I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 147 An unexpected visitor! Two generations of Hokage!


In the distance, because of the strength of 'Naraku', although Tsunade was fighting fiercely with Ye Cang, she would still find a chance to pay attention to Jiraiya's situation.

At this time, when she glanced at Jiraiya's situation again, the scene that came into her sight immediately made Tsunade's pupils shrink.

"Tsunade, I——"

The familiar voice coming from a distance made Jiraiya's eyes follow the sound.

But when he saw Tsunade in the distance, Jiraiya had no strength to respond, and only whispered with a bitter smile.

The next second, Jiraiya lowered his head weakly.

Draw the sword.

Jiraiya, who lost his last support, fell to the ground, and as the blood flowed, he added another credit to the success of Konoha's collapse plan.

If we don't count 'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch', 'Naraku' is certainly equally powerful, but it will definitely not be too easy to get rid of a master of Jiraiya's level.

But unfortunately, the help brought by 'Shrinking the Earth into an Inch' is too great.

It can be said that as long as you can't keep up with Naraku's reaction speed and attack speed, or have the defense to withstand his attack, no matter how strong you are, you may be killed instantly.

"Wood Release: Tree World Birth!"

After killing Jiraiya, Naraku lowered the thunder sword in his hand.

Suddenly, as if he had expected it, he turned around and slashed at the thick roots attacking from behind.


The sword light swept across, and the sharp thunder slash cut off a large number of roots.

But even so.

Under the continuous growth of roots, the thunder slash only flew a distance and was eventually worn out.

"Thunder Method: Thunderstorm Flow!"

The thunder slash was worn out by the continuously growing roots, and when the roots like a group of dragons dancing again swept, a violent torrent of thunder and lightning immediately broke out from Naraku's body.


With itself as the center, violent lightning swept around, colliding violently with the roots that kept attacking.

The roots were crushed and burned by lightning, and lightning was also constantly consumed by the roots.

For a time, the collision between lightning and roots formed a situation of equal strength.

In fact, it was not only 'Naraku' who was attacked by roots.

The ruins of the entire examination venue were all growing countless roots and trees.

For example, the one-tailed Shukaku was there.

The one-tailed Shukaku, who was suppressing Gamabunta, was suddenly entangled by the roots of the trees growing under his feet.

The one-tailed Shukaku roared and struggled, breaking the entangled tree roots, but as more and more tree roots grew, it was finally tied up like a zongzi, firmly bound in place.

And Ye Cang was there.

When Tsunade lost consciousness because of Jiraiya's death, Ye Cang originally wanted to take the opportunity to take down the opponent in one fell swoop.

But just as she was about to approach Tsunade, a large number of tree roots grew around and under her feet, forcing her to dodge.

"Is this. Wood Release?"

While dodging, Ye Cang looked at the tree roots growing in all directions, and an idea immediately flashed through her mind.

This idea made her face unable to stop showing a shocked expression.

Wood Release!

It was indeed Wood Release.

In just a blink of an eye, the ruins had been replaced by a dense forest.

When the forest was formed, the roots that kept sweeping towards 'Naraku' also stopped and spread out, revealing two figures at the source.


The roots stopped attacking, and 'Naraku' also stopped releasing lightning.

He stared at the two people opposite him, feeling quite surprised.

The two people opposite him were both wearing armor from the Warring States period.

One was red armor, and the other was blue armor.

At the same time, the person wearing red armor had long black hair, and the person wearing blue armor had silver hair.

"Young man, although we are already dead, we should not interfere in the world of the living, but I will not let go of anyone who dares to destroy the village, even if he is dead!"

The man in red armor slowly opened his clasped palms, and his eyes fell on the opposite side, and his calmness quickly changed to fierceness.

This man was the first generation Hokage who established Konoha, Senju Hashirama.

"Brother, there is no need to waste time talking to the other party, let's resolve the battle as soon as possible!" The silver-haired man in blue armor said next to him.

This silver-haired man is also the Hokage of Konoha, the second generation Hokage, Senju Tobirama.

When he spoke, Senju Tobirama looked at Naraku with the same cold eyes.

