Bang! ! !

The signal flare exploded in the sky, forming a long-lasting red smoke.

"We need to recruit the people here, remember to control the strength!"

Naraku glanced at the young star ninja who fired the signal flare, and gave a light explanation to Nono and the other two, then walked towards the dense forest in the distance.


Nono and the other three immediately understood Naraku's meaning, and the next second, Yu, one of them, acted decisively and rushed towards the young star ninja who was rushing towards him.


The strength of the young star ninja was obviously different from that of Yu.

Without even a chance to react, Yu had already appeared beside the other party, and then knocked the young star ninja unconscious with a hand knife.

"Oh? People come quite fast, so I'll move too!"

After knocking out the young star ninja, Yu immediately returned to the team, and followed Naraku with Nono and Wolf.

But after a while, the four saw five or six star ninjas rushing from the dense forest in the distance.

In response, Wolf raised his eyebrows, took the initiative to take on the battle, and flew towards the Star Ninjas who were attacking from the opposite side.

"It's an invader!"

The five or six Star Ninjas who were rushing over looked at the four unfamiliar Narakus, especially when they noticed the young Star Ninja who was knocked unconscious by the rain in the distance, they were all shocked and angry.

"Peacock Magic!"

Facing the Wolf who was rushing over, the angry Star Ninjas formed seals one after another.

In an instant, the materialized purple chakra emerged from behind the Star Ninjas like a peacock spreading its tail.

"Are you kidding?!"

The approaching Wolf was about to attack, but when he saw the materialized chakra behind the Star Ninjas, he was immediately shocked.

Materialized chakra.

Under normal circumstances, only those with extremely large chakras can show chakra to such an extent.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~~

Just when Wolf was shocked, the Star Ninjas had already launched an offensive, and the materialized chakra behind them quickly extended a series of chakra tentacles, stabbing towards Wolf.

Although Wolf was shocked, he did not neglect the battle.

When the chakra tentacles attacked, he reacted and immediately jumped back swiftly.

Bang bang bang!!!

The missed chakra tentacles hit the place where Wolf was originally, smashing the ground into pits.

"Something is wrong. Although these people's chakras have reached the materialization, the power is obviously not that strong."

Not only Wolf, but also Nono and Yu were shocked by the materialized chakra.

The two were also shocked at first.

But when they saw the destructive power formed by the chakra tentacles of the Star Ninjas, Nono seemed to immediately notice the abnormality.

The materialized chakra of the opposite Star Ninjas was far less powerful than she expected.

Wolf in the battle also noticed the problem.

When he found that the other party's materialized chakra was obviously lower than his expectations, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Earth escape· Earth cracking palm!"

After dodging the chakra tentacles of the Star Ninjas, Wolf soon found an opportunity, quickly formed a seal, and slapped the ground in front of him with both palms.


The earth shook, and starting from Wolf's palms, the ground began to crack, quickly spreading to the feet of the Star Ninjas.


The Star Ninjas who were caught off guard screamed and fell into the cracks in the ground, and were immediately buried by the collapsed rocks and soil.

"Although the materialization of chakra is a bit amazing, it is only a small ninja village after all, and the strength is not a big threat."

After getting rid of the Star Ninjas, Wolf gave these Star Ninjas an evaluation.

Swish swish swish ~~~

The eye-catching flares naturally attracted more than just a few Star Ninjas.

While Wolf was getting rid of the first wave of supporting Star Ninjas, more Star Ninjas were coming from the woods in the distance.

Figures rushed out of the woods.

Soon, dozens of people gathered in front of the woods.

"Damn, where did these people come from?"

"Go, kill these invaders!"

"Stop it!"

After dozens of Star Ninjas arrived, they all looked at Naraku and the other four in doubt, and some of them even shouted.

But just as the Star Ninjas were about to take action, a loud shout came from the back of the crowd.

Three more people arrived.

These three people were two young men and women and an old man.

Not to mention the young men and women, the old man was wearing a white divine robe and a hat with the word "star" on his head.

You know, only the shadows of the five major ninja villages are qualified to dress like this.

"Master Star Shadow!"

Just like the dress, when the old man arrived, the other Star Ninjas hurriedly saluted him, and also revealed the old man's identity.

This person is the leader of the Star Ninja Village, the third generation Star Shadow.

"Star Shadow?!"

When the Star Ninjas arrived, Lang had already returned to the team, but when he saw the outfit of the Third Star Shadow and heard the Star Ninjas' address, his and Yu's expressions suddenly became strange.

Shadow cannot be called casually in the ninja world.

This is an honor that only the leaders of the five major ninja villages can get.

At the moment, the leader of a small ninja village is actually called Shadow, and I don't know whether it is ignorance or arrogance.

"Tell me your identity. Although our Star Ninja Village is not a big ninja village, it is not without the courage to fight."

After the Third Star Shadow stopped the Star Ninjas, he walked to the front under the protection of the young men and women behind him, and looked at the four Narakus in a deep voice.

Naraku had stopped when the Star Ninjas arrived. When he heard the words of the Third Generation Star Shadow, he crossed his arms and said calmly: "It doesn't matter what our identities are. What matters is that I came here to recruit your Star Ninja Village."


"Asshole, what are you talking about!"

"Master Star Shadow, give the order, let's kill these invaders together."


Naraku's words undoubtedly caused a thousand waves, making the Star Ninjas furious.

The Third Generation Star Shadow was not much better, and he was also furious.

"Impossible, our Star Ninja Village will never succumb to anyone. I don't care where you come from. Anyway, if you don't want to go to war with our entire village, then leave quickly." The Third Generation Star Shadow suppressed his anger and rebuked loudly.

Naraku suddenly smiled: "Let's fight. If we win, the Star Ninja Village will be under my control. If we lose, you will take care of our lives."

As soon as these words came out, the three people behind him, Nono, responded to Naraku, and took up fighting postures, staring at the Star Ninjas with sharp eyes.


The third generation of Star Shadow saw Naraku and others in such a posture, and realized that things could not be settled well.

He was decisive, no longer holding on to luck, and immediately issued an order.


The Star Ninjas who had been ready to go received the order, and they could no longer bear it, and they all rushed out with anger.

"Earth escape·Splitting Earth Palm!"

Naraku did not rush to take action, but handed the battle to Nono and the other three.

Among them, Wolf flashed in front of Naraku, quickly formed seals with both hands, and performed Earth escape again.

And the power of the "Splitting Earth Palm" performed this time was greater than before.

With the slap of both palms on the ground, the ground in front of him suddenly collapsed in a large area.

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