"Earth Style: Skyfall!"

No one else knew about Yamanaka Hayabusa's situation.

But when Yamanaka Hayabusa attacked, someone also took advantage of Naraku's midair opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Above Naraku, a huge pot lid with a pig head pattern appeared, and then slammed down on Naraku below.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Blade!"

A dazzling light burst out.

The moment the pig head pot lid appeared, Naraku looked up, and the high-density lightning instantly condensed into a silver lightning sword from his right hand.

He slashed upward with a sword.

The crescent-shaped lightning sword energy easily split the pig head pot lid in two.

"Fire Style: Flame Bullet!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

The two attributes of ninjutsu were performed together.

After all, they were elite.

The slaughter caused by Naraku did not scare the rest of the people.

When Naraku just cut open the pig head pot lid, a hot wave of fire swept towards him from below.

Many people performed it together, and combined wind and fire together. The hot waves of fire were like magma erupting from a volcano, rising into the sky all of a sudden, engulfing the descending Naraku.

"Is it solved?"

Below, the remaining members of the Root Organization were staring closely at the raging and burning waves of fire.

Clang! !

The dazzling thunder sword energy appeared again.

The raging waves of fire separated from it, and the next second, the terrifying lightning appeared again.

Puff! !

The lightning flashed.

It appeared on the ground below in an instant.

Naraku, who was wrapped in lightning, killed two people with a silver lightning sword as soon as he landed, cutting off the heads of two members of the Root Organization.

Blood gushed out like a fountain.

The killing was also set off again.

Lightning flashed.

Naraku passed through the remaining few people in an instant.

When he stopped, blood rain gushed out.

The last remaining members of the first team of the Root Organization were all divided into two halves.


Naraku casually fired a "Thunder Finger".

The target was the Yamanaka Hayabusa who had become an idiot.

After getting rid of the members of the first team, Naraku obviously did not forget this person.

When Yamanaka Hayabusa's head was pierced, Naraku went to the battlefield where one of the shadow clones was without stopping.

"Wind Style: Wind Blade Technique!"

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"


Unlike Naraku's strong defeat of the first team, the battle of the shadow clones was much more intense.

One is that the shadow clones cannot withstand damage, otherwise they will be automatically released, so they are bound to be restrained in the battle.

The second is the chakra problem.

Unlike Naraku as the main body, the shadow clones do not have extraordinary recovery capabilities, so they need to take into account the consumption of chakra.

Therefore, when Naraku rushed to the battlefield of one of the shadow clones, the battle here was very fierce.

A member of the Nagen organization was constantly attacking the shadow clones with shuriken, kunai, and various ninjutsu.

The shadow clone responded with the "Lightning Thunder Fist", either dodging or counterattacking.

In the battle between the two sides, the surrounding trees and rocks were destroyed, and pits and bumps could be seen everywhere.

At the same time, the bodies of dead Root members could be seen nearby.

Obviously, although the shadow clone failed to defeat his opponents as strongly as Naraku, he was not at a disadvantage, but also gained something.


The lightning wrapped around his body again.

Naraku quickly glanced at the battle situation of the shadow clone and did not hesitate. He immediately used the "Lightning Body" and went towards the nearest person.


Before he could react, the Root member who was targeted was immediately performed a wave of "heart-wrenching words" by Naraku.

The blood on his palms and forearms was evaporated by the entangled lightning.

After instantly killing one person, Naraku went to another target.

"Lightning Release: Thunderstorm Flow!"

Compared with the Root members, the shadow clone noticed the arrival of the main body first.

When the shadow clone saw the main body join the battle, he immediately had no worries.

With a self-sacrificing leap, the shadow clone rushed directly towards the nearest few people, and then the whole person suddenly turned into a violent lightning that was flowing freely.

Crackling ~ ~

The violent lightning instantly swept the area of ​​10 to 20 meters, turning this area into a world of thunder.


A shrill scream sounded from the world of thunder.

The people engulfed by the violent lightning all twitched all over, and quickly turned into charred and smoking corpses.

Under the powerful lethality of the "Thunderstorm Flow", the shadow clone also consumed the last chakra and dissipated.

The shadow clone took away several people in one breath, and the remaining personnel obviously posed no threat to Naraku.

Under the lightning-like killing, it only took a short time for the remaining personnel on this battlefield to be slaughtered by Naraku.

Solve this side.

Naraku immediately went to the battlefield of another shadow clone.

There were no surprises in the subsequent developments.

Another shadow clone also took away a group of people at the end in tacit agreement with Naraku's arrival, and then Naraku cleaned up the remaining personnel.

"A bit weak."

When the last Root member was beheaded by his own hand knife.

Naraku looked around at the corpses everywhere, and after releasing the "Lightning Body", he also murmured in his heart.

After more than a year of training, he has not experienced a decent battle for a long time.

Like the Root Organization's assessment and Uchiha Shisui, he was just teasing a child, and it was not a battle at all.

After this battle, Naraku suddenly found that the enemy was much weaker than he expected.

"No, it's not that these people are too weak, but that I am too strong now!" Naraku understood something in his heart.

Even if he doesn't use his true energy, his current strength has reached an extremely high level.

Just like the battle just now, he won with an overwhelming advantage.

Elite jonin, at least the first stage of elite jonin.

This is Naraku's assessment of his own strength after this battle.

This is without counting true energy.

"Lightning Thunder Fist is also a start."

After estimating his own strength, Naraku suddenly chuckled

'Thunder Finger'

'Lightning Body'

'Lightning Blade'

'Thunderstorm Flow'

'Thunder Roar Flash'

'Sky Thunder'

This is all of the 'Lightning Thunder Fist'.

Except for the 'Thunder Roar Flash' which had no chance to be used, the other five styles undoubtedly showed their powerful power in the battle just now.

Not to mention 'Thunder Finger' and 'Lightning Body'.

The remaining four moves.

『Lightning Blade』 condenses high-intensity lightning into a sharp and unparalleled lightning sword.

『Thunderstorm Flow』 uses itself as the center and releases violent lightning in all directions, which can be described as a combination of attack and defense.

『Thunder Roar Flash』 transforms the sound of thunder into a sound wave attack, thereby destroying the human nerves. In mild cases, the person will suffer from deafness, nausea, diarrhea, and loss of combat effectiveness, while in severe cases, the brain will burst.

『Sky Thunder』 is the strongest move, which can be used at both long and short distances. For long-range attacks, it is a high-concentration thunder bomb, and for close attacks, it is a fist-condensed heavy thunder. Its power is earth-shattering.

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