It is not known whether the death of Yamanaka Hayabusa and others frightened Danzo and Konoha's people, or whether they had not yet organized a new pursuit force.

Until dawn, when Naraku and his party successfully rushed out of the border of the Land of Fire, there was no subsequent pursuit.

Naraku's route after leaving Konoha was not chosen randomly, but had an accurate goal.

That is the River Country.

The River Country is located between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, and is adjacent to both countries.

After entering the River Country, this is not the final destination.

Let Nono and the other two take a short break, and Naraku led the three to continue on their way, until they crossed the River Country and turned to the neighboring Wind Country on the other side.

"Bear Country Star Ninja Village? Is this where we are going to stay next? I don't think I have heard of it?"

After entering the Wind Country, while continuing to travel, Naraku also informed Nono and the other two of the final destination.

When she learned the destination, Yu showed a puzzled expression on her face.

She obviously had not heard of the Star Ninja Village.

"Star Ninja Village? I seem to have seen information about this ninja village somewhere. I remember that this ninja village seems to be a very small ninja village, and according to rumors, this ninja village seems to have a very magical meteorite." Wolf thought about it, and finally told the information he knew.

"Magical meteorite? Could it be a treasure?" Yu said in surprise.

Wolf shook his head: "I don't know, but it shouldn't be a very valuable treasure, after all, it's just something from a small ninja village."

The chain of contempt is everywhere.

The same is true between ninja villages.

As a wolf from a big ninja village like Konoha, he will naturally look down on those small ninja villages.

In fact, it's almost the same.

The precious treasures for many small ninja villages may be just some interesting gadgets in the eyes of the five major ninja villages.

"Is there anything special about this Star Ninja Village?" When Yu and Wolf were talking, Nono asked Naraku curiously.

In her opinion, since Naraku chose the Star Ninja Village as their next stop, it must be unique.

Regarding Nono's curiosity, Naraku said frankly: "Although the Star Ninja Village is small, it is hidden enough.

The surrounding area of ​​the entire Ninja Village has natural canyons and miasma as barriers, which can be said to be very suitable for hiding.

In addition, I am also interested in the meteorite they collected."

Nono was thoughtful after hearing this.

Indeed, given their current situation, they do need a hidden place to settle down.

According to Naraku's description, the Star Ninja Village is indeed quite suitable.

"Hey? Lord Naraku, is that meteorite really a powerful treasure?"

Yu, who was talking to Wolf, also listened to what Naraku said to Nono. When he heard Naraku mention the meteorite at the end, he couldn't help asking.

Wolf also looked at Naraku unexpectedly.

Could it be that a small place like the Star Ninja Village really got some incredible and precious treasures?

"You'll know after you get it." Naraku said casually.

He chose the Star Ninja Village as his foothold, which was indeed related to the meteorite named "Star".

After all, there were various speculations about the origin of the "star" in the previous life.

Some said it was a meteorite with some kind of radiation, but there were also claims that it came from the sacred tree.

Naraku was naturally very interested in this, so he planned to take this opportunity to study it.

The Kingdom of Wind is a standard desert country.

Looking around, there are basically endless sand dunes, and the temperature changes between day and night are very large.

If it were an ordinary person, he would most likely die from acclimatization when he first came to the Kingdom of Wind.

But for ninjas, the environment of the Kingdom of Wind is obviously not a big problem.

Especially, it was not the first time for Naraku and the other four to come to the Kingdom of Wind.

In the past, even Naraku, who was only a reserve, had been in and out of the Kingdom of Wind several times because of missions.

So on the way after entering the Kingdom of Wind, what really caught Naraku's attention was the patrolling ninjas.

That's right.

It was the patrolling ninjas.

At this time, although the Third Ninja World War had not yet broken out, it was obvious that they had entered the preparation period for the war.

In the Land of Fire, the defense deployment is naturally useless to the four Narakus who come from the Root Organization, and they can easily bypass it.

But it is different in the Land of Wind.

If you are not careful, you may break into a defense stronghold of the Sand Village.

Although Naraku will not be afraid even if he really encounters a ninja from the Sand Village, it is better to do less than more in the current state of rushing on the road.

Along the way, Naraku and his team slowed down their speed a lot by identifying areas where Sand Ninjas may exist.

But because they are all elite, they finally avoided trouble well.

Three days later, the four Narakus successfully passed through the Land of Wind and turned into the neighboring Bear Country.

Naraku chose the Star Ninja Village as his foothold, and naturally he had collected intelligence on the Star Ninja Village.

After entering the Bear Country, the group went straight ahead and arrived in front of a canyon in just half a day.

In the canyon, even in the sky, there was a thick miasma floating everywhere.

"Is the Star Ninja Village inside? Let me try to use wind escape to see if I can blow away the miasma." Yu looked at the miasma in the canyon and suggested.

In addition to being good at swordsmanship, Yu is also proficient in wind escape.

Hearing her suggestion, Wolf also said: "If it works, I will use earth escape to build a bridge next."

The obstruction of miasma is difficult for ordinary people to deal with, but it is not too difficult for ninjas.

Especially Naraku and his group.

Even though Yu and Lang, who are at the bottom of the list, both have the strength close to that of a jonin.

Soon, after a simple plan, Yu and Lang took action.

"Wind Style: Typhoon Passes!"

Yu made a seal to perform the Wind Style. In an instant, it was like a strong wind passing through, and the fierce wind swept fiercely towards the miasma on the opposite side.

Amid the whistling sound, the thick miasma could not resist the strong wind and was quickly blown away, until Naraku and his group could clearly see the other side of the canyon.

Seeing this, Lang performed the Earth Style without hesitation.

A simple earth bridge immediately extended from the ground in front of Lang, spanning the canyon and connecting to the other side of the canyon.

After the bridge was built, Yu performed the Wind Style again to blow away the miasma that had spread back again.

Swish, swish, swish!!

When the miasma dispersed again, Naraku and his four companions quickly crossed the earth bridge and successfully reached the other side of the canyon.

On the other side of the canyon, there was a barren open space around the canyon, and a little further away, you could see dense forests.

"Who are you!!"

A loud shout came from not far away.

The four Narakus who had just passed the earth bridge turned around and immediately saw someone rushing towards them from one side of the canyon.

This person was a young man with a forehead protector on his forehead, undoubtedly a ninja from the Star Ninja Village.

When the young Star Ninja rushed over, he not only shouted and rebuked Naraku and his four companions, but was also quite alert. He quickly took out a flare from his arms and shot it into the sky.

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