I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 91: Mysterious Golden Sword Qi

Chapter 91 『Black Gold Sword Qi』

"A magical power is a magical power. Even if it is just the beginning, such power is already above most ninjutsu."

Naraku sighed in his heart, and was undoubtedly quite satisfied with the performance of 『Black Gold Sword Qi』.

That's right.

The golden sword qi that Naraku just shot out was the 『Black Gold Sword Qi』 among the five elements magical powers.

The difficulty of practicing magical powers is certainly much higher than ninjutsu.

But with Naraku's current fifth-level cultivation of Qi training, coupled with his synchronously improved comprehension, it is obviously not difficult for him to just get started.

Now, after a period of time with the help of the True Qi Shadow Clone, he successfully practiced the 『Black Gold Sword Qi』, which also made the magical power he mastered change from a lonely one to two.

"With 『Shrinking the Earth into an Inch』 to cooperate with 『Black Gold Sword Qi』, I am afraid that now, except for those super-normal combat power, no one in the entire ninja world can be my opponent."

The right hand was raised lightly, and a black gold sword qi condensed in the palm without releasing it, turning into an illusory and uncertain golden sword edge.

Naraku used the "Thunder Method·Lightning Blade" from his left hand again, condensing it into a lightning sword.

When he put the two swords together, he saw that the lightning sword was immediately cut off by the black gold sword energy.

Looking carefully at the black gold sword energy, it cut off the lightning sword, and the black gold sword energy did not show any disintegration at all, as if it had just cut off not the "Lightning Blade" that could threaten even the tailed beasts, but scraps of copper and iron.

"Forget about practicing the remaining magical powers. Now that I have "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" and "Black Gold Sword Energy", my offense and defense are already perfect. It is better to practice this magical power to a small success first."

The extraordinary "Black Gold Sword Energy" made Naraku think of continuing to practice other magical powers again.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by him.

"Five Elements Technique", if you don't practice all the five elements magical powers to a small success, you can't achieve the unity of the five elements.

Therefore, instead of pursuing quantity, it is better to improve the quality first.

Up to now, although "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" has not yet broken through the minor success.

But after practicing for a while, the distance to the minor success has undoubtedly been shortened again.

The best proof is that he can now shrink the earth to 600 steps.

According to Naraku's estimation, a thousand steps should be the upper limit of the entry level of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch". Once it reaches a thousand steps, it means that there is only a thin line between minor success.


Suddenly, just as Naraku was thinking about the practice of supernatural powers, he felt something strange in his body.

Naraku's heart moved, and the black gold sword energy dissipated. A [Sharingan] slowly emerged in the palm of his right hand.

This [Sharingan] is a [Three Magatama Sharingan].

If it was just that, it would be nothing.

After all, after giving the three [Three Magatama Sharingans] to Nono and the others, Naraku has always kept the remaining two [Three Magatama Sharingans] and the other [Two Magatama Sharingans] in his body and nurtured them with true energy.

The real key is that the remaining two [Three Magatama Sharingan] are still in Naraku's Dantian, being nurtured by the true qi.

The [Three Magatama Sharingan] that appeared in Naraku's hand at this time should have been just a [Two Magatama Sharingan].

"I didn't expect the result to come out so soon. According to this, the [Sharingan] that has become a magic weapon can indeed evolve through the nurturing of true qi."

Looking at the [Three Magatama Sharingan] that has just evolved in his hand, Naraku smiled.

This is really a good thing that comes in pairs.

The introduction of "Xuanjin Jianqi" also brought good news to the [Sharingan].

The evolution from [Two Magatama Sharingan] to [Three Magatama Sharingan] undoubtedly confirmed Naraku's original speculation.

As long as he continues to nurture it with true qi, the [Sharingan] can evolve, even to the level of Mangekyo.

"Speaking of which, I think I can try to develop eye techniques based on the Sharingan." Influenced by the evolution of the [Sharingan], an inspiration flashed through Naraku's mind.

When he was refining the Sharingan, his consciousness also analyzed the internal structure and pupil power of the Sharingan in detail.

If it is described in the form of refining, he has obtained the method of refining a magic weapon.

Next, if the materials are gathered and the technology is passed, it is completely possible to imitate the Sharingan to refine a magic weapon with similar power.

It must be said that after breaking through the fifth level of Qi training, the improvement of understanding brought by the nameless technique is more significant.

Just an inspiration, Naraku quickly derived a rough outline of pupil development based on the Sharingan.

"Well, it seems that I think too much. Now I have a lot of training projects, and it is not appropriate to add more. The development of pupil skills should wait until I have time in the future."

After a while, when Naraku came back to his senses, he couldn't help but smile helplessly, and then temporarily suppressed the development of pupil skills.

In the next month, as the first [two magatama Sharingan] was cultivated into [three magatama Sharingan], the remaining eight [two magatama Sharingan] also succeeded one after another and evolved into [three magatama Sharingan].

As for the original two [Three Magatama Sharingan].

The gap between three magatama and Mangekyō is obviously much greater than that between two magatama and three magatama, and there is no sign of evolution for the time being.

Although Naraku is looking forward to this, he is not in a hurry and continues to nurture it as usual.

Three months passed in a flash.

"The final negotiation result is like this. The people of Iwagakure have been worn out by us, and the war with Konoha is escalating. The other party has agreed to most of our conditions."

