I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 365: The Demonic Snake in the Cave Desert!

Chapter 365 Cave Desert-Demon Snake!

Although the taste of the three-headed dragon is not as good as the real food, the accumulation of quantity is still very good.

Therefore, Naraku was quite satisfied with this last meal.

This is not only reflected in appetite, but also in strength.

The ingredients of the Baron Islands are all below level 10, but the huge number still makes his strength improve by leaps and bounds.

In addition to cultivation, the same is true for gourmet cells.

This makes his physique improve again.

Because there is a lack of actual object comparison.

So Naraku can't judge what level of capture his current strength belongs to in this world.

"Level 500, or level 1000, I can test it if I have a chance."

With a chuckle, Naraku no longer lingered, shook his magic power, and immediately turned into a rainbow light and flew away from the Baron Islands.


After dispersing the red ghost, A Lu, who was pressing Xiaosong under him, climbed up a little embarrassedly.

He frowned and looked at the direction where Naraku left, with curiosity in his eyes, and even deep fear.

He was sure that there was no such person in his memory.

In other words, this was a secret person.

But the strength of the other party

With his keen sense of smell, Alu clearly judged that the creatures in the Baron Islands had been seriously reduced.

"This person's appetite is more dangerous than Zebra's. If the other party continues to eat as much as he did just now, it will definitely cause serious ecological damage. No, I must inform IGO of this person's situation as soon as possible!"

IGO is an international food organization. It is a huge organization with more member countries than the United Nations and covers 360 countries.

The president of this organization is named Yilong, who is the master of the four kings of food including Alu.

Alu, who felt a strong danger from Naraku, was very alert.

The low-key development ended.

Although there are still many outsiders that can threaten him, Naraku gradually freed himself from the restraints.

This is also the reason why he still devoured the Baron Islands crazily even though he knew Alu was there.

Because he was more afraid of falling behind than being afraid of a stronger existence.

The captive of food.

The plot of this world has begun.

In other words, the GOD, which is the top of all the ingredients on this planet, will mature in a few years at most.

Naraku is not going to miss this feast of food, so he must make himself race.

Leaving the Baron Islands.

Naraku did not rest in the middle of the journey, but came directly to a wilderness with strange rocks.

The rainbow light flew across the sky and finally landed in front of a cave in the wilderness.

"Compared with the human world, the food world is completely different, but before leaving, I'd better try to plunder the resources of the human world."

Looking at the cave in front of him, Naraku's eyes flashed slightly, and he activated his spiritual sense to perceive.

The full name of the cave is Cave Beach.

Similar to the Baron Islands, it is a food place in the human world.

This cave is tens of kilometers long and 800 meters deep.

The beach at the bottom is the spawning ground of the puffer whale with a hunting level of 29.

However, to reach it, you need to go through the maze-like cave.

And there are many ferocious food creatures living in the cave.

Therefore, even if a professional gourmet hunter enters this area, only one out of 100 people can successfully reach the cave beach.

With Naraku's current strength, he is naturally qualified to venture into the gourmet world.

However, being wild does not mean being brainless.

Although the human world is far inferior to the gourmet world, it also has a lot of resources.

Before going to the gourmet world, Naraku naturally doesn't mind accumulating another wave of strength.

For example, gourmet cells.

The Baron Islands are only a small part of the human world.

And the level of gourmets bred is also limited.

Even if the number is accumulated, the degree of evolution of gourmet cells is also limited.

Therefore, even in the human world, Naraku's gourmet cells still have a lot of room for growth.

The second is magical powers.

Unlike other incarnations.

Naraku has already started practicing magical powers.

The main reason is that the situation is special.

This special source is the gourmet demon.

The gourmet demon is the embodiment of the appetite of gourmet cells, and it is also the undead of some gourmet creatures.

It can be said to be a wonderful state between life and death.

Once the conditions are met, the gourmet demon can be resurrected from the dead.

Therefore, from the moment the Gourmet Demon awakened, Naraku began to practice the "Law of Withering and Flourishing" inherited from the third floor of the Bronze Tower.

This supreme magical power points directly to the path of life and death.

In addition to the normal hard work of using mana, it is also possible to speed up the practice by absorbing the aura of life and death.

That's right.

The Gourmet Demon between life and death is the perfect resource for the "Law of Withering and Flourishing".

The stronger the Gourmet Demon, the more concentrated the aura of life and death it emits.

It just helps the practice of the "Law of Withering and Flourishing".

Let's talk about this moment.

Naraku also came to the cave desert to practice magical powers.

This magical power is the "Law of Change".

The resources in this world are really too rich.

In addition to improving cultivation, the same is true for magical powers.

Therefore, compared with other incarnations, it is enough to support him to practice multiple magical powers without affecting the progress of cultivation.

"In addition to the "Law of Withering and Flourishing" and the "Law of Change", this world is also suitable for the "Law of Blood and Soul."

In the perception of the divine consciousness, Naraku also made a simple plan for the next magical power practice.

A little bit, Naraku's mouth corners rose.

He has found his target.


Space jump.

