After eating one, the dragon's head immediately turned around, reached forward, and swallowed another demonic snake bathed in thunder and lightning.

Digestion of flesh and blood.

But it’s not just about nourishing gourmet cells.

Naraku used the "Method of Transformation" and "Method of Blood" in unison.

Perfectly absorb the nutrients of the devil snake.

until the end.

Food cells grow, and the "method of transformation" and "method of blood" progress.

One snake eats three, it is really wonderful.

Stand still.

After a while, Naraku suddenly raised his right hand.

His right arm suddenly changed into a ferocious demonic snake, biting the opposite tunnel wall.


A huge gap appeared in the wall, and even the remaining venom eroded further, and the corrosion gap continued to expand and deepen.

"It's hard to say whether the bloodline of the two demon serpents can be traced back to the level of the original species, but with subsequent nourishment by mana, it can definitely continue to improve."

His right arm returned to its original state, and Naraku was satisfied with the test just now.

The right arm transformed into a demonic serpent, which came from the "method of transformation".

With his own experience, the initial practice of this magical power was not difficult for him.

"Oh? Have you come here to lay eggs now?"

The Demon Orochi finished hunting, and Naraku was about to leave, but at this moment, his consciousness captured the situation at the bottom of the cave.

He raised his brows, thought for a moment, and simply launched a space jump to move away.

The figure flashed.

Naraku appeared on a beach.

This place is at the bottom of the cave desert.

Opposite the beach is the sea water.

A huge whale-like creature could be vaguely seen swimming in the water.

Use the original plot as a reference.

Naraku came to the desert cave earlier than in the original plot period.

He thought it would be some time before the puffer whales lay their eggs.

But unexpectedly, there was a good boy who arrived early.

Come all come.

If you don't meet it, forget it. If you do, it will be fine.

Stepping forward, Naraku walked straight into the sea water, and then dived down, heading straight for the wandering whale.

The water is very clear.

Coupled with Naraku's extraordinary five senses, the appearance of the whale clearly appeared in his sight.

Looking carefully, the whale wandering in the sea is not a real whale, but a shape formed by countless small fish.

These small fish are somewhat like a cross between a puffer fish and a whale.

Puffer whale: Capture level 29 (if poisoning is not considered, the capture level is 1).

Originally a large cetacean, due to the impact of the living environment, the body was compressed to the size of a pufferfish, and its deliciousness was also concentrated.

The Baron Islands are frequented by gourmet hunters.

Therefore, even if he has no knowledge of the original plot, Naraku has a rich understanding of various situations in the human world by relying on memory reading.


It stands to reason that the puffer whale should react if Naraku approaches.

But when Naraku approached, the puffer whales gathered together showed no reaction at all.

Not to mention poisoning himself, he didn't even dodge.

What caused this situation was the change in Naraku's aura.

Knowing the situation of the puffer whale, he restrained his breath as soon as he entered the water.

Therefore, to the puffer whale, Naraku is like a drop of water in the sea, so there will be no reaction.


The hands turned into phantoms for an instant, and then recovered immediately.

The hundreds of puffer whales that had gathered into the shape of whales suddenly froze and turned their stomachs.


A kind of inheritance from this world.

In order to ensure the integrity of biological ingredients, I don’t know who started, and gradually developed a technique called acupuncture.

Naraku, who once read relevant memories in the mind of a food hunter who entered the Baron Islands, naturally mastered this technique with just a little research.

Mana is the web.

When Naraku walked out of the sea, the mana net held hundreds of puffer whales behind him.

Take out one.

Naraku began to process.

Puffer whale is a special ingredient.

There is no danger in itself, and there will be a capture level of 29, which comes entirely from the difficulty of handling.

His right palm was like a knife, cutting into the belly of the puffer whale. Naraku used a precise angle to calmly cut out the poison sac hidden in the puffer whale's body.

Golden light glowed.

The moment the poison sac was taken out, the puffer whale immediately changed, and its body behaved as if it had been plated with a layer of gold, glowing with light.

"Here's the glowing food!" Naraku clicked his tongue, then sliced ​​the prepared puffer whale into slices.

High-end ingredients often require only the simplest cooking methods.

Naraku didn't do much in-depth research on cooking.

But ingredients like puffer whale don’t require great skills to cook.

A simple sashimi dish was completed, and Naraku began to taste it.

It's tender and smooth in the mouth, not fishy at all, but extraordinarily sweet.

Naraku praised the delicious taste of the puffer whale.

No wonder those gourmets, in order to taste puffer whales, risk their lives to eat those poisoned puffer whales.

This ingredient is indeed very good.

At least the ingredients of the Baron Islands are far inferior.

Similarly, the delicious taste of puffer whales also promotes the growth of gourmet cells.

The muscles are shaking.

The growth of gourmet cells strengthened Naraku's body.

One after another.