In the office, Nonoyu, wearing a white slim-fitting shirt and a knee-length black skirt, looking more and more like a secretary, was reporting the results of the negotiation to Naraku.

"Then let's do it. We've been delayed for so long, and if we continue to delay, Iwagakure will probably reach its limit." Naraku leaned on the back of the chair, crossing his arms and nodding.

Not to mention delaying the negotiation time, Naraku never thought that Iwagakure would agree to all the conditions he proposed during the negotiation.

After all, in order to facilitate the subsequent bargaining, the various conditions he proposed were extremely harsh. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he wanted to hollow out Iwagakure Village.

Being able to agree to most of the conditions now is already a huge victory in this negotiation.

After receiving Naraku's approval, Nonoyu immediately started making final arrangements with the people of Iwagakure Village after leaving the office.

Three days later.

When Naraku personally came forward to sign the agreement with the representatives of Iwagakure Village, the long-lasting negotiations finally came to an end.

Of course, this is the end of the negotiation, and both parties will need to fulfill the agreement to be completed.

According to the signed agreement.

Next, people from Iwagakure Village need to transport the agreed funds and materials to Hoshi Ninja Village, and then Naraku will gradually return Loess and Han to each other.

"It's finally over. Now with the funding from Yanyin Village, the village will not be short of funds and materials for the future development."

After a busy night, when Nonoyu came to the bedroom, she sat next to Naraku with relief.

As he sat down, his plump buttocks immediately sank deep into the soft sofa, making Nonoyu involuntarily lean on Naraku's shoulders.

"Thank you for your hard work, I will reward you well later." Naraku hugged the other person naturally, smiled and kissed the other person's lips.


Before Naraku could leave, Nonoyu hugged his neck.

After a while, Nonoyu finally let go, and immediately looked at Naraku with shuddering eyes: "Don't wait any longer, I want you to reward me now."

"no problem!"

Naraku readily accepted Nonou's request, leaned over, picked him up in a princess hug, and walked towards the bed.

for a long time.

in the future.

"Are you interested in Summer Star?"

After breathing for a while, Nonoyu, who was dripping with sweat, came back to his senses.

She looked at Naraku, who was still full of energy and was pressed by her, compared to herself who was about to fall apart, and suddenly said.

Naraku looked at each other in surprise.

"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"I think Xia Xiaxing is quite beautiful. If you are interested, I would like to ask her to help me share the burden." Nonoyu said quietly.

Naraku didn't react at first, but soon, when his handle was held by Nonoyu, he suddenly realized what the other party meant by sharing.

"It's up to you, as long as you don't feel wronged."

Naraku is a mortal cultivating immortality, and he not only has the desires that mortals have, but they are even stronger.

Similarly, he is also an honest man, so he leaves the choice to Nonoyu.

"Rather than feeling wronged, I'm more afraid of being killed by you!" Nonoyu hit Naraku's chest hard with his forehead.

There are options, but she naturally doesn't want to share them.

But unfortunately, she had no choice.

As she discovered that the man in front of her was becoming more and more brave in all aspects, she could only seek help.

One month later.

The follow-up negotiations with Iwagakure Village were successfully completed.

Yanyin Village successfully brought back Loess and Han, while Hoshinin Village received a large amount of funds and materials with the help of the two.

In order to celebrate this great success, Ninja School once again expanded its enrollment by hundreds of students that day, bringing the number of students to more than 3,000.

"Sure enough, choosing to establish a force is the right choice, otherwise how could you obtain the elixir so easily."

On the ninth floor of Xingying Tower, Naraku slowly finished refining the last elixir.

Feeling the improvement in cultivation, Naraku couldn't help but sigh.

With the emergence of the [Spirit Detection Compass], almost every once in a while, people who go looking for it will bring back more or less elixirs for Naraku.

Although the cultivation level has broken through the fifth level of Qi training, the demand for spiritual energy has increased again.

However, with the continuous supply of elixirs, Naraku's cultivation level is still improving steadily.

This is because the spiritual energy of the ninja world is thin and it is difficult to breed elixirs that are more than a hundred years old.

Otherwise, Naraku would have already made another breakthrough by now.

Let’s talk about now.

Although Naraku's current cultivation level has not yet broken through the sixth level of Qi training, after this period of hard work, it has begun to approach perfection again.

This speed of improvement is already very significant.

Of course, what makes Naraku happiest is the progress of "shrinking the earth into an inch".

After these days of practice, "shrunk into an inch" has successfully reached the entry limit.

As Naraku had originally speculated, the upper limit for entry into "Shrinking the Ground" is exactly a thousand steps away.

Such progress is not only due to Naraku's hard work day and night, but also due to the improvement in understanding after breaking through the fifth level of Qi training.

It can be said that the improvement of his understanding has allowed him to improve his cultivation progress a lot, whether it is in magical powers such as "shrinking the ground into an inch", "mysterious gold sword energy", or other aspects such as weapon refining techniques, sealing techniques, etc. cut.

"The main focus from now on will continue to be on the breakthrough of 'shrinking the ground into an inch'!" Naraku thought in his mind.

As the first magical power that he has cultivated, and the help of "shrinking into an inch" in various aspects, Naraku attaches great importance to it.

The practice of "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" comes from the absorption of earth power.

The same is true for breakthroughs, which require sufficient earth power as a fuel to break through the barriers.

In the following days, in addition to absorbing earth power from the earth as before, Naraku also asked Xia Rixing and Yu who were outside to look for minerals and other materials containing earth power.

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