While moving, Naraku instantly disappeared in front of the cave.

The cave was dark.

There were countless delicious creatures that lived in the dark environment.

His figure flashed.

When Naraku showed his figure, he had not only appeared in the deep cave, in the dark tunnel, but there were also two hideous creatures opposite.

It looked like a giant python, but it had claws and a lion-like mane on its neck.

And it had three eyes and a terrifying mouth.

Demonic snake: Capture level 21!

At the same time, these two demonic snakes were exactly the target of Naraku's trip.

That's right.

Naraku came to the cave desert, and his target was not the puffer whale, but the demonic snake.

"Although it is only a second species, it has inherited the blood of the original species of the demonic snake. With this blood, there is a chance to trace the changes of the original species."

The dim environment did not affect Naraku's vision at all.

Naraku looked at the two demon snakes opposite with interest.

The two demon snakes in the cave desert were only captured level 21 gourmet creatures, but the original species of this tribe in the gourmet world is as high as level 5100.

It can be said that the original species of demon snakes, even in the gourmet world, is the second echelon after the eight kings.


Naraku looked at the demon snakes with interest.

The two demon snakes with extraordinary heritage also noticed the outsider the moment Naraku appeared.

The three eyes looked at Naraku, and the two demon snakes immediately made a creepy snake sound, and then opened their mouths to spray venom.

Two groups of toxins were like cannonballs, hitting Naraku in an instant.

His expression did not change, and the protective magic power turned into an air wall to intercept the venom head-on.

Puff! ! !

The venom failed to break through the protective magic power and flowed to the ground below.

In an instant, green smoke rose from the rocky ground.

The venom eroded the ground into irregular pits in almost an instant, showing its terrible toxicity.

Pounced out.

The moment the venom attack was blocked, the two demon snakes seemed to realize that Naraku was not simple.

The two, one on the left and one on the right, cooperated tacitly and rushed forward from both sides.

The demon snake on the left opened its mouth and bit Naraku fiercely.

The demon snake on the right opened its claws, and it stretched out like a spring, tearing towards Naraku fiercely.

Naraku came to find the demon snakes, hoping to use the two demon snakes in front of him to practice the "method of change", and even trace the power of the original species through their blood.

At this moment, facing the attack of the two demon snakes, he was not in a hurry to hunt, but prepared to test it.

A touch of toes.

Naraku jumped up, dodged the attacks on the left and right sides, and then drew his index finger, bursting out a crescent-shaped mana blade.


The blade of mana flew towards the demon snake on the left. Although Naraku only condensed a very small amount of mana, he still cut off the opponent's body with a terrifying sharpness.

The thick snake body broke.

The two halves of the body swayed violently, and blood sprayed from the broken ends.

The damage of the broken body did not kill the demon snake.

The broken ends of the front half of the snake body quickly emerged with granulation, and it was regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in a breath, the demon snake regenerated the lower half.

The claws shot out one after another and slammed into Naraku.

When the demon snake on the right was hurt by its companion, seven or eight claws were derived from its body, and it attacked Naraku in the air more fiercely.

He slapped with his backhand.

A huge palm print that was both real and virtual flew out from Naraku's hand, not only shattering the claws that were shot out, but also hitting the demon snake on the right into the wall of the tunnel with one palm.


The gravel splashed and the cave shook violently.

The demon snake whose body was trapped in the wall roared in pain and anger.

Suddenly, Naraku attacked with dense silk threads landing steadily.

Looking sideways, it was the demon snake that had completed regeneration.

The mane on the opponent's neck stretched wildly, shooting at Naraku like a spike, and even the tip of the hair was condensed with terrible venom.


Lightning flashed.

Facing the attacking hair, Naraku stretched out his empty claws and burst out a torrent of lightning.

The torrent of lightning hit the hair, turning the hair into ashes, and then engulfed the demon snake.

The roar came from the lightning.

The demon snake swayed its body wildly, and its tail whipped the wall beside it, easily smashing a huge pit.

"Very good, very energetic."

Looking at the demon snake that was in pain from the lightning attack, but still full of energy, Naraku expressed satisfaction.

The more tenacious the demon snake is, the more it proves its excellence.

Even though the capture level was only 21, the excellent bloodline still gave the demon snake excellent characteristics that ordinary snakes of the same level did not have.

A brutal attack came from the side.

The demon snake that was hit into the wall by Naraku rushed to kill again.

The extraordinary regeneration ability made the demon snake completely fearless of ordinary damage.

The test was almost done.

The next step was naturally to be taken back.

Naraku did not even look at the demon snake that rushed to kill.

A mighty dragon head that almost filled the entire tunnel suddenly appeared and swallowed the demon snake that seemed to slide in.

"It tastes good."

The dragon head came from the three-headed demon dragon, and it digested the demon snake the moment it swallowed it.

The taste came back.

Although it was not cooked, Naraku still tasted a good delicacy.

Although the capture level cannot fully represent the taste of the ingredients, most of them are still acceptable.

The flesh and blood of the demon snake is edible, which makes it fully meet its capture level of 21 when used as an ingredient.

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