing towards 'Naraku'.

"Thunder Technique·Thunder Finger!"

The sword pointed out.

Shima's movements were completely within the insight of 'Naraku's' consciousness.

As soon as the opponent rushed over, the dazzling thunder had already landed on Shima's abdomen.

The thunder penetrated strongly, forming a hole about the same size as Shima's abdomen.


The lifeless toad fell to the ground.

At the same time, 'Naraku' left with "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".


The extended long hair hit the ground where ‘Naraku’ was originally like a heavy hammer, causing the ground to collapse and form a huge deep pit.

However, Jiraiya’s angry attack obviously did not have any effect, and he froze in place.

The sword blade made of lightning protruded from his heart.

‘Naraku’ obviously did not really leave, but just moved behind Jiraiya.

The lightning sword penetrated from Jiraiya’s back, pierced through his heart, and then protruded from his chest.

Such damage is undoubtedly fatal.

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