With endless appetite, hundreds of puffer whales all entered Naraku's belly.

The Jungle of Xu! .

This is a jungle located about 80 kilometers northwest of the northern Xulu continent.

This jungle is also known as the "Plant Hell".


Walking in the dense forest, a strange cry suddenly sounded from behind, and then a huge black shadow attacked.

His figure shook.

Naraku had appeared dozens of meters away.

At the same time, he also saw what the black shadow that attacked him was.

This turned out to be a huge flower.

Well. Ignoring the flower with ferocious teeth and drooling, it is indeed a flower.

"Little Pechi looks real!"

Naraku was not surprised at all by the ferocious flower that attacked him. He chuckled and manifested a dragon head and swallowed the other party in one bite.

The nickname of Plant Hell is obviously not a random call.

The Jungle of Xu is full of carnivorous plants.

Maybe a small grass, the rhizome buried at the bottom has a big mouth.

Maybe a big tree can run and hunt like a human.

Maybe a seed can take root in the flesh and blood, and drain the flesh and blood of the creature.

Leaving the cave desert.

Naraku continued to start the resource extraction of the human world.

Now he is eyeing the Xu Jungle.

Walking in the jungle, Naraku ate and drank along the way, and finally came to the center.

Looking up, the tree crown is majestic, completely covering the sky.

Naraku jumped up and directly penetrated the tree crown, and then ushered in a new jungle.

In addition to the sunlight above the tree crown, countless tree crowns actually formed an endless jungle.

And there are corns growing in the jungle that look like high-rise buildings.

BB corn: Hunting level 35, depending on the size, one will cost hundreds of thousands, and one will cost more than 10 billion yuan. If it is used as popcorn, one person will need 3,000 yuan.

BB corn is the well-deserved king of food in the Xu Jungle.

Just like its growth environment, the rhizomes connect the jungle, and it uses the entire Xu Jungle as soil and absorbs countless plants to grow.

Taking a step forward, Naraku appeared in front of the nearest BB corn.

"Before the main meal, we still need to whet our appetite."

Looking up at the towering BB corn, Naraku was very interested.

In addition to being delicious, BB corn also has an excellent effect of whetting the appetite.

This is exactly why Naraku came here specifically.

Raise your leg.

With only the strength of your body, Naraku tore through the air and kicked out a huge chopping wave.


The thick rhizome that was strong enough to withstand tanks and heavy artillery broke instantly.

The towering corn tilted and fell.

But Naraku was faster. After kicking off the rhizome, he immediately emerged with mana, making the huge corn suspended in the air.

The thick skin was torn apart layer by layer by the mana, until the dense and plump corn kernels inside were revealed.

Each corn kernel was as big as a child.

The mana vibrated.

In an instant, all the corn kernels fell off the cob.

Naraku exhaled lightly, spitting out the fire of magic power, condensing the magic fire furnace, and cooking the baby corn in the way of alchemy.


It turns out that cooking in the way of alchemy is very suitable.

Under Naraku's precise control, the baby corn in the magic fire furnace gradually matured, until countless huge popcorns were ejected from the opening at the top like flowers scattered by a fairy.

Open your mouth and suck.

The popcorn flying into the air immediately rushed to Naraku like a stream, and was swallowed into the mouth continuously.

Endless appetite started.

The popcorn entering the mouth was digested instantly.

This made Naraku eat up the whole popcorn of the BB corn in one breath.

"It tastes good."

Taking out a napkin from somewhere, Naraku wiped the corner of his mouth gently and elegantly, as if the horror swallowing just now did not come from him.

The BB corn did not live up to the capture level of 35, nor did it waste the nourishment of the Xu Forest.

Under swallowing, Naraku's gourmet cells grew well again.

Similarly, after tasting it, his appetite was also opened, and he could start to enjoy the main meal.

After taking away the napkin, Naraku soared into the sky and hung high in the sky.

Looking down at the Xu Jungle below, the three-headed dragon that covered the sky and the sun immediately appeared again.


It was as if he was in the Baron Islands.

The endless appetite turned into a black hole-like suction force. The three-headed dragon regarded the entire Xu Jungle as a dining table and began to frantically absorb the delicacies on the table.

Whether it was BB corn or the countless carnivorous plants in the jungle.

Countless ingredients in the Xu Jungle rose from the ground and were constantly swallowed by the three-headed dragon.

The earth shook, and the living plants fled frantically.

But before they fled far, they were sucked into the sky and entered the mouth of the three-headed dragon.

Similarly, the Xu Jungle was not short of gourmet hunters who came to capture ingredients.

These people were just like those in the Baron Islands.

At first, they were horrified by the suction of the three-headed dragon, but after being discovered by Naraku, the suction was released, and they screamed and fell back to the ground.

"More, more, more."

Naraku opened his hands to the left and right of his body, as if embracing the forest of Xu, enjoying the food to his heart's content.

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