
Not to mention the injury of Yamanaka Hayabusa, Naraku did not stop after kicking Yamanaka Hayabusa away.

He maintained the form of lightning, pulled out a silver light, and instantly appeared in front of the nearest Root member.

Bang! !

The immortal touched my head, and the inch of strength opened the sky.

Naraku raised his hand expressionlessly and slapped the opponent's head into his chest without the opponent even having a chance to react.

His figure flashed again.

Naraku moved to the next Root member again and smashed the opponent's throat with one punch.

Lightning flashed.

Death was dancing.

Killing like Kun, it seemed to describe Naraku at this time.

He turned into lightning as if he really had the speed of lightning.

In just a breath, he killed several Root members at a terrifying speed.

『Lightning Release: Lightning Body』!

This is the lightning ninjutsu that Naraku performed when he turned into lightning.

Like the "Thunder Finger", the "Lightning Body" is also a lightning style developed by Naraku.

The lightning style he developed is called "Lightning Thunder Fist".

That's right.

As a time traveler, Naraku has made good use of this advantage.

By learning from a famous thunder king, he named the lightning style he developed "Lightning Thunder Fist", a crazy and cool name.

Let's talk about "Lightning Body".

If the "Thunder Finger" is to highly compress lightning to form a lightning beam with great penetrating power, then the "Lightning Body" is similar to the "Lightning Chakra Mode" of the Hidden Cloud Village.

By wrapping the body with powerful lightning and activating cells, the movement speed, physical strength, and nerve reaction are greatly improved.

"Damn it, kill him!"

"Gather together, don't disperse!"



When Naraku killed several people in a row, the others just reacted.

After discovering their dead companions, the remaining people were all shocked and angry, and hurriedly responded.

Perhaps they chose to gather together or fight back.

One kunai after another was fired, and the end of the kunai was tied with a detonating tag.

But the kunai fired by these Root members could not even touch Naraku's shadow.

As soon as the kunai was released, Naraku had disappeared from the attack range.

Boom boom boom ~~~

The kunai with detonating tags fell into the air one after another, and when they hit the nearby trees and the ground, violent explosions occurred, and pits were blown out one after another.

Boom! !

The detonating kunai did not affect Naraku's killing.

With a loud bang, Naraku jumped up and hit the nearest Root member with a flying kick from a high position.

A terrifying force exploded.

The death of this Root member was extremely tragic.

First, he was trampled to the ground by the flying kick, and then the whole person was crushed into a ball of rotten meat as the ground collapsed.

The earth shook violently.

As the rolling dust flew around, it can be seen that Naraku's flying kick not only killed another Root member, but also caused the ground to collapse into a large pit with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters.

On the edge of the pit, dense spider web-like cracks extended, and the farthest extended for dozens of meters.

Naraku's "Lightning Body", in addition to borrowing from the "Lightning Chakra Mode", also incorporates the skills of "Super Strength".

This makes him not only incredibly fast, but also extremely fierce in his explosive force.

When trampling out of the big pit, Naraku's sight passed through the dust and coldly swept to the remaining personnel.


He raised his hand and fired a "Thunder Finger", and another person was pierced through the head and died.

"Lightning Body" makes Naraku's speed too fast.

The remaining Root members were extremely angry and wanted to fight back after their companions were killed one after another, but they could not even touch Naraku.

In the continuous killing, Naraku not only did not slow down his offensive, but became more fierce in the next attack.

Just kidding.

Not to mention the oppressive life for more than ten years, even if he was finally betrayed as a sacrifice, how could he remain indifferent.

Just as he would let Nono and the other two leave first, and he stayed to wait for the pursuit.

This is not only to cover the rear, but also to vent the darkness in his heart.

He wants blood to flow like a river, he wants to pave the way for his departure with blood, he wants to vent, vent the gloom that has been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

With a strong killing intent filling his heart, after killing another person with the "Thunder Finger", Naraku jumped high again, and locked his eyes on the five or six Root members who gathered not far away.

"Lightning Release: Thunderbolt!"

The lightning that was wrapped around his body instantly gathered in his right fist, and as Naraku punched out fiercely, the extremely violent lightning condensed into a thunder bomb with a diameter of several meters.


It was like a heavy artillery bomb.

The terrifying thunder bomb fell into the crowd like a meteor, and in an instant, an amazing bombing bloomed in the night sky.

Dust billowed into the sky, forming a small mushroom cloud, in which violent lightning flowed, destroying everything in the range.

"Thunderbolt" is also one of the "Lightning Thunder Fist", and it is also the most destructive one.

In the amazing bombing, not only did the five or six Root Organization members in the range be blown to pieces, but also a huge deep pit like a meteorite impact was blown out of the ground.

The rolling air waves swept around like a strong wind.

The remaining members of the Root Organization, under the impact of this wave of air comparable to the high-level wind escape ninjutsu, all dodged and resisted in a panic.

"Ninjutsu: Heart Turning Technique!"

Suddenly, an invisible spiritual consciousness swept towards Naraku who was descending from the air.

Looking in the direction of the spiritual consciousness, it was Yamanaka Hayabusa.

After being kicked away by Naraku and injured, Yamanaka Hayabusa obviously did not lose his will to fight.

After a brief reprieve, he immediately found an opportunity to counterattack Naraku with the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan.

The spiritual consciousness swept over and intended to invade Naraku's mind.

In response, Naraku in mid-air just glanced at Yamanaka Hayabusa not far away.


The body shook, and Naraku's glance seemed to have unparalleled power, which made Yamanaka Hayabusa scream in pain.

Mental attacks are indeed difficult to guard against.

For ordinary people, even if they are stronger than Yamanaka Hayabusa, there is a great possibility of being overturned.

But Naraku obviously does not belong to this category.

Not to mention that he has studied the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan, even his own spiritual energy is not something that Yamanaka Hayabusa can shake.

For example, the two stages of "calming down" and "concentrating the mind" before embarking on the path of cultivation have the effect of enhancing spiritual energy.

Not to mention after formal cultivation.

The cultivation of the nameless technique brings a very comprehensive improvement.

Including spiritual energy.

To put it bluntly, Naraku's current spiritual strength is completely on par with his strength, and there is absolutely no shortcoming.

Yamanaka Hayabusa's spiritual consciousness intended to invade Naraku's mind, but was easily shattered by Naraku's powerful spiritual energy.

Such a consequence directly led to Yamanaka Hayabusa lying on the ground stupidly after screaming, and even drooling unconsciously from the corners of his mouth.

Mental injury is much more dangerous than physical injury.

Yamanaka Hayabusa, who was severely mentally injured, has now become an idiot.

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