Although the specific situation has not been fully understood, from Tsunade's reaction just now, the man in front of him is undoubtedly an enemy.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to have the chance to meet you two again this time, but..."

The hollow gray-black eyes and the cracks on the face made 'Naraku' immediately identify that Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju were reincarnated from the Impure World Reincarnation.

But after the accident, 'Naraku' soon chuckled.

His eyes swept from Hashirama Senju's face to Tobirama Senju, who was in a high-handed attitude.


The dazzling lightning sword pierced through his chest.

"Stop the battle as soon as possible? Second-generation Hokage, is your arrogance brought to you by your brother?" A low voice came from behind Tobirama Senju.

I saw that 'Naraku', who was originally opposite Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju, had disappeared at some point.

Instead, 'Naraku' appeared behind Tobirama Senju at some point and pierced Tobirama Senju's chest with a lightning sword.

"How is it possible!!!"

At the moment when his chest was pierced, Senju Tobirama looked down at the blade of the lightning sword sticking out of his chest in astonishment.

Although he was not afraid of such injuries after being reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation, he was undoubtedly a little unbelievable to Senju Tobirama that he was hit in the chest without noticing.


Beside him, Senju Hashirama looked at 'Naraku' in surprise, and his right hand quickly stretched out, growing sharp wooden thorns, attacking 'Naraku' who pierced his brother's chest.

At the same time, Senju Tobirama also quickly recovered from his shock, and regardless of the increase in chest damage, he slapped 'Naraku' with his backhand.

The Flying Thunder God technique appeared on his palm, and he wanted to leave coordinates on 'Naraku'.


The figure flashed.

Whether it was Senju Hashirama or Senju Tobirama, the counterattacks of both of them failed.

When 'Naraku', who disappeared from behind Senju Tobirama in an instant, appeared again, he had come to the other side of Senju Hashirama.

His face changed slightly.

Compared to Tobirama Senju, Hashirama Senju is undoubtedly much more powerful. He is extremely sharp and can immediately detect the approach of ‘Naraku’.

However, his sharp perception only gave Hashirama Senju a little more reaction time.

When he responded, ‘Naraku’s’ lightning sword had already turned into a sharp slash.

Puff! !

The broken arm flew away.

Hashirama Senju, who jumped to a place not far away, looked at Naraku with a serious expression as soon as he landed.

At his right shoulder, his arm was gone, but the broken part was like a piece of wood.

"Space-time ninjutsu? Yours is more powerful than the ‘Flying Thunder God Technique’ developed by my brother. I didn’t expect that after my death, a powerful person like you would be born in the ninja world." Although his right arm was cut off, Hashirama Senju stared at ‘Naraku’ and said in a way that seemed to praise him.

"Brother, this guy is not simple. He is very likely the mastermind of the attack on the village."

On the other side, as 'Naraku' drew his sword and left, Senju Tobirama, who wanted to leave behind the Flying Thunder God Technique, was disappointed and quickly distanced himself from 'Naraku'.

There was a paper-like substance gathering on his chest to repair the wound.

Perhaps he had personally experienced the power of 'Naraku'.

When his body recovered, Senju Tobirama looked at 'Naraku' without a condescending attitude, but was full of gloom and fear.

"You are worthy of being the second generation Hokage. You really guessed it right. This time, the Konoha collapse plan was led by me. Well, no, it should be said that it was led by my real body."

'Naraku' casually hung the thunder sword by his side and looked at the two people who were facing a great enemy with interest.

"Real body?"

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were slightly startled, and then their faces changed.

As if in response to the shocking guesses that the two had thought of, suddenly, a terrifying roar that resounded throughout Konoha came from afar.


Even though it came from a distance, when it came from the location of the examination venue, its momentum was still deafening.

Following the roar, a strong shock also quickly came, causing Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama to hurriedly look in the direction where the roar came from.

Looking around.

A mushroom cloud of dust rose to the sky above Konoha.

If you look down from the sky above Konoha at this time, you can clearly see that a large blank area suddenly appeared inside Konoha.

At the same time, in the center of the blank area, there were two towering giants colliding with each other.

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